posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 02:47 AM
Abortion is not an illegal act. The false equivalency of abortion with murder is nothing more than emotional and hypocritical claptrap as has been
shown time and time again. Abortion is and has been seen by most people in this country as a medical procedure that is at times a critical aspect of
a woman's reproductive health.
A majority of Americans support a woman's right to choose.
The argument that "I don't want my tax dollars going for abortion" is flawed in multiple ways, but most specific, is that none of us makes an
individual decision about how the money that we pay in taxes that becomes government revenue is used.
It's absurd on its face. I don't want my nickel to buy another Hellfire missile that will be used to cause "collateral damage." I refuse to have my
pennies go to keep people in prison for petty drug offenses. Etc. etc.
Aside from that, here's an alternative way of looking at it. Just consider that your taxes went to cover the costs of drones or bombs and that mine
went for a necessary medical procedure for a woman who needed/wanted it.
Because that's just as reasonable as anything being spewed here.
edit on 27-6-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Spelling