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Why Hillary?

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posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: Winstonian

Obamacare is all we could get out of the pig GOP who don’t car if people die in the street

You sound like a petulant immature child.

We have to take what we can get

"We have to take what we can get...."

That statement completely defines the neo-leftist mentality. However, the government isn't supposed to take care of you, you are supposed to, and expected to take of YOURSELF!! How can you call anyone a child with the "gimme" attitude you're displaying?

edit on 2-8-2016 by EternalShadow because: add

edit on 2-8-2016 by EternalShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Puppylove

How Hillary Clinton’s positions have changed as she’s run against Bernie Sanders

I'm not suggesting that Bernie's ENTIRE platform is and has been adopted by Hillary, but the fact that SOME of his positions where undertaken by Hillary is good. It's better than the number undertaken by Trump. 0.


She will not even try to pass any of Bernies ideas.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: shooterbrody

Thanks for your uninspired opinion, Mr. Caps Lock.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Willtell

None of Sanders ideas will be implemented. The country is going to war, and from the looks of things, a proxy war with Russia, starting in Syria.

War has historically been used to take away rights and under the guise of patriotism, improvements to society will be put on hold. You want the cost of education or healthcare fixed because Sanders made her promise? Well, sorry, we need to focus on national security and support our troops. Sacrifice your body and mind and serve if you want affordable anything, or even a job.

Why do you think Trump is throwing the election? For a man that claims he likes to win, he sure is trying hard to fail.
He'll make money on war, and get the fame he craves.

Meanwhile everyone will blindly follow a leader, who the law doesn't apply, and think it could be worse if we had Trump.

Even if Trump does win, Republican politicians have endorsed Clinton. They will impeach Trump and put Clinton or another one of their minions in. The outcome is the same.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

How is it irrelevant? If she had made him feel like she had any interest in actually implementing his policies than wouldn't he have been at least a little bit excited?

Even when she said she was going to work with Bernie on implementing his plans he didn't respond in any kind of positive way.

He looked like he had been forced to sit there and told to smile.

That's all irrelevant though right? She said she would do it so of course she'll do it. Silly me.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Bennyzilla

Because Bernie's expression is completely open to interpretation. I don't give a damn what you think about his expression. Of course it's going to be biased against my point. Duh. Irrelevant to the extreme, but its nice to see you latching onto whatever flimsy reason you can to argue against me. Shows how little you have to argue about.

Plus I don't take anything you say seriously because it's usually based on anecdotes or no sourcing. Like this post.
edit on 2-8-2016 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Passing a bill to find out what's in it is not the fault of the GOP. Try again.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Willtell

The SCOTUS choices: I tend to sit in the middle regarding policy. I mean when's the last time a president promised policy and followed through? Obamacare? They can keep it.

Obamacare: Sucks for me, I pay more now and the deductibles are ridiculous.

Civil Rights and Justice and Unity: We have had 8 years under Obama and the country is more divided then ever.

Keeping Trump away from the Job: That's an opinion and compared to Hillary I'd say he's a saint.

Temperament: Trump may say some uncalled for things, but Hillary has done far worse. How many countries has Trump torn apart compared to Hillary?

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Of course her positions have changed. That's what platforms are for, to buy your vote. To offer you promises and hope for the future.

Ok here's an example. Me an a few friends are going to throw a party, we only have so much time and money the money. Thing is we're conflicted over what kind of party we want. In the end, two of us become clearly the best choice for arranging this party. So we gather a bunch of friends. Both myself and my competitor each present our ideas for the party. We both know full well all our ideas won't get in, we simply don't have the budget or time to implement them all, and both my competitor and I have our own ideas on the party we want. Unfortunately for both of us, we're getting the money to fund this party from the same person, who has their own ideas for what they want (unfortunately no one likes this guy or his ideas, but he has the money). So my competitor and I are forced to compromise on several issues, as well as ultimately make sure our sponsors ideals get through.

So we each build our platforms, and start talking among our friends trying to garner their vote of confidence. Over time each of our platforms change as we find out more of what the people want. Our sponsor and we want to get as many people to the party as possible.

Now we've filled the platform with tons of promises, some which lots of people like, and voice their approval of, very vocally. So eventually we hold a vote, and we'll say I win, and for arguments sake, I'm a total douche. So then it comes time to decide what I do, due to budget. My sponsor has their ideas which I must do, then there's the stuff I really wanted to do, which goes next (remember I'm a sociopathic self centered douche in this example), and now we have the left over funds. With this we fulfill which promises we made we think will least screw with our vision, and butcher them as much as necessary to make them fit our vision under the excuse of budgetting constraints.

In the end it's the party has 100% of the things our sponsor wanted (Big Business/Bankers; it would have this with whichever one of us won), then it would have the stuff I and my close friends wanted (Myself and my inner circle of close allies), and finally a butchered version of what the people actually wanted in the party.

It's not the best party ever, no one's really happy about it, but it's the biggest party every year. So every year people come and pay their door fees to get in. Every year they vote for the party they want, jumping back and forth between two candidates presented to them, and every year no which they vote for they don't get what they want.

But they keep buying in, because it's the only party in town because no others will get the endorsements of the bought and pad for inner circle of popular kids.

Bernie's ideal, being what the people want, and the anti-thesis of what the sponsor wants will never be implemented, and it is, it will be some mutilated monstrosity of what it was intended to be, to make sure the party is acceptable to the sponsor.

Not the perfect analogy, to be perfect it would require a lot more subtleties and context, but is a rough idea of what platforming really is.

Remember, it doesn't matter which platform promises you manage to succeed with, it matters that you can demonstrate that you tried to fill your platform promises.

You can probably fulfill 80% of a platform without ever touching the most popular parts of it.

edit on 8/2/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/2/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

Ok let's use your analogy. When I look at the current election. Of the two people party building, one is building to an ok looking party that may or may not be a blowout, but at the very least will be fun and enjoyable. Then I see the other party and instead of a party being planned, it looks more like a planned riot. Destined to tear everything fun and enjoyable down just because everyone is pissed off. I don't want to partake in a party like that. I LOVE my country and I don't want to see it burn over pettiness. I'm so mad at Trump supporters thinking that just because Trump is different that means he is an improvement.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Me, I'm sick of the #ty parties, which both of them offer. The guy funding this # is a douche and every year, bit by bit the parties get worse. The guy constantly misuses the money he makes, and crushes every other ideas people have for better parties. Like a thug he's monopolized the fun party industry, and tries to keep us pacified with two options. Both designed to benefit him, while giving the illusion of being a choice which will result in a more tolerable party.

Well screw him, I'm not supporting him or his #ty idea of what a party should be.

Remember in the end it's the sponsor (TPTB) that's in control of both parties. The rest is a dog and pony show to keep us stupid.

Addendum: Oh and you're missing the point, with neither candidate do you get that party you want. They are lying to you, and playing on your desires with false promises mixed up among a lot of things you will really not like. The sponsor hates you, and everyone else and what they want is what you're getting, either way. The thing your missing is that, you're silly enough to buy into the lies, and and actually think that the party will be fun for you if one side wins.
edit on 8/2/2016 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Being forced to pay for overpriced insurance? The GOP wanted it too, they are on the same damn team. I sound immature because I do not want someone forcing me to pay for some cronie insider capitalist garbage? Really?

If you are okay with Obamacare, that must mean that you are poor and don't make any money.

Or maybe it's the opposite. Maybe you are an insider that is filthy rich and you enjoy watching the middle class struggle to make ends meet while you live in your mansion of corruption.

Which is it?

Such a common response from you, calling names. Keep on voting for your slavery.

What a cowardly thing to say "we have to take what we can get."

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:05 PM
You poor people don’t understand we ALWAYS get and will get a choice of less of two evils.

You could criticize Hillary all you want and I might agree with you but your thinking is all crooked.

The first thing I said was Hillary was like a wolverine in heat…that’s NOT a compliment


This system is a lessor of two evils Hobson system

In other words you get either f___ed in the back or the front but you’re getting f___ed

Grow up and wake up!

...understand the system first then come up with a solution rather than just being Pavlov dogs of emotion

edit on 2-8-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Willtell

And one more thing. All you ever do is insult people and call people names. You can never have an intelligent discussion because all you, and several other leftists on this website, do nothing but call names and use dirty debate tactics.

If you had any reasonable arguments to support your positions, why would you need to call people names at all? Why would you need to use your nonsense adhom tactics?

Every time I see the leftist insult crew out, I know that the conversation will devolve into nonsense.

Argue with ideas, not with insults.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: Winstonian
a reply to: Willtell

And one more thing. All you ever do is insult people and call people names. You can never have an intelligent discussion because all you, and several other leftists on this website, do nothing but call names and use dirty debate tactics.

If you had any reasonable arguments to support your positions, why would you need to call people names at all? Why would you need to use your nonsense adhom tactics?

Every time I see the leftist insult crew out, I know that the conversation will devolve into nonsense.

Argue with ideas, not with insults.

I insult both right and left crooked politicians...If you had read the post you would have seen that

I do and always will insult the politicians as a glib way of infusing the sight with a little action but where have you seen me insult individuals on this site.

I don't do that.

I don’t insult the little people

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:21 PM
Why Hillary....because Trump is worse in every way, is dangerous and a liar.
That is Why.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Winstonian

Btw, you just attacked me.

I’ve written hundreds of ops on this site

Some glib political stuff like this and some serious stuff you’ll NEVER see me attack an individual like you just attacked me.

Lesson: before you criticize others look in the mirror

I am the mirror

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Winstonian

Hillary's ideas of immigration reform which includes a pathway to citizenship is better than Trump's plan to build a giant wall and mass deport families.

Hillary's ideas to embrace Black Lives Matter AND All Lives Matter is better than Trump's idea to reject Black Lives Matter and replace it with the antagonist Blue Lives Matter.

Hillary's idea to NOT ask Russia to commit espionage on her opponent is much wiser than Trump's open call on Russia to hack and release his opponent's emails.

Hillary's campaign slogan "Stronger Together" is actually better and TRUTHFUL compared to Trump's isolationist selfish slogan "America First".

established career and cool under pressure attitude make her highly more qualified to take on the role of President over Trump's narcissistic mental disorder and thin skin which results in countless bad choices.

And did you watch the two conventions? Fear porn vs love and togetherness.

edit on 2-8-2016 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: Gin
Most Hillary supporters will NOT watch them.

Its "right wing propaganda".

Only watch what confirms your bias, no need to be triggered.

If it isn't on the main stream news it can't be true.


posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: Winstonian

Obamacare is all we could get out of the pig GOP who don’t car if people die in the street

You sound like a petulant immature child.

We have to take what we can get

Not one person on the right voted for Obamacare.

It was rammed down our throats and secured with a "right wing" Supreme Court.

Yeah, real conservative that court is.

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