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Possible contagious demonic possession in school in Peru

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posted on May, 19 2016 @ 08:43 PM
Dozens of children from Elsa Perea Flores School in Peru in outbreak of ‘contagious demonic possession’

IT STARTED about three weeks ago, when about 20 children from the Elsa Perea Flores School in Peru became violently ill.

They displayed the same terrifying symptoms; muscular convulsions — some developing into full blown seizures — fainting, vomiting, delirium and frothing at the mouth.

The children, all aged between 11 and 14, shared another unsettling trait — a shared hallucination involving being chased by a “tall man in black with a beard” who was trying to kill them.

Since then, between 80 and 100 children from the school have been affected by what education officials are calling a mass case of “contagious demonic possession or interference”.

Video footage recorded at the school shows screaming children being taken by trucks to nearby hospitals. Other children are seen lying on school desks surrounded by classmates and teachers who switch between comforting and restraining them as they wait for medical help to arrive.

Reminds me of the Malaysian story from a few days back. While it does take an open mind to consider that this might involve negative spirits attacking children, even sceptics should find it interesting that this happened in two different countries in such a short time frame, involving such similar circumstances.

Silly superstition or something more? I would be interested to hear what type of scientific explanation debunkers can suggest to explain these events.


edit on 19/5/2016 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 08:56 PM
Contagious hysteria? Just another fad. Really.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 08:59 PM
The video from your link...

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:15 PM
It is a very religious and superstitious area. Kids this age are trying to figure the world out, they are repeating stories they have heard from each other or relatives, and pretty soon you have an "evil spirit" trying to posses everyone.

Then the "adults", bring in church officials to possibly perform exorcisms, which confuses the children worse then when it all started.

I believe there are many things we don't understand on this earth, but this is just nonsense.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I think I recall reading about the 2013 case that the link to the April one mentions. Weird stuff, to be sure! Some others listed on the main link, as well. Very odd.

First thought - the veil is getting thinner. Yeah, yeah, I know.

Still.....if nothing environmental is found, you have to wonder. The only options that I can see are:

1. Someone is playing games, doing experiments, and covering it up.


2. Maybe they are actually being harassed by demons.

If someone is doing this, there has to be a method, and that ought to leave some evidence. testing of the environments, home and school, for those affected, and testing of the affected people as well, would be needed to rule that out. Of course, this would necessitate that no one was interfering in the testing, and skewing the results.

If it's demonic, that's a whole different ballgame.

Anyone have ideas as to how someone could cause such effects? Some way not easily detected?

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: Watcher777
It is a very religious and superstitious area. Kids this age are trying to figure the world out, they are repeating stories they have heard from each other or relatives, and pretty soon you have an "evil spirit" trying to posses everyone.

Then the "adults", bring in church officials to possibly perform exorcisms, which confuses the children worse then when it all started.

I believe there are many things we don't understand on this earth, but this is just nonsense.
thats true that area is like that, could it have anything to do with the food shortage? like a lack of certain nutrients and vitamins? i dont see this as an actual possession, how did 80 kids manage to (at the least) invite a demon at once. i think there is more to this and we havent heard the whole story here. it is interesting im curious to see how this turns out

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I think I recall reading about the 2013 case that the link to the April one mentions. Weird stuff, to be sure! Some others listed on the main link, as well. Very odd.

First thought - the veil is getting thinner. Yeah, yeah, I know.

Still.....if nothing environmental is found, you have to wonder. The only options that I can see are:

1. Someone is playing games, doing experiments, and covering it up.


2. Maybe they are actually being harassed by demons.

If someone is doing this, there has to be a method, and that ought to leave some evidence. testing of the environments, home and school, for those affected, and testing of the affected people as well, would be needed to rule that out. Of course, this would necessitate that no one was interfering in the testing, and skewing the results.

If it's demonic, that's a whole different ballgame.

Anyone have ideas as to how someone could cause such effects? Some way not easily detected?
do you have any links to the 2013 stuff you are referring to? i kinda want to guess both 1 and 2 both fear of something and religious veiws, it still dont quite add up right to me though i think there is more info needed

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: malevolent

That could most certainly contribute to some of this, so you are getting children who are easily manipulated mentally. I don't think that is anyone's intention in this case.

It seems there is a story or stories that have escalated the hysteria and everyone including the adults are playing into it.
edit on 19-5-2016 by Watcher777 because: Too many theres

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I won`t rule anything out but my first thoughts would be to gather more information such as what have they ingested in the last 24-48 hours, were they recently vaccinated and what were they doing as a group (listening, watching...). Without this, it is pretty much impossible to tell what happened to these kids.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:17 PM
Sounds a bit like this case

The news media has been abuzz recently about a seemingly mysterious illness that has nearly two dozen students at LeRoy High School in western New York twitching and convulsing uncontrollably. Most doctors and experts believe that the students are suffering from mass sociogenic illness, also known as mass hysteria. In these cases, psychological symptoms manifest as physical conditions.

BLT (Blue Linky Thing - source)

This sort of thing has been documented since the Middle Ages, but it is now with cell phones that we see the effects more easily. Look how many phones are out recording this instead of helping.

1374-Aux-la-Chapelle One of the earliest recorded outbreak of hysterical dancing occurred in Aux-la-Chapelle in 1374. Sufferers formed circles, joining hands. They danced for hours at a time, until they fell down exhausted. Those afflicted with the hysteria seemed oblivious to what was going on around them. They suffered delusions as well, claiming that they were being tormented by spirits, whose names they shouted as they danced. Others saw angels and saints.

edit on 19-5-2016 by 1984hasarrived because: Typo fixed

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: Watcher777
a reply to: malevolent

That could most certainly contribute to some of this, so you are getting children who are easily manipulated mentally. I don't think that is anyone's intention in this case.

It seems there there is a story or stories that have escalated the hysteria and everyone including the adults are playing into it.
maybe its wanting attention, but the whole seeing a shadow man dont add up to me. kids can be easily manipulated to think and act how another wants them to, i personally dont agree with that. so if it wasnt demonic what really caused it. i dont understand spanish much now but from the video why are some of them hurting them selves i f i was a demon with a brand new shiny body i stole i think id be more inclined to take care of it

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: malevolent

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I think I recall reading about the 2013 case that the link to the April one mentions. Weird stuff, to be sure! Some others listed on the main link, as well. Very odd.

First thought - the veil is getting thinner. Yeah, yeah, I know.

Still.....if nothing environmental is found, you have to wonder. The only options that I can see are:

1. Someone is playing games, doing experiments, and covering it up.


2. Maybe they are actually being harassed by demons.

If someone is doing this, there has to be a method, and that ought to leave some evidence. testing of the environments, home and school, for those affected, and testing of the affected people as well, would be needed to rule that out. Of course, this would necessitate that no one was interfering in the testing, and skewing the results.

If it's demonic, that's a whole different ballgame.

Anyone have ideas as to how someone could cause such effects? Some way not easily detected?
do you have any links to the 2013 stuff you are referring to? i kinda want to guess both 1 and 2 both fear of something and religious veiws, it still dont quite add up right to me though i think there is more info needed

Yes -

20 high school students “possessed” by evil spirits

I located that one via this one -

‘Mass hysteria’ in Malaysian school: Screams heard from the classrooms

which is linked to in the OP's link. I am fairly certain I read about that one then, or at least something similar. Weird, in any case! Does seem to be some information missing, I agree. In one of the stories, I think the OP one, there are mentions of similar cases, or "Tourette's" in the States, as well.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

originally posted by: malevolent

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I think I recall reading about the 2013 case that the link to the April one mentions. Weird stuff, to be sure! Some others listed on the main link, as well. Very odd.

First thought - the veil is getting thinner. Yeah, yeah, I know.

Still.....if nothing environmental is found, you have to wonder. The only options that I can see are:

1. Someone is playing games, doing experiments, and covering it up.


2. Maybe they are actually being harassed by demons.

If someone is doing this, there has to be a method, and that ought to leave some evidence. testing of the environments, home and school, for those affected, and testing of the affected people as well, would be needed to rule that out. Of course, this would necessitate that no one was interfering in the testing, and skewing the results.

If it's demonic, that's a whole different ballgame.

Anyone have ideas as to how someone could cause such effects? Some way not easily detected?
do you have any links to the 2013 stuff you are referring to? i kinda want to guess both 1 and 2 both fear of something and religious veiws, it still dont quite add up right to me though i think there is more info needed

Yes -

20 high school students “possessed” by evil spirits

I located that one via this one -

‘Mass hysteria’ in Malaysian school: Screams heard from the classrooms

which is linked to in the OP's link. I am fairly certain I read about that one then, or at least something similar. Weird, in any case! Does seem to be some information missing, I agree. In one of the stories, I think the OP one, there are mentions of similar cases, or "Tourette's" in the States, as well.
thanks that was interesting to read. the part about the black shadow trying to enter the student i have a theory ill keep to myself for nor, the rest seemed like built up stress and then the others went along. holding in stress without out a positive way to release it can cause a person to literally snap

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:41 PM
Are they feeding the kids the Michele Obama approved school lunches?

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Are they feeding the kids the Michele Obama approved school lunches?
in south america? nm dumb question it could be possible lol no i think there might be something to it and all those new self help drug where by the time they read of the list of warnings i dont remember what the drug was supposed to help anyone with

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:20 PM
Cant speak for the peruvian story but ive spent time in Kelantan Malaysia and can say im not surprised.
It is an extremely backwards and superstitious place.
These are cases of mass hysteria pure and simple, ill believe otherwise when something like this happens in a rational 1st world school

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Are they feeding the kids the Michele Obama approved school lunches?

Fortified with ergot.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
Cant speak for the peruvian story but ive spent time in Kelantan Malaysia and can say im not surprised.
It is an extremely backwards and superstitious place.
These are cases of mass hysteria pure and simple, ill believe otherwise when something like this happens in a rational 1st world school
so you think its more like a psychological thing then? would nutrition or lack of have any effect in it? im curious

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: malevolent
I dont have a reasonable explanation im just highly sceptical its some ghostly man in a black jacket.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

Slenderman, ergotamine & hysteria.

edit on 20/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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