posted on Dec, 29 2019 @ 02:21 PM
I thought this was bullsh*t for women/new age magazines until I met someone... I had to completely rethink my definitions of "love". There is
definitely different levels... In my opinion, most people you meet in your life are your "soulmates". It was planned and you were supposed to meet
them to make your soul grow. Now talking about "love". Most people will never experience or give "unconditional love" during their lifetimes. Even
your children, it's not "unconditional love" despite what people say. It's conditional. They must be your kids. People look for love during all
their lives in other people, when it was always in them. Self-love is the ultimate/original love. God is (eternally) alone in the universe.
When He loves himself, the universe appears. The people you cross, you see everyday, they are You. When people say "they fall in love", they just mean
they finally "see" themselves in someone else. They found their "mirrors", their own reflections. In reality, you're not loving someone else, this is
You. You're imitating God's first act. You're loving Yourself. Don't get fooled. If you had eternity on your hand, you'd find out that everything and
literally everyone around you is just... You. Existence is basically God giving himself a hug, probably for being so lonely. Can't blame him. During
your life, remember to love and forgive every-one you meet... But do this to your-Self first. You are your ultimate soulmate. If
you look for your soulmate-true love somewhere else, you-still-don't understand what the Self is and what we truly are. You are true Love.