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Fireman Sam character is shown STANDING on a page of the Koran

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posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: Jonjonj

originally posted by: AMNicks

originally posted by: Jonjonj

originally posted by: AMNicks

originally posted by: imod02
Its well known that GB is a 3th world muslim country so no surorise about all the trouble it caused

oh i thought it was a 2th?

I always thought we were a 1th world country, but with that whole Brexit thingy...

S*%T theres me thinking the 0nd world country was upon us

You missed ordinal number class, clearly. That is 0th...

OMG im so embarrassed...

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: AMNicks

Don't worry, people are far too busy watching Postman Pat* being infidelical!!!

They don't care!

Edit: *Fireman Sam (owning my failure)

edit on 27-7-2016 by Jonjonj because: Oh dear

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: AMNicks

Maybe Fireman Sam is Muslim and the Koran is symbolically the foundation on which he stands.

That's just as valid an interpretation.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: MotherMayEye
Damn that was good!

With all the mental gymnastics that has to be one of the best I have seen!!!!

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

when i go to church, if my vicar started preaching about how we should commit crime against the barbaric east.. then yes i would blame my Vicar!

Simply saying double standards are a pain does not produce a double standard, We are at war with Islam, no matter which way you sarcastically paint it the world is at war with Islam. So yes i will blame a highly authoritative figure in the muslim community for failing at his job, because jihadists arent bred from going to church, they are bred at the mosques, they are bred in the community, they are bred in the family.

When they are at your door, because you've aloud yourself to "accept" there hateful and disgusting ways, i hope you are willing to convert.. either that or your throat is awfully knife proof

And you have proof an Imam at a French Mosque said this to either that were involved in the kidnapping and murder of the priest who died in this horrific attack, and that the leader of the French Muslim council knew about that and let it happen? I'm guessing the answer is no.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

Well actions speak louder than words, i want to see muslims and a grand scale in the west openly condemning not just the murders but the damaging areas in their culture..

Mr Boubakeur has failed.. as not only the president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, but also as a teacher.

Tell me how can you trust someone who is in the center of the Muslim community in France? A community that has bred jihad?

Sorry, absolutely pointless post. How can you trust a community leader of any faith/ no faith in any society if some of its members commit crimes? Answer - don't try and blame everyone else. Your comments are pointless and nonsensical. Do you blame priests/clergy for every Christian criminal? No, double standards are a pain, aren't they?

If a person is muslim they follow islam, islam is killing and raping in Europe, its what the leaders of islam want, a few to do the killing a few more to do the raping and all the rest of the muslims to surport it

Whatever you like to think, that's your business. But it is what you like to think, I guess it starts off with how bias you are.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: AMNicks

I cant help thinking if this was a page from the bible, no one would bat an eye?

May have something to do with Christians not bursting into a Mosque and beheading the Imam in front to a congregation.


Recently? No..
Ever... Not sure the answer is no to be honest.

Aslo the fireman sam episode is not an old classic one, it's one of the newer CGI ones.
edit on 27/7/2016 by Taggart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

Well actions speak louder than words, i want to see muslims and a grand scale in the west openly condemning not just the murders but the damaging areas in their culture..

Mr Boubakeur has failed.. as not only the president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, but also as a teacher.

Tell me how can you trust someone who is in the center of the Muslim community in France? A community that has bred jihad?

Sorry, absolutely pointless post. How can you trust a community leader of any faith/ no faith in any society if some of its members commit crimes? Answer - don't try and blame everyone else. Your comments are pointless and nonsensical. Do you blame priests/clergy for every Christian criminal? No, double standards are a pain, aren't they?

If a person is muslim they follow islam, islam is killing and raping in Europe, its what the leaders of islam want, a few to do the killing a few more to do the raping and all the rest of the muslims to surport it

Whatever you like to think, that's your business. But it is what you like to think, I guess it starts off with how bias you are.

BTW im tird of people like you been rolled out to defend killers, islam is not evil when its kept in its own culture, but it does not belong in Europe and has no place here

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:16 PM
Cant wait for the Mohamed special of Peppa Pig.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

Well actions speak louder than words, i want to see muslims and a grand scale in the west openly condemning not just the murders but the damaging areas in their culture..

Mr Boubakeur has failed.. as not only the president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, but also as a teacher.

Tell me how can you trust someone who is in the center of the Muslim community in France? A community that has bred jihad?

Sorry, absolutely pointless post. How can you trust a community leader of any faith/ no faith in any society if some of its members commit crimes? Answer - don't try and blame everyone else. Your comments are pointless and nonsensical. Do you blame priests/clergy for every Christian criminal? No, double standards are a pain, aren't they?

If a person is muslim they follow islam, islam is killing and raping in Europe, its what the leaders of islam want, a few to do the killing a few more to do the raping and all the rest of the muslims to surport it

Whatever you like to think, that's your business. But it is what you like to think, I guess it starts off with how bias you are.

BTW im tird of people like you been rolled out to defend killers, islam is not evil when its kept in its own culture, but it does not belong in Europe and has no place here

I'm not defending or attacking anyone, just making sure I'm keeping my eyes open to all issues. You want to vilify a whole religion due to extremists who, let's be honest, were fed fuel by wars raged by Europe and America on the Middle East. This is horrible for us all to swallow, but in a way we are reaping what through our collective countries we have sown, I'm not saying that to excuse anything, but it's fairly much a fact, like it or not.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Martin75
Maybe it was slipped in by the designer as a subliminal warning: Watch out for those who carry the Koran, don't slip up, be vigilant.

Or maybe it was just supposed to be a napkin or tray liner, or reminiscent of carrying in the daily news with a tea tray.

I am going with an attempt at subliminal warning about the dangers of those who are with the Koran. Maybe NOT ALL (stressing this since so many on here seem to believe it is all or nothing) but a warning nonetheless.

ETA: Maybe the animator was drawing this near the time of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, perhaps it was a sympathetic gesture.

edit on 27-7-2016 by evc1shop because: eta

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

Well actions speak louder than words, i want to see muslims and a grand scale in the west openly condemning not just the murders but the damaging areas in their culture..

Mr Boubakeur has failed.. as not only the president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, but also as a teacher.

Tell me how can you trust someone who is in the center of the Muslim community in France? A community that has bred jihad?

Sorry, absolutely pointless post. How can you trust a community leader of any faith/ no faith in any society if some of its members commit crimes? Answer - don't try and blame everyone else. Your comments are pointless and nonsensical. Do you blame priests/clergy for every Christian criminal? No, double standards are a pain, aren't they?

If a person is muslim they follow islam, islam is killing and raping in Europe, its what the leaders of islam want, a few to do the killing a few more to do the raping and all the rest of the muslims to surport it

Whatever you like to think, that's your business. But it is what you like to think, I guess it starts off with how bias you are.

BTW im tird of people like you been rolled out to defend killers, islam is not evil when its kept in its own culture, but it does not belong in Europe and has no place here

I'm not defending or attacking anyone, just making sure I'm keeping my eyes open to all issues. You want to vilify a whole religion due to extremists who, let's be honest, were fed fuel by wars raged by Europe and America on the Middle East. This is horrible for us all to swallow, but in a way we are reaping what through our collective countries we have sown, I'm not saying that to excuse anything, but it's fairly much a fact, like it or not.

islam has a hate for the west, it was coming for the west nomatter what so dont bring the so called wars into it. The second the tight controls were taken of islam in the ME countrys it showed its true colours and started killing

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

Well actions speak louder than words, i want to see muslims and a grand scale in the west openly condemning not just the murders but the damaging areas in their culture..

Mr Boubakeur has failed.. as not only the president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, but also as a teacher.

Tell me how can you trust someone who is in the center of the Muslim community in France? A community that has bred jihad?

Sorry, absolutely pointless post. How can you trust a community leader of any faith/ no faith in any society if some of its members commit crimes? Answer - don't try and blame everyone else. Your comments are pointless and nonsensical. Do you blame priests/clergy for every Christian criminal? No, double standards are a pain, aren't they?

If a person is muslim they follow islam, islam is killing and raping in Europe, its what the leaders of islam want, a few to do the killing a few more to do the raping and all the rest of the muslims to surport it

Whatever you like to think, that's your business. But it is what you like to think, I guess it starts off with how bias you are.

BTW im tird of people like you been rolled out to defend killers, islam is not evil when its kept in its own culture, but it does not belong in Europe and has no place here

I'm not defending or attacking anyone, just making sure I'm keeping my eyes open to all issues. You want to vilify a whole religion due to extremists who, let's be honest, were fed fuel by wars raged by Europe and America on the Middle East. This is horrible for us all to swallow, but in a way we are reaping what through our collective countries we have sown, I'm not saying that to excuse anything, but it's fairly much a fact, like it or not.

islam has a hate for the west, it was coming for the west nomatter what so dont bring the so called wars into it. The second the tight controls were taken of islam in the ME countrys it showed its true colours and started killing

I'm not defending terrorists who kill the innocent, but tell me again, who declared a crusade in 2001?

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Martin75

Art is subjective. People will usually see what they want to see.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: AMNicks

One man's trash is another man's treasure. I'm just not sure why anyone should act outraged if their treasures aren't seen in the same light by the rest of society which simply sees a piece of trash.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 05:35 PM
I don't really get why people struggle with this. The Koran is not meant to be put put on the floor, standing on a Koran is a big no no. Some animator thought they could have a joke, like the Disney guys sticking things in their films. They got found out, apologies were made, the company who made it lost business. All very straight forward.

posted on Jul, 27 2016 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
I don't really get why people struggle with this. The Koran is not meant to be put put on the floor, standing on a Koran is a big no no.

Amazon- Koran

IMO, anything which can be purchased on Amazon in exchange for money can be utilized in whatever manner the purchaser opts to use it in. In that same vein, artists and cartoonists have always been a major part of the counter culture movements in society, granting them a lot of leeway. The book and its pages are just wood pulp with ink on them, it's the message that counts. If that message is so flimsy that "disrespect" of the physical depiction of the source is viewed with this much vitriol, then self introspection and adoption of a more concrete philosophical beliefs system may be called for.
edit on 27-7-2016 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2016 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

Well actions speak louder than words, i want to see muslims and a grand scale in the west openly condemning not just the murders but the damaging areas in their culture..

Mr Boubakeur has failed.. as not only the president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, but also as a teacher.

Tell me how can you trust someone who is in the center of the Muslim community in France? A community that has bred jihad?

Sorry, absolutely pointless post. How can you trust a community leader of any faith/ no faith in any society if some of its members commit crimes? Answer - don't try and blame everyone else. Your comments are pointless and nonsensical. Do you blame priests/clergy for every Christian criminal? No, double standards are a pain, aren't they?

If a person is muslim they follow islam, islam is killing and raping in Europe, its what the leaders of islam want, a few to do the killing a few more to do the raping and all the rest of the muslims to surport it

Whatever you like to think, that's your business. But it is what you like to think, I guess it starts off with how bias you are.

BTW im tird of people like you been rolled out to defend killers, islam is not evil when its kept in its own culture, but it does not belong in Europe and has no place here

I'm not defending or attacking anyone, just making sure I'm keeping my eyes open to all issues. You want to vilify a whole religion due to extremists who, let's be honest, were fed fuel by wars raged by Europe and America on the Middle East. This is horrible for us all to swallow, but in a way we are reaping what through our collective countries we have sown, I'm not saying that to excuse anything, but it's fairly much a fact, like it or not.

islam has a hate for the west, it was coming for the west nomatter what so dont bring the so called wars into it. The second the tight controls were taken of islam in the ME countrys it showed its true colours and started killing

I'm not defending terrorists who kill the innocent, but tell me again, who declared a crusade in 2001?

Use of the word "crusade" shows how poor your training is, trying to move guilt to us is so childish, tight control was removed from islam and it became the killing machine that islam is. Strange how islam wants everyone to feel guilt, but islam is the sick killing machine that knows no guilt.

posted on Jul, 28 2016 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: AMNicks
a reply to: uncommitted

Well actions speak louder than words, i want to see muslims and a grand scale in the west openly condemning not just the murders but the damaging areas in their culture..

Mr Boubakeur has failed.. as not only the president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, but also as a teacher.

Tell me how can you trust someone who is in the center of the Muslim community in France? A community that has bred jihad?

Sorry, absolutely pointless post. How can you trust a community leader of any faith/ no faith in any society if some of its members commit crimes? Answer - don't try and blame everyone else. Your comments are pointless and nonsensical. Do you blame priests/clergy for every Christian criminal? No, double standards are a pain, aren't they?

If a person is muslim they follow islam, islam is killing and raping in Europe, its what the leaders of islam want, a few to do the killing a few more to do the raping and all the rest of the muslims to surport it

Whatever you like to think, that's your business. But it is what you like to think, I guess it starts off with how bias you are.

BTW im tird of people like you been rolled out to defend killers, islam is not evil when its kept in its own culture, but it does not belong in Europe and has no place here

I'm not defending or attacking anyone, just making sure I'm keeping my eyes open to all issues. You want to vilify a whole religion due to extremists who, let's be honest, were fed fuel by wars raged by Europe and America on the Middle East. This is horrible for us all to swallow, but in a way we are reaping what through our collective countries we have sown, I'm not saying that to excuse anything, but it's fairly much a fact, like it or not.

islam has a hate for the west, it was coming for the west nomatter what so dont bring the so called wars into it. The second the tight controls were taken of islam in the ME countrys it showed its true colours and started killing

I'm not defending terrorists who kill the innocent, but tell me again, who declared a crusade in 2001?

Use of the word "crusade" shows how poor your training is, trying to move guilt to us is so childish, tight control was removed from islam and it became the killing machine that islam is. Strange how islam wants everyone to feel guilt, but islam is the sick killing machine that knows no guilt.

I didn't use the word, George W did.

posted on Jul, 28 2016 @ 07:55 AM
I expect a visit from the boys in blue over this next sentence:- hire a transport plane, fill it with pages from the bible, fly over Mecca, dump the pages, lets hear what happens, or see, either, I don't mind.

Islam means 'submit' not 'peace'
edit on 28-7-2016 by pikestaff because: to add the last sentence.

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