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Ancient conceptualization of the Matrix

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posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 11:22 AM
The notion of an Earth energy matrix through ley lines and such forth is common enough among Alternative and fringe thinkers but it remains just that because they are incapable of establishing any historical or cultic premise for such considerations, even though the on the ground evidence seems suggestive.

In my opinion such a tradition can be traced which i'll look to assess through three historical stages of interpretation, the first two of which relate to Britain and Celtic tradition, the last vestiges of such a tradition are probably to be found in the early medieval tradition of Ellen of the Ways;

"Thereafter Elen thought to make high roads from one stronghold to another across the Island of Britain. And the roads were made. And for that reason they are called the Roads of Elen of the Hosts, because she was sprung from the Island of Britain, and the men of the Island of Britain would not have made those great hostings for any save her.

" 'Elen of the Ways' who later became conflated with Elen of the Hosts. The idea of reindeer ties in nicely with the Sarn Elen; we can imagine the tracks formed by deer as they moved between grazing lands:

"…the antlered Goddess Elen, whose trackways lead us through the frozen forest of our winter dreams"

Contemporary Neo-Pagans are probably correct in their surmisings that relates to an earlier system, albeit one they are unable to trace back furthur.

Ellen of the Hosts

Ellen of the Ways

The basis for the tradition of Ellen is highly obscure and relates to the tradition of Alauna from the Romano-Celtic period;

One of my remaining geographical goddess stories for investigation was that of the River Ellen, to the west of the county. Some would have you believe that this is a direct lift from the Welsh figure, Elen, a semi-mythical woman much confused with St. Helen, who was, in legend, responsible for a network of straight roads still existing in Wales. However, it turns out that Cumbria’s Ellen is derived from the word ‘alauna’, which, according to the Romans, was the name the Britons gave to Maryport: ‘Alauna Carvetiorum’, or the Alauna of the Carvetii, the local pre-Roman native tribe.

That's from a very good article from Esmerelda's Cumbrian history were she struggles to understand what the tradition of Alauna involved, with the suggestion that she was a Goddess and that also the term related to places of settlement, bodies of water and rivers;

Alauna’ is not a rare name. There’s another place anciently called Alauna in Northumberland (Learchild, or ‘Alauna Votadinum’ – the last element being a tribal name), and yet another example at Watercrook near Kendal. Alcester in Warwickshire, and its river, the Alne (and indeed other english Alnes), also derive from the same root. The River Allen and Allan Water in Scotland are the same, too

What she does note is that there was also the God Alaunus which the Romans related to Mercury, DEO IALANO CONTRE SANCTISSIMO, the most sacred and inimical god Ialanus.

Popular 19th century theory, Ekwall’s 1928 English River Names and indeed the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica would have you believe that these Alaunas (Alaunæ?) were named after Alaunus, a ‘gaulish god of healing and prophecy’ with inscriptions found at sites in southern France and western Germany. This requires Alaunus to have changed sex when he became British

The Proto-Indo-European root of the name relates to flowing or streaming, or raising and nurturing, Alaunus as Mercury would correspond with the tradition of associated networks, in his capacity of network administration perhaps, but the focal points upon such are Feminine, suggesting that Alauna was the expression of the network itself.

To get to the heart of this mystery we need to venture further back in time and place, to Alha land, were the High God was Alalus and the Goddess Allani associated with the idea of the Sun Goddess in the netherworld, Hurrian Alha land was in present day Anatolia.

Alhazina and the Goddess Allanii

The Hurrians and Hittites related Allani to the Mesopotamian Goddess of the netherworld Eres-Kigal but also to the Sun Goddess of the Netherworld, an aspect which the Mesopotamian Goddess lost to her consort Nergal;

When you come, bring up well-being! May it thrive and prosper! May the words of the gods be performed in the future! As he performed for the Sun-goddess of the Netherworld, he will also perform for you

Sun Goddess of the Netherworld invocation

It's likely the Goddess Allani related to the diffusion and distribution of the internal energies of the Earth, in this capacity she was very often twinned with the Goddess Ishara, both had the capacity of intermediaries between the Netherworld and the Earth's surface dwellers, Ishara in the sense of regulation of purity but also in terms of introduction of spiritual archetypes related to the Planets, understood to rise from beneath the Earth.

It is generally supposed that Allani firstly appeared in Mesopotamia in the Late Sumerian Period, and is of a Hurrian origin. In another ritual , performed by Ammihatna, the priest of Goddess Išhara, this goddess is concerned with Allani again. In a Hurrian literary Išhara is mentioned near Allani once again; the cultic ceremonies for Išhara and Allani were performed in a special temple;

Goddess Ishara

Even though of course the Sun does not actually descend within the Earth the notion of an internalized energy source as Feminine as a counterpoint to the external Solar energy source of the Heavens conceptualized as Masculine was an interesting formulation, between themselves then Allani and Ishara control the matrix, despite hardly anyone having heard of them...

edit on Kam731191vAmerica/ChicagoSunday1031 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Thank you. I read through your post. I will take the time to read the references you provided.

I have often suspected that energy does flow through roads(long manmade highways even) just as much as rivers and mountain ranges. Where would mountain ranges fit?

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

I cant' thank you enough for this OP! Its truly a fascinating topic to me.
I've tried to research the ley lines only to be discouraged by the wikipedia entry.

I live in the remote part of the Texas outback and am attempting to research the early native American trails. That's been difficult because the remnants of the tribes, largely Lipan Apache and Comanche won't talk to anyone about much of anything. However, in conducting that research, I've discovered that the area is dotted with caves where cave art is to be found. Ive visited one of these sites and must say it was peculiarly peaceful and refreshing.

Having worked in the oil field for years, I learned a lot about underground streams in Texas as well as fault lines. Knowing as I do that the art of dousing for water is quite accurate, I'm convinced that the underground springs either produce or disrupt natural energy fields in such a way as to make dousing possible. That has made me believe that the earth is replete with energy fields of different kinds and varying strengths.

It was long believed that the early Native American Indians used well worn Deer paths to travel through the thick underbrush. That was true, but what I've learned of late is that they used the Deer paths as connections to....well, of course Deer, but also as connections to water sources and salt licks. But they also speak of "following the Eagle" and "the way of the Bear" and I suspect they used the easier to travel Deer paths to connect with flight lines and track lines of Bear and wild cats for various purposes. To date, I've not been able to discover if the Native American Indians had any sense of or relationship to energy fields. However, unbeknownst to most modern Americans, the Native tribes had established trade routes with other tribes and even held bi-annual trade fairs at previously agreed selected sites across Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arkansas. Funny thing about that was that one of the reasons for these trade fairs was genetics. They swapped women and captives to lend diversity to the tribes gene pools.

I suspect there's far more to the ancient trade and travel routes than modern science will ever understand.
Thanks again.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: pthena
I have often suspected that energy does flow through roads(long manmade highways even) just as much as rivers and mountain ranges. Where would mountain ranges fit?

The idea came from a book of Pseudo history written in 1969, up until that point ley lines were just roads linking ancient sites with no mystical powers required...

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 02:27 PM
I'm a Texan, and I can answer a few of your questions.

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: Kantzveldt
I live in the remote part of the Texas outback and am attempting to research the early native American trails. That's been difficult because the remnants of the tribes, largely Lipan Apache and Comanche won't talk to anyone about much of anything.

It takes many years to be accepted enough that the elders will talk with you. The younger ones don't know as much of the lore ofthe elders. And the Apache and Comanche are relative newcomers to the area.

It was long believed that the early Native American Indians used well worn Deer paths to travel through the thick underbrush. That was true, but what I've learned of late is that they used the Deer paths as connections to....well, of course Deer, but also as connections to water sources and salt licks.

Yep. Deer travel in groups and will beat out a path that's fairly reasonable for a human to follow. In addition, they're about as tall as a human which means that they break sticks and other impediments making it easier for humans to travel through the mesquite and cholla and everything else out there.

But they also speak of "following the Eagle" and "the way of the Bear" and I suspect they used the easier to travel Deer paths to connect with flight lines and track lines of Bear and wild cats for various purposes.

That refers to medicines and to totems and not actual walking around. Bears don't usually make a worn path anywhere.

To date, I've not been able to discover if the Native American Indians had any sense of or relationship to energy fields.

The elders don't appear to do this. They have other methods of identifying sacred spaces.

I suspect there's far more to the ancient trade and travel routes than modern science will ever understand.
Thanks again.

Modern science has mapped some of those trade routes, identified trade goods (they went even farther than what you thought), and rediscovered some lost trade routes.

One good source (it's actually a much older book ... this is a recent reprinting) is Newcomb Jr, William W. The Indians of Texas: From prehistoric to modern times. University of Texas Press, 2010.

I have made a number of trips to the White Shaman site and other rock art sites, including Bonfire Shelter (this is an archaeological report)

And I think you'll enjoy the Texas Rock Art Foundation: They have a rezendevous in October that I think you would enjoy... in addition to lectures, there's lots of hands on stuff.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Yes it's interesting in the cosmological sense Ishara related to Antares in Scorpio as the source of the Apsu, the underground source of waters, that probably carried through to some degree in the terrestrial hence the sacred spring of Ishara near ancient Nerissa in Anatolia, but her cult also related to the river and the mountain, were that would represent the sacred mountain of the horizon from beneath which the Sun and planets would emerge.

The deer was held as symbolic of the soul in the greater region and i would consider that the tradition of the emerging underground stream related to consciousness as far as the Indo-Europeans go, i think one aspect to look at as far as relating any of this to North American tribes would be whether they held the concept of the Sun Goddess in the Netherworld.

a reply to: pthena

As i mentioned above this related to the cosmological point of emergence being within the base of the Kur mountain and particularly in this context when the ecliptic plane inter-sected with the Milky Way in Scorpio

Antares infusion

Also if you study the cult of Apollo and Hermes as i did here it seems clear they moved in on an earlier bee Goddess cult, were the bee Goddess and the collective consciousness represented an older stratum of thought were the bees were the pathfinders, Apollo was formerly simply their oracle or interpreter a similar role to Alaunus, because of course the collective consciousness can communicate directly.
edit on Kpm731191vAmerica/ChicagoSunday1031 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:04 PM
The reason why you wont find many of these roads and trails left, is they started to become so well traveled from settlers then back and forth from town to town eventually city to city that they become the very roads people are driving on today.

So many of the roads we travel were first foot and horse paths, then cart and wagon paths then Henry Fords truck to give farmers etc a shorter work day and more time with family, his ration for the invention odd it's turned into the exact opposite eh? and well since those trucks then cars needed a smoother ride they were paved and less horse sh-t filled the streets that people started complaining about the smell of and well.

Here we are with people still riding their own mental high horses sh-tting in the streets, on the same trails of yester-year.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

I'm no expert on North American Indian cosmology, but from what I've been reading, they had no concept of a Sun Goddess in the Netherworld.

But let me say that from what I've read and as an Orthodox Christian, the Native American Indian belief systems are somewhat mind boggling and near impossible to follow or understand.

To share a bit about what I've learned, I'll briefly relate the following:
1) They have a creation story...........the Eagle created man from clay and woman from a feather and then breathed life into them by flapping his wings over them.
2) They had something known as the "life way", which they studied and observed and tried to live in harmony with.
3) They speak of the "Great Mystery" which seems to involve the Mystery of why they were created and the mystery of their place in the Universe. They didn't seem to focus on questions like.......where is the Earth, what is the Sun, what are the Stars. Rather they observed these celestial bodies and familiarized themselves with their movements as though they were lucky audience of a celestial play or display of nature.
4) Spirits were in everything and everywhere and were to be honored, listened to, observed and counseled. They speak of things like the "Spirit of the Deer", the Spirit of the Eagle. So, when they hunted and slay a Deer, they honored its spirit and in eating its meat in took something of that Spirit.
5) Earth is "Mother" of Mankind.
6) The Great Spirit is Creator.
7) Each animal and man as well participated in and possessed a "Spirit Vibration" which, when conformed to the 4 Directions, (North, South, East and West) could be tuned in and up to various power attributes of the directions.

I'm not sure what to make of any of this. It seems everything was based upon nature and harmony with nature or where there was lack of harmony, then there was a "disturbance in the force", (or Spirit) which cast a pall over the land causing creatures to depart for more harmonious realms.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Thank you much for this! Great resource.

I am on the Quest!

See also my reply to......Kandtzvelt.

"'m no expert on North American Indian cosmology, but from what I've been reading, they had no concept of a Sun Goddess in the Netherworld. But let me say that from what I've read and as an Orthodox Christian, the Native American Indian belief systems are somewhat mind boggling and near impossible to follow or understand. To share a bit about what I've learned, I'll briefly relate the following: 1) They have a creation story...........the Eagle created man from clay and woman from a feather and then breathed life into them by flapping his wings over them. 2) They had something known as the "life way", which they studied and observed and tried to live in harmony with. 3) They speak of the "Great Mystery" which seems to involve the Mystery of why they were created and the mystery of their place in the Universe. They didn't seem to focus on questions like.......where is the Earth, what is the Sun, what are the Stars. Rather they observed these celestial bodies and familiarized themselves with their movements as though they were lucky audience of a celestial play or display of nature. 4) Spirits were in everything and everywhere and were to be honored, listened to, observed and counseled. They speak of things like the "Spirit of the Deer", the Spirit of the Eagle. So, when they hunted and slay a Deer, they honored its spirit and in eating its meat in took something of that Spirit. 5) Earth is "Mother" of Mankind. 6) The Great Spirit is Creator. 7) Each animal and man as well participated in and possessed a "Spirit Vibration" which, when conformed to the 4 Directions, (North, South, East and West) could be tuned in and up to various power attributes of the directions. I'm not sure what to make of any of this. It seems everything was based upon nature and harmony with nature or where there was lack of harmony, then there was a "disturbance in the force", (or Spirit) which cast a pall over the land causing creatures to depart for more harmonious realms.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: TonyS

when hunting deer one becomes part of the herd so they wont notice how close the cougar is. Then one thanks the spirit family that allowed them to be in a cycle of nature then dragged it like a bear back to the den then ate with all family as one.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: TonyS

I think there is some suggestion for the Sun Goddess...

many of the North American Indian Tribes see the sun as a woman. The Cherokee, for example, call her Unelanuhi who came into this world with the help of Spider Woman. There are hundreds of names for the Sun Goddess in the Native American Indian Tribes.

Sun Goddess

Of equal impotance was spider woman, the Mesopotamians had the great Celestial axis related to the tree of life which i looked at here, were Ishara is the source of the waters that feed into the cosmic tree, but at the top as Canis Major was the spider Goddess Uttu, who of course knows a thing or two about matrix.

edit on Kpm731191vAmerica/ChicagoSunday1031 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Everyone is an orb weaver, some simply get stuck in their own web and lie there as others prey on their folly that has stopped the weaving or creating.

It's not that complicated, hang a line or two and start weaving one can catch many fish in such a manner when one becomes the ocean spider or crab 8 legs is 8 legs.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: Kantzveldt

I'm no expert on North American Indian cosmology, but from what I've been reading, they had no concept of a Sun Goddess in the Netherworld.

But let me say that from what I've read and as an Orthodox Christian, the Native American Indian belief systems are somewhat mind boggling and near impossible to follow or understand.

To share a bit about what I've learned, I'll briefly relate the following:
1) They have a creation story...........the Eagle created man from clay and woman from a feather and then breathed life into them by flapping his wings over them.
2) They had something known as the "life way", which they studied and observed and tried to live in harmony with.
3) They speak of the "Great Mystery" which seems to involve the Mystery of why they were created and the mystery of their place in the Universe. They didn't seem to focus on questions like.......where is the Earth, what is the Sun, what are the Stars. Rather they observed these celestial bodies and familiarized themselves with their movements as though they were lucky audience of a celestial play or display of nature.
4) Spirits were in everything and everywhere and were to be honored, listened to, observed and counseled. They speak of things like the "Spirit of the Deer", the Spirit of the Eagle. So, when they hunted and slay a Deer, they honored its spirit and in eating its meat in took something of that Spirit.
5) Earth is "Mother" of Mankind.
6) The Great Spirit is Creator.
7) Each animal and man as well participated in and possessed a "Spirit Vibration" which, when conformed to the 4 Directions, (North, South, East and West) could be tuned in and up to various power attributes of the directions.

I'm not sure what to make of any of this. It seems everything was based upon nature and harmony with nature or where there was lack of harmony, then there was a "disturbance in the force", (or Spirit) which cast a pall over the land causing creatures to depart for more harmonious realms.

I know what to make of it.....I like their view a whole lot better than the Christian, biblical god view. At least they didn't sacrifice animals to appease a wrathful deity, or use them and abuse them, all for a nice juicy steak. They also honored women and gave credence to the maternal aspects of this creation.
If you are going to kill an animal and eat it, you should respect it's life and apologize to it. I wouldn't kill one, but I understand we live on a planet that is based on a predatory lifestyle. At least the Native Americans understood that and appreciated the life of the creature they killed for food. They also weren't wasteful of it. Everything went to use.
Then, the white man showed up and slaughtered them, all for their land....and also tried converting them to the Christian god.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Well i guess that's what people call a conspiracy...

Deep Heart

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 06:55 PM
None of that information applies to the truth. Kind of like a joke people stopped laughing at which became a story people stopped telling which became a movie people stopped watching which became a thread people stopped reading.
Elen is a metaphor for guide.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

So do you think that because of this there were pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact?

I find this as well as other theories really interesting but I couldn't tell if there's anything to them. I'm thinking it's certainly possible but I defer to real scholars that are knowledgeable about these things.

I also seem to remember someone writing about Jews in North America, and also about some cannibalistic tribe. I don't remember if they drew some connections to Middle Eastern practices of ritual sacrifice.

Seems I found it:

I don't know if that is mostly conjecture or if there's anything to it. May be I am a bit too off-topic here though.

To be fair I couldn't really contribute anything worthwhile to this discussion on mythology. I'm not a scholar but I deal with mystical realities practically to a certain extent though. I would be very surprised if Native American shamans weren't aware of "energy fields". In fact I find the idea that they wouldn't deal with such things quite preposterous.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

It's more of a dichotomy the circle of life is just vampirism but who is feeding on who is the question that cannot be answered in ignorance.
edit on 10-7-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: spellur

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: Marduk

The idea came from a book of Pseudo history written in 1969, up until that point ley lines were just roads linking ancient sites with no mystical powers required...

In a book called The View Over Atlantis (1969), the writer John Michell revived the term "ley lines", associating it with spiritual and mystical theories about alignments of land forms, drawing on the Chinese concept of feng shui. He believed that a mystical network of ley lines existed across Britain.
Ley Lines

I never read the book. My interest in the subject is from an observation from my childhood, that in the area of my birth, I could always point out N, S, E, W, in a fairly large area. The area, physically speaking, was dominated by South-North coastline, South-North mountain range, and South-North highway, and North-South underground aquaduct.

Although I'm descended from English and Welsh, I've never been there myself. People on the Isles have the advantage over me in many respects. For instance, the OP attempted to teach me the meaning of the cross some years ago. I totally didn't understand it until recently. Probably because I've never seen a pre-Christian cross before. I don't live where such things can be found.

edit on 10-7-2016 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 07:50 PM
Too much time is spent analyzing the past without consideration to the present. We are creatures of habit ingrained in our DNA. Love you to death as your inquiries are so thought provoking, however, you remind me of a rabbit. Always looking back.

I think you have a better chance discovering truth (than me) if you were less like a rabbit.

edit on 10-7-2016 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 08:01 PM
Popular word analyz. I have a photograph of Elen. Elen advising those it seems took no heed to the advice. Blocking a rear door. Phenomenal looking with a touch of fear.

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