a reply to:
Thank you so much and I understand what you're getting at.
It's true that we can be physically assaulted.
But I think permission is so important in these cases because, as I pointed out here briefly elsewhere, our own permission can be used against us
afterwards, to trap us. With guilt even. As if they are saying, "well didn't you allow us? didn't you ask for this? didn't you say it was ok?
didn't you WANT it?"
But also... I think it's important to note that we can all be "tricked" into giving permission.
If you set someone up for it, like priming/conditioning stuff... then it'll be easier to get permission. From anyone. All it takes is a little
status (reputation, authoritative figures, being star struck by a famous person, and etc)... it's just more manipulation.
Also, children are the easiest ones to trick... and if you get em young, you'll have em for the rest of their lives... almost indefinitely. There's a
point at which you cross where it's almost impossible to come back from... so you become a regular abductee and etc. After you say yes the first
time, you will almost always say yes.
I hope we can break free.
I hope we can start new.
Actually, this is all basically what
KayteeB just said... just in different words. Thank you so much KayteeB for chiming in! I
hope you stick around. I love you.
And as for
I felt immediate relief after I was left alone, tbh.
And I told my family right away... but no one cared tbh like this isn't the first time I've had strange experiences and most people don't believe me.
They just don't care because I look fine and seem fine so everything's fine... who cares about the weird sh-t I'm seeing or experiencing? No one. No
one cares. But it's fine. lol.
But I think that's what makes it easier for all of this sh-t to go on, too though. Because no one cares or believes what's possible... cognitive
dissonance on a large public scale, denying that things are going on while they're going right on front of us, right out in the open.
I have first hand experience with all of that denial stuff too though so I'm not really judging.
Oh and, I had my cell phone and I wanted to take a picture of the thing but I didn't because I got caught up in the weird psychic interaction... which
I believe was just basically hypnosis.
I believe status/reputation/history drew me in so I started to give permission, but then I tested the boundaries? I think like someone else said, I
just naturally exercised my right to autonomy... and I couldn't feel guilty about it because my body was on the line. Like if I was traveling from
NYC to London and the airline I booked with told me that they didn't know if they had enough gas to get us across the ocean... would you fault me for
fighting my way off of the plane before it took flight? I wouldn't fault you... so that's how I evaded being guilt-tripped into it, or even
bullied/pressured into it.
Right of Autonomy... I'll never forget that term now, lol.
edit on 13-8-2016 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)