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Hebrew Alphabet - Corrected Meanings

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posted on May, 25 2016 @ 05:45 PM
Here is a chart I created with the corrected meanings for the Hebrew alphabet.

Use this to correctly translate the Hebrew Biblical texts. And it should be possible for us to restore the Biblical texts to the original version which actually details astrology, science, geometry, and other workings of 'the cycles' of this world.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 06:03 PM
Actually vav means hook or clip and kuf means monkey. So mucyh so that in the Proto sinaitic pictogram is an actual monkey.
Are you a native Hebrew speaker?

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 06:53 PM
Apparently, that pictogram is pyretic, and didn't originate in this realm of existence.

Tell me ... What contextual reason would there be for having 'monkey' as the meaning for one of the letters in your alphabet?

I assure you ... This chart is correct. At least in relation to the Biblical texts.

And I speak many different languages. Hebrew, and older 'proto' dialects.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

Monkeys in hebrew philosophy represent mans base desires without the higher intelect to control them.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

I assure you vav means hook. It is used as such dozens of times in the description of the tabernacle in the book of exodus.
also kof means monkey, not what you said. Any hebrew speaking child knows this.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 07:11 PM

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

Are you part of The Chronicle Project?

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 07:18 PM
Also how come the "closest english meanings" have almost no relation to the actual meaning of the letters names?

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: dashen

Your replies seem very aggressive and not very curious as to the purpose of the presented chart.

I would like to read some translations.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 09:06 PM
Chart is kind of small to read on my screen.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 09:27 PM
So you want me to dismiss thousands of scholars because you believe you have the only true understanding

I dont think so

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: dashen

The correct translation for tabernacle is "Brain".

The human brain!

And they all correlate very well. It is the 'established' meanings which are corrupted.

The 'corrected' version which I am giving you, is given to this world every age 'passing'. And every time (usually through greed) they are corrupted.

The lettering covers essential 'aspects' within the creation of word forms, that are essential to the construct of the language.

Trust me when I tell you, that none intelligent enough to create a alphabet for the purposes of (successful) communication, include a 'monkey' among the meanings of their limited character set.

Everything is very specific, as to cover any form of descriptive 'combination' that is necessary to convey a word.

"7" THROUGH. The conveyance 'towards'. Possessive. Exceeding.
"8" GATE. The conveyance 'away'. The carrier. Proceeding.

They are very specific, and the 'pattern' by which the letters of the alphabet is structured, has not changed much throughout time.

Except if you are to consider the shift between languages such as Ancient Greek and English.

In this context you find that the letter A, O, and S, have all been 'mixed up' and at times replaced each other.

But the symbology of these letters is the same as 1: POWER (O), 2: FORCE (A), and 3: PULSE (S).

The real 'Trinity'. The symbolism of the English language works in the exact same way. "O" is the power. "A" is a symbol showing two stems in relation to each other (middle line) which illustrates the principles of force. 'S' is a wave. Symbolising 'pulse', or initial motion.

O Samech falls into this 'transition' for O, S and A as well.

The first three "physics" lettering always correlate with the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Which represents: I, WE and THEY.

The two sets of function correlate perfectly.

4: FOCUS and 5: PERCEPTION are the next descriptive aspects, they deal with TIME AND SPACE.

Though without first understanding how time functions, this may be a little hard to understand.

To give you a simple understanding. Time is focus in phase. Between layered dimensions space. This is why FOCUS sits as the primary for 40: TIME.

"Massive, Chaos, Overpower" and all the other translations for "TIME" are poor understanding of what it describes.

Next you have TO, FROM, IN and OUT. 6, 7, 8, 9.

These, once again, are always usually in this pattern.

6 and 9 in the English language were SPECIFICALLY designed to illustrate a circle 'closing-in' on itself, and one 'opening-out' off itself. To illustrate INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.

You see where this is going?

When we get to something like ENERGY: You will see that it is 4/1. FOCUS of POWER. The focus of power being ... (Radiated) energy.

For CONSUME. 9/18: INTERNAL, confined to GATE ... Consume! Simple!

The meanings and gematria meanings correlate. Meaning that the translations are correct.

I'll state once again, that there has NEVER been a written language conceived, where those who created it through it was imperative to correlate one of their limited character set to a monkey.

I can only present this information to you, as it is given every age!

It's up to you if you can see that it makes sense.

Try using this on some Biblical texts, realising that the Bible actually writes about Science, Geometry, Astrology and the Cycles of this world, and you will see that the letter works.

Best of luck.


edit on 25-5-2016 by IamSandSHEisB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

You believe what you like.

I'm here to force the Catholic Church to tell the truth.

You watch what happens now.

Watch how quickly they start implementing the "changes" that were demanded of them.

Like their recent change of tune, on the roles of women in the Church.

They are supposed to bring forth the Feminine balance of God, to the Masculine. And update the trinity to MOTHER, FATHER, CHILD.

But this is obviously too hard for them.

Too little too late Francis.

Tell the truth about what "Jesus" really is!

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
So you want me to dismiss thousands of scholars because you believe you have the only true understanding

I dont think so

I don't think anyone familiar with your attitude towards the Bible and free thought would expect anything from you that doesn't conform to what men have decided for you already what is true.

I doubt you are familiar with the work of any scholarls opinions on ancient Hebrew language or religion.

Traditional Bible scholars have guidelines that they must conform to or they don't get fat pay checks. Preachers, lecturers and others who make money off the Bible will not make that money if they don't tell people what they want to hear.

So while you think the popular version of Christian history is true, not everyone is so naive and investigate for ourselves.

You would be surprised what you learn when you don't believe everything you are told.

Just because you believe in a book of mythology as history is not evidence that it's true. It doesn't seem to have made you humble, in fact you are arrogant whenever someone questions the bible. If you were a true believer it wouldn't matter what other people do or think and you wouldn't always be putting people down for having different beliefs. That is called bigotry, if you did it because of someone's religion I wonder what else makes you act like your better than people?

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

I am interested in stuff like this such as Molech being the root word for king and Baal is a word for lord proving that the Israelites worshipped many god's.

Bit I could only see tabernacle being a metaphor for the brain as temple is for the body.

I don't think the replacement of tabernacle with brain makes sense so I can't see it being an error in translation.

But the Catholic Church only tells the truth when denying it is more damaging.

I have always considered the Holy Spirit to be female. I equate Sophia(Wisdom) with the H.S. and I don't believe Christ is a person but a state for us to achieve by dying to worldly desires and ressurecting through water baptism into baptism of the Holy Spirit which is the fire baptism meaning enlightenment.

It has been very effective. Not like the little ceremonious baptism a pastor does but I let the Most High himself do it.

Yahweh is Baal.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

Tabernacle or Mishkan in Hebrew means "place of dwelling"
also called the Tent of Meeting or "Ohel Moed" in Hebrew.
The hebrew word for brain is Moah

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: Parazurvan

I don't think anyone familiar with your attitude towards the Bible and free thought would expect anything from you that doesn't conform to what men have decided for you already what is true.

Traditional Bible scholars have guidelines that they must conform to or they don't get fat pay checks. Preachers, lecturers and others who make money off the Bible will not make that money if they don't tell people what they want to hear.

So while you think the popular version of Christian history is true, not everyone is so naive and investigate for ourselves.

Just because you believe in a book of mythology as history is not evidence that it's true. It doesn't seem to have made you humble, in fact you are arrogant whenever someone questions the bible. If you were a true believer it wouldn't matter what other people do or think and you wouldn't always be putting people down for having different beliefs. That is called bigotry, if you did it because of someone's religion I wonder what else makes you act like your better than people?

So best I allow you to decide for me, is that your point?
No evidence, no explanation, just a believe what I say statement

Traditional bible scholars, ancient Hebrew, the lost language, millions of Jews who spoke the language and you want to change it all so you can change the Old Testament to suit yourself, hmmm?

Christianity was also written in Greek, what does that say about your research, a little faulty it sounds
The OT was Hebrew, NT Greek and Hebrew

One thread you are complaining about Angels attacking you, about how you are going to single handedly bring the (Catholic?) church down and now this.

Must be a maelstrom in your mind

And just to clarify, I am not putting you down, I am putting down your beliefs, you could be a nice guy in the normal world for all I know

I just read your other post, it sounds like you are a feminist.
I dont doubt God is neither male or female.
Women have an important role in the church, no question.
God is identified as a Father figure, doesnt mean Hi is a male like you understand.

Plenty of information in the bible that shows Gods feminine traits
Deal with it

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 11:15 PM
Oops, one post was enough
edit on 25-5-2016 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

But the characters you are using are modern Hebrew.

Wouldn't Phoenician or paleo-Hebrew be clearer, then the pictographic relationship can be seen.

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

My point is you act buffoonish, you have no humility and are a vocal Christian meaniy you claim the faith but don't imitate the Messiah.

All you do is talk about how Christianity is true and you found the truth over and over and anyone who disagrees gets one of your awkwardly worded insults.

If you believe it is enough you don't need anyone to agree with you and shouldn't be so persecutory. Or brag about how Christian you are.

Do it with actions words mean little.

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