posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 10:01 PM
So, you, I've held back. It's not a matter of me being right (although I think I am). However, I am holding aside my beer money to buy
you one (or a coffee) if you turn out to be right. So we have several disagreements on this thread. Know I am brutally honest, even with myself and
my statements. If you're correct, I will acknowledge it...I hope you will do the same. Our points at issue are:
1. "They" didn't want to find it (my statement). Curious the Egyptians found it first, when the might of the western world couldn't do the same, but
none the less...point, Zaphod. I will acquiesce.
2. Fire in the galley (again, my statement). No proof of any cause at this point, but there seems to be some data which would suggest the flight did
not break up in flight. This is not conclusive evidence one way or the other, just an observation.
3. Explosive decompression due to windscreen failure (window heaters) (Zaphod's point). Could be, but it's looking like there was not a break up in
flight. Again, no conclusive outcome at this point.
4. Terrorism (my statement). No conclusive proof one way or another. No one has claimed responsibility, but this means nothing; there could be any
number of explanations for this. In any case, there is no conclusive proof to support terrorism or accident at this point.
5. Col. Sahiq did it in the Galley with the wine bottle. (think board game CLUE). (my statement). Again, no conclusive evidence one way or the
other (just a theory on my part). However, there is equally no conclusive evidence on any other theory.
I will step back and just read. I will acknowledge if I'm wrong, I truly will.