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IMAX Bigfoot - Interview with Cameraman. Very interesting. Indeed.

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posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

Why do they call this creature "Big Foot"? Has anyone ever taken a measurement? What's his/her shoe size... anyone know?

I've taken measurements (and photos) of two different set of footprints in the High Sierra's that measured 19"x10" and the other was 17"x8.5". In my research book that would constitute as a 'bigfoot'.

Your thoughts on the subject may vary.

edit on 19-6-2016 by Wingz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 08:47 PM
and right here in east Texas....18".......a fat one, too....judging from the width....a reply to: Wingz

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 11:16 PM
This is the smoking gun! Only unusual thing I found was William Reeve's youtube page...he only subscribes and only likes gamer videos from Denmark, like videos of minecraft, that seems really weird. He even subscribes to pages that haven't uploaded any videos. His linkedIn says he lives in Germany but went to college in Canada. Other than his LinkedIn he has an IMDb page. Someone should watch the original footage directly from the documentary and see if the big foot is in the original. William Reeve youtube page

posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 11:42 PM
Check the escaping herd in the back area, running up the bank away from the 30 seconds....the film goes into a nice slo mo shot of a black bear or other lunging to the the middle of the melee and almost gets his grippers on a deer ...but goes down and gets all dust colored....and seems to have got his azz handed to him by a swift kick...., yup, told ya I was a bserver....he.....he
edit on 19-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

edit on 19-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: last minute thought there....yezz

edit on 19-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

edit on 19-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: last minute thought there....yezz

edit on 19-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

edit on 19-6-2016 by GBP/JPY because: yessirrr

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

Hahaah...thanks for that ...I'll watch again...sober.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: Dr UAE
a reply to: LadyTrick

as the camera man pointed out when asked he said that it was in the high north of Quebec , and was asked if there were anybody over there and his answer was "absolutely not, there were no strangers for hundreds of miles from where we were"

so you see professionals like him when taking footages like this they dont go to peoples backyards and start filming,
they go to the wild life, very far from any city , and no one in his right mind will go hundreds of miles alone on a bike and risk his life.

just my opinion

And how did this professional conclude that there was not one person around for miles in Quebec? Did he have a helicopter with which he scoped out the area before landing there and field reports from local authorities to be able to be so factual? Anyone can go out into the sticks in the middle of nowhere and look around and conclude that there is no one around. All the while over the next little hill just a stone throw away another person can Just as easily be standing there trying to capture pictures of birds. This is Quebec not the Serengeti.

Also motive comes into play. When you see someone so desperately try and claim it was bigfoot it would be nothing but silly to think that his claim (which is exactly what it is and nothing more) is questionable at best.

Not to mention the fact that there the recording goes no further, yet he claims there were 3 more.
I would love for a real bigfoot to be captured on cam or w/e but there is another thing i want even more then that. For the captured recording to be real without any attempts from the maker to embellish it with claims that are questionable ,ridiculous (3 more bigfoots later on) and unverifiable.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: Wingz

originally posted by: carewemust

Why do they call this creature "Big Foot"? Has anyone ever taken a measurement? What's his/her shoe size... anyone know?

I've taken measurements (and photos) of two different set of footprints in the High Sierra's that measured 19"x10" and the other was 17"x8.5". In my research book that would constitute as a 'bigfoot'.

Your thoughts on the subject may vary.

Yes but are you saying that it verifies its existence?

posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Wingz

originally posted by: carewemust

Why do they call this creature "Big Foot"? Has anyone ever taken a measurement? What's his/her shoe size... anyone know?

I've taken measurements (and photos) of two different set of footprints in the High Sierra's that measured 19"x10" and the other was 17"x8.5". In my research book that would constitute as a 'bigfoot'.

Your thoughts on the subject may vary.

Yes but are you saying that it verifies its existence?

That is a slippery slope for many to try and answer.

On one hand you have many that have had personal experiences and some form of a personal contact/confrontation. On the other you have those that won't admit/believe unless they have some form of media/government/other community step up. You also have pretty much every form of native Indian tribe that include the 'big Hairy Brother' in their lore (granted labeled by different names). Glyphs/etc. are found worldwide depicting 'something' extremely large and hairy.

And those that have had their own personal experiences generally do not report or step up to the plate for fear of ridicule, (much like those that have a Paranormal or UFO related experience). A majority of these sightings are by Hunters that have a great deal of experience with knowing the difference of most animals (and their tracks).

In my experiences, I can say that after I removed all other forms of 'could it have been a bear'(?) (or anything else for that matter), then regardless of what I used to believe... I had to adjust and change my thought process and toss away what I once considered reality. In two of those three incidents, my fellow hunters/associates also had to change their belief system. By the way, we didn't go seeking out these creatures and or said events, they just happened. It hasn't been till recently that I've decided to try and document any events/occurrences.

Whether or not one believes or not makes no difference to myself or the others that have had an event with a bi-pedal animal/something. To us/them, it was/is as real as anything else we encounter/consider or take for granted (again much like those that have had any other unusual event happen to them, it's very real to them). If you ever get the chance to speak with someone that has had an incident, you will never forget how emphatic and unwavering they are that it was a 'real event' that they just can't explain because it's outside our normal paradigm.

And there has been some acknowledgement by several factions of Government on this species. The Army Corp of Engineers back in the 70's wrote in one of their manuals (Washington Environmental Atlas) about the elusive creature
2nd edition copy (1975) of the Atlas, in the Clark College, Vancouver, WA, library

Related Media wise to the above in July 1975, The Washington Star-News report:
"Though conceding that his existence is "hotly disputed," the Army Corps of Engineers has officially recognized Sasquatch, the elusive and supposed legendary creature of the Pacific Northwest mountains. Also known as Big Foot, Sasquatch is described in the just-published "Washington Environmental Atlas" as standing as tall as 12 feet and weighing as much as half a ton, covered with long hair except for face and hands, and having "a distinctive human-like form." The atlas, which cost $200,000 to put out, offers a map pin pointing all known reports of Sasquatch sightings, and notes that a sample of reputed Sasquatch hair was analyzed by the FBI and found to belong to no known animal."

I could continue, but seriously, rather than my post up a number of links and express more personal thoughts on the subject, I suggest humbly to please use your own research process and see what you come up with, (but keep an open skeptical mind). I am not here to convince anyone one way or another, I'm just sharing (briefly) a few personal thoughts on the subject, your path may lead you elsewhere.

I apologize to everyone for possibly taking the thread a bit off the main topic about the IMAX footage.

edit on 21-6-2016 by Wingz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Krypto1

Good Thread! Yah when Ya first see the main creature, there are two more. One just above the main, one to the left and above. They both just pop up for only a second or so! The one to the far left is harder to see than the other...
edit on 23-6-2016 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: gortex

originally posted by: Night Star
a reply to: gortex

Whatever it was, it doesn't look anything like the caribou.

Dousn't look anything like Bigfoot either.

where did you get this screen shot from ? because i saw the real one and there was nothing like this in the original clip , no white thing what so ever , yours looks like photoshop to me

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: everyone

Also motive comes into play. When you see someone so desperately try and claim it was bigfoot it would be nothing but silly to think that his claim (which is exactly what it is and nothing more) is questionable at best.

looks like you haven't watched the video , the man who filmed this never claimed that there was a Bigfoot in his film, someone else noticed it later and that was years later.

And how did this professional conclude that there was not one person around for miles in Quebec? Did he have a helicopter with which he scoped out the area before landing there and field reports from local authorities to be able to be so factual? Anyone can go out into the sticks in the middle of nowhere and look around and conclude that there is no one around. All the while over the next little hill just a stone throw away another person can Just as easily be standing there trying to capture pictures of birds.

again, you have to watch the clip first, the clip is from a film made 15 years ago its called Great North , filmed by this professional guy who mentioned in the clip that they had two helicopters and a crew of 9 people, of course he would pick a location that has no humans around.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 09:53 AM
I would say it's a guy riding a bike. That was my first impression, and I think it's because of the way the rider's upper body appears very stationary as he glides over the terrain, as one would expect from a person on a bike.

Go watch some videos of large primates running on all fours. Their entire bodies are much more mobile.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 11:31 AM
Ill just place these here ,,

I dont live to far from French Canadian Quebec are near Montreal

I heard the Legends and Storys of BIGFOOT Here

Caribou hunters find footprints near Kuujjuaq.

Onterio ( canada )

Bigfoot sighting reported by Cree hunter near Wemindji, Que.
Melvin Georgekish photographs giant footprints after sighting 'red-eyed beasts'

Quebec woman claims to have spotted Bigfoot while berry picking

Bigfoot In The Adirondacks?

In St. Lawrence County, there were reports of incidents and sightings in 1976, 2000 and 2008.

and thats were Im From...

The chief wildlife biologist wrote: "No program or action in relation to mythical animals is warranted." I tried to interview the biologist or anyone else for that matter at the DEC. Instead, I got this email from DEC Public Information Officer Rick Georgeson: "We are not making any comments on bigfoot. We have real issues that we need to spend our scarce resources on. If you ever have any questions about actual wildlife (or anything that actually exists in nature), we would be happy to provide input." So I checked with an anthropologist at St. Lawrence University, who says there's no evidence Bigfoot exists. She says sightings are either hoaxes or misidentification of other animals. "Nobody really wants to say that it doesn't exist. Wouldn't it be fabulous if Bigfoot actually did exist? But, there is no scientific evidence and that's the major issue," said Mindy Pitre, assistant visiting professor of anthropology at SLU.

Well they are hushing it all up.. there is reports that went unnoticed too..

and the Sighting's are 30 to 40 miles from from the Reports..

Ive heard the legends on St Regis & Akwesasne Reservation ..

Ive also Heard about Big Cats Mountain Lions around the Are, a few years ago it was Laughed at
that Wolves were back around the area of St Lawrence County
, turns out ...they are actually Hybrid of Gray wolf and Coyote that Migrated
from a wildlife reserve from Ontario

not only that Little People , Werewolves aka Loup Garou , Wendigo ,
and a American version of Nessie ( loc Ness monster ) Called Champ

At my Reservation

Rooseveltown, New York
Encounter on an Indian Reservation

My name is Cheryl, a Mohawk Indian who grew up on the Onondaga Indian Reservation. I'll never forget when my cousin and I saw Bigfoot. We were both eleven years old on March 11, 1975 at 11:00 am. We left my aunt's house that morning and decided to cut through the woods thinking it would be safer than two young girls walking along the road. Throughout our walk it seemed that we were being watched. We finally arrived at the halfway point of our journey when we reached the local abandoned gravel pits. I slid down the embankment first and my cousin followed. I started to play on the frozen mudpuddle when she started to climb back up the hill to retrieve her glove. She called for me to come near her, but didn't right away until finally her persistence frightened me. She grabbed me close and said, "a big black arm just tried to grab me". Thinking that maybe a hunter had followed us, or even a black man was lurking in the woods frightened us enough to make a run for the road. As we got to the road we both saw this big figure walk through some 6-8 foot sumac trees. Its head and shoulders were over the tops of the trees and we could imagine how it could have traveled to the other side of the pit, which was at least 150 feet from where she first saw the arm. We ran the rest of the way home and told our family we had seen Sasquatch.

Of course everyone laughed at us. As the years past by, and we told the exact same story, our families believe us now. Looking back, I have concluded that Bigfoot was heading towards an underground cave that is sacred to the Onondaga. I believe that this cave connects other Indian reservations by underground channels. Indian legends tell stories that Bigfoot is a spirit that protects the Indians. That is probably why no one has ever found any proof of his existence. I have had many dreams about Bigfoot, where he comes back with others like him. Their calls are frightening. When I walk in the woods I am afraid that I will see him again. I wonder if I saw him because if the world ever ends, I have dreamt that will be the one to lead my people underground until the earth heals itself from all the destruction that is forecasted. It is forecast that Mother Earth is consumed in flames to cleanse herself, the Indian will come up from underground to begin life again. Hoping that this story will stand out from all others that you have or will receive. Please write me on your web sight.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 06:00 PM
Thanks for the great feedback on this film you all!! I've watched it again and again. I can go with this thing throwing a baby on it's back so far...

No bike way!! I just can't see riding a bike in that area.

And again...what the cameraman tells us.

a lot of great post that's for sure

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 01:21 AM
The person/crew member appearing in this way (yes it's obviously a person) shows that the assistant director/ camera man was quite wrong in his claims re the latest "thinker thunker" hype. There was at least one other crewman on that side of the river directing the herd (as the video shows). It's unlikely it was missed by the editors, but probably too much trouble/expense to reshoot it. His claim there was no one on that side of the river seems odd for other reasons. The preceding shots of the herd seem to be from that location?

We have a wildlife film production crew with at least nine people, including helicopters. When something (that is very obviously human) gets into the shot for a couple of seconds the obvious explanation is......that a bigfoot with a young one snuck towards the crew and helicopters across miles of open tundra...without being that it could pop it's head up for a couple of seconds (in a way entirely consistent with a human strategically placed there for filming purposes)...before vanishing into thin air

Because, although we know billions of people do exist, in fact there were a number of them in this vicinity at this very time, must be a mythical creature that has a known population of 0 that now inhabits the open tundra where it hides out in amongst amongst...?

Instead of bigfoot, how was it first ruled out that it wasn't other creatures that have no known existence, such as an Elf ? They like this type of landscape and at least look like people (apparently). They are also known to exist in the same numbers, and were known to be in this area in the same bigfoot (0 in both instances). Why not a minotaur? An alien?

The notion that it was a bigfoot explains quite well why bigfooters get mocked and ridiculed. Bigfoot "research" seems like harmless enough make believe by largely middle age/class white people with a fondness for camo, but things like this make it look like a genuine delusion. This is a person, the BFRO don't even believe this one (for obvious reason).

edit on 29-6-2016 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Cogito, Ergo Sum

Great post!!

I think you like this article..

If Bigfoot Were Real

We have the Bigfoot vocalizations, we have the Bigfoot tracks, we have the Bigfoot DNA, right? Well…

posted on Jun, 30 2016 @ 08:34 PM
Yes Naish has good blog and at one stage thought the orang pendek was very likely to exist. He was also open to the possibility of bigfoot. Until he looked into it all a bit further. Here is a good podcast about bigfoot, he mentions being a reviewer for the Ketchum paper and some of the problems with it, as well as with bigfoot "science" claims in general.

posted on Jul, 3 2016 @ 08:36 PM
I watched the cameraman's story and interview, and believe that he's telling the truth when he says that there's no way they would put a crew member in that kind of jeopardy. Every industry has become incredibly safety conscious. I used to administer the safety program for a grain shipper. If I had an employee four feet above the ground without a railing, he had to have a harness on. I'm sure the film industry is no different.

So who is on the other side of the river close to the herd? Here is a population density map of Quebec:

I'm guessing nobody on a bike with a backpack.

I should mention that I think Sasquatch is a very real, undescribed biped which lives in the 40% of the continent where humans can't live and don't go.

The Sasquatch will not be described by Science without a body being deposited on the front steps of a major university's biology department. I believe that there are bodies available, but Big Science is funded by Big Government.

Imagine what would happen to the lumber industry and all that flows from it if a human-looking animal were discovered living in heavy timber. The environmentalists would have every acre of timber in the country locked down, whether the animal is endangered or not. I happen to believe it is not endangered, but thriving.

Just my $.02

posted on Jul, 3 2016 @ 09:57 PM
I always post, to see a bigfoot let's go to 30 minutes east of Seattle on state hwy 18...right there is a logging road entrance.....we'll need about 12 people or more for the video set-up......out there are no roads for miles.....just stars on the map of sightings.....most are right there....

posted on Jul, 4 2016 @ 06:56 AM
My 2 cents says they exist. When you have so many reports that basically describe the same thing/profile it's hard to argue that something's not there? I tend to lean towards the theory of a guy called Sasquatch Ontario that believes they are and aren't of this world, are a whole lot smarter than you and I with the ability to jump in and out of dimensions.

It's right out there I know but when you listen and watch his experiences with an apparent family of them on a property in northern Ontario (just YouTube his name) you have to wonder, in any case I like to wonder lol!

On first glance of the footage it sure meets the profile and looks like one to my eyes.

Hopefully this has tweaked the Camera Man's interest just enough to warrant digging out and eyeballing the full un-cut days filming.

edit on 4-7-2016 by MarsneedsGuitars because: Can't spel

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