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Why They Hate Us

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posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

Do you live in fear of Muslims ? Does it affect the quality of your life ? If you answered yes to either if those questions it may be beneficial for you to seek professional help....

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

You are nothing more, by word of your own mouth, than a consumer of propaganda designed to blind you and divide you apart from your neighbours and your fellow human beings. Islam is no different to any other demographic. In every walk of life there are psychopaths and there are heroes. There are inhuman monsters, and people who treasure, protect and cherish life, all life, even those living a life at variance with their own ways and customs. There are zealots in every walk of life.

You are living proof. You are just one atheist. Luckily, many atheists are peaceful people, loving people, people who value their immunity to dogma well enough, that they do not merely fall victim to phobia inducing propaganda instead, realising that the two may as well be one in their view.

Being a Christian myself, I disagree, but I also love my fellow human beings, of all faiths and colours, regardless of sexual preference, regardless of gender identity too. I do not fear ANYONE who walks on earth, because none have the capacity to destroy my spirit and my soul.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

I wounder what percentage of Christians, Jews, etc also feel this?

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 06:06 PM
Even better when the lgbt community accepts the muslim refugees with arms wide open, thats like playing russian roulette..

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: nobunaga

Ive learned arabic


You have Muslim friends - but then you must hate them all in reality, because: Islam

islam is not them, they are not islam, islam is not a sentient is a system of beliefs that is repulsive and you can hate without hating the person who accepts the dumb beliefs.
For instance
I have had 2 really good friends, both muslims..funny as god one had me in stitches daily.
I would fight beside that guy should aliens invade kinda thing, or if jerks were messing with him
..but I fully hate both of their views on religion (even though they were pretty moderate by comparison)

Yes, you may defend them but would they do the same for you? Have you asked them?

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: nobunaga

Have you even studied comparative religions? Islam isn't a religion of hate.

Stop spreading hateful half-truths. While some of what you said is legitimate--that part, when you generalized Muslims as collectively 'hating us', is just flat-out incorrect.

I think your issue is really with that false prophet, Muhammad. He's the one who started all of that dark stuff and the whole agenda of bringing the world to an end.
edit on 16-6-2016 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: whatnext21

Didn't he just say that he'd fight beside them? Nothing about defending their religion--just defending them as people. He just stood up for his friends. Would your friend defend you? That has nothing to do with the conversation. Islam really isn't a religion of hatred. So you should stop thinking that please. I don't know anyone who is a Muslim, but I know someone who used to be. They're just people. Like you and me. Nothing more or less.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: rukia
a reply to: nobunaga

Have you even studied comparative religions? Islam isn't a religion of hate.

Stop spreading hateful half-truths. While some of what you said is legitimate--that part, when you generalized Muslims as collectively 'hating us', is just flat-out incorrect.

I think your issue is really with that false prophet, Muhammad. He's the one who started all of that dark stuff and the whole agenda of bringing the world to an end.

Which qur'an are you reading? Mohammed is their prophet and you are dismissing everything he taught his followers. I suggest you educate yourself and read it. What you said is worse than being a non-believer and in the same category or worse than an agnostic.

I am christian and am reading it to understand what it really says. Every 12th verse says I will burn in hell.
edit on 6/16/2016 by whatnext21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Save your hate-splaining for someone that buys it Saturn

The entire OP is hell bent on one thing

...islam is not a sentient being...

Oh, for Christ's sake

You are suggesting all a person is, is a ideology..nothing deeper

I'm afraid that's what you are saying - along with the OP

it is a system of beliefs that is repulsive and you can hate without hating the person who accepts the dumb beliefs.

If a person is separate from their beliefs - then what's the point of hating Islam?

What is the point of the OP?

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
If a person is separate from their beliefs - then what's the point of hating Islam?

Wait, so you are saying that if you hate a belief..say, you are a vegan and hate the idea of eating animals, you have to hate..hate..everyone who eats meat.

or if you hate must therefore hate every single person who identifies as a feminist.

what a very black and white world you live in. have a view slightly different than me?...hate!!!
think things differently than me?...hate!

I am glad I dont think in terms like you.

Ops is saying islam sucks.
I agree
it sucks and the nations that follow it show exactly why.

I have no issues with any people..middle eastern, far east, west, south, etc..ideologies suck

You should try to understand the difference of hating ideas and ideals and that translating to hating people.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 10:25 PM
They don't hate you guys, they Love you...Just like Jesus

Which is why you must be assimilated.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

It's clear you don't understand what I'm saying. Or, do you just like to preach?

What do you think you're playing at Saturn? What's your motive? What's your plan?

You think you're camouflaged...

Go ahead - hate your ideas. Pretend that your hate won't touch real people

The OP is a bigoted mess. And yes - I am a bigot. I'm willing to own my bigotry

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
Go ahead - hate your ideas. Pretend that your hate won't touch real people

Its hard to put into words how little I care if my hate of a ideology touches people
I want it to
because their hate touched our people

This picture is taken down the road from me.

I want to infuriate people to not allow this to happen again.
I want it to embarrass islamic folks in the west enough to simply start disassociating themselves with this toxic, bottom barrel blood god religion.

Same for Christians though who would consider doing such an act also..however, they dont do that in the west, so no worries. random nutjob killing an abortion doctor is as close as we come in the west.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Not working Saturn. You want to make it seem as if I don't care about this? At least - not like you do - right?

Cheap tricks

Murder is murder - reprehensible. You want to hold Islam responsible and make Islam pay? Islam is not a sentient being - remember?

There's a very good chance that this guy was gay (I understand we don't know that for sure), bipolar, likely manic with the religious ideation that often comes with it, a history of violent behavior - and a homophobic father

He said he does this for ISIS - same as Joan of Arc claimed she was fighting for God

Our country then proceeds to lose it's mind. Thanks - for fanning the flames

Its hard to put into words how little I care if my hate of a ideology touches people I want it to because their hate touched our people

Like I said - you weren't really fooling anyone. You do hate these people - no use pretending

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
Like I said - you weren't really fooling anyone. You do hate these people - no use pretending

You cannot judge what is in my mind, only what you assume is in my mind based on projecting your own attributes.

you are projecting.

you want to see a hater of only need a mirror if you see it everywhere. good luck with that.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 02:18 AM
It's simple. It's to do with control by the religious class. They hate the West because it signals the end of their control. They use this to manipulate their congregation. An Imam needs the status quo, otherwise he is pointless.

1. The developed West is becoming more secular. Religion does not dictate, and people are free to follow what they like.
2. Women and girls are equal.
3. Education is not about religion.
4. The law of the West is not rooted in backward signals of control. It's just not illegal to sleep around, or wear what you choose, or for a woman to speak up, to eat a bacon sandwich, intermingle with others, love someone different, be gay, draw a cartoon, or a hundred other things that are not prohibited.

Remember, Islam has something called Apostasy. If you cease to be a Muslim you may face death in some predominant Muslim countries. At best you will be shunned by your community, family and friends. What more control is there than this treat?

That's why there is hate. Hate is the vehicle for control.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

You cannot judge what is in my mind, only what you assume is in my mind based on projecting your own attributes.

You judged what was in my mind

And the mind of everybody that shares a faith want to see a hater of only need a mirror if you see it everywhere. good luck with that.

Do you get irony Saturn?


posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 07:54 AM
what does any of this have to do with bigotry. i have never said i have hated one person. i hate the religion, the book, the ideas of hate that islam spreads.
you can have friends that are devout muslims, and still hate their religion. i hate all religion, i think it all spreads hate.

and am i afraid of islam or terroism? heck yah i am. nobody even watched the videos i posted. just oh your a bigot and islamophobe. yes i am. i am afrraid this religion will infest the world. its in their book... to either infiltrate the infidels and take over their goverment, or take it by force by jihad.
i didnt write the quran, its whats in the book that scares me.
they follow this book like their lives depend on it. and it scares the hell out of me seeing what is happening in europe. that will be america after obama and hillary flood this country with refugees and illegals.
America is in trouble. muslims come to this country and have 8-9 kids, while most married couples in the states are having 1 or 2 kids. muslims will take this country over and infest it with sharia law.
if you cannot see that islams intention is to dominate the world, then you my friend are a hard wired sheep, and brainwashed student of the american goverment university.
they keep telling us not to be afraid of islam because of a few bad apples or loan wolves. well the apple doesnt fall far from the tree and the wolf was part of a pack...

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: nobunaga

they keep telling us not to be afraid of islam because of a few bad apples or loan wolves. well the apple doesnt fall far from the tree and the wolf was part of a pack...

And there it is

1.6 billion Muslims in the world. They're all bad people?

Are you being reasonable do you think?

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: nobunaga

they keep telling us not to be afraid of islam because of a few bad apples or loan wolves. well the apple doesnt fall far from the tree and the wolf was part of a pack...

Scapegoating the rotten apples at the bottom of this religions barrel may not be a slam-dunk escape route from accountability anymore.

Please leave mixing metaphors to the professionals or you may find yourself eating crow with the peanut gallery.

However, we do need to keep our eyes peeled for the "loan wolves" them bad hombres.

edit on 17-6-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

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