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I had a strange UFO encounter.

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posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 08:45 PM
I was informed once that when undergoing hypnosis... you must first give permission and surrender yourself.

This is key because I was also informed that during alien abduction experiences, giving permission is a big part of it.

And it's not that I don't believe in aliens, it's just that I can't honestly say that I know whether or not there are other lifeforms out there and that due to personal experience... I sense that people are more likely the culprits, instead of butt probing aliens.

So get this.

I've had close encounters, visions, and near psychic experiences.
But I don't believe in aliens, gods, ghosts or even spirits or souls anymore.

What I DO believe in, are people. I believe in people. But for whatever reason I know this is extremely hard for others to swallow... so I'll try to make it as easy to digest as possible. Even if I have to spoon feed it to you like the infants you are. So here it goes, take your first taste:

When I told my manager once that a man humped the counter at me, twice... another coworker came forward and warned me that my manager said I must have imagined it. She didn't believe me.

My managers immediate denial is a perfect example of people refusing to believe in people...

because for whatever reason people would rather choose to believe in gods, devils, ghosts and aliens before they ever believe in the actions of people... just like my manager would rather believe that I was a little mentally ill and imagined it all instead of actually consider the possibility that this man humped the counter at me. And you may be like my manager, who for whatever reason might not want to believe that a person is capable of humping counters... so I must warn you that what I am about to propose here is so much heavier than humping a counter. But I still urge you to consider the possibilities that I hint at here simply because it won't benefit any of us much longer to deny the truth.

So perhaps... it has everything to do with people and their perversions, rather than aliens interested in your butt.

And for the purpose of trying to plant the seed smoothly, I will only be talking about the second encounter I had which happened almost 6 yrs ago now when I went to the store to get a pack of cigarettes in the early evening. It was around 5-6 pm. It was still light outside but getting darker. It was probably early spring.

The convenient store is a left turn off my street onto the main road and a right turn into the parking lot. It's literally a minute down the road. And as I was waiting for an opening in traffic to make the left turn, I spotted the lights of an aircraft in the sky to my right... it looked interesting even though it was in the distance, however I wanted smokes more so I made my turn when I could and I left it behind me. I made it to the store, purchased my smokes, and with one in my mouth on the way out as I waited for an opening in traffic to turn out of the parking lot, I noticed the aircraft had gotten closer... much closer. This time, it was like nothing I had ever laid eyes on prior and I almost immediately parked my car in the driveway of the parking lot, mesmerized by the thing, and stepped out to get a clearer unobstructed look.

I worried that if I looked away it would be gone so I did my best to burn the sight into my eyes. What I saw had a flat dark bottom, diamond shaped, and the sides rose upwards on a slant creating a pyramidal like structure, only imbalanced. The entire design was still slim and elegant looking. It had lots of lights and odd shaped windows, and it was about the size of my palm in the sky so it seemed massive to me and appeared to be able to house a fair sized group of people. It was utterly silent and sailing slowly above me... like a real spaceship. Only I really thought it was a military aircraft... because the way that it looked, it didn't seem to be outside of the realm of possibility of manmade technology.

But then something really odd happened. It suddenly occurred to me that I could be ON that aircraft if I wanted to be... and that's when things get weird. Because normally when you're looking at an aircraft in the sky you don't think to yourself that you could be beamed up by Scotty on Star Trek... teleportation is just not part of our reality. Yet. If it will ever be. However, it had literally just become a reality to me somehow... and my main concern was if I would be safe. If I would be returned unharmed. If I would get hurt.

And so there was some kind of communication between the thing and myself, which I can only describe as an internal telepathic dialogue. After a moment of some kind of psychic tugging and pulling, I came to the decision that the other party could not deliver an honest answer in regards to my safety... and suddenly the spaceship felt like death to me. It literally felt like if I got on it I would never... ever return. And the light hearted open curiosity on my part turned into indescribable fear. At last I felt a burst of hostility come from the thing before it shot up into the sky and disappeared... without a sound.

The act of being left behind washed me in relief. I cannot explain the weight that seemed to lift from me on that day. It felt as though I had been set free... and I felt not only lucky to be alive but also slightly more in control of my own life, oddly. Yet the entire thing had shook me deeply, obviously. And the experience would stick and I would write about it many times... wondering, trying to understand what had happened to me.

As for other witnesses on this particular night? It was rush hour and I remember looking into the passing cars and around in the parking lot, which was also a gas station, to see if anyone was paying attention. But no one was paying attention... and again I was utterly alone in it. Still, despite not having anyone else witness this thing with me (and I have a big feeling no one else was supposed to witness it, anyhow), I know that I am not the only one to have had an experience like this one.
edit on 11-6-2016 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 08:47 PM

I've heard others tell similar tales and I no longer believe it has anything to do with aliens. I believe it has everything to do with people tampering with other peoples minds. And whatever the case, I now know it's possible to test them back, and resist. Like in this one encounter I inherently knew that I could throw myself into traffic if they tried to take me without my permission- then they'd have lots of unwanted witnesses to deal with... and that in part is what helped to keep me grounded. No pun intended.

I also knew that if I set some of the conditions and they broke their word, then the deal would be broken and I would be set free... in my own mind at least. But most of all it felt like they were trying to pull me into some kind of deal/contract, of which I refused to sign/give permission. It probably involved p-rn, tbh. The greedy brutes! Or just sex... since everyone seems to want sex- the perverts! But as for who they are? Well their identity must remain hidden, even to this day. But dare I suspect human origin... or is that too wild a notion?

But back then I was like you. I didn't know what other people were capable of, either, much less myself. I would've never believed that people could be so capable... now I know better. And it is up to you to consider what I have said or completely dismiss it.

But I guess, what I want to stress once again most of all… is that you must first give permission in order to allow these other people (or aliens) to enter your mind, and abduct you. Just like during a hypnosis. So arm yourselves mentally and know that you can refuse, that you can demand for specific conditions before you sign another contract or deal. That the deal can be broken when one party fails to uphold their end of the bargain. That the agreement can always be re-written, that nothing is permanent or set in stone and you can ask questions and test their knowledge and most of all, know that you have a choice no matter what. You don’t have to believe in the things that they tell you. You can find safety in a blind audience by involving them.

And you can always just say, “no thank you.”

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

Welcome to the club.

The most overlooked, denied and impossible aspect of a close encounter is the fact that the ETs can get into our minds and influence us. Most any abductee has had the experience and, as you demonstrate, it is unsettling.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:09 PM
I found everything you wrote to be quite troubling...
I have a hard time attributing it to an alien encounter...
Instead I see it as an attempt to discuss being the victim of manipulation for sexual relations and your own guilt for having been unable to realize you had the right to refuse...

edit on 11-6-2016 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: 5StarOracle

lol. I still had the UFO encounter, regardless. Or did I...? Seeing isn't always believing, not to me.

Also, do children have the power to refuse?
edit on 11-6-2016 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:12 PM



I don't think we have a choice. They will do what they will do. That includes other people.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: NotThat

I always wanted to be free...
and tbh, I know I am not free.

And I know I am not even remotely in control, if at all. Because I know when a force is stronger and bigger than me- I do not delude myself into believing otherwise. Instead, I know that I am at the mercy of the mob from time to time. I know that the mob is bigger than me. That I am small. And the world is big. And it will not benefit me to continue to deny these simple truths and struggle and fight against the great powers that be. So, sometimes all you can do is surrender. And in many ways I have. But just sometimes, I'm saying, just sometimes... you can write in your own conditions. You don't have to give yourself over entirely. You can be smart about it, you can ask questions and test their threats, then work towards taking care of yourself and taking control of your life inch by inch.

I'm saying... you don't always have to give permission.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

Children do have the power to refuse...
Sadly children are humans too and also have curious nature and are also prone to the bodies functions and the chemical response of excitement...
They fall prey to such lured in by advancements designed to confuse them by predators...
I know you blame yourself partially because of this confusion you experienced... I'm telling you not to...
Its not your fault that it happened or for any emotions you experienced...
You are not less of a person... sex is not the only thing you are good for... And it's not wrong for you to enjoy it...
But what happened was wrong...

edit on 11-6-2016 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

I was informed once that when undergoing hypnosis... you must first give permission and surrender yourself.

Err... It's slightly more complex than that. Have you heard of highway hypnosis (one candidate for missing time)? True, the way Sideshow Bob forcefully hypnotized Bart Simpson is nonsensical, but one can be shifted into a state of hypnoses without wanting it.

And you can always just say, “no thank you.”

Unfortunately not. I don't know what caused your experience or if aliens or paranormal forces are actually involved in any of this, but I do know these types of experiences can occur without consent (as in hypnogogia or schizophrenia). In many cases though it does seem possible to stop it, or at least fight it through will power (I've had varying degrees of success fighting off sleep paralysis).

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: VP740

I was informed that missing time during driving is basically the shallow end of dissociation. It's just your mind wandering. I've experienced it myself. It is not hypnosis- however I have heard that people can self hypnosis, which might be like a self induced dissociative state?

Not sure about any of that other stuff you're talking about, and I know that we all have a choice. Just, most people don't know it yet... they believe in ridiculous lies.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: 5StarOracle

Thank you, that was very sweet of you.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:43 PM
Those pesky aliens are all pervs. They probably saw the ciggy in your mouth and figured you would be an easy roll in the hay. Well I guess you set them straight! It takes more then humping the counter, or having a fancy starship to get in your pants
edit on 11-6-2016 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem


posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

What exactly is hypnosis if not dissociation (and how do you know all highway hypnosis experiences stay on the shallow end)? As for us all having a choice, what do you mean? A choice in being taken away by aliens? I don't know, but that sounds kind of weird. If the aliens were real I would think their choice in that aspect would override ours. In experiencing abductions or paranormal events? Once again, people experience things they don't want. We all have choices, but we also have things beyond our control. Could elaborate on what choice you're referring to?

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

I'm glad you are not mad at me for my responses...
I was just considering deleting them and apologizing to you...
Not because of what I said...
Because in my rush to give you my honest opinion of what you stated I showed a total disregard of how my words might affect you or what it may reveal to others...
I wish you well...

edit on 11-6-2016 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: VP740

It's true that people experience things that they don't want... and sometimes we get butt r-ped. By aliens, apparently. I got r-ped by other human beings tho, personally.

But, I did hear that "choosing to go along for the ride" is a common theme in alien abduction stories. Basically, people give permission. The tricky part is, people are naive. Children most of all. But our choice is probably a big deal because then it can be used to make us feel guilty afterwards. It can be used against us, to basically tell us that we asked for it, didn't we? Didn't we allow it? Which further entraps us. That is why the choice is so key.

But all I am saying now is... it's different. We can re-write our initial agreements. We can change our minds. We can understand better.

And just because I have personal experience in rape, it doesn't mean that other people who experience ufo encounters and alien abduction are NOT also experiencing hypnosis/dissociation or whatever mental condition it is that allows us to deny entire chunks of reality, and re-write and replace those chunks with baloney butt probing aliens or whatever.

All I am saying is... we don't have to always give permission. Things change. We have a choice.
edit on 11-6-2016 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 10:03 PM
You got some powerful mojo....and a nice writing style!

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: 5StarOracle

I understood it that you were upset because I introduced (lol) the notion that all alien and ufo encounters... are actually human in origin.

I understand and fully anticipated this.

It is ok, no need to panic.
edit on 11-6-2016 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Thank you so much wow,
that is a real compliment coming from you!

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 10:18 PM
Came to read about an alien abduction. Pretty disappointed.

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