As per usual, the new contest will start today!
Our last winner Swanne, with a little help from the board has chosen the following theme:
Around a Camp Fire
The idea is simple - A story as told by one (or more) character(s) sitting around a campfire, and the story must be narrated by the character(s).
There must also be some kind of interaction between the narrating character and his audience around him/her (even if it's just verbal) - just like
around a real campfire.
What comes to my mind is things like "Are you Afraid of the Dark" but with more interaction among those telling and listening to the story.
Rules Of Entry
The contest will run from NOW to Wednesday June 15th.
(Any submissions after that date will be disqualified.)
A period of ONE WEEK after the closing of the contest will be provided for voting.
All T&C's Apply.
All entries MUST include [ACF2016] in the title.
All entries must be linked in this thread, and you must include [writer] or [non-writer] in your submission post within this thread.
There is no minimum or maximum character count, and the entry can be submitted over one or more posts, but please bear in mind that it is a SHORT
STORY contest!
1 Single Story Submission are allowed Per Member.
There will be 3 winners among members who already have "Writer" status, prizes as follows:
1st Place -- 5 Applause, and selection of the next contest theme
2nd Place -- 3 Applause
3rd Place -- 1 Applause
There will also be 3 winners from the non-writer category who will receive the following:
1st Place -- 3 Applause & Writer Status
2nd Place -- 2 Applause & Writer Status
3rd Place -- 2 Applause
Flags will be worth 2 points each.
Stars will be worth 1 point each.
*Stars for subsequent posts (ie. additions to the story after the initial story post) will be worth .5 stars.
edit on 5/16/2016 by
tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)
edit on 5/16/2016 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)
edit on
5/16/2016 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)
edit on 6/23/2016 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason
edit on 6/23/2016 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)