posted on Jul, 22 2016 @ 09:35 PM
Dunno if I should post this in "food" or here in "General".
So where are you tonight? Me, I'm sitting in what we call a "C-can". it's air conditioned and we've got great Wi-Fi, but that's about it. I'm
sitting here 'enjoying' two "meals". Both of them come in a pouch, an MRE pouch. I just finished some "Chili and Macaroni", and I'm now working on
some "Beef Enchilada in Sauce". Thank Gawd for a long spoon! I think I got better than some of the other guys. They were all griping about some
kinda' "vegetable" something or other.
They call this place "north", but it sure as hell doesn't seem north to me! It's hotter than a two dollar pistol here! Triple digit temps, just
'stroke' hot!! We keep the C-can cold, feels like about -25F walking in here. It's great! At least we can sleep. Two people per "can"; roommate
has been here longer than me...good guy. He snores, and he says I do too, but I don't believe him!! LOL! I could care less, at least its cool.
Outta here tomorrow (I hope). Back to the cows.
Best all!!
From "north" BFE!!
edit on 7/22/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)