posted on May, 30 2016 @ 06:20 PM
There seems to be a never ending fascination in spending ever increasing amounts of money on shiny weapons systems that have little or no chance in
seeing combat.
The Raptor whilst a nice platform is dead, little point in producing more, the existing ones are little more than airshow bunnies now. F35 may become
a workable platform in another 7-8 years but is again a system designed for a conflict that's not going to happen and so no commander is going to risk
such expensive airframes for jobs they weren't designed for knowing that new fused radar arrays can announce the arrival of the stealthy primadonnas
and cheap shoulder launched units can drop them the moment they get down in the dirty air, 4th Gen all the way for nailing the mobile nasties.
There aren't going to be large scale conventional wars again, Russia & China have no need to start such an immature war. Small regional wars with the
super power fighting by proxy are going to be the norm of modern warfare for a while. Little point in ultra expensive 5th Gen "stealth" platforms as
down low is where all the fighting is, Close Air Support for ground troops is whats needed, an A10 replacement is required, Apache too, money far
better spent.
The days of partners buying in to US projects have been ended by the F35 fiasco, no country can afford such costly cockups again and so more cost
effective simpler and more reliable systems are what's needed,