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Why They Hate Us

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posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: SaturnFX

You cannot judge what is in my mind, only what you assume is in my mind based on projecting your own attributes.

You judged what was in my mind

And the mind of everybody that shares a faith want to see a hater of only need a mirror if you see it everywhere. good luck with that.

Do you get irony Saturn?


I judge the faith.

Sorry about your reading comprehension skills..if that isn't the issue, sorry with your inability to be honest.
the discussion is over, your integrity is lacking

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

I judge the faith.

Of course you do


Adios Saturn

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: nobunaga

I think they're envious. An unbeliever can live a better life in this world than one can hope to live in the next.

Nearly every book is better than the Quran. One can learn a great deal more from The Rubaiyat than any of the Hadiths or Islamic jurisprudence.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

the point of the op saturn is to explain why islam hates the west.
you see in iran every sunday death to america being chanted... why? we did not bomb iran, we did not do anything to them to merit hate.
the purpose of this OP is for you to watch mr allen west state how its not radical islam, but islam itself that drives followers to spread the religions.
followers are taught to either infiltrate the infidels and overthrow the goverment, or conform to jihad to spread islam.

thats why they hate us. they know they cannot just walk into america and take us over. instead, they will slowly spread over next 100-200 years, and before you know it sharia will be here. this needs to be stopped.
watch the videos saturn. listen to the message mr west gives, listen to the first 12 minutes of milo. these are people that understand whats going on. who have been on the front lines, who understand the religion and the followers.
thats the point

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

yes i am being reasonable. if your in a motorcycle club, and a member kills someone... it shows on you.
if you are a muslim, and thousands of people are murdered because they are christian... it shows on you
if you are a follower of islam, and 49 people killed, 53 injured in the name of allah... it shows on you
because you follow the same ideas, the same book.
listen to milo....... all british muslims want gays dead. they all hate gays... and half think that gays should be in jail. that shows on muslims... and the islamic religion.
that shows me that you may be the nicest person, but due to your stance on religion, would be willing to turn on me in a second due to your faith........ THAT SCARES ME. you're neighbor, co worker, lawn scaper may be the next to radicalize. and even though muslims may not show their intentions, it is the goal of each member to spread islam and dominate the world........ again i didnt say it, the book they hold as a miracle did.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 11:01 AM
spira - watch this video.

mr west is approached by a muslim, who asks him where in the quran does it say to kill americans. mr wests response is again epic.

islam is spread by the sword.
"Muslims are told to fight unbelievers until they are either dead, converted to Islam, or in a permanent state of subjugation under Muslim domination. Allowing people of other faiths to live and worship independently of Islamic rule is not an option."

they are taught to kill unbelievers unless they choose to live under sharia law. its in the book. this is hate. this is hate for anyone who doesnt conform to their ideas. this is the reason "why they hate us"

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