posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to:
I've noticed an interesting tone shift with these posts lately, is it intentional on your part or is it intentional from those feeding you
information? They've shifted from presenting evidence and making their case to proclaiming guilt with secret evidence and saying if she isn't
indicted it's because the system is rigged.
It sounds to me like Issa and all the rest know that nothing is going to come of this but they still want a payoff for all this effort, so they're
attempting to frame the idea of there not being enough for an indictment into an admission of a corrupt government.
To which my response is, if the government is that corrupt and these Republicans are proving to be so ineffective in navigating a corrupt field, why
should we vote them into power to fail again in place of new uncorrupted candidates?