I am not going to debate whether that Karma exists or not because there is CERTAINLY no way to prove'
whether it exists!
Hear me out, I do like to subscribe to the idea that good will finally be rewarded and that evil people
will finally get their due justice. Everyone feels good when there is a justice system that will weigh
our dues and merits and then met out punishments and good fortune accordingly. Therefore, there is no
need for revenge and somehow the universe will take care of things.
This is the idea that the website above propagate. However, as much as I like a divine power
being able to control all these forces my reasoning tells me that this is just impossible.
Sure, you hear on the papers how a drug lord gets busted and put to jail. But there are MANY evil and bad guys
who get away with their sins. There are lots of wealthy criminals who live lavish and extravagant long lives
and never get caught and there are lots of good people who die poor and tragically with troubled lives.
Karma devotees will say that, hey karma is not linear and will find a way whether it is this life or the next. This
is the reason why some bad people are still able to live good lives they pay their dues the next life. Well, my
question to this people is how exactly do you proof that? The onus is on this people to prove that Karma
exists yet if they can't proof it in a person's lifetime they can just conveniently use the excuse that it will
happen in the next! Somehow, they speak it like fact even though it is just a belief! Did god personally came down
and gave a divine revelation or something? If not how the heck can they believe it to be concrete
besides just a personal belief? Well, ancient Chinese once believe that a monster is eating up the sun during
an eclipse, and even beat drums to chase the monster away, you get the idea.
Also, on a personal level, I was almost sinless up to the age of 18. The only bad thing I can recall doing was
irritating a girl when I was 13-14 because I liked her, but that was like a puppy crush, my first time with girls and
eventually I said sorry about my behaviour when I was more matured. But still, I was bullied from as young as 8
in class because I was too good in class(perhaps), I was always having good grades and was more quiet/conservative when
young which may be a target for bullying. Also, when I did have my first real gf at 17 or so, something really really
bad happened to me that caused us to break. I can't imagine why so many misfortunes happen to me.
On the other hand, during my working experience,I managed to
convince a client to work with me rather then a colleague which secured me a hefty commission.
I just viewed it as being competitive, not evil. Obviously, there's a tinge of guilt but being a little selfish
and greedy and I was able to be paid handsomely and be properly rewarded. After that I even gained
respect? Maybe a little jealously from the other colleague (Who previously berated me that I was incompetent
in my job). It sure feels good to be on the dark side.
My personal experiences tells me its all random, although its complex, and sure you have a higher chance of something bad
happen to you if you do something bad because people will resent you and then try to take revenge against you but those that
don't and never get caught usually gets away scot free. Thoughts on this? Any Karma stories or unjust to share?