posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to:
Whether we like it or not, the world isn't a comedy stage. Carlin was a hilarious man that knew how to make people think twice about things, but he
was privileged with a stage and an expected context for what he said, comedy. People went there to laugh, often regardless of how inane or insensitive
his material was and they went into it knowing this.
Not all people are living life as if the world is a comedy stage. Some take life pretty seriously and they're not wrong for that. Sure some people
could definitely lighten up and be a little more open minded, but being serious about people's well being is important; it is surprising that this
isnt common sense.
We're facing a time where levels of order within the chaos are starting to potentially infringe on certain rights and what people want out of their
society, including privacy. This is the crux of the issue. Balancing order and chaos, implementing appropriate regulations in appropriate ways, and
discarding regulations that no longer serve a beneficial purpose to modern society.
Obviously we don't want to pave a road for tyranny and an overy regulated society where everything is under "control." Equally so, we can't just let
the rule of the jungle take precedence. Some countries are so technologically advanced and influential that it would be an absolute faux pax and
massively irresponsible to allow a total degradation of order.
Just my 2 cents on the topic of all the PC stuff. Some of it is overbearing, people shouldn't expect others to just accept a new way of thinking and
"deal with it." However, of the same coin, those that disagree with some of the PC stuff could at least try to rationalize as to why some of the stuff
is being put out there. It's not always an attempt at fascist like control and some giant conspiracy. It's often about respecting others well being. I
think both sides, whether in agreement or disagreement of the PC stuff, should try to come to some compromises while appreciating the diversity of
each other's opinions and beliefs. People aren't obligated to get along, I realize that, but if we have a choice in all of this, I'd imagine people
could at least live and let live.