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It does seem to state in Isaiah 65 that those outside of new Jerusalem will live one-hundred years, die and face judgement in the new heaven and earth, however there are some problems I see with your interpretation of this scripture concerning the timeline of the judgment. Firstly, neither John nor Isaiah 65 states that the adopted sons of god, or the bride of Christ will face judgement. The great white throne of judgement is for all who are NOT of the bride of Christ. They, the unbelievers will be judged according to their works. Those who are not found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire along with the rest of the filth that worshipped the beast, his image and took the mark in their forehead. They, along with death and hell itself will cease to exist, as all will be cast into the lake of fire. So Isaiah says that those who are not of the bride of Christ outside of the new Jerusalem will die at one hundred years then be judged, but John says that the judgement occurs before the creation of the heavens and the earth, not after. In the new heaven and earth, sin and henceforth death itself will be no more. The whoremongers, the adulterer's, the sorcerer's, etc, will cease to exist in the new heavens, as they will all in fact have their place in the lake of fire, NOT to the tree of life in the kingdom of God like it says those listed in the book of life will in Revelation 22.
We have a much too small idea of God. Much too small; don't try to put God in a box. Your box will never be big enough.
originally posted by: Seede
a reply to: Dcopymope
It does seem to state in Isaiah 65 that those outside of new Jerusalem will live one-hundred years, die and face judgement in the new heaven and earth, however there are some problems I see with your interpretation of this scripture concerning the timeline of the judgment. Firstly, neither John nor Isaiah 65 states that the adopted sons of god, or the bride of Christ will face judgement. The great white throne of judgement is for all who are NOT of the bride of Christ. They, the unbelievers will be judged according to their works. Those who are not found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire along with the rest of the filth that worshipped the beast, his image and took the mark in their forehead. They, along with death and hell itself will cease to exist, as all will be cast into the lake of fire. So Isaiah says that those who are not of the bride of Christ outside of the new Jerusalem will die at one hundred years then be judged, but John says that the judgement occurs before the creation of the heavens and the earth, not after. In the new heaven and earth, sin and henceforth death itself will be no more. The whoremongers, the adulterer's, the sorcerer's, etc, will cease to exist in the new heavens, as they will all in fact have their place in the lake of fire, NOT to the tree of life in the kingdom of God like it says those listed in the book of life will in Revelation 22.
I believe you are confusing the New Jerusalem with the new heaven and new earth along with the word judgement. Let's clear up judgment first. When any soul dies it is then immediately judged and either rewarded to live in the kingdom of heaven or be bound in Sheol. This will go on till the last day of this creation. I do not subscribe to reincarnation in a afterlife nor to a purgatory in the afterlife. All people will die and be judged immediately upon death with either New Jerusalem or Sheol being their rewards. That is the doctrine of Jesus and James and the rabbinical doctrine is vastly different than that of James.
At the last day of this creation there will be a final gathering of all who are living. Up to this last gathering (second resurrection) all of the dead have been judged and are either in Sheol or New Jerusalem. These people who are alive at this last day are the only ones who will then stand before the white throne judgement. All of the rest who have died prior to this are already judged and sentenced to heaven or Sheol. Now after the final white throne judgment, all of the human race has died and has been judged. There are no more bad people left of the human race and there is no more of this universe of terrestrial substances. Everything terrestrial is now gone.
Now, the New Jerusalem is the only place left of the human race. Death and the universe is completely dissolved. New Jerusalem is the only sanctuary for the human race.
Then the Father God presents a new heaven and earth and another great mystery unfolds. That little aborted child or mentally challenged person is restored to flesh and blood with complete faculties and placed upon the new heaven and earth. New Jerusalem then descends upon the new world and now we see the children are given one hundred years to become sanctified citizens of the New Jerusalem. Isaiah nor the apostle John reveals where they have been kept. I do not believe any man can know that mystery.
The only judgment left at this point will be the children who have matured and their one hundred years exhausted. Once the children mature and all have been judged is another story which no one that I have heard has the answer.
As of today we do not know whether the new heaven or the new earth has been created and waiting. We are told in the scriptures that New Jerusalem has been created and is inhabited and is known as the kingdom of heaven but we do not know whether it has united with the new world as yet. There is much that Isaiah and John were not told. At this point we know that the terrible sin of killing children will be dealt with in the future.
TextI'm aware that when someone dies they either go to hell, also referred to as Sheol, or to another place referred to as "Abraham's bosom". As you state, it most certainly is not purgatory, because this is not some detoxification program for the soul as taught in Catholicism. Ditto for reincarnation, as it is stated that it is appointed unto man to live one life and then face judgement, so we all know it is blasphemy. However, scripture also makes it very clear that there is a third place to which no soul has yet to be sent called 'the lake of fire'. There is only one judgement and that judgement has not occurred. The lake of fire will be the final judgement for both man and angel. The realm of the dead, Sheol itself, will be cast into the lake of fire. It is made very clear that this does not occur until the second Resurrection of all of the dead to ever exist in history, when they will stand before God on the throne and be judged according to their works. There is no discrimination of exactly who among the dead will face judgement, it simply states that all unbelievers both small and great will face judgement. Again, this is NOT the bride of Christ, the whole point in becoming the bride of Christ to begin with is to escape Gods judgement, to become blameless for your sins through the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. These are the people of the first Resurrection, of which sin and henceforth death will no longer apply. Jesus Christ is like the ultimate bailout, the get out of jail card, where the ransom has been paid for the soul of every man, and its up to us to accept that ransom and repent of our inner scum. If this is not the case and I as a believer will still face judgement, then it nullifies the entire Gospel and the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as savior. It is blasphemy of the highest order. This is how I understand it as it is plainly stated in kings English for all to understand. I don't need to make it anymore complicated than that, that is the beauty of the simplicity of Gods word. edit on 10-8-2016 by Dcopymope because: (no reason given)
I am a student of the Urantia Book. It teaches that all people, no matter how advanced or primitive their religious understanding is will go to what we would call heaven. This includes children. In the end all individuals must make their own informed and personal choice if they want to continue the ascent to paradise.
originally posted by: PrairieShepherd
Perfect mercy does not allow an innocent child to go to eternal torment. He is not going to condemn innocents to eternal torment and separation from Him, period.
In heaven, children are there, all the ones who died young, in childbirth, or were aborted.
"In 1988, evangelist Jesse Duplantis was taken up into Heaven. While he was there, he saw a multitude of small children, singing and praising God as they played little harps. When he asked the angel who had brought him there who they were, he was told they were the children the earth did not want. As Duplantis watched these children, who appeared to be from three to ten years old, he realized that they were children who had been lost to abortion. The angel explained to him that these children longed to see their mothers come to Heaven and be reunited with them." Source
"This dome," said my guide, "is the place where all infants from earth are gathered for instruction. The outer buildings are the nurseries where they are first brought, to be nourished by their guardian angel."
"Whenever an infant dies on earth, the guardian angel who brings it here considers all of its abilities and places it with others of similar ability. According to its artistic, scientific or social abilities, each is given a home best suited to the development of its gifts."
Nine Days in Heaven: The Vision of Marietta Davis: Dennis Prince, Nolene Prince
"I believe all she says is true. (Marietta Davis) I too was able to see where the infants are. Everything she described was as I saw it. But I saw and was told more specifically they were all the babies that were born and died, and miscarriages and abortions. I was only allowed in that one room, I was not allowed to travel around like she was. When I was there, I was at home. That is where we belong. Make every effort to get there." Source
"Colton, still 4 years old, told his mother “you had a baby die in your tummy didn’t you”, which completely shocked them both because they had never told him about their miscarriage. They asked him how he knew and he said that he met his sister in Heaven and she told him what happened."
"Well he’s 7 years old now and it took a couple of years for his parents to really understand what happened, but when Colton Burpo was four years he was having surgery in the hospital for a burst appendix. While he was in surgery he apparently had some sort of out of body experience and could see what his parents were doing. He witnessed that his dad was praying and his mom on her cellphone. Both parents say they have no clue how he knew that, but that it’s absolutely true. And the story just gets more interesting from there.
Apparently during the same surgery Colton went to Heaven where he recounts how he met his grandfather who he had never known, who he later recognized in photos. The interesting thing is that he didn’t recognize photos of his grandfather as an old man with glasses, which is how everyone knew him, but rather as a young man. Colton’s father literally had go find a photo of ‘Pop’ as a young man before Colton was able to recognize him. Now that’s pretty wild. Source
originally posted by: ClownFish
a reply to: PrairieShepherd
That threw me for a loop, because I was not expecting to hear a voice like that in my head. And it threw me for a loop because I didn't understand the answer. But at some level, it quieted my very Soul and replaced my tendency to manifest silly questions in my head and instead, just listen to the Silence.
And I offer this with another wince. I may have just killed it off in another fashion! What I was TRYING to do was to offer another perspective to the question, perhaps a tad broader.
What happens to children when they die?... What happens to anyone when they die?
He was there and then he was gone. Where did he go? Did he die? What is death? What is life? Am I alive? Are you?
An innocent and naive young woman once asked an innocent and naive question...but a not so naive sounding Voice replied. For me, the reply was incomprehensible and yet it made a world of sense, at some incomprehensible level.
How? I don't know. Perhaps because, at its very core, it told me that I was not alone. Not by what He said, but by the very experience itself. So, an hour later, and after first bracing myself to look at my first corpse up close...a moment that no mother can prepare for... I saw nothing...and it was okay. It was more than okay. It was a Mysterious Blessing. I didn't know where he went, but I knew he "wasn't stuck in some corpse" if that makes any sense at all... I knew that he still was and ever will be.
Spirit is spirit. Different cultures interpret that differently. That's all. I was just sharing my interpretation, loose ended as it may be.
Yet, does God speak ancient Hebrew, or Koine Greek? Likely not. What would God speak as His native tongue? If the ultimate purpose of language is to convey thoughts, ideas, feeling, or information, and God is perfect, wouldn't perfect communication be simply knowing? If God wished to convey something to you, seems to me this would be exactly how it would occur.
I've picked up a few books on Theology....and then I sat them right back down! I didn't understand a lick of it. In my opinion, Jesus cursed the fig tree because he was having a bad day and I liked that reaction. I especially liked the fact that it was illogical! But then I read where the theologians said it had to do with the Jews.
They all got caught up over trying to define God....And this I find amusing....
God can make "HimSelf" (HerSelf/ItSelf) most complicated for the theologians, and most simple for the simple, and most Jewish for the Jews and most Christian for the Christians, and most ... but you get that.
The problem with language is that we who use it are human...thread drift and all...but my appreciation to the OP and to you for giving me a brief voice in this regard.
Of course, this is just my $0.02
When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lilly with the other...Chinese Proverb
There's a pretty picture to go with it but I still haven't figured out how you folks do that.