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Is Atheism just an Antichristian Religion?

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posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: SargonThrall

I've lived all over the world and never been proselytized by Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Shintoists. Just by many Christians, Scientologists, pagans. Some Muslims were upset that I didn't believe in God but in more of a "you're missing out" way, not "you're going to Hell".

Notice how atheists get blamed for all of Communism's crimes, yet how-dare-you blame Christianity for any of its crimes.

Do you consider proselyting criminal?

Is people wanting to talk to you oppression?

Or is it just the name calling and threats of hellfire you can't handle?

Sticks and stones, brother.
edit on 8+27+16 by AaronOfEther because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: AaronOfEther
I consider it annoying, and annoying me is a criminal act under Sargon's Law [subsection 304].

I am more than happy to discuss religion or philosophy with anyone, even strangers. But being ranted at as I walk through the park is unpleasant. Why don't you see through our perspective: If I knocked on your door every month to convert you to atheism, and told you your beliefs were false, what would you call it? Elitist, we're-better-than-you-so-join-us attitude.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 11:17 PM
Yeah, because threatening people (and very young children who have no psychological defenses) with ETERNAL DAMNATION (now there's a horrid concept) isn't something to get riled up about...

Atheism in America will take it's rightful place among rational moral people when we are considered without prejudice for the Presidency of the United States.

Right now, we're scoring 'less likely to vote for' than a demented lying whackadoodle and a lying demented whackadoodle. If I remember correctly, I think atheists are less trusted than sexual predators (that would be Bill Clinton) and ex-cons perhaps. And you wonder why we're angry?

See, christianity and other forms of fantasy thought have ramifications beyond Sunday and a couple hours spent in a big fancy tax-free church.

Your inability to think rationally times million more like you equals either more irrational people put into office (because they're good christians, naturally) or people who are willing to lie to you about their 'faith' (actually fantasy) to get in your good graces. I suspect the reality is more the latter, but since you specialize in self-delusion, you'll never see that.

The truth is, you INVITE scorn because of your belief system. Don't be surprised when an increasingly secular and scientific populace becomes more overt about it.


I'm 100 years old this year. I will be 101 in a few months.

I have been an atheist all that time. Lots of people have tried to change my mind, obviously it didn't work. I long ago decided that my brain is only a few hundred cc's big, the universe is substantially larger, and my small brain trying to comprehend or figure out what brought the entire universe into being was actually not likely to be possible.

Decision: Not to worry about it.

But I'll tell you this. I have PROOF, personal, works for me, unequivocal, stunningly evidential PROOF that we survive physical death. That we are spiritual beings having physical experiences. That we reincarnate. Not once, not a few times, but unlimited times.

So I'm that most unusual of demographics: A 100 year old man who is an atheist but KNOWS that reincarnation and spiritual immortality are real.

No Religion Needed.

posted on Aug, 27 2016 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: skynet2015

Well. Now you know how atheists feel.

Many Christians are outright dbags. I have a Jewish friend that was told by a Born Again Christian that "he was going to hell for what his people did to Jesus." Really. Who would say that to another person.

And in this country for years atheists have been discriminated against by christians. In some states there are laws that deny an atheist from holding office. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

And if you want to read some more. here.

Too many christians forget.

Luke 6:37

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;"

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: SargonThrall

I consider it annoying, and annoying me is a criminal act under Sargon's Law [subsection 304].

So you're just being childish. I see.

I am more than happy to discuss religion or philosophy with anyone, even strangers. But being ranted at as I walk through the park is unpleasant. Why don't you see through our perspective: If I knocked on your door every month to convert you to atheism, and told you your beliefs were false, what would you call it? Elitist, we're-better-than-you-so-join-us attitude.

Actually, people telling me my beliefs are false (and that I'm either stupid or going to hell) happens to me almost every day, from both "Christians" and atheists alike--I'm LDS.

My advice to you is to grow thicker skin and quit complaining about trivial "nuisances" in your life. Some people have real problems.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: SentientCentenarian

Spirit having a human experience.

If people was paying attention more to Quantum physics that have proven materialism is a lie with entanglement experiments, they might see the connection between entanglement and telepathy (information exchange inside 2 cells separated in space time that can raise from unconscious to conscious mind).

Now we have:
Materialists and "Quantum physics who have not really accepted entanglement" vs Quantum physics who follow the data instead of Materialist dogma (faith).
Materialists vs religious people who are both arguing from their faith view.
Religious people vs other religious people arguing from their faith view.
Quantum physics who follow the data vs religious people arguing from faith view.

I get annoyed sometimes at Deepak Chopra for not doing his home work and getting specifics in Quantum Physics right but on a higher level he makes sense. But then we have Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose to give the specifics.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 02:27 AM
Only one side is right. And the facts lay on that side.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

I get annoyed sometimes at Deepak Chopra for not doing his home work and getting specifics in Quantum Physics right

I had a rather pleasant chat with one of his underpaid employees.

In my opinion, he's too busy repackaging and re-branding other people's work into a commodity that he can sell to a rich clientele at a handsome profit to be bothered with such details.

he has become one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine.
- Wikipedia -

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: pthena
a reply to: LittleByLittle

I get annoyed sometimes at Deepak Chopra for not doing his home work and getting specifics in Quantum Physics right

I had a rather pleasant chat with one of his underpaid employees.

In my opinion, he's too busy repackaging and re-branding other people's work into a commodity that he can sell to a rich clientele at a handsome profit to be bothered with such details.

he has become one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine.
- Wikipedia -

You are in fact spot on from my point of view. He sells things to people who are rich and follows the latest fad. If he is parasitic or just equalizing wealth I do not know. I hope he is wise enough to be equalizing wealth.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 06:25 AM
I am atheist but I don't care about religion. I am not antichrist. I even told some people to believe in God just to make world better.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

If he is parasitic or just equalizing wealth I do not know. I hope he is wise enough to be equalizing wealth.

First off, I checked for an example of equalizing wealth:

Chapter 41 Wealth Equalization

Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code requires school districts that are property wealthy to share their wealth with school districts that are property poor. This statute is sometimes referred to as the "share the wealth" or "Robin Hood" plan. The school finance system "recaptures" funds from the property-wealthy districts to distribute to the property-poor districts.

So that would make sense as an example.

There is a Chopra Foundation, which collects donations and distributes those donations. Of the 9 recipients of funding, 5 seem to be self-promotion. I did look at the report of Project Why, "Project why is a New Delhi based social enterprise engaged in education support and life skill enhancement of slum children and their families. It opened its firstclass in 2000 with 40 children and reaches out today to 1000 children, 160 women, and their families.."

Project Why did receive funding from the Chopra Foundation since 2012.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
Not all Christians are pedophile priest, same as not every atheist cares about picking on people who believe in fantasy invisible characters.

#PutsonAtheisthat Indeed I want nothing to do with militant Atheists who want every sign of Christianity from public view. I am not sure there is much else I can say. It's never a good idea to paint a single group of people with a broad brush strokes even if it is easily done so.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: skynet2015

I suspect you are Christian. It would explain why you see this so subjectively.

Atheists profess no religion, and many don't even involve themselves in arguments relating to it. In the circumstances that atheists do engage in religious debates, you are entirely incorrect in saying that Christianity is singled out among others. Christianity is often a focus of some atheists simply because it is the world's largest religion, however there is criticism of many other religions as well. In fact, i would say that there is a large propensity of criticism towards Islam as of late, perhaps even moreso than Christianity.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: AaronOfEther
Oh, forgive me for having the audacity to respond to a thread complaining about phony self-victimhood. You chastise me yet not the thread author.

Mormon, well, no point unraveling that thread. Low hanging fruit and all that.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: skynet2015

If i point out someone's flaws in their math homework, does that make me anti-math? No. It means that i am interested in the truth and i want to believe as many true things as possible and as few false things as possible. We discern truth from falsities by studying the evidence for the claims. If the claims have nothing to back them up, we can simply ignore them and wait until evidence is forthcoming.

Atheism is not a religion. If someone makes a claim, and i don't believe it, and i want some explanation, maybe some proof, how does that make my non acceptance of your claim a religion?

Nobody practices atheism. It is only one thing. I don't believe your claim, because, for lack of evidence, i am not convinced.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:52 AM
edit on 28-8-2016 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Susanoo-no-Mikoto as being real.

...Heyyyy......wait a minute now....

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: SentientCentenarian

Yeah, because threatening people (and very young children who have no psychological defenses) with ETERNAL DAMNATION (now there's a horrid concept) isn't something to get riled up about...

Atheism in America will take it's rightful place among rational moral people when we are considered without prejudice for the Presidency of the United States.

You beat me to it. Thanks for that.
I get exhausted trying to enlighten people who insist on believing in fantasy-men (celestial super-heroes). I don't give a rip if they choose to believe it in the face of overwhelming LACK OF EVIDENCE ---- (like a desert mirage) ------

but if it keeps them from horrible acts, then - whatever works to keep them under some sort of self-control.

Leave the children ALONE about it.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: SentientCentenarian

But I'll tell you this. I have PROOF, personal, works for me, unequivocal, stunningly evidential PROOF that we survive physical death. That we are spiritual beings having physical experiences. That we reincarnate. Not once, not a few times, but unlimited times.

So I'm that most unusual of demographics: A 100 year old man who is an atheist but KNOWS that reincarnation and spiritual immortality are real.

No Religion Needed.

Brilliant. I, for one, am honored to know of your thoughts.
I agree with you totally, and I would LOVE to hear more about your experience. I believe just like you, that we reincarnate many, many times. And there's no "correct" packaged religion.

Most people are just not equipped to deal with complicated thought like that. It turns them into bobble-heads.

posted on Aug, 28 2016 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: skynet2015

self proclaimed atheists wage war with Christians

How is a "self-proclaimed" atheist less respectable than a "self-proclaimed" Christian? Most "Christians" don't know what the hell they're talking about anyway. The ones going around preaching and asking for criticism so they can whine about the ridicule (because they think that's cool) - know less about the Bible and other World Religions than the vast majority of atheists and agnostics.

I am an agnostic. I argue with Christians because I think they are poisoned, and are poisoning the next generation. Like Hitchens pointed out ---- how on earth a backwater, illiterate desert tribe's imaginary myths about a puny, angry, meddling, intolerant and all-around unpleasant tyrant they called "God" is still being talked about 2,000 years later as if it were true is quite bizarre. You all should shut up about being ridiculed as long as you are willing to demonize everyone else, especially the Muslims.

That you are still in positions of power and any respect AT ALL is every bit as bizarre as having Donald J Trump as a Presidential nominee.

We tell you you're wrong BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG. And everyone but you knows it.

edit on 8/28/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

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