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Charlotte Observer: Girls must overcome ‘discomfort’ of seeing ‘male genitalia’ in locker ro

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posted on May, 20 2016 @ 03:46 AM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
I work at a steelmill and some restrooms are for either sex. Ive worked there 35 years. Weve had women in the stalls walk out while a man is standing at the urinal. And women walking in when a man is peeing. One big dude has a cute lil lady walk in on him, he pivoted and shook it at her. He got written up. This was 30 years ago. Time marches on. He quit decades ago. So did she. She was found murdered, her body stuffed into a sleeping bag, presumably by her boyfriend. I always think of her when I dr[ve by a bar she used to go to. The whistlestop. She drove a forklift and had big eyes painted on the back of her hardhat, with long eyelashes. She was pretty. Yeah, we have had coed bathrooms for over 35 years/
As for ther girl who walked out of the stall while the other guy was peeing, She was a weight lifter. Slender figure with big arms, and no boobs. She was very pretty redhead. She later had a boob job, and walked around the plant and had guys feel her new set. I was married and did not. Coed rest rooms have been around for awhile

No offense, but that was the creepiest thing I've read on the internet today.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: Kangaruex4Ewe
My daughter graduates at the end of the month... I could not be more glad. At least when she is an adult on her own, it will be her decision as to where she would like to change and with who (whom?).

There are a ton of girls that don't like getting naked to shower in front of other girls... now throw in boys at a time when girls are already becoming more self aware, maybe struggling with self esteem/yacceptance issues, etc. We can also switch that from girls to boys, same thing.

I am not comfortable with this at all. I know, I know... it makes me a huge bigot.

Simple solution, if they have had surgery they can help themselves. If not, they need to (at the very least) shower with the same sex until then.

Telling children to "get over it" will do nothing but make some of them into the bigots they are currently fighting.

Your not a "bigot" and neither are the stuents being subjected to this blatant attempt at social engineering by the Left. This is all wierd mind contro l games being pla yed out here. The game is; how far can we go before people react? The tipping point is close. Expect even more of the bizzarre stuff if Clinton gets in.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:02 AM
I feel like a dog trapped in a man's body.
I'm just going to start pissing on fire hydrants and car tires.
Crapping in the neighbor's lawn.

edit on 20-5-2016 by skunkape23 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:21 AM

originally posted by: awareness10

A leading North Carolina newspaper issued an editorial last week telling girls to attempt “overcoming discomfort” at the sight of “male genitalia,” should transgender bathroom laws be enacted.

In a defense of President Obama’s order compelling schools to allow access to restrooms on the basis of gender identity, the Charlotte Observer editorial board compared the discomfort of school-aged girls seeing male genitalia in locker rooms to the discomfort of white people being around black people in post-segregation America.

Charlotte Observer: Girls must overcome ‘discomfort’ of seeing ‘male genitalia’ in locker rooms

Some posters on the site commented:

Now they're telling women, moms and girls they have to get over themselves.

Oh, the irony.

Don't you realize by now under Dumbo and democrat "leadership" 99.7% of the population must bow down to the 3 tenths of 1%! Just more proof liberalism in a DANGEROUS MENTAL DISORDER!

No, normal people should not have to overcome their normal reactions.

The left changes their causes more often than a playboy changes mistresses. They will court one group as their "cause", then toss them to the curb once they achieve a goal. Then they move on to the next new, bright, shiny toy. Once they finished with "gay marriage", the "transgenders" were next.

What's next? Pedophilia, as already being rationalized in liberal circles, such as Salon, as a "sexual preference" that people shouldn't be judged for. You watch, that will be the next major push after this. They just have to get people used to grown men being in the same bathrooms and lockers as little girls, which they're trying to do now.

The American College of Pediatricians have declared the "transgender agenda" that is being pushed in the public schools to be "child abuse". To subject vulnerable young girls to potential ogling by "transgender" males in the girl's locker room is unthinkable.

And on and on.

This has gotten way out of hand.

Whoever is running this simulation has got to seriously be contemplating ctrl+alt+del right about now.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:01 AM
and we wonder why radical islam exists in the middle east and why they are terrorfied of our way of life poisoning theirs.
really makes you challenge your own thoughts on who's actually the bad guy.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

This Obama bathroom thing is another from the communist playbook.

The "bathroom thing" started with laws passed by conservatives about who can use what bathroom.


posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

My daughter graduates at the end of the month... I could not be more glad. At least when she is an adult on her own, it will be her decision as to where she would like to change and with who (whom?).

She is going to meet a nice guy and terrorize him with his choice of who/whom. I write my lady friend all the time and get notes. Uncle Domo will smack the crap out of bad boyfriends, or hold them and let you get a smack or two in.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: awareness10

It is strange isn't it that that in order to alleviate the discomfort .3% of the population feels about using the bathroom with the wrong gender, we have to subject that same discomfort on the rest of the population and tell them to "get over it."

To me that statement looks less like a movement seeking equality and more like one seeking revenge for a giant chip on their shoulder and perceived wrongs.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: awareness10

I'm all for live and let live,but one shouldn't have to see Anyone's genitalia in publjc toilets.Don't public facilities in America have individual Stalls??

No, not everywhere. I can only speak to the men's rooms, but in most very large venues the urinal is simply a large troff to piss in.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:08 AM

originally posted by: Nickn3

originally posted by: Raxoxane
a reply to: awareness10

I'm all for live and let live,but one shouldn't have to see Anyone's genitalia in publjc toilets.Don't public facilities in America have individual Stalls??

No, not everywhere. I can only speak to the men's rooms, but in most very large venues the urinal is simply a large troff to piss in.

Uh yeah if they were built 50 years ago.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: luthier

You must not go to many bars or clubs.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:30 AM
"If you don't like looking at my stuff hanging out of my pants, you are obviously a bigot."


posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:30 AM
This is hilarious to me.. The manufactured outrage.

The social conservatives are blowing this way out of proportion.

As a libertarian conservative I have absolute support in individual liberty.

Individual liberty does not include what you are embarrassed about in public. If nudity is offensive don't change in locker rooms. The YMCA has had unisex changing rooms for a long time. It's not some secret plot to change society. It's the fact that nonreligious people don't find nudity offisive or perverted the same way many religious people do.

The other large issue here is trans people don't look like there birth sex. A trans female in a men's room is a lot more eyebrow raising then if they use the ladies room where obviously nobody will be checking out private parts.

Changing rooms: I have coached highschool wrestling for ten years. I can't say any of the kids use the showers. The school I teach at now doesn't even have them.

If you don't want to say strangers nude don't go to public showers. If you can't avoid it you chances of seeing a trans person waving their jumk around are about zero. A trans female just isn't going to be showing off their male parts if they still have them. It doesn t work that way.

The last thing I will say is my wife has worked in universities and hospitals for almost 20 years. The trans issues and accommodations are nothing new.

Basically we are just allowing human beings to be who they are but the religious right has fabricated an arguement out of this.

Europeans probably think we are nuts. They have had unisex bathrooms for ever. Strange thing is it never increased rape. Nobody freaked out.

This whole situation reminds me.of a dr I just read who said you should never kiss a baby on the lips because it's sexual. I think the real pervert was the one who is uncomfortable with kissing babies and thinks it's sexual (the Dr)

I think the imaginations of sexually repressive thinking has gotten a little overboard.

For you talking about the population size think about your arguement. Laws are often made to protect minorities. Otherwise you end up with two drinking fountains. The whites can outvote the black.. You know that kind of thing.

Let's move on folks. Stop trying to peep on people in public restrooms and if you are one of the last people using public changing rooms and showers in amercia (because yes we are body prudes) don't look.

There are still laws in place that if a dude is walking around your favorite public shower or restroom with his junk out doing something besides showering he is going to get in trouble. Trans people aren't going to be showing off their birth sex organs. Anybody get that?

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:30 AM
Being bought up in a Europe by both parents, both from military backgrounds and having been taken into both bathrooms/changing rooms as a baby and young boy i dont suffer and never have from this squeamishness. In my opinion the general rule has been that once an individual reaches puberty, that is when they have to start using their own bathroom if they are separate however in the case of unisex bathrooms this is ignored (duh).

Perverts exist. There are some that prey on their own gender and others that prey on the opposite gender. Perverts are very discrete but if someone notices someone doing something rude or inappropriate, the person either confronts them or calls in the cavalry, be it the facility's manager or the police.

I have come to the conclusion that more heads are better than one, if you have split bathrooms you have half the eyes looking out for perverts and potential predators - unisex bathrooms also desensitise young children to genitalia which i think is a good thing. Ive heard stories of couples that are so squeamish about the opposite sex's anatomy that they dont even see their partner naked and all sexual contact is rare and always under the sheets, i dont find this normal or healthy, some in this situation wish they wernt brought up not to feel shamed of their own bodys or to be ashamed about the opposite sex.

Those that wish to "cover up their business" in public changing rooms is fine, some people dont care and leave it up to everyone else to have the decency not to stare at their junk. The same way a bloke doesnt go for a pee at a football match and peer over the urinals at another guys penis, let alone do so and say anything inappropriate like "hey man, nice penis" - LOL, it doesnt have to be a negative comment to be rude, intrusive or perverted - yet we have managed for untold centuries this way.

edit on b3232708 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
a reply to: luthier

You must not go to many bars or clubs.

I lived in Austin Texas for thirteen years and am a musician. I have never seen a male bathroom without stalls.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Biigs

Nicely said. Its been studied by anthro and sociology. More repressive cultures about nudity and sexuality lead to a larger number of rwpes and violence in general. It's actually the same in the world of apes. Take Bonobos for instance. Children who are around non sexual nudity are Les likely to have perversions around sexuality and nudity. Consequently the scale also goes the other way. Ultra conservatives having the largest scale perversions. Priests, Orthodox jews, conservative Muslims, Ted haggard's etc.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I agree. While I am empathetic to transgender people and their rights, I think forcing others to accommodate their situation is highly problematic and antagonistic.

It's how small pernicious groups end up forcing the majority to e.g. wear the hiqab.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
a reply to: ketsuko

I agree. While I am empathetic to transgender people and their rights, I think forcing others to accommodate their situation is highly problematic and antagonistic.

It's how small pernicious groups end up forcing the majority to e.g. wear the hiqab.


Thats not what is going on here. Feelings are not liberty or else we would be making laws constantly about feelings. Being embarrassed about nudity is not the same as forcing people to do something. In this case forcing trans people who often look a lot or exactly like their gender identity to use a restroom of their birth sex is the worse situation here. You can see one of these situation has to do with the mental aspect of the observers the other is about actual physical access. If you are so afraid of male genitalia don't go to public showers. Public showers should be for the public. Some of them are trans. Last I checked you don't need a majority in the US to have rights.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 08:02 AM
Another feeble attempt at increasing circulation from a news source (and I use the term very very loosely) whose name is not synonymous with neither truth nor reality. Just numbers and revenue.
Notice how the WP always places stuff in quotes ? It is not because it is a direct quote. It is due to them interjecting stuff (meaning feces) that wasnt there in the first place.

edit on 5/20/16 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 08:20 AM
What is with Americans and their seriously weird obsessions with who uses what toilet?!

Sheesh. How many threads on this topic must ATS generate?

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