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"A Calling from Beyond the Stars" - G. W. Bush Pre-Inagural Speech

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posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by JBurns
That is definatley a disturbing statement. Maybe he's talking about "god" because of his strong religious stance?

thats must likely,
Most of the voters all religous so he is probably just appealing to them.


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by d3v
Dont be put off by what hes saying.

A demonic regiin over this planet is also known as a New World order.

It will happen if we reamin in ignorance.

IMO, there is absolutely no stopping it becuase people are just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hard to wake up.

Demonic reign might sound descrediting but he is correct.

Ignorance cannot coninue if we want to stand a chance.

Ignorance MUST NOT continue and I am doing all I can to wake people up.

You claim to deny ignorance, but how does one deny ignorance by using words like "demonic"? And the same question to Arkaleus!

Of course there are other "realms" and "dimentions" that we do not perceive, and so other "entities" do not have to come from "far away" or "beyond the stars", but simply from another reality that we're not aware of yet. But one does not need to bring religion into this at all, because in my view, references to anything demonic belong in the same bin as references to something "heavenly" or "Godly" - but do any of those terms have any OBJECTIVE meaning other than creating a mechanical reaction in the reader as his mind association kicks into gear? That's similar to calling something a "boogie man" - there may just BE a boogie man, but that is an ignorant way to refer to a force or a phenomenon or an entity, and that ignorance disempowers us because we attribute properties to these entities that they do not have simply because of the mental image we were conditioned to have about them.

Another analogy is referring to ET's as Gods - as people 2000 years ago and earlier would most likely do, had they had this encounter - since their ignorance (lack of knowledge) possibly did not allow them to conceive of the notion of "other worlds" or "other dimentions", and so their perception of reality may have been oversimplified (which did not help them), where it was either human or a God. But once again, there is no objective meaning behind that word "gods" except to create a mechanical illusion of "omnipotence" and perhaps a lot of unnecessary fear and hopelessness, and that hopelessness and sense of disempowerment may create the illusion that you have no choice but to "worship" or "obey" those "gods". And they don't have to be all-powerful to create the impression for a primitive race like ours that they are! In 1000 years we'll be Godlike to our current selves also, but that doesn't mean we're suddenly "gods" or any such nonsense.

I agree, there are "forces" that use mankind to their own ends. But I would not demonize those forces as something "satanic" or "demonic" - those words serve no purpose but to call up religious associations in our minds, that we are conditioned to perceive as something that is the "antithesis of good" (whatever the hell THAT is), and something that is "ungodly" etc.

We are in a good vs evil war and its everyone responsibility to do absolutely everything they can to help the good side win.

Yeah? Which side is that? Please define good and evil for me!

Humanity is on the very brink of a demonic rule and the only way to stop it is to get EVERYONE aware.

It's on the brink of something alright, but the only reason for this is because we invited it in with our own selfish and ignorant and complacent/passive nature, and willingless to be slaves. We reap what we sew, it so it is not 'evil' at all! We're no different than those who control us, and no one can control or rule ANYONE ELSE without our permission and willing submission.

Case in point: Bush could never invade Iraq if people did not believe his lies, if people did not support him. And if our armed services were trained to critically think and question everything (including the population in general), deceiving them would be impossible, and so controlling with lies as well.

Do all you can.

To stop it? Please, the only thing you CAN do is change yourself and get out while you still can, and maybe inspire others to do the same - but you cannot make the decision for the entire world, which is heading towards destruction because of its very NATURE. It's simple, if you play in the mud you will get dirty! If you mess up the planet, you reap the consequences. If you are ignorant and selfish, you WILL be manipulated and controlled by other selfish beings who just happen to know more than you and use that knowledge to their ends. There is nothing you, me, or anyone can do about what is going to happen in this world, because it is happening for a very good reason, and that reason is humanity's very nature and approach to their existance. However, as I already said, perhaps you can serve as an example to others, as an inspiration, by changing yourself and refusing to submit to your own selfish, mechanical nature, and to the control and manipulation of you by others "in power" - and just MAYBE others will CHOOSE this too. But as long as humanity as a whole does not make any such choice, they will remain in a constant cycle of control, destruction, lies, manipulation, and in constant slavery. History is a perfect example of this - Hitler-like oppressors and tyrranical regimes come and go constantly, as long as people allow for this by allowing themselves to be controlled, it'll continue to happen.

Knowledge protects - but ignorance endangers. If everybody in the world suddenly "woke up", we wouldn't have these problems - but how likely do you suppose it is that the entire world suddenly wakes up in the next couple of years, when the poop will really begin hitting the fan?

[edit on 21-1-2005 by lilblam]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by d3v
What I mean by good vs evil is humanity against the NWO.

I wouldn't call NWO evil though, it's just a selfish plan by some power elite to control the world, and not just in covert and "shadowy" ways as they do now, but to make it known and "official". But it's not "evil" because there will be a lot of benefit to people from this, just like there was a lot of benefit to the Germans from Hitler's reign - the country prospered and came out of its economic problems very quickly! Hitler killed many Jews and others (like communists) of course, but genocide is a common theme in such dictatorships, because they require a national enemy to keep people in fear and submit to oppressive policies "for their own good".

Without "terrorism" or "911" the people would not tolerate what this administration has been doing, both at home, and abroad. Now the interesting thing is, since NWO is a global phenomenon, and if all countries are indeed unified under one totalitarian power - what "global enemy" will be created to scare the population into accepting all this control? Could it be a race like the Jews or the Arabs? A people with a political ideology (like communists)? Aliens? Asteroids? What fear tactics to the elite have up their sleeve next - that's a question I think we would benefit from answering, at least looking at the possibilities.

THere is hope.

There is a chance, but the hope is not for ALL of course, just for those who are waking up and are DOing something about this - like the people who could foresee Nazi Germany and so got the hell out of there in time while most of the ignorant population were oblivious until it was too late had a chance, and they took the chance by denying ignorance, and learning to SEE what others do not. But it is never the majority, on this planet it's always the extreme minority. Resisting a war does not mean one is "waking up", just means one has a potential for waking up because he is already seeing just a little more than many others do. Sadly, the majority have no hope, because the majority PREFER their state of ignorance, as facing uncomfortable realities and truth that contradicts their very pleasant illusions about themselves, their country, and the world, well it hurts and requires an overhaul to our entire being - something most people simply will not do. But those who can, have a chance - but the world at large, does not. Humanity had thousands of years to wake up - and it chose to sleep while the vast majority has always been used as cattle by the power hungry elite, the extreme minority - what are the chances of a sudden global awakening in the next few years, when we had thousands and humanity is just as ignorant today as it has always been, even MORE so? Technological progress says nothing about our state of knowledge of ourselves and the nature of our existance on this planet, of our "governments", and just what is really going on. Technology does not make people smarter. Having hope for this "awakening" is wishful thinking, as it is not based on logic, is not based on observation of objective reality and the world as it is and ALWAYS has been.

But look at the other side of this, that people are simply not ready to wake up, they came to this world to learn, and when they DO wake up, it means they have learned what they came here for so they move on to another world, and this world remains under control and manipulation, and the next "class" comes into it to learn. So perhaps there is a reason indeed why this world remains unchanged for millenia - those who wake up also realise they CANNOT change the world, as it would require the awakening of EVERYONE - and you cannot force anyone to wake up! It is an individual choice when they are finally fed up with lies and being a slave, and choose freedom through KNOWLEDGE, knowledge of themselves and of this world as it really is, not as they're told, not as they are conditioned, not as they want it to be.

Just look at how much populace resistance the goverment got during the build up to Iraq war. Imagine how hard it will be for them to start the Iran war...

Unless "terrorists" attack us of course and Iran is blamed for it! The question is, can people be fooled twice by the same exact lie? What did Bush say once, "Fool me once, f.. and.. uh... and the fooled can't get fooled again!"

But even more importantly, can our economy handle another war? Can the WORLD handle another US takeover? Right now I give both of those answers a very high probability of being a sturdy NO. Our economy seems to be on the verge of a total collapse anyway, likely before any new war - though we can always blame "terrorists" for our economic collapse, and point to Iran, so that card can also be played. And it seems that if we do attack Iran, it may spark a much much larger conflict, and the US will end up reaping what it has sewn.

It is pretty widely belived that 9/11 was done or let happen by the US goverment so imagine when they stage another catastrpohe to justify armed engagment with Iran...
There is hope and we have a good few more years to wake people up...

Well we can't wake them up, we can just present our findings and deductions, but only a few are willing to consider such things, and even fewer actually put in the effort to uncover them and really understand what is happening.

I do agree with your point about it can only happen if we willingly give up our rights but they manipulate us into doing it.

But we cannot be manipulated without our consent! Our country was manipulated into war with Iraq ONLY because the population allowed themselves to believe what they were told instead of looking at the evidence which contradicts the lies we were told, and applying some critical thinking! Perhaps some people are simply incapable of critical thought...

YOu said we cant change whats coming.
Thats absolute bollocks.

The devil is in the details. We certainly affect the world with our actions, and in a non-linear reality, small actions can have unprecedented and large effects. But in order to change what is coming, the fundemental nature of this world would first have to change - and neither you nor I can change that, but humanity collectively can. But will they?

As I said, people r waking up and there is still alot of hope...

Is this objective hope as in, a real possibility of change based on evidence, or just wishful thinking, aka, assumption? And more importantly, hope for WHAT exactly - because the devil is in the details. Hope that the NWO will not be instituted at all? Well, I personally see no hope for that - but I do see hope for SOME of the population, those who have a capacity to critical thought and are willing to sacrifice their comfortable illusions in order to see reality, and when they do, they don't use that knowledge to control anyone else. But once again, globally speaking, and from looking at history and current events and the reaction of people in the world to various goings on, I see no hope that they'll suddenly "wake up" and "stop" the NWO from being established.

The possibility is always there, as all possibilities exist - but it is by observing objective reality as it is that allows us to see what is likely to happen and why, not by hoping and giving things a higher likelyhood than it really has.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic, nor am I trying to be optimistic - I'm trying to be as objective as I can, and if the outlook is "grim" as far as I can tell, I will not fall back on hope just because it feels better - uncomfortable reality is preferable (to me) over comfortable belief. However, if you indeed have such high hopes, would you like to discuss what is happening in the world which gives you this hope?

You mention the public reaction to the war, but we still went to war didn't we? It seems people have to do more than just parade around the streets. And then, out of the total population, how many are against the war? Meaning, how many actually understand the inherent lies in this war, instead of just feeling sorry for our troops and wanting them to come home, but still believing that terrorism is a real "threat" and Iraq had to be "liberated"? The devil is always in the details.


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by d3v
Dont be put off by what hes saying.

A demonic regiin over this planet is also known as a New World order.

It will happen if we reamin in ignorance.

IMO, there is absolutely no stopping it becuase people are just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hard to wake up.

Demonic reign might sound descrediting but he is correct.

Ignorance cannot coninue if we want to stand a chance.

Ignorance MUST NOT continue and I am doing all I can to wake people up.

You claim to deny ignorance, but how does one deny ignorance by using words like "demonic"? And the same question to Arkaleus!

Of course there are other "realms" and "dimentions" that we do not perceive, and so other "entities" do not have to come from "far away" or "beyond the stars", but simply from another reality that we're not aware of yet. But one does not need to bring religion into this at all, because in my view, references to anything demonic belong in the same bin as references to something "heavenly" or "Godly" - but do any of those terms have any OBJECTIVE meaning other than creating a mechanical reaction in the reader as his mind association kicks into gear? ..................................... I agree, there are "forces" that use mankind to their own ends. But I would not demonize those forces as something "satanic" or "demonic" - those words serve no purpose but to call up religious associations in our minds,
[edit on 21-1-2005 by lilblam]

dv3 is perfectly correct in his use of the term 'demonic' and the use of the term 'Satanic' is also perfectly correct.
I'm not a religious person, but a useful reference to what is occurring is actually the Hollywood conditioning

So if we take 'Satanism' out of the Christian context, we could describe it as the use of symbols,ceremonies, bio-acoustic verbalisations, and rituals to control the the forces of Nature , or the Earth energy grid, to advantage of the practitioner, and the disadvantage of the mass of the people, who will be used as sacrificial victims in some way or form

The rituals used and the symbols displayed correspond closely to what we see in the movies, read about in the occult texts, and see splashed about all over the place in disguised or, more and more, completely open form

How else do you describe the Bush families hand signals during the inauguration

Their mission is from beyond the stars, indeed

As for demonic - I guess the use of rituals to summon dark forces is demonic, and that's what these guys do on a daily basis

The baggage associated with these terms is useful as it references how they go about things

As Icke recently said, you don't have to think of the opposite to satanism as Christianity or any other organised religion - you can think of it as Unconditional Love or something

[edit on 21-1-2005 by dh]


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 10:48 AM
you have alot of good points and I do hope this world is a "learning center" and those of us who have woken up can move onto a higher plane of existance becuase I personally do not want to spend another lifetime on this piece of #...


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by lilblamI wouldn't call NWO evil though, it's just a selfish plan by some power elite to control the world, and not just in covert and "shadowy" ways as they do now, but to make it known and "official". But it's not "evil" because there will be a lot of benefit to people from this, just like there was a lot of benefit to the Germans from Hitler's reign - the country prospered and came out of its economic problems very quickly! Hitler killed many Jews and others (like communists) of course, but genocide is a common theme in such dictatorships, because they require a national enemy to keep people in fear and submit to oppressive policies "for their own good".


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:14 AM

Freedom . . . . . . .27 Liberty . . . . . . .15 Tyranny . . . . . . .5 Justice . . . . . . . . .5 God . . . . . . . . . . .3 Threat . . . . . . . . .2 Security . . . . . . .1 War . . . . . . . . . .0 Iraq . . . . . . . . . .0 Iran . . . . . . . . . .0 Terror . . . . . . . .0

Notice Iraq wasnt mentioned once. He lives in denial

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:25 AM
Some "Devil's horns" pics from the Inauguration cermenony
From Alex Jones'

More pics at the link.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

Originally posted by lilblam

Knowledge protects - but ignorance ENDANGERS. If everybody in the world suddenly "woke up", we wouldn't have these problems - but how likely do you suppose it is that the entire world suddenly wakes up in the next couple of years, when the poop will really begin hitting the fan?

i'm confused
in the paragraph before your closing, the statement was made that humanity is (degenerating) because that is its NATURE.

then, in closing, it is stated all would be well if mankind 'woke up'

You're right, this was a bit of a "leap" - SOME of our problems would not exist, one of which being the ease with which the elite manipulate us with lies, and we'd have a clue about such things as the upcoming global cataclysms and cometary bombardments, among other things - and perhaps be able to DO something collectively to perhaps "soften the blow". Of course, our fundemental nature, which is STS and thus entropic still remains, regardless of how much knowledge we have. And as long as entropy is the rule and not the exception, we'll still exist in a pyramidal hierarchy of control, we'll still be manipulated and wishfully think, and we'll still have constant wars and genocides and things of that nature.

Knowledge protects the individual as it allows him greater choice to DO what he could not do before without that knowledge, but if the whole population collectively raises their level of knowledge, many problems disappear, yet the fundemental nature of their "issues" remains at the root, just takes on a whole new level.

You can compare that to the animal kingdom and "survival of the fittest". Because humanity has a higher level of awareness than animals, our civilization and existance experiences different lessons, yet the fundemental nature of them at the root remains, it is still "survival of the fittest", the strong and smart manipulate the weak and ignorant, etc. So being eaten by a predator may not be our "issue", though on a higher level, it still is - we still "prey" on one another in other ways.

Are you trying to express that mankind will always revert to operating in the realm of baser drives, chicanery, self-serving ego-centric hedonism...and if caught will plead 'the devil made me do it'??

but the knowledge of this human trait...will suddenly 'wake us up'?
and we will collectively become eglitarian, idealistic social animals?

Knowledge just offers the opportunity to make the CHOICE to deviate from this dynamic, but the choice still has to be made - and THAT is a whole other can of worms. We are STS and entropic, but just realising this does not make it not so, but it at least allows for the opportunity to change if we so chose! But "we" does not apply, the individual chooses. Humanity is STS, and it is true for both, the ignorant, and the knowledgeable. And waking up in terms of purely gaining knowledge and awareness does not change the polarity of the entity, just changes the lessons he experiences.

Though I shouldn't even say our "problems" because "problems" is extremely broad and vague - EVERYONE has "issues" to deal with, no matter if you are STS or STO, ignorant or extremely wise. So the devil is in the details of course! And obviously saying "all would be well" implies that all is NOT well, which is also not true. All is the way it is for a reason, and it is precisely the way it "should" be, and it does not need to be "changed" because it is somehow "wrong" or "bad" in any way. Just because the world is full of ignorant people who are ruled by a few shadowy elite and are manipulated to things like wars and religious zealotry, does not make this a "problem" per se - many people LIKE it this way, and prefer it remain the way it is.

So I realise just how vague that phrase is when I said "knowledge will fix many of our problems" (or some such thing). The devil is always in the details.

being the cynic that i am,
all a 'wide-awake' mass of mankind would make is a bunch of cleverer,
smarter, plotting, scheming indivuduals...intent on furthering their own
domains & properties & leisures & needs, desires, pleasures.

I completely agree! Though I think you may agree that we'd not be going through the same "stuff" in the sense that, the elite would have to work a LOT harder to deceive the population. So lemme be even narrower and say, no one would ever be deceived by anything if they simply never assumed or believed anything. And if "assumption" or "belief" is viewed as a "problem" (and this is subjective of course), then the "problem" of us being lied to would be solved! They can lie all they want, it does not mean anyone will believe a single word.

there will still be the rare occurance of a 'Mother Theresa' or even a magnanomous? Ted Turner....

Yes, basically your polarity (STO or STS) is not synonymous with your level of intelligence and knowledge - as both, STS and STO can be either ignorant, or knowledgeble. The difference is, STO does not remain ignorant for long, as it constantly strives to acquire knowledge, because without knowledge it could not serve others, as it would have nothing of value to offer to anyone!

Sorry for the vague/subjective statement, I did not occur to me right away just how vague and subjective that was. But I hope I made myself a little clearer with this post.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:33 AM
[sarcasm] it's the symbol of the UT [/sarcasm]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:35 AM
You see the morals one learns from religion/ parents determines their behaviors, and a "Satanists" is more than likely to show NO due respect to you or natural rights, when at least a mean-moral person, wiether of islam, hinduism, judism, christianity, Native American Religion, or agonsticism. The problem becomes "Who is working for God? Who is Against God?" thay brings bad news, and with all this star stuff in some of the eltists closet and all over the UN, I'd become concerned, especially with what I know about the Aztecs Religions/mythology and Human Sacrifices. We should all at least be concerned their are Satanic Murders all the time, and there are also "Mysterious Deaths" all the time too, we need to check out. So please all keep an open mind.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:43 AM
It is very blatant how the elite flash the symbol of the devil and reveal their NWO plans and even refer to forces beyond the stars. I don't know what the conspiracy is about anymore. It's pretty darn obvious.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by d3v

Originally posted by lilblamI wouldn't call NWO evil though, it's just a selfish plan by some power elite to control the world, and not just in covert and "shadowy" ways as they do now, but to make it known and "official". But it's not "evil" because there will be a lot of benefit to people from this, just like there was a lot of benefit to the Germans from Hitler's reign - the country prospered and came out of its economic problems very quickly! Hitler killed many Jews and others (like communists) of course, but genocide is a common theme in such dictatorships, because they require a national enemy to keep people in fear and submit to oppressive policies "for their own good".


Bah lemme clarify myself here. "Evil" being subjective, and undefined, why not use objective terms? NWO is very selfish. NWO is oppressive. NWO is hierarchial. NWO is based on lies and uses fear tactics to manipulate the population into compliance (or temptations of future rewards). NWO is a lot of things, just "evil" is the same as "bad" - a judgement, which is subjective, and assumes that it somehow needs to be "changed".

Well, that's like saying that if you jump off a tall building and die when you hit the ground, the ground needs to be fixed to not hurt you anymore because it's "evil"! The point I'm trying to make is, the NWO would not exist if we did not LET it exist, it would not come to power if we did not LET it come to power (again, "power" implies power over people, meaning they obey willingly, even if under threat or under illusion of something else). And if humanity is passive and ignorant and SELFISH enough to allow the NWO to come to power, then why would it be "bad" if it would be there for a very good reason, and serve as big lesson to mankind in general? Are lessons bad? Some are very harsh, but so is being burned when you touch a hot stove - does your own stupidity make the stove evil?

I hope this makes sense. There are many who would LIKE the NWO, for them it is GOOD and RIGHT. Many germans LIKED Hitler and nazi germany, for them it was good and right, and killing jews and others was "necessary" etc. Of course, all of that is just as subjective as saying something is "bad" and "wrong".

So all I am suggesting is not to get stuck in subjective judgements, but observe OBJECTIVELY and decide for yourself whether this is the sort of world YOU would want to exist in, or not. You cannot make such a decision for anyone but yourself. Of course you can always attempt to change this world into your own selfish perspective of how it "should" be and what is "right" - but would that not be equivalent to what the NWO is doing - because in ITS perspective their actions are "good" and "right", and there are indeed many who agree!

And one cannot deny ignorance if one does not deny subjectivity! Subjectivity is never "true" as it's always a lie we tell ourselves to justify what we think something "should" be like, how we'd WANT it to be. And if something is not the way we want it, we have a tendency to judge it as "wrong" or "bad". But this is part of the reason humanity is going through what it's going through - subjective illusions that are instilled in our minds by our "leaders", and more importantly that we tell ourselves (because we're STS), which make us ripe for manipulation.

What do you think?


[edit on 21-1-2005 by lilblam]


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:45 AM
indeed do not mindlessly dismiss such a theory becuase you have been programmed to thik that such demonic entities are horror film stuff only.

Who exactly told you that demonic forces do not exist???

Who told you it cant be true??

THe Illuminati did.

We are programmed into a reality that they have designed.

Your judment is theirs.

What you think is possible, impossible, true, false, bull#... ect ect is what they want....

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by d3v
indeed do not mindlessly dismiss such a theory becuase you have been programmed to thik that such demonic entities are horror film stuff only.

Who exactly told you that demonic forces do not exist???

Who told you it cant be true??

That's not my point. The point is the WORD "demonic" - it has no meaning. What is demonic, can you define it for me? How is it any different from subjective words like "evil" and "bad"? I agree that very powerful and SERVICE TO SELF (STS) forces exist that manipulate mankind and have done so for millenia - but I prefer sticking to objectivity here, not subjectivity.

I agree that this reality is "designed" and that we are indeed all very much manipulated. All I'm saying is, subjectivity does not help figure out just WHAT those forces are, what they can do, how they do it, among many other things. Objectivity and critical thinking, and analysis of all the data/evidence, does.

I also realise that these "elite" are full of "satanic" and "occult" symbols and otherwise, but this does not mean that these symbols have any sort of "power" at all, any more power than the Christian Crucifix does. Bush will not get burned if he touches a cross, not can he summon "satan" to scare you into submission. On the other hand, there exist "forces" and "realities" which can be tapped into with certain rituals, but once again, I prefer to remain objective about their true nature, and not to call anyone "bad" or "evil" or "demonic" or "holy" or "good" etc.

Does that make sense?

[edit on 21-1-2005 by lilblam]

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by d3v
What I mean by good vs evil is humanity against the NWO.

I wouldn't call NWO evil though, it's just a selfish plan by some power elite to control the world, and not just in covert and "shadowy" ways as they do now, but to make it known and "official". But it's not "evil" because there will be a lot of benefit to people from this, just like there was a lot of benefit to the Germans from Hitler's reign - the country prospered and came out of its economic problems very quickly! Hitler killed many Jews and others (like communists) of course, but genocide is a common theme in such dictatorships, because they require a national enemy to keep people in fear and submit to oppressive policies "for their own good".

Without "terrorism" or "911" the people would not tolerate what this administration has been doing, both at home, and abroad. Now the interesting thing is, since NWO is a global phenomenon, and if all countries are indeed unified under one totalitarian power - what "global enemy" will be created to scare the population into accepting all this control? Could it be a race like the Jews or the Arabs? A people with a political ideology (like communists)? Aliens? Asteroids? What fear tactics to the elite have up their sleeve next - that's a question I think we would benefit from answering, at least looking at the possibilities.

So let me get this right, you think a complicated and elaborate plot to enslave humanity isnt evil? Evil is a very real thing, wether you feel it does or does not exist. Evil is the absence of good. Everything needs an opposite to exist. Wether you believe in the existence of God or not, I do. I have my solid evidence that God and Christ DO exist from personal experience, and I would love to help you believe, but its your choice and I will not push my beliefs on you. But I will explain my views.

As for the how evil and the New World Order work together is quite simple. I cannot prove this with evidence, facts or anything else your mind might require to believe, but I will give you my opinion and my theory.

Satan, who was abolished from Heaven for blasphemy, has been trying to over throw God in the human mind since day one. God knew Satan was the ultimate threat, so God created Christ to release us from Satan's trap, which is the ultimate corruption of our God given free will. After Christ was crucified, Satan knew he had to get smart and find a sly and secret way into the hearts of men. So he devised a plan to create a group of people who would worship him and execute his plan to enslave the masses.

How would he do this? We cannot comprehend that. But we can see try and see how it is being implimented in our society and in our minds. A one world government is the only way to truly enslaving the majority of men. In Revelation, Satan's New World Order, One World Government is mentioned. In fact, its what revelation is all about.

Each and every day Revelation is being fufilled, but people can not see the clues. Some can, but most neglect it. If Satan (the heart of evil) did not exist, I dont think there would ever be a NWO or a one world government.

Why else would anyone want to devote so much time and effort to establish a total enslavement of the people? I can see how some egotistical megolamanical(sp?) psycho would want it, but I cant see how he or 'they' could get that many people and that many minions to work towards the same goal for the generations ahead. Im sorry I just dont think human nature could take a plan as far as it has come. If Satan(evil) didnt exist, I cant see how a NWO could take place. History would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much different without the influence of evil and corruption, and the influence of God for that matter.

You can call evil human nature, because Im sure thats what defense you would use against me here, but you know what, look at a child. A child shows a true human soul for what it is. Children dont know evil, all they know is good. It just takes time before the evil gets to them.

My whole point here is that if Satan or God did not exist, our world would be extremly different. Christ has dominated the Earth for 2000 years and that is amazing. But as we near the end, and as we near Revelation, we can see the presence of God slipping away. Its almost as if he's not here right now. Satan's plan is close, very close to being completed. The United Nations alone is a One World Government. The US is the only thing keeping that from happening. Once our government is handed over to the UN, thats when I get scared.

The New World Order is the work of evil, Satan, what ever you want to call it. Satan, over the last 2000 years has been working towards his goal of total enslavement and the destruction of Christ, and all religion for that matter. Thats what this is all about. People who know about the NWO conspiracy and dont see the connection to the Bible, are COMPLETLY MISLEAD. This whole war is a war waged from Satan against God. God has the ultimate power, and he has the control of our souls, but Satan is stuck on Earth and he will do anything to enslave the people under his reign just to piss God off. So if you neglect to see the connection of Good vs. Evil (God vs. Satan) you arent gettin the whole picture. This whole thing, this whole New World Order, is HUGE. Its the Last World Order, thats really what it should be called. Because this is it, this is what its all about. So the believers, my brothers and sisters, we shall see The Rapture soon. I cannot gaurentee this, but I feel that it is near, because the NWO is here, it is in power and it will have total enslavement in the next 20 years.

I know people are going to redicule, slam, and bitch and moan about what I have talked about here, and so be it. I dont care, Im stating my views and I feel I have most of it right, but I could be 100% wrong, you never know. But as I see it, the way I have explained it makes sense. I dont know, maybe Im just weird. BTW sorry for the long ass post, I just re-read it all and damn I didnt even realized I typed that much.


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:21 PM
I know what u mean about how human nature could carry on executing an agenda for so long but one theory is that when the reptillians came to earth during Sumer, they took it over becuase us ignorant humans though of them as gods.

The theory says thats these aliens developed a DNA defect that rendered their reproductive system useless.

It explains why theirs so many abductions and it expalins why millions see UFO's every singleday. It expalins alot of things and makes atlot of sense.

THen again, so does your theory. They are very equally feasible.

Maybe your theory on god vs satan and heaven, ect might be in space... like on other planets???

Maybe we are heaven and the planet the reptilians come from is satans home???

Maybe they are satan?

Afterall, the bible is a load of illuminati/vatican propogandal half-truth bullcrap...


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 12:27 PM
[QUOTE]You can call evil human nature, because Im sure thats what defense you would use against me here, but you know what, look at a child. A child shows a true human soul for what it is. Children dont know evil, all they know is good. It just takes time before the evil gets to them. [/QUOTE]

Yeah I know what yu mean and I agree...

Look at my sig...


posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by d3v
indeed do not mindlessly dismiss such a theory becuase you have been programmed to thik that such demonic entities are horror film stuff only.

Who exactly told you that demonic forces do not exist???

Who told you it cant be true??

That's not my point. The point is the WORD "demonic" - it has no meaning. What is demonic, can you define it for me? ....................................

I also realise that these "elite" are full of "satanic" and "occult" symbols and otherwise, but this does not mean that these symbols have any sort of "power" at all, any more power than the Christian Crucifix does. [edit on 21-1-2005 by lilblam]

As I mentioned up the thread, demons are negative entities summoned up through sexual and/or sacrifice rituals for the purposes of empowering the participants and holding to energy grid in thrall to their purpose and mal-intent

The symbols hold power through the activation by ritual. This occurs both locally and globally

Snip of satanic hand flash - auto-run movie at top of this website

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by dh

Originally posted by lilblam

Originally posted by d3v
indeed do not mindlessly dismiss such a theory becuase you have been programmed to thik that such demonic entities are horror film stuff only.

Who exactly told you that demonic forces do not exist???

Who told you it cant be true??

That's not my point. The point is the WORD "demonic" - it has no meaning. What is demonic, can you define it for me? ....................................

I also realise that these "elite" are full of "satanic" and "occult" symbols and otherwise, but this does not mean that these symbols have any sort of "power" at all, any more power than the Christian Crucifix does. [edit on 21-1-2005 by lilblam]

As I mentioned up the thread, demons are negative entities summoned up through sexual and/or sacrifice rituals for the purposes of empowering the participants and holding to energy grid in thrall to their purpose and mal-intent

The symbols hold power through the activation by ritual. This occurs both locally and globally

Snip of satanic hand flash - auto-run movie at top of this website

Im waiting to hear it... someone will say it. "He's from Texas" blah blah blah, longhorns this longhorns that. Sure he was the govener of Texas, but did he attend A&M? No, he attended Yale, where he learned of his satanic ways while taking part in "The Order"

Who knows why he did that, maybe his pride for Texas, or his Pride for the Baphomet? We shall never know...

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