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A prediction for the coming insanity

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posted on May, 15 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv

I'm no socialist, but I sure admire Bernie's integrity. And, frankly, he's intelligent, and clearly has a good heart. Given the other two options, I believe Sanders would cause the least harm.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: nomad2

That's an interesting assessment. Perhaps the labels have changed enough so it could appear as though the present administration is conservative. Let me give you my definitions:

Conservative: accept the Constitution as written with the minimal interpretation possible; provide an open and inviting climate for business; honor states' rights; use the military only when necessary to defend against foreign powers.

Liberal/Progressive: interpret the Constitution as needed to enforce 'enlightened' policies; regulate and tax commerce; consolidate power on the Federal level; use military actions to police other countries.

I know, the conservative definition doesn't fit most of today's conservative politicians. What can I say? Times change; I don't.

By those standards, Obama is extremely liberal/progressive. His legacy includes a massive bailout of financial institutions, many regulations on commerce, Federal requirements and subsequent lawsuits on states, complete nationalization of an entire industry, and continuous use of the military to try and manipulate foreign powers to gain financial advantage in a global marketplace.

As to the 'rebel without a cause' statement, it is intended to imply his need to inject racist/sexist/discrimatory viewpoints where none are indicated. His statement during the Trayvon Martin incident, his injection of transgender regulations into local schools, his continued endorsement of Common Core, his continual attempts to create tighter regulations on legal handguns... the list goes on and on. It's an example of what I earlier referred to as the human condition. Some people need an agenda to fight for, to the extent that they will actually create a problem, either a minimal or even a nonexistent problem, to give themselves something to solve.

In that context, I stand by my earlier statement, although I will concede that under different label definitions your stance could also be seen as accurate.


posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Most of what you stated is true has been stated time and again. Thanks for the extra time. That was in regard to your OP.

Your further statements go downhill from there.
edit on 15-5-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 05:10 PM
I fully understand and appreciate the "rebel w/out a cause". That paragraph alone had me thinking pretty deeply about the past 7 years.

Meh, I had more to say, but decided against it. I'll just leave the link to the premise.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 05:59 PM
I find it hard to believe that Obama would stay in office an extra term, although he might call the election unfair if Hillary gets criminal charges against her during the run against Trump. In that case, there would need to be a new candidate brought forth because Hillary wouldn't be able to run.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
First of all, let me make my allegiances clear. I am no fan of the current administration, absolutly opposed to Hillary Clinton's existence outside a Federal Correctional Institute, and no great fan of Donald Trump. My current, past, and expected future political affiliation is 'Independant'.

This post is based on my observations of the events which have been occurring during the last year or so, combined with (I believe) a deep understanding of the goals and ambitions of those within the halls of political power and my past experiences with human behavior in general. It is NOT based on any agenda or personal desire; my only agenda, which I have cemented over the last couple of years, is to be able to watch the coming social apocalypse from a nice safe recliner without undue concern for myself and my family.

The personalities involved, Clinton, Trump, and Obama, are not by any means unknown to even the most casual political observer. Clinton has a raging thirst for power, and an entitlement mentality that echoes the mentality of rulers throughout recorded history. She believes she is superior to those around her, and that anyone who dares question that superiority is obviously a troublemaker who should be purged from society. She is above the law, as she is the one who should be making the law instead of following it in order to maintain a stable existence for those pitiful creatures beneath her.

Trump is a businessman, somewhat successful, but more due to his brashness and competitive drive than to some assumed genius in marketing. He is also blessed/cursed with an entitlement mentality, but to a lesser extent than the other two individuals involved. His sense of entitlement is driven not by assumptions of birthright, but by success as measured by financial status. He does not think politically, but rather pragmatically. He also is used to getting his way, primarily due to his ability to negotiate (typically from a position of strength).

Obama is, and has been during his national political career, a rebel in search of a cause. His goal at this time is twofold: to implement as much of his agenda as possible in the time he has left in office, and to protect the 'advances' he has implemented from his successors. He understands that time is the true cement of society. Policies left in place long enough become socially-accepted norms, resistant to overturn, while policies not in place for long enough are fragile toward political vagrancies. Like Clinton, he has a birthright entitlement mentality, but he also has a cultural agenda.

It is now obvious that Clinton violated legal requirements concerning her email server, and that she has gone to great extents to cover up some of her activities concerning Bengazzi. What those activities are, I am not sure. Yet, she seems to be immune from prosecution for those legal violations. Trump has operated a campaign that would have resulted in anyone else being driven out of the country - from hasty statements to outright media baiting, to body language that is confrontational - yet his popularity steadily increases. I have seen this phenomenon many times in my life, and such momentum is typically a true juggernaught... unstoppable in all but the very long term.

Clinton's purpose is to allow Obama's policies to cement safely into society, just as George H. W. Bush's purpose was to allow Reagan's policies to cement. Obama got the difficult policies in place, so all she has to do is win and relax while she enjoys the power trip. Obviously, an indictment would make that impossible, so she is being protected. Trump was not supposed to be a part of the equation; as a major contributor (to both parties), he was allowed to enter the race for nomination to placate him. Everyone in the RNC expected him to flop early and crawl back into his 'proper place' as a funding source. I believe Bush was slated to be the nominee.

That didn't happen.

The media is adept at tripping up politicians; they have been doing it for a very long time. This time, every attempt to trip up Trump has resulted in a nasty fall for the tripper instead. Now Trump is the presumptive nominee and the Clinton campaign is running scared. Ignore the polls that show her ahead; she is facing an unstoppable force and knows it. Witness as an example the Trump rally protests: protestors are acting criminal to disrupt Trump, while carrying Bernie signs. Now, Bernie isn't dumb. He knows well better than to organize a violent movement overtly. The only other one who stands to benefit from disrupting Trump while discrediting Sanders is... drum roll please... Clinton.

That's a lot of trouble and risk to go to if she isn't worried about her chances.

Her dismissal responses to Trump are another indication of concern. So why is she so worried? Let's remember the FBI investigation. It's been hanging over her head during this whole process, and people in power generally don'the protect those who let them down. Clinton has much more to lose than a political position should she lose.

My prediction is this: Clinton is safe for now (assuming Sanders doesn't pull a rabbit out of his hat at the last minute, which would surprise me). But during the actual election cycle, when the Trump juggernaught overtakes her numbers, she will at some point be seen as a failure, unable to win and stop Trump from becoming President, and will be indicted on felony charges for her actions as Secretary of State. This will put Trump over the top for a Presidential victory. But Trump is not a politician and is not a puppet, so Obama will be forced to dispute the election as 'unfair' since Trump will not have had a viable rival. Obama recently established a Presidential Transition Team by Executive Order with no real reason behind it specified... could it be a hedge in case Clinton is thrown to the dogs?

I have heard accusations that Presidents would refuse to leave since Ford, and have learned to dismiss them. But this time around, there is more grassroots anger, more governmental intrusion, more social engineering with more forceful methods and more obvious governmental corruption than at any time in my memory.

I remember a few years ago in Western History class... we were studying the French Revolution, and every day I would have to look up at least once and ask, "Are we talking about Revolutionary France, or Modern America?"

Come to think of it, the professor seemed to understand my confusion...

(back with a BS in Electrical Engineering)

The presidential transition team has been going on for decades. through executive order it's been happening at least since clinton (I stopped looking further than that). It used to happen in october/november but that was pre-9/11. Bush to obama happened in September I believe, it may have been earlier. But in 2012 congress codified that it should be done at least 6 months in advance. Obama did it 8 months in advance but I don't see how this is a negative thing.

And the reasoning is simple, America is so involved in everything going on in the world and there is so much data to be transferred it takes a lot of time. I believe the obama administration has 20 petabytes of data they have to transfer, and that's just the virtual documentation of everything.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 06:20 PM
Regardless of my personal feelings,

Trump wins the election.

Hilary get's indicted but her case languishes for a long period of time and we all forget and she gets a hand slap.

Nothing special will happen and no one will try to usurp a throne.

Trump will polarize the government and nothing with significance will happen, the US economy will rebound.

...rinse and repeat.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
I find it hard to believe that Obama would stay in office an extra term, although he might call the election unfair if Hillary gets criminal charges against her during the run against Trump. In that case, there would need to be a new candidate brought forth because Hillary wouldn't be able to run.

The American People would absolutely not stand for anymore Obama shenanigans.

I'm sure Biden is prepping even as I type this. Hillary is going to be allowed a "gracious" exit, and Joe is going to step in.

"So if Hillary is showing signs that she can't beat Sanders, and that she's in trouble with the Justice Department and that Obama is not supporting her and that women are running away from her, that all increases the pressure on Biden."

"What is interesting is that we've been talking quite a bit about the prospect of a Republican brokered convention," Jones said. "But if Hillary Clinton is indicted, it's extremely likely that someone who has not been competing at all in the primary process would be the Democratic nominee."

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

This is basically what I have been saying for a long time..... Obama will try to hold office, there WILL BE a civil war over ideologies and it will all occur during a very well timed economic collapse. I don't know if it will be 4th quarter 2015 or 1st quarter 2016, but a winter crisis would kill off both supporters and dissenters alike. If I was running military strategy on this, I would do it 1st quarter 2016, after Christmas and new years when people are extended financially but fairly complacent.

Cheers - Dave

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: darkbake
I find it hard to believe that Obama would stay in office an extra term, although he might call the election unfair if Hillary gets criminal charges against her during the run against Trump. In that case, there would need to be a new candidate brought forth because Hillary wouldn't be able to run.

If Hillary makes it through the primary, this will not happen. Can you imagine the backlash if a member of a previous administration were jailed, especially if it were timed to guarantee their party loses an election? It would lead to both sides jailing the other, and ultimately a Civil War along partisan lines.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 07:30 PM
Great topic. Not to say Obama wouldn't go outlaw but he has no legal basis to do anything in this regard. Should a candidate die, become incapacitated or ineligible for the office prior to the election the political party can replace them according to their standing rules. The ballots would be printed or reprinted with the replacement's name. If this happens after the election but prior to the electoral collage voting then remember that the voters are voting for an electrorial college member not a person. They are free to vote for anyone they want, particularly if the elected candidate is dead or incarcerated.

If this happened look for Kerry or Biden to follow Obama.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 08:10 PM
The coming insanity? What the hell have we been experiencing up to this point? If the whole of this election season hasn't already been insane, then I must have been living in an alternate reality.

Seriously though, I think a transitional team is standard practice. I recall hearing it back when Bush was leaving. I think whoever is in office next, the terrain is pretty jacked up as is. I don't expect anyone to come out of that office in good standing.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck
Congratulations on your degree! Keep in mind that it is O.K. to think that your boss is an idiot. It is O.K. to have documented proof that they are an idiot. The absolute worst thing you can ever do is to let them know you think they are an idiot.

I agree with your assessment provided that the existing situations are allowed to continue. I hope that I am wrong but I don’t think they will continue. If it appears that Trump will win I think that he will get the Bobby Kennedy treatment and not make it to the election. That would throw the Republican party into apparent disarray but they would quickly save the day by selecting someone that they wanted to be there in the first place (Cruz, Paul Ryan, whoever).

Meanwhile, Clinton and company would use the media to covertly fuel riots over the Trump take out and use that to forward her anti second amendment attacks. She could use this to show that she would be the only logical choice for a peaceful world. (Almost lost my supper typing that.) A nation in riot would overshadow and negate any legal proceeding against her. Her guilt would be debated long after she was out of office like Obama’s birth certificate or Bush’s involvement in 9-11.

There are any number of people lined up to take out Trump, either by one of Clinton’s established hitmen or someone disillusioned and angered by media propaganda.

Somehow I don’t think my vote matters anymore.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

hillary will never be indicted

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Having seen Trump be silenced over the false Birth Certificate put online and him not call it a fake after some of the best Photoshop experts blew the whistle loud and clear. I think you are on to him not getting in office no matter what. Maybe they really want a civil war and will use some hair brained excuse by Obama to stop him or have him outright assassinated.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

My prediction is that the criminally insane Hillary will either fake a complete breakdown and have herself committed to a home or she'll flee the country with her ill-gotten loot and leave Bubba,Chelsea and Huma behind to take the fall.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:53 PM
I think it is fair to predict some group of some people will riot somewhere as a result of this election. At this point, I doubt it matters who wins, there will be a riot somewhere about it.

At the risk of catching flak, I have no intention of voting because I haven't seen any I'd vote for without misgivings.

When election day comes, I'm keeping the kids home from school at least 2 days and declaring it a family holiday from insanity.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: LuFri
a reply to: TheRedneck
Congratulations on your degree! Keep in mind that it is O.K. to think that your boss is an idiot. It is O.K. to have documented proof that they are an idiot. The absolute worst thing you can ever do is to let them know you think they are an idiot.

I agree with your assessment provided that the existing situations are allowed to continue. I hope that I am wrong but I don’t think they will continue. If it appears that Trump will win I think that he will get the Bobby Kennedy treatment and not make it to the election. That would throw the Republican party into apparent disarray but they would quickly save the day by selecting someone that they wanted to be there in the first place (Cruz, Paul Ryan, whoever).

Meanwhile, Clinton and company would use the media to covertly fuel riots over the Trump take out and use that to forward her anti second amendment attacks. She could use this to show that she would be the only logical choice for a peaceful world. (Almost lost my supper typing that.) A nation in riot would overshadow and negate any legal proceeding against her. Her guilt would be debated long after she was out of office like Obama’s birth certificate or Bush’s involvement in 9-11.

There are any number of people lined up to take out Trump, either by one of Clinton’s established hitmen or someone disillusioned and angered by media propaganda.

Somehow I don’t think my vote matters anymore.

I'm thinking the Kennedy scenario outcome myself.......although, Trump will be elected but his VP will end up as president by default, aka Lyndon Johnson.
Would be ironic if Jeb somehow gets "selected" for VP.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I agree. From where I live. deep south. really redneck; there is a vibrating anger. Eight years of horrible O shoved down our throats, the dirty Clintons and the list goes on. People here are on edge; its a palpable anger and distress for their family and country. I would not be surprised if we join Texas to pull out of the union and then its dominoes all around the south. The Civil War truly weakened and decimated our country and that would leave us ripe for the pickings by....all our enemies.
Personally, I feel this country being torn apart, again. Haves and have-nots. It definitely has escalated just recently in the past 10 years and there are those like us rednecks around here who don't just talk, they act. I cannot tell you how many cars and trucks around here are filled to the brim with guns and ammo, really, frightening. ( I don't own a gun but family has enough to arm most of Georgia.)
I am afraid it all seems to be falling into place for a major revolt-but I cannot see a scenario that can save us at the moment. Maybe a Trump crazy presidency will appease the populace for the moment but Trump is up against powers he thinks he knows about but he doesn't.
Again, hate to sound defeatist, I just can't seem to punch out of that bag in my head.

posted on May, 16 2016 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: TheRedneck

My prediction is much simpler.

Hillary will have Bill ""Vince Foster'ed" and she'll get into the White House on the sympathy and poor widow vote.

If she did that, the news and entertainment media would be pissed. Bill, pointing his crooked finger at the crowds, has garnered more airtime than Hillary's loud drone of post-menopausal grunting and barking on the stage.

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