Originally posted by d3v
Dont be put off by what hes saying.
A demonic regiin over this planet is also known as a New World order.
It will happen if we reamin in ignorance.
IMO, there is absolutely no stopping it becuase people are just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hard to wake up.
Demonic reign might sound descrediting but he is correct.
Ignorance cannot coninue if we want to stand a chance.
Ignorance MUST NOT continue and I am doing all I can to wake people up.
You claim to deny ignorance, but how does one deny ignorance by using words like "demonic"? And the same question to Arkaleus!
Of course there are other "realms" and "dimentions" that we do not perceive, and so other "entities" do not have to come from "far away" or
"beyond the stars", but simply from another reality that we're not aware of yet. But one does not need to bring religion into this at all, because
in my view, references to anything demonic belong in the same bin as references to something "heavenly" or "Godly" - but do any of those terms
have any OBJECTIVE meaning other than creating a mechanical reaction in the reader as his mind association kicks into gear? That's similar to calling
something a "boogie man" - there may just BE a boogie man, but that is an ignorant way to refer to a force or a phenomenon or an entity, and that
ignorance disempowers us because we attribute properties to these entities that they do not have simply because of the mental image we were
conditioned to have about them.
Another analogy is referring to ET's as Gods - as people 2000 years ago and earlier would most likely do, had they had this encounter - since their
ignorance (lack of knowledge) possibly did not allow them to conceive of the notion of "other worlds" or "other dimentions", and so their
perception of reality may have been oversimplified (which did not help them), where it was either human or a God. But once again, there is no
objective meaning behind that word "gods" except to create a mechanical illusion of "omnipotence" and perhaps a lot of unnecessary fear and
hopelessness, and that hopelessness and sense of disempowerment may create the illusion that you have no choice but to "worship" or "obey" those
"gods". And they don't have to be all-powerful to create the impression for a primitive race like ours that they are! In 1000 years we'll be
Godlike to our current selves also, but that doesn't mean we're suddenly "gods" or any such nonsense.
I agree, there are "forces" that use mankind to their own ends. But I would not demonize those forces as something "satanic" or "demonic" -
those words serve no purpose but to call up religious associations in our minds, that we are conditioned to perceive as something that is the
"antithesis of good" (whatever the hell THAT is), and something that is "ungodly" etc.
We are in a good vs evil war and its everyone responsibility to do absolutely everything they can to help the good side win.
Yeah? Which side is that? Please define good and evil for me!
Humanity is on the very brink of a demonic rule and the only way to stop it is to get EVERYONE aware.
It's on the brink of something alright, but the only reason for this is because we invited it in with our own selfish and ignorant and
complacent/passive nature, and willingless to be slaves. We reap what we sew, it so it is not 'evil' at all! We're no different than those who
control us, and no one can control or rule ANYONE ELSE without our permission and willing submission.
Case in point: Bush could never invade Iraq if people did not believe his lies, if people did not support him. And if our armed services were trained
to critically think and question everything (including the population in general), deceiving them would be impossible, and so controlling with lies as
Do all you can.
To stop it? Please, the only thing you CAN do is change yourself and get out while you still can, and maybe inspire others to do the same - but you
cannot make the decision for the entire world, which is heading towards destruction because of its very NATURE. It's simple, if you play in the mud
you will get dirty! If you mess up the planet, you reap the consequences. If you are ignorant and selfish, you WILL be manipulated and controlled by
other selfish beings who just happen to know more than you and use that knowledge to their ends. There is nothing you, me, or anyone can do about what
is going to happen in this world, because it is happening for a very good reason, and that reason is humanity's very nature and approach to their
existance. However, as I already said, perhaps you can serve as an example to others, as an inspiration, by changing yourself and refusing to submit
to your own selfish, mechanical nature, and to the control and manipulation of you by others "in power" - and just MAYBE others will CHOOSE this
too. But as long as humanity as a whole does not make any such choice, they will remain in a constant cycle of control, destruction, lies,
manipulation, and in constant slavery. History is a perfect example of this - Hitler-like oppressors and tyrranical regimes come and go constantly, as
long as people allow for this by allowing themselves to be controlled, it'll continue to happen.
Knowledge protects - but ignorance endangers. If everybody in the world suddenly "woke up", we wouldn't have these problems - but how likely do you
suppose it is that the entire world suddenly wakes up in the next couple of years, when the poop will really begin hitting the fan?
[edit on 21-1-2005 by lilblam]