posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:28 PM
So all of that Sims talk with a singular-human and a wolfie a couple of weeks ago enticed me to re-download the game, and I'm currently getting a
bunch of things for it
pretty hairstyles, clothes, etc, for my people who are unknowingly being born into a world of torment
My son likes watching all the people and gets so excited when they have babies, and gasps appropriately when aliens show up and fires occur (not by
any of my doing, I swear!!! *whistles innocently*)
Sooo, that will probably be my day today if heee has anything to do with it! He likes sitting on my lap with me and listening to all the music, and
watching all the things, and getting in my way when i'm typing, and he enjoys all of your stories too
I read a few out loud to him, and, I would
just like you all to know that he finds it absolutely ~hysterical~ when I try to speak as the big Scotsman