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Hebrew Alphabet - Corrected Meanings

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posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Padawan Parazurvan Googlemiser

originally posted by: By Padawan Parazurvan Googlemiser

I have always considered the Holy Spirit to be female. I equate Sophia(Wisdom) with the H.S.

Padawan, Sophia is a Gnostic figure as you well know.

Some education on the holy trinity of Gnostic religions youngling:

1. The Father - Monad/Pleroma/Bythos.
2. The Mother - Barbēlō. The first Aeon/Aspect of the Father. aka the Holy Spirit.
3. The Son - Immanuel/Yeshua/Jesus. (Generally speaking as some would say Yeshua/Jesus is the son of the Demiurge).
From there Padawan, thirty more Aeons came into existence in male & female pairs, three batches of them. First was 8 I believe, then 10, then 12. With 'Sophia' being the furthest from The Father. Being the thirtieth Aeon.

Sophia is also the Mother of Life (1st Eve) who blew the spirit of Light into Adam giving him sentience, then running away from the Archons.

In some Gnostic sects Sophia is believed to be the wife of Yeshua and are believed in some Gnostic sects to be the final paired Aeons (which would make Yeshua in this case not the son)

originally posted by: Padawan Parazurvan Googlemiser

I don't believe Christ is a person but a state for us to achieve

Holy smoley, so now you don't believe Yeshua even existed! OMG your a weird one with your contradiction.

Coomba98.... sorry

Summers Eve.

edit on 26-5-2016 by coomba98 because: Because im not perfect like Padawan

edit on 26-5-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-5-2016 by coomba98 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Some of the symbols do relate better to their intended meanings when you correlate them, but I am using Hebrew specifically because of its relation to the Biblical texts.

I also believe that Hebrew DID NOT originate from Phoenician as historically stated. There is too much disparity.

I believe it actually came from the Egypt. And was intended to simplify translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs/texts.

After the texts were 'converted' into Hebrew (Aramaic), they decided to 'keep the writings to themselves'. And so we have the corrupted 'veil' translations and meaning, as well as the 'hidden' correct version.

Fill in the pyramid chambers to hide the 'source' texts. So they can then claim ownership of the 'teachings'.

The original Biblical texts came from this.

The Phoenician origin is given to conceal any connection for the Biblical script to Egypt.

They kept the 'Knowledge of the pyramids' to themselves and claimed it as their own (Eye in a pyramid?).

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: dashen

You need to realise that Hebrew as the spoken language it is today, is not the same 'Hebrew' that was used to write the Biblical texts.

The language was corrupted within inception intentionally, to hide the meaning within it. So only a few could possess 'The keys' to knowledge.

Keys on the Vatican logo? Hmm?

You may be very correct in stating that there is a different word in Hebrew for 'brain'. But this is within the modern, ACCEPTED, corruption of the language from its original.

Does that word appear in the Bible at all? Or brain in general?

"Dinosaur" doesn't appear in the Bible either, because the word only came about in recent times. The word that was used in ancient times was 'Dragon'.

I assure you. That the light that dwells in the protected space, is the brain within the skull. That (and the consciousness it contains) is what "Tabernacle" is referring to.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 01:25 PM
The correct 'trinity' is:

O - POWER - Dimension
A - FORCE - Time
S - MOTION - Life

You don't need to 'achieve' Christ. Christ refers to a living body or being. If you are alive, you are a Christ.

Did you see the Pope recently state in Lumen Fidei that "Time is greater than space"? This is what he means.

He knows this is coming and those like me are bringing this information forward. They are taking steps to 'conform' the Church to the 'unveiling', or 'apocalypse', which cannot be stopped.

This concept of TIME/SPACE/LIFE can be found in Psalm 119 which states.

"The astrological processes relation to the aspects of time, are akin to the physical body and consciousness."


edit on 26-5-2016 by IamSandSHEisB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

I am not a feminist. I believe in the principles of equality and balance.

Life as we know it cannot come into being without the Mother, yet we disregard her in creation.

Without internalisation there would be no externalisation.

It goes beyond this though. They not only disregard the vital feminine aspect, they reduce the importance of feminine characters within their corrupted texts, calling them whores and disgracing them.

Paint a perception that only the masculine can be truly holy, as Jesus and God were masculine. Feeding the view that true beauty and love can only come from a male, which leads to homosexuality.

They are to blame for the very thing they are against.

Do you know what the verse that Christians use to persecute homosexuals actually says?

"What is to be known and understood by both men and women together, can't be known by men with other men. It goes against the natural balance".

They are talking about institutions such as the Vatican, and other forms of male dominance which discount the natural feminine balance.

This means that by NOT accepting gays because of this verse, the Vatican is essentially denouncing themselves through its true meaning.

This is why they were in such a hurry to accept homosexuals as a matter of priority BEFORE they corrected the feminine balance.

Because in doing so, they were accepting themselves, and their male dominated paradigm.

"God" is a concept of completion. Something that, without the feminine, by its very definition 'cannot be'.

Though this was part of the intended reason for them removing the feminine. To avoid this completion.

If people were to look within themselves, as well as projecting themselves outwards in their search for divinity, they might begin to see correlations between the two.

The best they would allow us to know was 'As above, so below'. Which is the same thing.
edit on 26-5-2016 by IamSandSHEisB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: IamSandSHEisB
a reply to: chr0naut

Some of the symbols do relate better to their intended meanings when you correlate them, but I am using Hebrew specifically because of its relation to the Biblical texts.

I also believe that Hebrew DID NOT originate from Phoenician as historically stated. There is too much disparity.

I believe it actually came from the Egypt. And was intended to simplify translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs/texts.

After the texts were 'converted' into Hebrew (Aramaic), they decided to 'keep the writings to themselves'. And so we have the corrupted 'veil' translations and meaning, as well as the 'hidden' correct version.

Fill in the pyramid chambers to hide the 'source' texts. So they can then claim ownership of the 'teachings'.

The original Biblical texts came from this.

The Phoenician origin is given to conceal any connection for the Biblical script to Egypt.

They kept the 'Knowledge of the pyramids' to themselves and claimed it as their own (Eye in a pyramid?).

Hieroglyphic writing is vastly different from proto-Hebrew.

Consider the in size of character set, Hieroglyphic has over 2,000 characters, Hebrew has 22.

There is also a strong association between Egyptian belief and its pictography (such as hybridized animal/human glyphs) which is not reflected in paleo-Hebrew.

Paleo-Hebrew may not be a descendant of Phoenician. The assumption that it is, is based purely on an accident of archaeological discovery. Archaeological findings of older Phoenician script does not indicate that proto-Hebrew script did not exist at the time, so the assumption that Phoenician is older, is faulty reasoning.

Why also, when knowledge of writing itself was a secret of the select few (scribes), would anyone seek to 'hide' lore and 'knowledge'. It makes no rational sense, even considering religious revisionists like Amenhotep (who was well after the Hebrew captivity and we know the extent of his reforms).

Similarly, if you were tasked to produce a new language that is unreadable by everyone else, would you start by creating a totally new character set? It is a major work with little advantage to it.

edit on 26/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:24 PM
Yes, hence 'simplify it'.

The way we view and read Egyptian hieroglyphs needs to be corrected also. There is a lot which is wrong.

For example, the symbol we believe to be a knife for 'cut', is actually a quill, and represents documentation or illustration.

Beyond this, they actually have more in common that you might think. Because, in much the same way Hebrew uses the 'sum' of the words individual letter meanings to form a word, so do Egyptian hieroglyphs.

We read them with words correlating to individual glyphs, when we should be 'reducing' the collective meanings of each letter within a 'word', to get a more accurate meaning.

If they ever dig out the subterranean chamber of the Khufu pyramid (which they filled in to hide the chamber), I am certain you will find the walls covered in the writings which became ... The old testament!

Genesis 49 (deeper translation) talks about this. About them 'disrespecting' the 'Pyramids' (benai) and their teachings, and ignoring the warnings of the Sphinx (Lion of God).

Not sure why they decided to include this in the canonized gospel.

And, though I believe Hebrew originated from Egypt. I don't believe that it was the Egyptian people who were responsible for it. If they were, then it would not have been the Jews and 'Romans' laying claim to the Biblical texts.

The criminal is usually the one found with the stolen goods ... So to speak.

The Bible even states that 'Simon Peter' was the foundation for todays Church.

Simon Peter can be translated as 'He who hears, stone'. Or more likely, "He who could read/translate the hieroglyphs".
edit on 26-5-2016 by IamSandSHEisB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: IamSandSHEisB
Yes, hence 'simplify it'.

The way we view and read Egyptian hieroglyphs needs to be corrected also. There is a lot which is wrong.

For example, the symbol we believe to be a knife for 'cut', is actually a quill, and represents documentation or illustration.

Beyond this, they actually have more in common that you might think. Because, in much the same way Hebrew uses the 'sum' of the words individual letter meanings to form a word, so do Egyptian hieroglyphs.

We read them with words correlating to individual glyphs, when we should be 'reducing' the collective meanings of each letter within a 'word', to get a more accurate meaning.

If they ever dig out the subterranean chamber of the Khufu pyramid (which they filled in to hide the chamber), I am certain you will find the walls covered in the writings which became ... The old testament!

Genesis 49 (deeper translation) talks about this. About them 'disrespecting' the 'Pyramids' (benai) and their teachings, and ignoring the warnings of the Sphinx (Lion of God).

Not sure why they decided to include this in the canonized gospel.

And, though I believe Hebrew originated from Egypt. I don't believe that it was the Egyptian people who were responsible for it. If they were, then it would not have been the Jews and 'Romans' laying claim to the Biblical texts.

The criminal is usually the one found with the stolen goods ... So to speak.

The Bible even states that 'Simon Peter' was the foundation for todays Church.

Simon Peter can be translated as 'He who hears, stone'. Or more likely, "He who could read/translate the hieroglyphs".

Simon (Shimon) is common Jewish name meaning "God has heard". Simon, a married fisherman from Galilee, the brother of Andrew (which means "manly"), was re-named to Petros (a common Greek name) which means 'rock', by Jesus.

He was initially called Simon but later on he was called Peter.

The appellation 'Simon Peter' was to prevent confusion as to which Simon was being referenced and would not have been used while he was alive.

Putting the meanings of the two names together and inferring a third thing is very Dan Brown (Da Vinci Code). Being literal, if you listen to stone, you hear nothing. Perhaps Simon/Peter was being mocked? (A more accurate rendition of Simon-Peter as "God has heard, rock", however, doesn't have the impressive 'woo woo' factor required for pseudo-magical fiction).

The idea that a fisherman from Galilee could secretly read hieroglyphs (which was a dead language, of a dead civilization, located nearly 500 miles away) is really an incredible stretch.

Also, to have read the 'secret' hieroglyphic writings he would have had to travel those 500 miles to Egypt and go on a bit of 'tomb raiding', wouldn't he? An additional unlikelihood.

I'd also be interested in specifically how you derive "Pyramids" from "b'nai" (which means "the son of").

edit on 26/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 07:35 PM
B'nai/Benai means 'Pyramid-related peak'. To this day they still use the word 'Ben' to describe the tips of pyramids.


The mistranslation of 'son', comes from 'pyramid' being used to describe a branching system of propagation, such as a family tree. Within which a 'peak' represented branching of offspring such as a son.

Because they couldn't have a reference to Egypt such as 'pyramids' within the Biblical texts.

GENESIS 49 tells of how they are supposed to respect the pyramids, the sphinx and their offerings. But that they instead 'washed' and changed the teachings.

Whether or not it is 'Da Vinci Code', I could give you 10 different 'layers' of coding/meaning that have been applied to most of the texts.

The ACTUAL translation of Simon Peter is something close to, "Holds knowledge of the physical world".

Peter/Petros/Patar actually refers to the externalised physical realm. What we also correlate as 'Father'. It got 'stone/rock' in reference to the solid physics of this.

If you are serious about understanding the teachings contained under the veil of the Biblical texts, you need to first understand the 'Nominum touch' that was layered into the texts, to encode and conceal meaning.

From what I am aware, the original texts before the nominum touch contain absolutely no personal names. None.

No Simon, Peter, Mary, Jesus. Nothing.

All names used within the text should be viewed as what they actually are, which is the meaning attached to those names.

You also need to understand, that the only reason it could ever be argued that any aspect of the Biblical texts could be 'historical', is if it were in relation to a mass percentage of the population being 'sub-consciously tuned to algorithms which exist within the text.

As with anything cyclical, we are subject to recursive patterns which can be 'manipulated' if you have a good enough knowledge of the propagation within prior cycles, and a means with which to mass influence the 'nodes' of the collective within that cycle.

The Bible holds much more power of 'propagation' than it does anything to do with historical accuracy.

If you wish to believe it to be a historically accurate document, then you should not seek to look any 'deeper' into the texts because it is akin to the difference between fantasy and reality.

Confusion lies in mixing the two.

You either seek to know the answers, or you subscribe to 'faith', which is being happy to concede to not knowing the answers.

"Faith" and "Truth" by definition are incompatible. You have to pick one or the other. It does not matter what the Church says, you have to pick one or the other. You can't have both.

"Beware trusting those who feel they need to tell you to 'trust them'".

I should also point out to you that the 'Da Vinci Code' coding you refer to in this world, is put there as a thread to be pulled at.

There is no lunacy within examining sychronisations that most would refer to as 'coincidence' in this world. Because there is no such thing as 'coincidence'. Only probability.

All man-made systems (including language) in this world are formed as recursive 'child-patterns' based on the patterns existing within the collective which propagated them.

We create the patterns! Which is why they align to us.

The more you understand the meaning within the aspects of the patterns (such as with letter symbology) the more these patterns become noticeable.

The more you 'sync' with the integrated aspects of the world.

The world 'speaks' to me constantly. I see patterns within everything. As well as levels of coding within things like Biblical texts.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: IamSandSHEisB

From what I am aware, the original texts before the nominum touch contain absolutely no personal names. None.

No Simon, Peter, Mary, Jesus. Nothing.


Nomina Sacri was an abbreviation method where sacred names were abbreviated to a couple of letters written with a line above them. The names are not absent, the abbreviation is clearly identified and only certain names are abbreviated.

Despite that, the earliest Christian papyri, Rylands Library Papyrus P52, consists of two fragments of the Gospel of John. In it the names of both Jesus and Pilate are written in full.

Not all ancient Christian texts used Nomina Sacri.

edit on 27/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Jesus Christ means "baring of a sources hearth"

Contextually, "body of your consciousness".

It does not refer to a actual historical person, unless you mean Sabbas

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

Perhaps the "God has heard, rock" appellation is telling us that God is into a particular 60's to 90's popular music style? He obviously wouldn't be into Metal or Punk, both on philosophical grounds, though.

Maybe you are on to something?

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I can give you a level of translation from Exodus that refers to exactly that. The algorithm works.

Moses would mean "Promoter" referring to the one that picks the bands.

This comes from the meaning of "Drawn from water", which does not mean so much water itself, but the pulse of the waves.

Drawn from waves/sound.

Referring to, the person who selects the bands for a concert. Hence the promoter.

The translation correlated EXACTLY, with events which took place in my home town, at the time that the translation was made.

This seems to happen a lot to me.

I've had conversations with my family on Facebook, that lead me to a particular Bible verse, which describes EXACTLY the conversation we are having.

I post the Bible verse to show them that. They laugh at me calling me crazy. And them doing this ... Relates to the VERY NEXT PART of the Bible verse.

I am literally going through the motions of acting out the writings within it.

It even happened to me on here a long time ago. On a old account. I posted something that one person in particular ridiculed. Giving me a quote from the Bible.

This lead me to a verse, which actually detailed EXACTLY what was happening in our conversation in that thread.

And once again ... Included my response ... SHOWING them the verse, about us talking ... about us talking.

That's the beauty of the algorithms of the texts. The 'layers' within them.

The rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.


posted on May, 29 2016 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: IamSandSHEisB
a reply to: chr0naut

I can give you a level of translation from Exodus that refers to exactly that. The algorithm works.

Moses would mean "Promoter" referring to the one that picks the bands.

This comes from the meaning of "Drawn from water", which does not mean so much water itself, but the pulse of the waves.

Drawn from waves/sound.

Referring to, the person who selects the bands for a concert. Hence the promoter.

The translation correlated EXACTLY, with events which took place in my home town, at the time that the translation was made.

This seems to happen a lot to me.

I've had conversations with my family on Facebook, that lead me to a particular Bible verse, which describes EXACTLY the conversation we are having.

I post the Bible verse to show them that. They laugh at me calling me crazy. And them doing this ... Relates to the VERY NEXT PART of the Bible verse.

I am literally going through the motions of acting out the writings within it.

It even happened to me on here a long time ago. On a old account. I posted something that one person in particular ridiculed. Giving me a quote from the Bible.

This lead me to a verse, which actually detailed EXACTLY what was happening in our conversation in that thread.

And once again ... Included my response ... SHOWING them the verse, about us talking ... about us talking.

That's the beauty of the algorithms of the texts. The 'layers' within them.

The rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.


The one that picks the bands (usually, an employee of a record company) is called an A&R (Artists and Repertoire) man.

Generally, the band manager gets gig's (like concerts) and apportions money for band, PA and roadcrew.

A promoter usually comes in much later to ensure maximum coverage of radio, TV and concert appearances. The promoter is employed by the band or the record company.

edit on 29/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

Can you please repost the info to cure diseases so i can read it it got removed and i only need it for a little while

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