Hello again everyone!
Had an unexpectedly busy day so far, otherwise I would have done a better job of keeping up with this thread.
Kali74, I agree with your economic assessment in so far as that is what the information we have been given is currently suggesting.
However, there is rather more to this EU stuff than simple economics. You also have to consider that our presence in the EU on a continued basis
would represent tacit approval of any effort to create a European military, controlled without reference to or allegiance to this nation, by persons
not sworn to serve our nation, but Europe as a whole. There have been some fantastic points made about just how helpful our neighbours have been to us
in recent decades, in military terms, with regard to Gibraltar, the Falklands, and so on. The evidence seems pretty good that a Europe with its own
army, would not use that army for our benefit as Britons, but would rather seek to enforce situations we find absolutely disagreeable.
That is without even getting into TTIP. I think it is pretty clear that no matter which way we jump, we are damned. I think the choice boils down to
how we want to be damned, and under whose authority.
You also have to remember, that our membership of the EU, courtesy of Heath and friends back in the day, was actually organised on a totally illegal
basis. We only got to choose whether to come out, we never had a say worth a damn about whether or not we went in. More to the point, the people have
been kept in the dark about the nature and intention behind the very creation of the EU, which has, since it first was birthed a a concept, intended
to unify the military might of the European nations, as well as every other aspect of civic existence, to the point where one nation could not be
properly distinguished from another, to the point where national identity and allegiance to a flag or state individually, became a notion bordering on
On the face of it, assuming the best intentions of everyone involved, that does not sound like something I would be against. However, one would have
to be a clot of the highest possible order, to believe that anyone in the EU infrastructure has the best of intentions, especially when you consider
the appalling treatment Greece has suffered from Merkel, backed up by her cronies in Brussels. Relying on good intentions is somewhat like relying on
the sun coming out tomorrow, when you are in the midst of British summertime (which is like spring for everyone else, that is rainy, sunny, rainy,
rainy again, sunny and then rainy again, in the space of a few days, or even a few hours. Essentially, damp).
So we cannot trust the people who want us in, because they want us to be accomplices to one of the longest running treasons there has ever been
(which is what Heath committed when he put us into this silly thing in the first place).
But we cannot trust the motivations of the most vocal advocates for leaving the EU either, because these people have amongst their most ardent grass
roots activists, morons like Tommy Mair (Jo Cox's murderer, and lifetime member of the fascist bastard club of Great Britain), and the contemptible
swine, Mr Peacock, who tweeted in response to a donation page set up for the Cox family "I just donated the steam off my piss!".
To cut a long story short, there are bastards everywhere, none of whom are to be trusted!
Now, I know that no matter what happens next, things are going to be harder from here on, possibly devastating either way. I am of the opinion that
the only choice we really have, is whether to suffer as one nation under its own recognisance and pay for it every single day, in the harshest
economic climate we have faced since the end of the Second World War, or whether to stay in, and be marginalised, robbed, and taken the piss out of
for the rest of our days, and not only that, but to doom our children and our children's children to that fate as well.
edit on 22-6-2016 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error removed