posted on Apr, 16 2017 @ 09:19 PM
Pa reply to:
So ,
I waited until the movies cable debut. I don't go see a lot of movies in the theater the last film i bought a ticket to see was the first avengers .
That was my favorite comic as a kid and there was no way I was going to miss it on the big screen.
So I apologize for the thread necromancy.
OK.let's talk about Margot Robbie's as-ahem- I mean the film..
First off like many others I felt like the characters should have had there own origin movies..or at least the main ones dead
shot,HQ&joker,enchantress, and Killer Croc for sure..
Margot Robbie's ass doe...
This would have made the film feel more organic and the first 30 minutes would not have seemed like a high school audio visual clubs first attempt at
a montage scene.
Calm down meat..
Margot Robbie's ass doe...
Okay..I'm in a better place..
Moving on will smith didn't screw it up ,that's a plus.and viola Davis always brings the A game..
Also Margot Robbie's
ass doe..
Seriously,Jared Leto didn't do a bad job, I think if the studio could have figured out earlier which movie they were trying to make, a lot of his
would not have been left on the cutting room floor.
All in all I give this film 3 out of five stars and a "dat ass tho"