posted on Sep, 27 2016 @ 02:24 PM
nice pics, i'm just going to drop a comment about somthing flying in yorkshire in the UK and its been flying for around 5 years i know of,ive only
ever heard it as its allways cloud cover but what ever it is its loud i mean REALLY FREAKING LOUD it sounds like the sky is being torn appart.
The 1st time i heard it it scared me so bad i nearly crapped my pants! the wolds in yorkshire is quite sparce in population and as i said they fly it
in cloud cover and i guess it must be bloody fast too but that sound,christ i wish i knew what it was just out of shear curiosity.
I think its a militery jet and thats all i have, i know its lame i have no more info but i just had to mention it.
what the hell could be that freaking loud? don't mean to de-rail it's just been bugging it off my chest.