originally posted by: Annee
Where was he (in regards to running for president) when.... the momentum was there to bring his style of government into reality? ...
Then came the Neo-Cons, Tea Party, Trumpsters, etc. The Right became more Right, the Left became more Right. The activism of the 70s/80s faded into
We (collectively) weren't ready for a Bernie and his message back then. He was part of that time, yet didn't become politically active until 1980,
running for mayor of a small town in a small state.
The time back then was full of movements, outside of government, pushing for changes in govt (war, civil rights, safety/pollution regulations) and
culture (women, peace). Wages were good (college, at least in Calif, was free or low cost), people had access to health insurance and services, people
were benefiting from the economic system.
But all that scared some people on the right, fearing cultural losses, and far right money began to pour into conservative religious and cause
campaigns against these feared losses. They took advantage of the Saudi rise in oil prices, with inflation following, to coalesce citizens around a
new movement, religious and conservative in nature. They took advantage of white fear of losing their social dominance over "minorities" and of white
jealousy over "minorities" getting help to advance in society.
The far right movement became the Reagan Revolution and the "Culture War" was on, steam rolling over anything left of the Left. It caught on like
wildfire and more money was poured into it. This turning to politcal/economic conservative and religious fundamentalism (which was given political
power) was not only confined to the United States but was a worldwide phenamenon (think Taliban and Afghanistan as examples).
Even 20 years ago Bernie and his messages could not stand a chance of being heard. There was still a middle class, although which would increasingly
go into increasing debt to be able to live the middle class lifestyle. The average person was scheming and dreaming of making big bucks off
investments and Wall Street. The "little person", as we were mockingly called by the Haves, did not see that they were buying into the rigged system
that Bernie speaks of. A system that would give greater benefits to the 1% and leave crumbs that the average person believed was a meal.
No, the time for Bernie (not necessarily as a POTUS) is now, because the blinders of the average citizen have finally come off. They now know, they
finally see, that the system is rigged. The time for a movement is now. But a movement takes more than electing a person to office. We had better let
Bernie, along with other Progressive leaders, lead that movement, if we want to take back the country from the Reagan Revolution.
Things have gotten crazily out of control in this country. America has always been a Great Nation. There is nothing to make it "great again". (What?
By going backward and undoing the progress we've made? That is what some Americans want.) We just need to change course, a u-turn, if we have any
chance to Keep It Great.
It may be that Bernie can get out his message without the encumbrances of the office of President. I believe he knows that. That he can do more good
NOT being POTUS but leading a movement. Go Bernie... and Elizabeth Warren... and all the other Progressive leaders out there ready to lead, if people
organize and follow and push back with new ideas.
Let the Bernie Revolution begin! Leave the job of governing to Hillary.