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Cultural Appropriation Is Bad And We Need To Stop It! Oh wait....what's the definition again?

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posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 03:58 AM
Turning this silliness 180 degrees can we not, as white skinned westerners, claim that those of a darker hue who seem to be thriving on this idiocy are guilty of the same thing?
After all, living in a nice house and driving a BMW is our way. Those accusing us of cultural appropriation must surely recognize the fact that that isn't in keeping with their cultural roots at all and should be living in a hut, wearing a loin cloth and chasing their lunch with a spear, embracing their heritage!

Yeah, it may sound harsh and ridiculous and yes, you'd be correct for thinking it to be so, but no more so than the crap being peddled by the PC crowd and militant "victim" idiots who seem to be thinking up new ways of blaming everyone else for any perceived hardship and pissing off everyone else at the same time, thus creating distrust and division. Rather than working to just get along with everyone around them, they seem intent on creating division where it didn't exist at all. A classic case of divide and rule!

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 05:04 AM
I love this schnit.

Many yrs ago, I was in a black powder Gunslinger Troup. Everyone wanted to be Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, Billy the Kid etc.

I was an Indian half breed. 1/2 Italian 1/2 Indian, my grandmother was the first Italian to cross the Rockies. My name was Partly Cloudy. lol, 20% chance....

I had the longest hair and I used to braid it. Had a feather too, carried a .50 cal Hawken and a colt 45 for the shows.
Wore a poncho.
Looked cool with a biker moustache and rimless glasses. No one's head exploded because of me.

I've played Saudi's and a caveman, screw them both if they have a problem.

Anyway, no one could make any cool movies anymore if this BS were to get more out of hand.

Scarlett Johansson is playing a japanese character in the new movie, Ghost in the Shell, a live action anime.

People are grumbling about that too.

Some cultures are lucky they are embraced and not ignored.

So many drama queens.

edit on 6 10 2016 by burgerbuddy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr

originally posted by: SomeDumbBroad
a reply to: woodwardjnr

I don't particularly use the term but I hear it a lot... Care to explain what you mean by this?
it means when you use the language you butcher it so it can be used along with your mutant language

How can I butcher it if there is no actual definition?

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: draoicht
There's no future in the past...

One might consider that quote by Faulkner...'The past is never dead. It's not even past.'

originally posted by: thinline
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

To some the term Canuck is offensive. You being an arse, eh

I am taking, Canuck and Johnny Canuck, to you its a term of pride. What would you do if the SJW came after it, would you change or keep being an arse and keep your handle?

We ARE talking about people that think that a building needs to renamed, because it was named after a man named "Lynch" and that's racist.

Cultural Appropriation is a bad thing when a minority or marginalised group has had it's language, art, expressions of its culture taken away from with the First Nations in North America...when their children have been scooped up into residential schools where they 'beat the Indian out of them'...then the dominant culture chooses to f*ck with that culture in a frivolous or trivial manner.

Anybody who confuses that with an ethical quandary over a WASP making Tikka Masala has their own set of problems.
edit on 10-6-2016 by JohnnyCanuck because: yupper!!

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Thank you

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 08:28 AM
I feel like if people want to talk about cultural appropriation they better be ready to chastise the Japanese for so readily appropriating Western culture in the 20th century.

Some non Western cultures adopted Western culture quite wilfully. If these windbags aren't ready to acknowledge and complain about that just as much as they complain about Westerners appropriating culture I won't give them the time of day. And if they do choose to complain about it, I'll tell them to suck it up - it's only a real issue in their mind.

This is just the latest attempt to target and shame white people.. a lot of these made up social justice issues are consistent in one way, they all seem to attack white people in some way, whether indirectly or not. They never really apply them consistently across the board, in practice it always boils down to a monolithic union of coloured people vs white people. You never hear black people being angry with Arabs because of Muslim o slavery, or Hindus with Muslims because of the holocaust of 400 million people. If white people aren't the enemy the issue never takes off.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Isn't that racism and not appropriation? What you described sounds like racism and discrimination... Not adopting a culture. Since there is no official term I can't say for fact that you are wrong but it seems like not what I'm talking about.

Beyonce was recently accused of "appropriating Indian culture" because of her music video that was filmed with her in India in ceremonial clothes and attempting traditional dance.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: SomeDumbBroad
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Isn't that racism and not appropriation? What you described sounds like racism and discrimination... Not adopting a culture. Since there is no official term I can't say for fact that you are wrong but it seems like not what I'm talking about.

Beyonce was recently accused of "appropriating Indian culture" because of her music video that was filmed with her in India in ceremonial clothes and attempting traditional dance.

The damage done to the First Nations can certainly be considered racism (if not genocide). To wrest their culture from them, to delegitimise it's meaning, then to feed it back in a trivial manner, further demeans them. That's why they take it personally. And in the scheme of things, what is more relevant? How a message is meant, or how it is received?

And anybody who refuses to take the inherent power of the dominant culture into account is either foolish or just not paying attention.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

I think they should be more offended by all the white people running around claiming they're natives.. I mean, I get that sometimes you only need to be one eight or one sixteenth native to be a member of a tribe but let's be real.. how native are they really?

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

I think they should be more offended by all the white people running around claiming they're natives.. I mean, I get that sometimes you only need to be one eight or one sixteenth native to be a member of a tribe but let's be real.. how native are they really?

It might be interesting to compare those metrics to those employed by the Nazis to assign 'Jewishness'. Personally, it's 'wannabes' and 'shouldabins' that make me nuts. And speaking of Krauts (my heritage, btw) it would seem that their particular 'Indian' affliction is tolerated by the First Nations...probably comes back to the nature of the message.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

What do you mean by 'probably comes back to the nature of the message'?

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck
What do you mean by 'probably comes back to the nature of the message'?

These Germans are so driven by authenticity that it can get downright amusing:
Wild West Germany
or from the horse's mouth:

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: SomeDumbBroad
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

Isn't that racism and not appropriation? What you described sounds like racism and discrimination... Not adopting a culture. Since there is no official term I can't say for fact that you are wrong but it seems like not what I'm talking about.

Beyonce was recently accused of "appropriating Indian culture" because of her music video that was filmed with her in India in ceremonial clothes and attempting traditional dance.

The damage done to the First Nations can certainly be considered racism (if not genocide). To wrest their culture from them, to delegitimise it's meaning, then to feed it back in a trivial manner, further demeans them. That's why they take it personally. And in the scheme of things, what is more relevant? How a message is meant, or how it is received?

And anybody who refuses to take the inherent power of the dominant culture into account is either foolish or just not paying attention.

Well, personally I hardley think anyone's aim is to cause harm in things like exhibiting traditional dress or adapt recipes. I've seen people under fire for things like wearing a scantily clad adaptation of a native American outfit on Halloween. I agree in an extreme case it is uncalled for but generally that is not the case. Generally it's just adaptation not representation.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Well I strongly rsemble my Italian family that are still in their homeland over my mother who is half Italian (my father is also half so technically I am also half I guess). I could actually get grants based on my genetics. Would it be wrong of me to?

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: SomeDumbBroad

They give out grants to Italians now too?

It's wrong and you shouldn't abuse the system. Adopt Stoicism and never complain(I complain all the time). Never let them see you falter(I falter all the time).

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Lol yeah it's been a thing for a while, I looked into it when I was going to school. Personally I didn't feel right taking advantage of it but I wish I could.... Lol

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

You shouldn't but at the same time, there was a rule before the Labor Commission that would going to force HR Dept. across the country justify any hire or promotions of white males. In other words, they were going to have to prove there were no other possible female or minority applicants who could have been given those jobs or promotions before the white male.

In that case, my husband and I talked it over. He has never, ever traded on his Native American blood except in silly internet convos where it really doesn't count. He has a full-blooded blood grandmother, but as he was adopted, he has never known anything to do with that heritage. So he doesn't really feel it appropriate to actually seek to trade on it in any material way. If something like rule came into effect though ... you better believe we'd be getting both he and our son (possibly me; my paternal grandfather was illegitimate and we never knew his heritage) DNA tested so we could prove his minority status as a CYA.

When it comes to the survival of our family, we will fight dirty if we have to.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: SomeDumbBroad

You didn't feel right taking advantage of it but you wish you could? Oh my, I think a good spanking would be in order.. maybe that'll set you straight.

But seriously, for how long are they going to keep adding groups to this list before they realize that it's just divisive and discriminatory?

Hmm.. does this mean Italians are considered a minority group now all of a sudden? I mean.. they're white Europeans.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
He has never, ever traded on his Native American blood except in silly internet convos where it really doesn't count. He has a full-blooded blood grandmother, but as he was adopted, he has never known anything to do with that heritage. So he doesn't really feel it appropriate to actually seek to trade on it in any material way. If something like rule came into effect though ... you better believe we'd be getting both he and our son (possibly me; my paternal grandfather was illegitimate and we never knew his heritage) DNA tested so we could prove his minority status as a CYA.

When it comes to the survival of our family, we will fight dirty if we have to.

These programmes exist to give the historically disadvantaged a leg up. Kudos for not cashing in if not needed. But I'm sure that a lot of lives have been changed for the better...with a generational what some still consider 'reverse racism'. Social engineering is complex and perilous, no matter what the intent.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: SomeDumbBroad

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: SomeDumbBroad

I don't give a *crap* what some SJW or "intellectual" thinks about what I think and do. They can simply go sod off and take their definitions and vile terminology with them.

I generally don't care either when they complain...However I did a thread on the American College Campus and how Freedom of Speech is being oppressed in the younger generation. I think it needs to be something we speak out against actively at this point.

why?......this younger generation needs a set of balls, let them speak out on their own.....if they are not allowed to, they have to fight this battle themselves, they are adults after all.

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