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Give a man a fish, He'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll have to get a permit.

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posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:05 PM

"Give a man a fish, He'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll have to get a permit, a job so he can afford the permit, he'll then be entered into the social security system, have to pay taxes but his math is'nt so great, next thing you know IRS pulls up in a van and starts taking his elvis LP, Toothbrush ..."

Great video on liberty (plus a few other things chucked inbetween) from Doug stanhope one of my favourite comedians and IMO one of the best alongside steve hughes and george carlin. We live in a world so controlled and governed it makes you wonder where we can go from here. Laws are constantly added to, updated and worse of all, created. Piece by piece those in control seem content to slowly siphone away the many freedoms we used to enjoy and the limited freedoms we currently enjoy. Whether your a NWO type, A believer in politics, or some form of drifter its obvious how, with each year, freedoms of one kind or another are slowly recalculated, reduced and in some cases removed. At the current rate in reduction I can only assume we will be programmed robots in the not so distant future.

Next time you get on a train during the morning work rush, look in a busy post office, Watch people walk down a busy street etc... Imagine those people as cows, or sheep And tell me its not the same in principle. For all our "differences" we all do the same # from birth to death, Excluding a few execptions to the rules ofc.

Think about prison, same routine, same job mentality, just worse conditions.

Just my 2Cents.

Liberty is defined as freedom from captivity or control.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Bonus Video :

edit on 17-8-2016 by WanderingNomadd because: (no reason given)

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posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

He will also have to use barbless hooks or flies in streams and rivers, no fish under a certain size and a sticker for each type of fish he wants to catch. If you catch one you are not stickered for you have to throw it back even if it is a record breaker.

You can only catch a limit and if you try and sell your fish while still at the river or lake it is illegal and you can loose your right to fish forever.
edit on 17-8-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:12 PM
Welcome to the days of poaching the lord's fish.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

Give a man a few fish in his own private dam, and he still has to get a @#$%^&* permit.

An Angling Licence is required to fish with a rod, reel and line at any inland water in Tasmania (including farm dams on private property) during the angling season that applies to that water.

Sad but True

Kind Regards

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:22 PM
Yeah, damn fishing license. I missed it last year and this year, got to get one for salmon this October.

I've often wondered if you were lost in some wilderness and had to trap fish and game to survive, would the authorities issue you a few tickets for illegal fishing and trapping after you get "saved"?

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to dumpster dive, most of those are pad locked these days from what I hear. Can't go feeding the homeless on the streets and God forbid you leave some water out in the desert for some illegal aliens to find and possibly save a few lives.

In my point of view, you can do anything you damn well please due to our God given right of free will, it's just that you have to face the consequences from the laws before you come before your maker. Of course, if you're rich and have political power, and you don't intend to break the laws, are never caught, or have a dream team of expensive lawyers to get you off the hook, you're OK. Justice is really just us, cause it sure isn't the law.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:25 PM
Our population is artificially inflated (greatly) because of advances in medicine, sanitation, and to some degree, the philosophy of social tolerance (no I'm not saying tolerance is bad, don't even try to insinuate it).

If every man was his own fisherman, our streams would have more beer cans in them than fish. We have exceeded the natural sustaining capacity of the land; therefore, the only way to ensure our own survival is through regulation and environmental manipulation.

"What's this?! Nth is advocating regulation!"

No. I'm saying that our short-sighted society has created this problem, and now has two choices in dealing with it: 1) regulate it, thereby infringing on the rights of individuals, or 2) go the Guidestone route and allow the system (and population) to collapse, thereby bringing the population size into harmony with the sustaining capacity of the land.

You can't have it both ways. I hate to agree with the bastards who erected that "monument"...

...but the NWO is actually right about a lot of things. Because I vehemently believe in the rights of the individual over those of the collective, I find myself favoring option 2, albeit without coercion. How we accomplish that voluntarily, I have no idea.

Flame away.
edit on 8/17/16 by NthOther because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:27 PM
Rules and laws are unfortunately necessary to obtain order, no order and you will have chaos.

People are good at finding loopholes in the rules therefore more rules have to be made, it's never ending...

You can't blame the governments, you can only blame the people.
edit on 17-8-2016 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:28 PM
If he has his own property, then give him a shovel and tyeach him to fish. Only place I know where youn can fish w/o a license. Aside from some states' state parks.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:47 PM
I was a hardcore fisherman for years. But the last 10 years I pretty much gave up. $30 for license, $30 for Discover pass, $7+ to launch a boat.....

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Mianeye

Well Id blame both. Governments aka politicians are well known for passing laws secretly and against our interest. The reason there are loopholes is because 1. sometimes they are put there. 2. there are just to many laws and it is over complicating things.

Order is just following the basic principles, Dont murder, Dont steal, Dont rape etc... And chaos is relative. Technically Freedom is chaos and Slavery is order. Freedom you can do what you please aslong as you dont harm anyone else, Slavery/Servitude You follow specfic rules and commands.

Fear is the reason people trade Freedom for Order. Fear of death, Fear of being mugged, Fear of wars, of terror....
Fear is'nt a positive motivation.

Because we are becoming more global and uniform we are becoming more and more like sheep and cattle.
The world is'nt getting smaller, there is just less in it.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: Mianeye

You can't blame the governments, you can only blame the people.

Fine, I blame you.

In all seriousness please research Stockholm Syndrome.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: DigitalVigilante420

I don't mind being blamed, i have broken rules both non written and written, it's part of my nature..

I fished for many years with out a fishing licence, i lived on an island so again it was part of my nature, and i love the taste of fresh fish...

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: NthOther

I agree with artificle inflation. If some idiot wants to jump of a cliff let him. If someone wants to sleep with everything that moves unprotected and he gets aids so be it. Its in no small part to all these laws being introduced which my OP agrees with you is bad. Everyone should be entitled to food, shelter and water aswell as freedom to work as often as they please.

There would'nt be a job crisis if people were'nt required to work 5 days a week. Stop this hording of wealth, increase the wages of the lower bracket, decrease the wages of the higher bracket and watch part time jobs become able to substain people better than full time jobs try to now.

LETS USE MEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE TO ENSURE PEOPLE LIVE FOREVER!", "Now what?" " Increase the retirement age, get some more taxes out of them then stick them somewhere out the way i guess...."

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

If someone wants to sleep with everything that moves unprotected and he gets aids so be it.

What if someone has aids, and sleep with everything that moves unprotected, do you still say, "so be it"...
edit on 17-8-2016 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: Mianeye

People do that now lol. Unlike a gunman and aids carrier you would'nt be able to identify until he is basically dead anyway.

America 9/11 for example, Putting aside the fact the terrorism to war scheme was a sham to invade another country, People gave up loads of their rights and freedoms on the off chance that out of hundreds of millions they, or their immidiate family members would be killed. We have become a babysitting society. Not caring, We still let people starve to death and live on the streets unneccessarily, just babysitting and willing to be babysat.

What we have become/Are becoming is unnatural. We evolved from cavemen, to tribes, to society and now to cattle. We have started going backwards.

Technological advances, Advances in medicine etc.. gives the appearance of moving forward but as human beings we are devolving. Society is Beauty, materials, class, money, status.... People are getting boob jobs, cock extensions, botox, new noses, new jaws, chipped etc... We are a #ing plastic society and its only getting worse with each generation.

Tv = pretty face, nice body, big tits/big cock; Me = Need pretty face, nice body, big tits/big cock.
Tv= Mansion, suit, condo, apartment, Iphone, Nextgen..... You get the picture. Consumarist, Materialistic, # the poor society.

Gene editing is next, "Now you can remove your babies Unique DNA and replace is one of our very own pre sets

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: JDeLattre89
If he has his own property

"You can't own property, man! "

I went to visit MN...during the state gov freeze. Went up north onto my buddies property. All ready to get some fishin' done.

I was shocked. Couldn't fish on his own property because it's actually a resource owned by state gov.

A stream in his backyard and couldn't even fish out of it. It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad world.

edit on 17-8-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

I agree when you are talking about the US, me though, i live in a country that takes care of the homeless and are only making new laws if absolutely necessary.

We are very different from the US both the people and the government, the country is Denmark if you wish to know.

Dare i say, the best country in the world...

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Mianeye

Im not US either but as a "citizen" of the UK I get to watch my country dragged along for some of the rides. Luckily not as bad but my attack is on general society as a whole. This system of poor RICH wealth distribution, Modernised slavery and Laws replacing freedom.

Glad you live in a place like that, More than a little jealous. I have recently started a new era in my life that actually grants me more freedom. I work for a month, then I travel backpack style for 2months. I originally did so as an on the spur "# this sh!@" moment but found I really enjoyed that sense of freedom regardless of the tent instead of a house arrangement. The only difference between a backpacker and a homeless man is money anyway. But regardless of my situation I am a believer in this

"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free."

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: WanderingNomadd

Glad you live in a place like that, More than a little jealous. I have recently started a new era in my life that actually grants me more freedom. I work for a month, then I travel backpack style for 2months. I originally did so as an on the spur "# this sh!@" moment but found I really enjoyed that sense of freedom regardless of the tent instead of a house arrangement.

That part is awesome, i envy you, i always wanted to just start walking and never look back, but the problem was i never got the chance, ironicly because of money or the lack of it.

Though i just got pension as a 43 year old, so i might actually be on my way soon

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: Mianeye

Yeah that definately would be the hard part. I say I worked for a month, got paid, then quit and #ed off on some crazy ass adventure I had'nt planned out other than looking at what hygiene products there are for on the go. But I had a months worth of money saved, which paid for the months living costs while I worked, then the payday I took on my travels. So without the saving I could'nt of done it. Now though I have things in place so the cost of living while working the month is just food, no money killer like rent....# you Central Bank.

You deserve your pension even for a few years of that "5 day till death" sentence.

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