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Why do covert racists ignore the facts? when does it stop?

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posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:37 AM
Another thread to stir the already stinking pot of shat we call race relations in America....Ever notice how terrorist's take time off when America has these problems? Seems to me like the bad ole terrorist would want to take advantage of the broken race relations & all the damn hate speak going on right now.....But their not......T.V. time is damn expensive.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: openyourmind1262
Another thread to stir the already stinking pot of shat we call race relations in America....Ever notice how terrorist's take time off when America has these problems? Seems to me like the bad ole terrorist would want to take advantage of the broken race relations & all the damn hate speak going on right now.....But their not......T.V. time is damn expensive.

If you think this topic is to stir the pot you didn't read the OP. If you don't read, why reply? Why respond to someone you didn't listen to?

If you did read it, I apologize, and I'd like to know what bit you think is stirring the pot.
edit on 14-7-2016 by theySeeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

Let's see if this is a fair statement....

Cops kill more white people than blacks, according to the available information....

and the welfare one is uh...tricky...I went on unemployment and received basic food allowance for a brief time in 2014....Not once was I required to demonstrate I was seeking work....and not once was I required to take a drug test....for 6 months of benefits....I simply called in and answered 10 questions...."are you currently seeking work" "have you worked in the last blah blah blah"....there is nothing that verifies whether you are seeking work or not...i could have easily sat on my rear at home for those 6 months and enjoyed free benefits while snorting coc aine from a corgi's tail and no one would have been any wiser about it....


edit on 14-7-2016 by Agree2Disagree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: Agree2Disagree
a reply to: theySeeme

Let's see if this is a fair statement....

Cops kill more white people than blacks, according to the available information....

and the welfare one is uh...tricky...I went on unemployment and received basic food allowance for a brief time in 2014....Not once was I required to demonstrate I was seeking work....and not once was I required to take a drug test....for 6 months of benefits....I simply called in and answered 10 questions...."are you currently seeking work" "have you worked in the last blah blah blah"....there is nothing that verifies whether you are seeking work or not...i could have easily sat on my rear at home for those 6 months and enjoyed free benefits while snorting coc aine from a corgi's tail and no one would have been any wiser about it....


If we go by the current information, current information also shows that more UNARMED BLACKS are killed when compared to UNARMED WHITES, despite more whites being killed by police. This also shows us that there are more whites interacting with police officers in violent incidents. It shows us that whites are more dangerous to police officers, despite them fearing black people.

According to current information that is.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: Ohanka
fighting non-existent institutional racism.

I just want to be clear I understand you here, are you saying that institutional racism doesn't exist?

There for sure is institutionalized racism. For example of affirmative action. The Supreme Court just upheld a University's right to select students based on their race. That is institutionalized racism. The president in attorney general openly supporting a racist group like BLM is institutionalized racism. Other than that there are laws in place and no it does not exist. Anytime SJWs start talking about institutionalized racism they can never point to an institution or a law or anything solid to prove what they're claiming. Can you?
edit on 14-7-2016 by TheBulk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

While I agree with you that it is dumb for anyone to be arrested for selling single cigarettes, that is the law where Eric Garner lived. That blame can be rested on the government of his area.

When the police confronted Garner, they were doing what the law said they should do. Their mission is to enforce the law, no matter who is breaking it. In this case, that person was Garner.

Garner chose to tell them to take a flying a leap instead of complying. At that point, things escalated. What were the cops supposed to do? Just throw their hands up in the air and say they can't do anything about it? The laws they are sworn to uphold said they were supposed to arrest Garner, and Garner wasn't going.

And let's not forget that the cops did not magically show up to harass Garner just 'cause. The local shop owners, some of them black, called to complain about Garner selling his cigarettes and that's why they were there.

Oh, and no one was shooting. Garner died because he was physically resisting. Yes, his airflow was restricted, but what really killed was a heart attack that was triggered by the physical effort of resisting the efforts of three cops to get him to comply, one whom was a black woman.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: Agree2Disagree
a reply to: theySeeme

Let's see if this is a fair statement....

Cops kill more white people than blacks, according to the available information....

and the welfare one is uh...tricky...I went on unemployment and received basic food allowance for a brief time in 2014....Not once was I required to demonstrate I was seeking work....and not once was I required to take a drug test....for 6 months of benefits....I simply called in and answered 10 questions...."are you currently seeking work" "have you worked in the last blah blah blah"....there is nothing that verifies whether you are seeking work or not...i could have easily sat on my rear at home for those 6 months and enjoyed free benefits while snorting coc aine from a corgi's tail and no one would have been any wiser about it....


If we go by the current information, current information also shows that more UNARMED BLACKS are killed when compared to UNARMED WHITES, despite more whites being killed by police. This also shows us that there are more whites interacting with police officers in violent incidents. It shows us that whites are more dangerous to police officers, despite them fearing black people.

According to current information that is.

So you're not racist you just believe that white people are dangerous. LOL.....

This is going to blow your mind but it makes sense that police interact more with white people seeing as how they are about 65% of the population. However 13% of the population is committing over half of the violent crime in this country. So while it appears that white and black crime are pretty equal, they are not at all considering the percentages of representation.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: TheBulk

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: Ohanka
fighting non-existent institutional racism.

I just want to be clear I understand you here, are you saying that institutional racism doesn't exist?

There for sure is institutionalized racism. For example of affirmative action. The Supreme Court just upheld a University's right to select students based on their race. That is institutionalized racism. The president in attorney general openly supporting a racist group like BLM is institutionalized racism. Other than that there are laws in place and no it does not exist. Anytime SJWs start talking about institutionalized racism they can never point to an institution or a law or anything solid to prove what they're claiming. Can you?

Glad someone cleared that up, I absolutely agree institutionalized racism exists, which is why I was wondering why someone would come in this thread, and as the title says, deny fact.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

Let me guess, you believe in Critical Race Theory?

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: TheBulk

originally posted by: theySeeme

originally posted by: Agree2Disagree
a reply to: theySeeme

Let's see if this is a fair statement....

Cops kill more white people than blacks, according to the available information....

and the welfare one is uh...tricky...I went on unemployment and received basic food allowance for a brief time in 2014....Not once was I required to demonstrate I was seeking work....and not once was I required to take a drug test....for 6 months of benefits....I simply called in and answered 10 questions...."are you currently seeking work" "have you worked in the last blah blah blah"....there is nothing that verifies whether you are seeking work or not...i could have easily sat on my rear at home for those 6 months and enjoyed free benefits while snorting coc aine from a corgi's tail and no one would have been any wiser about it....


If we go by the current information, current information also shows that more UNARMED BLACKS are killed when compared to UNARMED WHITES, despite more whites being killed by police. This also shows us that there are more whites interacting with police officers in violent incidents. It shows us that whites are more dangerous to police officers, despite them fearing black people.

According to current information that is.

So you're not racist you just believe that white people are dangerous. LOL.....

This is going to blow your mind but it makes sense that police interact more with white people seeing as how they are about 65% of the population. However 13% of the population is committing over half of the violent crime in this country. So while it appears that white and black crime are pretty equal, they are not at all considering the percentages of representation.

I think you didn't read my post. I was using the information the other poster provided which is current information. It's an observation, not my own personal opinion. At the end of the day the director of the FBI, and the attorney general of the united states have admitted many times that there is no record keeping of police involved incidents, unless it is the cop that is shot. No one knows how many civilians are killed by police, and that should terrify anyone, but racism is clouding the way.

Secondly, your information about black violence is inaccurate considering white people are much more likely to get a slap on the wrist for violent crime - a slap which does NOT get counted into white violent crime statistics as often as blacks do. Any non racist person will agree with such fact. What this means is we do not have accurate information on violence based on race. For example, there is information that there are MORE WHITE women in battered women shelters (women victims of domestic violence), yet for some reason, MORE BLACK men are in jail for domestic violence!

Blacks and whites use drugs at almost the same percentage per population, yet blacks are 80% more likely to be jailed for it, according to information some posters in this topic cited.

edit on 14-7-2016 by theySeeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: theySeeme

Let me guess, you believe in Critical Race Theory?

I care nothing for critical race theory as it is tied into legal and law matters, what I do know is that the personal biased SOME individuals that influence law have is creating dramatic issues in society.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

Yes your line of thought... Gin gave you a study and you blew it off without even considering it... that shows you are not interested in a discussion... just validation of your opinion.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: theySeeme

Yes your line of thought... Gin gave you a study and you blew it off without even considering it... that shows you are not interested in a discussion... just validation of your opinion.

The study Gin gave was statistics on how many police officers are killed, it mentioned nothing about civilian casualties, hence it was blown off because it is not relevant to the topic.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

In other words, yes you do believe in Critical Race Theory.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: theySeeme

In other words, yes you do believe in Critical Race Theory.

I just dislike it being labeled as a theory or being branded in this way when it's actually exactly whats happening.
edit on 14-7-2016 by theySeeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: TheBulk

However 13% of the population is committing over half of the violent crime in this country.

which leaves 87% committing the rest, but they must be ok?

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

I'd be interested in seeing compliance statistics among those unarmed blacks/whites....

What proportion of unarmed blacks that are killed by police were compliant with commands? Do we have these statistics?

Probably not...because cops generally have a reason for shooting someone...and that reason is that they perceive a threat....

unarmed blacks MAY, perhaps, just happen to exhibit threatening behaviors moreso than unarmed whites....just a thought...or...perhaps they live in a neighborhood....ahem...a black community...that is more exposed to violent criminal activity....

Either way...I'm still plagued by the question: how does 23% of New York city's population commit 75% of all shootings, 70% of all robberies, and 66% of all violent crime in the city.....?

Also, while the “unarmed” label is literally accurate, it fails to elaborate fully upon many situations.... In a number of New York city cases, a number of "unarmed" victims ended up being classified that way, but not for lack of trying. At least five black victims had reportedly reached for an officer's gun or had beaten the cop with his own equipment. Some victims were shot from accidental discharges caused when they chose to assault the officer. And two victims categorized as "unarmed black victims" were struck accidentally when officers aimed at a different suspect.

One of the "accidental" shootings happened just north of New York City....NYPD was conducting a sting on gun traffickers when one of the traffickers jumped into the cop's car, stuck a pistol to the officers head, seized an undisclosed amount of cash and attempted to flee the scene....of course the officer gave chased and eventually opened fire after the thief pointed his gun at him....two of the officer's bullets accidentally hit a 61 year old bystander and killed him....that bystander happened to be black...and happened to be unarmed.... can see....
Statistics are muddy to say the least.....

edit on 14-7-2016 by Agree2Disagree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: Agree2Disagree
a reply to: theySeeme

I'd be interested in seeing compliance statistics among those unarmed blacks/whites....

What proportion of unarmed blacks that are killed by police were compliant with commands? Do we have these statistics?

Probably not...because cops generally have a reason for shooting someone...and that reason is that they perceive a threat....

unarmed blacks MAY, perhaps, just happen to exhibit threatening behaviors moreso than unarmed whites....just a thought...

I'm just trying to figure out how 23% of New York city's population can commit 75% of all shootings, 70% of all robberies, and 66% of all violent crime in the city.....

Also, while the “unarmed” label is literally accurate, it fails to elaborate fully upon many situations.... In a number of New York city cases, a number of "unarmed" victims ended up being classified that way, but not for lack of trying. At least five black victims had reportedly reached for an officer's gun or had beaten the cop with his own equipment. Some victims were shot from accidental discharges caused when they chose to assault the officer. And two victims categorized as "unarmed black victims" were struck accidentally when officers aimed at a different suspect.

One of the "accidental" shootings happened just north of New York City....NYPD was conducting a sting on gun traffickers when one of the traffickers jumped into the cop's car, stuck a pistol to the officers head, seized an undisclosed amount of cash and attempted to flee the scene....of course the officer gave chased and eventually opened fire after the thief pointed his gun at him....two of the officer's bullets accidentally hit a 61 year old bystander and killed him....that bystander happened to be black...and happened to be unarmed.... can see....
Statistics are muddy to say the least.....


I totally agree with you here, some of my posts are often satire in nature but written to prove a point, the point in this case being that no one really knows - and those that think they do are relying on faulty sources and information and they take it as the holy bible.

posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

Good ole Mike Brown again... You forgot a couple of things. The 3rd person, Dorian Johnson, who later admit he lied about the whole "hands up don't shoot". Also, forensic evidence matched Wilson's account of the events. Oh an I almost forgot the cell phone video of the two guy's recording. Something to the effect of "Man he just kept coming and the cop kept firing, like he was missing"

Welfare and needing a job? No. MAYBE for cash assistance. But section 8 and food stamps require nothing.

Black people do protest B&B crime? Maybe a little, but if they truly believe it to be their main problem, than why all the white blaming? Wouldn't they spend more energy on that, then on blaming cops?

As far as more whites killed, those numbers are accurate enough by just gathering known shootings.


posted on Jul, 14 2016 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: iTruthSeeker
a reply to: theySeeme

Good ole Mike Brown again... You forgot a couple of things. The 3rd person, Dorian Johnson, who later admit he lied about the whole "hands up don't shoot". Also, forensic evidence matched Wilson's account of the events. Oh an I almost forgot the cell phone video of the two guy's recording. Something to the effect of "Man he just kept coming and the cop kept firing, like he was missing"

Welfare and needing a job? No. MAYBE for cash assistance. But section 8 and food stamps require nothing.

Black people do protest B&B crime? Maybe a little, but if they truly believe it to be their main problem, than why all the white blaming? Wouldn't they spend more energy on that, then on blaming cops?

As far as more whites killed, those numbers are accurate enough by just gathering known shootings.


Out of everything noted here, the only thing that sticks out to you is Michael Brown. That's saying alot. I stopped reading at Brown.

It's also come out, of course you ignore this though, that he was offered a plea in exchange for saying that MB did not have his hands up (and who knows, maybe MB really didn't have his hands up, the point is NO ONE knows!). Just like it came out in the Grey case in baltimore that the guy in the next cell of the van was offered reduced charges for his arrest if he stated that he did not hear or see Grey get injured that day. It all comes to light. Always does.

I took a look at some of your other posts in other topics, literally every single one (I kid you not) is related to race. I'm done here.
edit on 14-7-2016 by theySeeme because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2016 by theySeeme because: (no reason given)

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