posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 08:17 PM
The UK doesn't have "free speech" enshrined in law. What we have is the "negative right to the freedom of expression and creation", what that rather
fanciful term means, is that we can say and do whatever we want, providing it does not contravene existing laws.
One of those existing laws, makes it illegal to incite violence. He contravened that one, often. We turned a blind eye to it every time, we are a very
tolerant people in general.
But he pushed too far.
He isn't going down for his beliefs, he is going down for inciting violence, recruiting for a terrorist organisation, and for organising funding for
said terrorist organisation. All three items are contary to UK statute laws. He has the freedom to incite violence, and we have the freedom to jail
his ass for it, as its against the law.