posted on Jun, 1 2016 @ 02:48 AM
Peeking in and only hearing the occasional sigh of the embers in the fire. Seems the shed is at rest and all is well.
The sun will be rising soon for some of us so I thought I would drop this off for people to enjoy as if they were there while having their morning
I cant believe how much those couple days with my daughter exhausted me. Probably because I didn't want to miss a minute of it.
I was going to be around yesterday, but after replying to a couple friends and being so excited about them having found a cure for the shakes from
the Parkinson's disease that I just had to post so other could enjoy the good news, I promptly ran out of gas again.
Of course now I am up at the crack of dawn, but am finally feeling rested. So I do believe I will see if I can give some continuance to my story. lol
Not promising anything as I can be easily distracted, but I do have a cat in my lap as I type, so he may keep me still for awhile!
Love you my friends. Nice to see a few others back as well too btw!