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Suicide squad review

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posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:28 AM
I have never done a movie review so bare with me...
I went to this movie with high hopes and low expectations. This is a normal attitude for me.
Spoilers are not included in the review. Maybe just a bit...

This movie starts out very slow with an attempt to develop characters. I felt absolutely no attachment to any of them with maybe the exception of Diablo. Every player was basically a cliche that we have seen a hundred times.

Deadshot. Killer with a soft spot for his daughter.
Harley Quinn. Innocent acting nut job. But she made smeared makeup look
Killer crok. Big tough guy with a heart of gold
Diablo. Lots of power and not willing to use it because he killed loved ones.
Boomerang. Coward that becomes a hero when the chips are down.
Big bad lady in charge. Evil government employee
Rick flag. Standard military tough guy with girlfriend issues.
Joker. Honestly he was not in the movie enough to get a feel for him. Not great but not terrible.

The whole movie suffered for a lack of plot.
Joker was a side character that could have been left out.
The bad guys felt like weak afterthoughts.
Fight scenes are jumbled up blurs.
There were only a few memorable lines in the whole movie and we saw most of them in trailers.

My take is wait till its on red box.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:52 AM

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Decent review.

A small group of us chose between the movies and a scrimmage.

Glad to hear my group made a good choice!

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I'm so disappointed to see this

I've been so excited for this movie because it's a new look on Joker and I love these characters, but almost every review says the same thing. Still debating on going out to see it or waiting until it's online / at red box...

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I was really looking forward to this and had really high hopes for it. My kids really liked it but I was really underwhelmed and for a lot of the same reasons you were. The pacing, especially at the beginning was super slow. The sub plot with the Joker was more of a distraction than an asset and the "villains" were forced and very poorly conceived.

They tried to recreate Guardians of the Galaxy in a way. A lesser known DC comic with even less well known anti-heroes. It worked for Guardians and just kind of floated with Suicide Squad. It didn't even really try to tread water. It was as is someone wrote a handful of really cool scenes, like the bar scene towards the end and a handful of decent dialogue and then tried to build an entire movie around it and it didn't work out as well as they hoped. It's too bad because it really had a lot of potential and just fell flat IMO. I liked the new Superman better than I did Suicide Squad. At least Zack Snyder made a visually stunning film that flowed. Even if the dialogue wasn't quite there.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I also have heard much similar reviews of the movie, I will wait until I can rent a copy of it. The main reason I would go see it, I think I'm with a lot people who got excited for suicide squad, is to see the Joker. However after seeing a few reviews I decided to wait it out, I was somewhat disappointed in seeing Skywalker at the tail end of the last star wars movie and I feel that's about what I'd get here mainly because the Joker is limited in all the trailers.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Guardians had likable heroes that you could cheer for and a plot that led somewhere and left somewhere to go.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

They tried to recreate Guardians of the Galaxy in a way. A lesser known DC comic with even less well known anti-heroes. It worked for Guardians and just kind of floated with Suicide Squad.

Guardians... is Marvel, if you meant it with "a lesser known DC comic" and not Suicide Squad

I´ll wait for the blueray.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: verschickter

The downside of replying on my phone is that sometimes the entire sentence doesn't survive between my fat fingers and autocorrect but yes, I was trying to make the analogy that DC was trying to cop off of Marvel. Guardians was Marvels B team of characters nobody outside of comic nerds really knows, that turned into a blockbuster. Similar premise with Suicide Squad for DC. It just didn't pan out though. The story suffered from lackluster writing, schizophrenic directing and studio mismanagement. As hard as they try, DC is stuck in Marvels cinematic shadow. For the time being at least. With Affleck at the helm of Justice League, I'm not holding my breath for that to be the redeemer.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

It just read a bit awkward to me

I think DC missed to plan for the future. Look what marvel did with it´s universe, leading everything up, even the "Agents of Shield"-series contribute to the whole universe. I´m not a huge fan of the DC comics, not because it´s DC, but the heroes in it. Sad for the ones more into those, they don´t have that.

I was looking forward for the release of suicide squad. But with all the reviews, I think I skip it on the theatre and wait for the blueray. Looking forward to Gambit and also Dr. Strange.

I´ll definitly go see Dr. Strange.

edit on 6-8-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: verschickter

I think you touched on another huge, missed opportunity by DC. They already have wildly popular TV series and a burgeoning TV universe centered around Arrow and The Flash. Instead of capitalizing on that and incorporating their TV universe into the cinematic and tieing it all together like Marvel did with Agents of Shield, they missed a buoy in fan base. I think it was foolish on their part but at the same time, the continued substandard fare from DC's cinematic universe won't have a negative impact on the TV 'Verse

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: peter vlar
Spot on. But then cinema wise, the marvel universe is just better to work with. DC works better with single series. Maybe Justice League can fix that a bit but what after that?

To be honest, but that´s my personal taste, Flash series on TV is a fail. I´ve looked into the first few episodes and they were not that bad but it´s gone worse. I think the sync voices for our language are way off. He sounds like a 12 year old before his voice break. The whole episode feels predictable. Without knowing the flash comics, I knew from the start that the guy in the wheelchair has dirt on his stick.
edit on 6-8-2016 by verschickter because: spelling

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

First off, I saw it last night too, and jeez there were state troopers and deputies at both cinemas I went to to find a good movie time. I absolutely enjoyed it.

The movie was too rushed in an attempt to quickly develop them. this was the only real mistake IMO . Marvel had enough smarts to develop the characters with their own movies and then meld them together into one movie. So by the time we got the Avengers, we already had the story on all the characters.

The movie was a fun thrill ride, and great for anybody who is a fan of action and comic books. I disagree that this is a wait for the Red Box. Just take it for what it is, a roller-coaster ride of mayhem and government coverups. I was really dissapointed by the Joker. The reviews of Jared Leto was that he was just killing the role. Well I think he pulled it off, but it was just too little of him.

Personally they should have gone with marvels formulas and developed a handful of characters at a time in their own movies, all ending with their apprehension. That would have made this movie not feel so rushed because they would not have had to spend the first 30 mins blitzing us with back story.

I don't think it matters. This movie was really just social conditioning to introduce the public to the fact we were partially behind ISIS this whole time, so they had to drop it in a popular movie to make it subtle.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: AmericanRealist

I'm glad you liked the movie. I just felt it was meh.
Not terrible but not worth $10.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: verschickter

oh I defdinitely agree that Marvel has way better properties that are more marketable to a wider audience. I recognized that as a kid when I first started collecting comics at 8 or 9 in the early 80's.

I like the Flash TV series but I was also a fan of the pre Crisis Barry Allen era and post Crisis Wally West era when they rebooted everything in the late 80's, except for tentpoles like Action Comics, Superman, Batman and Detective Comics. Though the John Byrne retcon of Superman was actually cool in hindsight. as a 14 or 15 year old I didn't get any of that at the time. In the comics, Flash and his entire rogues gallery of villains are kind of hokey and they definitely pull that into thr TV series so I definitely get why some people are turned off by it. Have you seen any of Arrow? The first couple of seasons were really good. I started to lose interest towards the end of season 3 and stopped watching halfway through last season.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

I did not grew up with it because we did not had the comics in our language or even aviable / knew about it in Germany.
Of course there was television, we knew batman and spiderman and such but only what was shown on TV.

Sometimes my cousin (or better his parents) from canada would send us a box with sweets and other stuff, sometimes I got action figures (always smelled funny).

I´m not watching TV that often but I remember zapping over Arrow and what I remember I liked the color setting. It´s so Agent of Shieldish ^^. Agent Carter is on my list, too.

posted on Aug, 11 2016 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Thumbs up on the review.

I felt the same. Potential but a weak script.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 09:19 PM
Pa reply to: Bluntone22

So ,
I waited until the movies cable debut. I don't go see a lot of movies in the theater the last film i bought a ticket to see was the first avengers . That was my favorite comic as a kid and there was no way I was going to miss it on the big screen.

So I apologize for the thread necromancy.

OK.let's talk about Margot Robbie's as-ahem- I mean the film..

First off like many others I felt like the characters should have had there own origin movies..or at least the main ones dead shot,HQ&joker,enchantress, and Killer Croc for sure..

Margot Robbie's ass doe...

This would have made the film feel more organic and the first 30 minutes would not have seemed like a high school audio visual clubs first attempt at a montage scene.

Calm down meat..

Margot Robbie's ass doe...

Okay..I'm in a better place..

Moving on will smith didn't screw it up ,that's a plus.and viola Davis always brings the A game..

Also Margot Robbie's
ass doe..

Seriously,Jared Leto didn't do a bad job, I think if the studio could have figured out earlier which movie they were trying to make, a lot of his scenes
would not have been left on the cutting room floor.

All in all I give this film 3 out of five stars and a "dat ass tho"


posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 09:42 PM
I was unhappy about the way they glorified violence. Also the creation of Harely quinn via sado masochistic activities with her " bad boy" boyfriend joker was upsetting. They make the thug look cool. I didn't like that. Women like Hatley are broken from abusive relationships. The American hero cliché was assisted by the enchantress placing a bomb on the subway rail. I found that symbolic.

I find this idea... bad things happen to make bad people... produces weak villians. They had the appeal of x men characters.

posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 10:38 PM
The movies portrayal of the relationship between HQ and the joker is a very watered down version of the source material..

I myself love strong female characters. Done right they evoke powerful emotion.
My favorite character in game of thrones is the 10 year old lady of bear island..

But that is not Harley Quinn..

As far as the violence..I think if you sit down and plan to watch a movie titled suicide squad about some of the worst villians in the DC universe you should expect some..

No I am not advocating spousal abuse .I'm commenting on a film.

edit on 16-4-2017 by Mike Stivic because: forgot to mention margot robbie's buttocks

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