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Racist Asian Commercial Washes Black Guy Into An Asian guy #SJW

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posted on May, 27 2016 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

Well said, and in this day and age it's a calculated risk, these folks weighs things someone had to have questions about it, unless the company is filled with yes men/women who wont rock the boat.
I have couple of experiences I can share, I am somewhat known in the city where I live not everyone mind you but I have showed-up on the local T.V and articles written about me etc , so it wasn't a big deal when someone asked to ride in the lead float for a local festival my job was to show-up in looking Jamaican ..ok kool , the morning of the parade we had a mini meeting and low and behold there was all these kids running around in Blk face..I was like WTF?? I ain't riding with ya'll at this point panic set in because it was too late to replace me, so the lady in charge was begging and pleading with me not to quit, then I hit them up with a solution, I told her to get those kids face cleaned and paint some black,gold and green color looking like quasi tribal face art, this they did and everyone was happy, later I called everyone on my float together and explained to them through an interpreter why black face was not kool, and they got it.

Another incident I was called to participate in a C.M for universiade my city was opening itself as the gateway to Asia, at first they wanted a Kenyan, but he got sick so someone dialed me up, I showed up and the director and the assistants were busy checking me against a picture of a Masai or some Kenyan tribe , they looked concerned the make up lady especially so, finally she sent off her assistant, I had my toga looking African dress one complete with spear, the assistant came back all out of breath but looking somewhat satisfied , the make-up lady asked me to sit own, and out came a can of.. SHOE POLISH!! my reaction was swift as I knocked the can and that brush thing from her hand and began yelling obscenities at her, apparently despite my dark chocolaty complexion they wanted someone of a deeper hue approaching licorice or fking shoe polish, to make matters worst my chest is yellowish especially under intense lighting, so I refused to do it, finally I did them a solid as I knew what they were looking, I called up an African friend telling him he is going to be in a C.M he is from Senegal of the Wolof ethnic background , slender very black and tall, where as I am tall but muscular and a shade and a half too lite, he made a perfect fit for a Kenyan tribes man, in the end everyone was happy they paid me for my time, problem wasn't the make over I was against it was painting me with shoe polish because the lady didn't have that shade in her kit.
edit on 27-5-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Winstonian

This *ish made me cry!!
.. real tears.. oh man! That was hilarious! Its so corny and cheesy and ridiculous!

I'm black and I'm not upset and I don't think most black folks would be. Its racial silly humor, like Dave Chappelle.
NOW if this was made in America, it would absolutely be a problem! The oppressor is not allowed this kind of humor, period.

st watch, the leftist media is going to jump on this in full force and we will be seeing thousands of articles and videos standing against this racism.

And in this you are incorrect, Sir.

My latter point is the part of racism and perpetuating racism that most "Americans" don't understand. Asians/Italians/etc did not created a racist system of oppression to undermine the black people AFTER kidnapping, torturing, and holding them in subjugation for 400+ yrs. The system which oppresses does not get the privilege of humor at the expense of the oppressed without outrage.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Edumakated & Spider879

Thank you for trying to shed light. They aren't missing the point, they are simply closet racists

To add to you example of Commercials: Remember Popeye's most recent spokeslady, the 21st century version of Aunt Jeremiah trying to sell that nasty ass chicken?! Sounding like the end of each of her sentences should have been " ohhh yesss suh boss?!!!" Black people were outraged and as a result, she no longer wears her hair in that damned scarf and she uses correct English! She could have done that from the beginning.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:26 PM
Let the SJW's be all up in a tizzy.

When a kid throws tantrums if you ignore them, they eventually get the message and stop throwing tantrums.

Same here.

When you react with equal outrage at the SJW people, you're validating them, giving them more resolve and determination to continue stirring up crap.

They cause a scene to get you to react just like everyone here is doing.

The outrage at the SJW is exactly what they want, so bravo -- you're giving those SJW's a victory.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

To make matters worse, this ad was run on BET.

BET died when Video Soul and Teen Summit ended. You should not be surprised they promote colorism at every turn, then try to make up for it with "Black Girls Rock". Debra soul her soul to Viacom..Huey tried to tell us:

edit on 27-5-2016 by Istaywoke77 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Spider879

I'm sure most people would be upset over people making monkey noises at black people(?).

The problem now is, people expect not to be offended by anything and they are working to shut people up. There's repercussions to not playing by their rules, including losing your job or being socially ostracised.

Let's not compare modern SJW to people fighting for the abolition of slavery or fighting against Hitler. If anything, the cream of the crop of these people would have been NSDAP card carrying members. The common denominator here is indoctrination to a certain set of ideals, they're obedient conformist followers, not mavericks blazing new paths and challenging orthodoxy. They're not really fighting the machine, they're really an integral part of it since they have succumbed to its indoctrination. They don't really challenge any type of real power structures; their enemy is the "middle aged white heterosexual male", not the oligarchy.

I don't consider myself whiny, or even similar to SJW's when I oppose them, because if they have their way Europe will be assimilated by non white people and we can kiss our ethnic and racial sovereignty goodbye. Meanwhile, all they care about is trivial microaggressions, their identity politics and soothing and protecting their ever more fragile emotional state of mind.

I don't have a problem with fighting real injustice and I don't have a problem with being nice to people, what I do have a problem with is an ideology that is fundamentally biased with more holes in it than swiss cheese.

But ok, now WE'RE the ones that are special snowflakes for not putting up with the #storm of their constant temper tantrums. Pfft!

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

No, these people might act like children but they're not. They hold real power, if you don't oppose them they will legislate their point of view on everybody else or otherwise influence the state of affairs to reflect their ideals.

Being lethargic and ignoring a problem is never a good way of solving said problem. Well, I'm sure someone can think of a situation where that is valid, but this certainly isn't one of them.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Winstonian

no boom boom soul brother.

but believe it or not there is a true story where nurses in Newfoundland tried to wash the black off a U.S. Sailor.
happened during WWII.

Phillips was taken to a place where the local women were washing oil from the survivors, and when they realized they could not scrub his skin white he was afraid their kind treatment would end. Instead a local woman, Violet Pike, insisted that he come home to her house where she nursed him with soup and put him to bed with blankets and rocks she'd warmed on her wood stove.
Lanier W. Phillips

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 06:51 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
Let the SJW's be all up in a tizzy.

When a kid throws tantrums if you ignore them, they eventually get the message and stop throwing tantrums.

Same here.

When you react with equal outrage at the SJW people, you're validating them, giving them more resolve and determination to continue stirring up crap.

They cause a scene to get you to react just like everyone here is doing.

The outrage at the SJW is exactly what they want, so bravo -- you're giving those SJW's a victory.

It's worse than that even... they're waving swords at an imaginary beast. All those supposed outraged SJW as per usual, is in their own heads. This thread is just another exercise in a role playing fantasy.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

TheLaughingGod over and above all else I am a free speech advocate, anyone have the right to offend me at anytime however through acts of nonviolence and freedom of speech I also the right to respond negatively at being offended up to the point of calling for boycotts, if enough people are swayed by my argument and a company weighs in favor of their profit margin through their internal action then so be it .. again I am against all legislation telling ppl what they can and cannot say for that usually ends badly.
Eg take the race issue out of it , someone unthinkingly put out a stupid tweet that went viral, it got back to his/her boss the boss thinks this will have negative repercussion on his company he made the decision to ax the tweeterer ..I wouldn't shed a tear for them, as the King of Sparta said to the Persian ambassador..
Movie 300:
Before you speak, Persian...

...know that in Sparta everyone,
even a king's messenger... held accountable
for the words of his voice.

And yes anyone can spot overt racism, subtle racism is harder to detect but present nonetheless and just as grating.

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 12:48 AM

This response from a person I know pretty much sums up the feeling most Blk folks that I spoke to about the C.M

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Or a T.V. show like All in the family.

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 03:50 AM
It's funny. As a matter of fact, there is a simple explanation for that. Even among Asians, they treat darker skinned people among themselves as out of class. I don't think it is necessarily a racial thing. Chill it people..

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: groveacc
It's funny. As a matter of fact, there is a simple explanation for that. Even among Asians, they treat darker skinned people among themselves as out of class. I don't think it is necessarily a racial thing. Chill it people..

Yes that's the case sometimes, however this particular image is something imported
Go back here^ for an explanation, to tell the truth I am not really that annoyed about the vid, I am more annoyed at the reaction by some and the feigned ignorance of the history behind such imagery.
edit on 28-5-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 05:51 AM
I guess she likes guys with little penises.

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

This response from a person I know pretty much sums up the feeling most Blk folks that I spoke to about the C.M

I'm black, this is pretty much my response too...more disappointment than anything else.

I wonder though, how many of the posters who find nothing wrong with this are white males?

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: supremecommander

Short of a poll I can't say, the best anyone can do is point out why this ain't kool if they don't get it they don't get it.

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Winstonian

Funny how it always seems to be some person that thinks that SJWs and PC so and so's are running amok posting things that claim to be upsetting SJW's and not SJWs.

Funny how if that had been a gay guy and got thrown in to a washing machine to 'wash the gay' away.

Wouldn't have a problem with it ?

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Winstonian

Funny how it always seems to be some person that thinks that SJWs and PC so and so's are running amok posting things that claim to be upsetting SJW's and not SJWs.

Funny how if that had been a gay guy and got thrown in to a washing machine to 'wash the gay' away.

Wouldn't have a problem with it ?

Not sure about that matter of fact the reaction would have been heavy, 10yrs ago perhaps even 5 you might have been correct..but not today.
edit on 28-5-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 10:55 AM
What I got from these commercials is that Asian (including other cultures) simply don't wish to race mix their People. Nothing wrong with that. Enforcing it however is.

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