From a Turkish friend early this morning:
"First army go bridges in İstanbul . They said they go For a Training. Test. But commander send them For coup.
But not all army. Some army doesnt know this plan. Chief of Army doesnt know. And one commander went his place and take him as hostage... These army
occupy his place and send many soldiers a mail. " go out soldiers. All of you are fired by goverment. Army tried to take control of goverment. "
And some army personels went to TRT, turkish channel. They take as hostage channel personels. And they are talking in TV "army take a control. People
go out the street." President Erdogan connect another channel with 3G video talk. He said he is in plane and he is going to airport. He said "Army
wants to take control. But you cant. I want all people go out the streets and stop army. Only army cant take control of government. Civil people
select us. If civil people doesnt want,they doesn't choose us and we go away. These army personels are terrorist. Not all army are tried to control of
country. Only some army personels. Army cant order people. Army cant say 'stay at home' to people.."
Some Army personels wanted people stay in home. and they planned who is president, who is chief of army. They planned to kill real president and prime
minister and chief of army .
People remembered 1980 which army took down goverment and took control of country. It was bad days. People couldn't go out in these days. And People
doesn't want these days again and they go out to stop army
Some people hate president. but they go out too. They don't want army took control.
The biggest corps; First corps and second corps' commander said "we are not joining these people. We don't want to take down goverment who people
select. We don't want to be politic, we are here to save our people and country. I order all soldiers come back. All F16 come back. if they don't come
back, they will be enemy. We will shot all planes which don't come back."
And Police , civil people battle with these soldiers who want to take control of country. 161 people and police died. These soldiers are small group
in army. They are terrorist. They get order from Pennsylvania. Fetullah Gülen is in there who we accept he is terrorist, use religion and want to
Fetullah Gülen wants a battle in Turkey and kill President, kill prime minister, kill chief of army to take control.
People tried to stop soldiers in Ankara. İn istanbul too.
Some bad soldiers kill people. They attacked our parliament, F16 drop bombs to Parliament.
Some armies are confused when they see people and they don't want to hit them. They drop guns and leave guns.
we hear planes and we see helicopters shot . special operations team of Police; do operation and save Chief of Commander. And they take control of
if all army joined to this coup, these soldiers could be success. But Big armies didn't join. Big armies' commanders said soldiers "go back. This
order is not ours. This order is from terrorist. "
In morning, 2847 sodiers are arrested.
161 civil people and police died. 1500 people injured
but these people save our democracy.
and we are celebrating Democracy Victory.
I hope i can explain
I hope I could explain.
we are in safe. it was big event and People showed "Army can't take control. Civil People can change goverment if they don't want. Noone can forbid us
to leave our street. "
all Member of Parliament from different politic parties, condemned the incident. They said "Democracy should continue, Army can't take control of
We are angry and sad our parliament building shotted and bombed 7 times. Police building bombed. Police school bombed
anyway. Civil People show power and We are saying, We are not Egypt we are not Syria.
There will be not battle in here. No soldiers can order us. Soldiers should save us from terrorists. they should save us from other countries'
we protect our selection rights.
if people don't like goverment, they can choose other parties in election.
Of course government is not innocent too.
But if we want to change government we have election to do this.
And we hate tanks in streets and planes F16 fly over city. And people went out.."
I'm sorry for his english seems to be worst than mine, but i hope you do understand what he is saying.
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