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U.S. Gives Sweeping Guidance to Schools on Transgender Students

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posted on May, 19 2016 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes may have to wait a bit for a response to your post. I think he is taking my suggestion

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

No, not every reputable medical professional agrees with you. Many disagree, and have stated so. The old game of calling any who disagree "not reputable, or "hateful" or phobic" or whatever shows a lack of willingness to discuss the actual issues. When you must resort to labeling the opposition, that shows a weakness in your argument. It's a basic logic fallacy.

One need not hate a person to understand that he person has a mental issue that needs treatment, instead of enabling.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 06:26 PM
I was calling what seems to be the majority in these threads "haters" as a generic term because that is how most negativity and dissenting opinions come across. Also, I am effing damn sick and tired of people calling out "mental Illness" and as far as those with that attitude goes, it is simply opinion and not fact. So, I feel well within my rights to call people haters and claim others are "mentally ill" because that's how I see it and MY opinion.

a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

A few of your "gems".

I just disagree that the right way to treat a mental illness is to alter the body to match the delusion. I would in it criminal.

Not much love there.

I would think that once the problem is identified, there could be a cure or a procedure that could be done during pregnancy to avoid a child being born like that.

Eugenics & science fiction.

This part of the problem is a mental illness which I also think is part of the transgender in general.


In general...if everyone would keep their opinions, views and beliefs to themselves we wouldn't have as many of these problems

I wish they would.

For the most part, I withhold my opinions and try to deal in science and medical facts and let all the crap spouted in these threads roll off my back because the idiocy of it really hasn't a damn thing to do with my life but there are others and children that do need their point of view and their reality presented because 1 out of 20 might just learn something. Others choose to remain willfully ignorant or married to their holier than thou dogma or whatever and that's their problem but don't expect to disparage transgender and transsexual people and not have someone get all up in your face about it. You wonder why this is a big deal? People like you making it one and no, you aren't the worst but there are others that can clearly be called haters or flat out close-minded opinionated pricks.

My "mental illness" tends to lump all of you together because you have the same repetitive arguments over and over, don't care about science or research and aren't even willing to consider another point of view, you know, the one that is backed by science and medicine. Sorry if this frustrates me from time to time but not that sorry because I have an entire lifetime of lived experience dealing with this, medical and scientific communities and society and if that's not good enough for you, then there's no use bothering even talking to you.

I'll be on my way now so nobody is uncomfortable. I'm taking my mutilated body and mentally ill mind out to mow my yard. You know, to do responsible adult things rather than sit here arguing with what may as well be brick walls.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: Gryphon66

No, not every reputable medical professional agrees with you. Many disagree, and have stated so. The old game of calling any who disagree "not reputable, or "hateful" or phobic" or whatever shows a lack of willingness to discuss the actual issues. When you must resort to labeling the opposition, that shows a weakness in your argument. It's a basic logic fallacy.

One need not hate a person to understand that he person has a mental issue that needs treatment, instead of enabling.

I didn't say they agree with me.

Perhaps you'll give reference to the "reputable sources" that align with your "transgender folks are mentally ill" rather than just bloviating about it?

Quote some of these authorities that support your opinion ... that's easy, isn't it?

I didn't call you any of those things. Wow. Project much? Or just churning the usual non-related rhetoric to promote more "unity"?

You're the only one who has labelled anyone here; are you ready to apologize?
edit on 19-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 06:40 PM
I'll just add this too:

The first major poll on ‘bathroom bills’ is good news for transgender advocates

A CNN/ORC poll released Monday found a majority of Americans (57 percent) don't agree with bathroom bills like the one North Carolina is defending that restrict where transgender people can use the bathroom, while 38 percent do.

No big surprise.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Freija

I'll try to make this short and sweet. Tell me for a fact, the reason and purpose for the transgender "condition". What causes it exactly?

As you one has an answer. No Doctor, no scientist, etc.

Since you can't honestly answer that question is a problem for your argument. You take the position that you are right. That you have the answers and know what is right and what is wrong. But you can't because no one knows the answer. My claim of mental illness is just a valid, therefore, as any claim you make as to why transgender exists. But you don't even make a claim. You just act like "it just is". Talk about non-scientific and not based in fact!!!!

You are welcome to your opinions but while you state you would like to "educate" others, all you are spreading is your religion of the "don't know where it came from but it is real" transgender lies. All anyone knows for sure is that some people feel like the opposite sex. Summed up nicely huh??? They aren't physically different, they aren't a third gender and they aren't a woman in a man's body or anything else. Their mind simply thinks they are. And THAT is what needs to be addressed.

Your support of freak surgery while calling yourself some kind of expert is also criminal. Telling others what is right and wrong when neither you nor I have an answer...and neither does science. I call my view an call it ignorant because it doesn't match YOUR opinion.

At least I'm not telling other people to mutilate their bodies while at the same time knowing that they will likely still have the same problem...and wish themselves dead (ie. suicide).

If you think that is a good pedestal to stand upon...please do so alone.
edit on 5/19/2016 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

Who does "the guy" work for again?

What are his credentials?

What is his agenda?

Since when do we as a society depend on what one person thinks to inform public policy?

Just one person?... really?...

Ok, if you want to touch this matter in particular let's discuss it.

To begin with let''s see what other people who have done sex reassignment have to say about their stories.


I’m a post-op MtF who is back in therapy to reverse this mess and obtain a phalloplasty
November 1, 2013

Guest Post from Gregory:

I have tragically come to realize my story is fairly typical of most MtF persons. I was molested by my “trusting” grandfather at age 3, father was killed at age 5 and while my mother remarried; you could essentially say I grew up without a “father figure” or role model.
By 10 or 13 years old; the gender confusion had begun. Only I didn’t know its origins. I was frequenting the gay neighborhoods by 16; assuming this emptiness and sexual craving was a signal of who I was. But, it wasn’t gratifying; and always left me disgusted.
By 25, I was cross dressing in earnest. Buy, purge, buy, purge this repetitive cycle of self hatred continued unabated. For the next 15 years I was married and divorced twice. The root of the failures I believe some bent up anger and feeling of inadequacy stemming from a childhood I had no control over.

By my late thirties, this feeling of a “feminine core” continued. It led me to purchase online and experiment with Estrogen and an Anti-Androgen. My body slowly started to feminize. I dieted and exercised feverishly and got my body down to an acceptable female weight. I felt great; this must be who I am?

I remarried again in my early forties to a wonderful woman. Yet, the programming in my mind was so scrambled by then that it was difficult to differentiate between reality and fantasy. By the time I started seeing a gender therapist and a surgeon they were as convinced as I was that I was female.
The first six months post-op SRS were wonderful. By the eight month, things were changing. Now my interest was finding out how to end my life. That is called REGRET. How long it takes you to come to this point is subjective; probably once the excitement wears off. You realize this was completely wrong. You have destroyed everything in your path to get it done and no-one in the medical community will stop you. How can they? You lied to yourself for so long. Fooling them was the easy part. Or did they even care? “When would you like your next appointment?”

The recently published WPATH Version VII has simply allowed the medical community to open the “floodgates” for this very tragedy to unfold. To get on cross gender hormones and then have surgery has become almost as simple as going to the convenience store for a pack of gum. If the client wants it, give it to them. “Real Life Test”? Maybe, maybe not, depending on your circumstances, occupation, etc. It is a billion dollar industry that thrives on your illness.

Get help. Dont mutilate your body. The psychiatrist, psychologists, and surgeons will enjoy a wonderful life. You, however, could end up with a tortured life, ending up penniless, possibly unemployed, without family or friends and maybe even homeless. And that’s if you haven’t tried or committed suicide by then! All so you can become the girl you “think” you are inside and wanted to be! People, God or whatever you believe in made you in the correct gender. It is encoded in your very DNA. If you think differently, get real help; but, DON”T CHANGE IT.

Of course other stories of people who have done sex exchange surgery don't end up with the same sad ending as this one. Not only do the rates of suicide increase by 20 fold on people who have done sex reassignment surgery, but the majority of transsexuals retain male-pattern criminality, including crimes against women.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

Cecilia Dhejne,
Paul Lichtenstein,
Marcus Boman,
Anna L. V. Johansson,
Niklas Långström,
Mikael Landén


Published: February 22, 2011

Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.


Not all transgenders are violent, but even if 10%, or even 1% of transgender people who have done sex reassignment act on these feelings, it is still too much. Why put women and children at risk?


Men Love The Ladies Restroom- Transgender Edition
May 28, 2011

Transgender Activists always dismiss the realistic concerns that women have about allowing males into spaces that are sex segregated for female privacy from male predators. Such as restrooms, locker rooms, showers, hospital bed assignments, jail cells, homeless shelters, rape crisis centers, etc. These activists deny and disregard the real threat to females by males, even males who want to dress in feminine clothes or whofeel like women inside” or who have a psychiatric disorder that causes them to claim they are actually female, even though they are male. These men do not give a # about the actual people they want to minstrelize and dress up as and mimic. They not only deny that we are oppressed because of our sex, they claim our sex doesn’t even exist! But they do more than deny female reality and make kooky claims: They are using the political capital of Lesbians and Gays to pass laws enforcing their male-centric female-phobic sexist views. “Gender Identity Protectionsare laws that eliminate sex-based protections for females.

For crying out loud "seek help" and don't immediately believe that you need to change your body, and understand that perhaps you don't have the same feelings that other transgenders have, but it does remain a fact that even though transsexuals are taking female hormones to start their sex reassignment surgery, if those transgenders still have male sexual organs, those organs are still releasing male hormones and they will affect a percentage of transsexuals who will act on those feelings, more so in minds that are so confused.

edit on 19-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: fix link.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 07:31 PM
Here is a post from Walt Heyer, who actually went through sex reassignment a long time ago and has this to say about this issue.


Drop The T From LGBT
Transgender people have high rates of psychological problems that contribute to their identity expression and victimization. The rest of the LGBT crowd should consider how that reflects on them.

The post-marriage culture war is asymmetrical in the group known as LGBT. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual activists have carried the rainbow banner for transgenders for issues that truly matter, such as employment and housing. Now the time has come for a genuine sanity check for them to stop enabling kookier parts of the trans agenda.

The current bathroom policy debate illuminates the growing gap between the concerns of the transgender community and of the LGB community. Perhaps those who favor gay marriage do not want any part of enabling pedophiles in wigs having easier access to kids in bathrooms.

Trans activists paint the entire LGBT group in an unsympathetic light when they lobby for laws to criminalize such trivialities as misusing pronouns, as passed recently in New York City. Practical LGB members might want to take this opportunity to disentangle themselves from the lunacy of todays trans-rights movement. This will disassociate their movement in the public eye from people whom research shows have high incidents of psychological disorders linked with their transgender expression, and offers an opportunity to protect transgender people from being exploited by high-priced medical quacks.

The differences between the groups now seem glaring. Let’s list a few.
Difference 1: Same-Sex Attraction vs. Gender Perception

Many transgenders are not homosexual, lesbian, or bisexual. Unlike people who identify as LGB, transgenders suffer from self-deception disorders (gender dysphoria). They are convinced that they are in the wrong body, and with the help of enablers and affirmers of their delusion, undergo drastic body-mutilating surgeries to enhance the deception and deny the plain and simple truth of their gender. While some LGB people may be transgender, too, the majority are not.
Difference 2: Bathroom Access

The transgender public restroom issue, a hot topic in the news today, is exclusively a transgender cause not shared by those who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual. Transgender bills being debated at the state and local levels exclusively address gender identity and have nothing to do with sexual preference. This includes bills to legally change ones gender marker on ones birth certificate without surgically altering the appearance of ones genitals. It also includes bills to allow any man to use womens public restrooms and locker rooms if he says he feels like a woman—no surgery or birth-record change required.

That comes from one member of the LGB movement, and the majority of the LGB movement seem to agree with that assessment.

edit on 19-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

We can hope! This issue has, more than any other in the past, shown how unreasonable groups can be when they are allowed to label the opposition instead of offering arguments. The degree of nastiness just in these threads is almost surreal.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

No, I am not playing the game where one side calls names, then claims the other side is hateful and divisive. If that's what you post, expect no replies.

If you want to discuss facts, instead of emotions, then we can talk.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: Gryphon66

No, I am not playing the game where one side calls names, then claims the other side is hateful and divisive. If that's what you post, expect no replies.

If you want to discuss facts, instead of emotions, then we can talk.

Right. Except ... I haven't called you any names, I haven't claimed you are hateful or divisive. No emotions, only statements.

I have stated facts. What are you doing? Trying to run in semantic circles? LOL


PS: Are you going to follow through and give us reputable medical sources for your claim that Trans* folk are mentally ill? Or did you think this little segue was going to hide the fact that you don't have those sources because they don't exist?
edit on 19-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

So ... you now have added one more person's testimony. (Now you have two)

Referred to the same study ... taken out of context (again.)

And then made ridiculous statements that have no basis in reality.

Men commit suicide at a rate 3.5 times that of women. Are men mentally ill? Should we be afraid of all men, because you know, it doesn't matter if 10% or even 1% or even .0001% might possibly at some point in their lives be violent well, it's obvious that we have to legislate against all males being able to use any public facilities anywhere ... right?

I mean, the only "logic" you have here is that a higher suicide rate makes someone dangerous or mentally ill?

Welcome to 3.8 billion potentially dangerous or mentally ill men in the world.

Wait, let me guess, you DON'T want to talk about a significantly higher suicide rate as proof of anything now, right?

Why don't you get down to the real truth? There's virtually zero threat, statistically from trans* folk in bathrooms.

There's far more threat from Republican Senators and Catholic Priests, for example ... but let's not be that specific.

However, statistically, there's a dangerously high chance that any man anywhere may be suicidal ... and if they will kill themselves WHAT ELSE ARE THEY CAPABLE OF?????

Ergo, by the same logic, men should not be allowed in public. Where are we going to keep all of us?
edit on 19-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
I'll try to make this short and sweet. Tell me for a fact, the reason and purpose for the transgender "condition". What causes it exactly?

As you one has an answer. No Doctor, no scientist, etc.

Then it must be GOD?

Since you can't honestly answer that question is a problem for your argument. You take the position that you are right. That you have the answers and know what is right and what is wrong. But you can't because no one knows the answer. My claim of mental illness is just a valid, therefore, as any claim you make as to why transgender exists. But you don't even make a claim. You just act like "it just is". Talk about non-scientific and not based in fact!!!!

But God.

I've never made a claim as to what causes "IT" because 1)I don't give a rat's ass and 2) I am not a scientist but tend to put some weight in what they say and 3) I don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Taking the entire breadth of the findings uncovered by my research, it appears that there is more than sufficient evidence that transgender persons either have a serious hormonal-based birth defect, have been exposed to exogenous chemicals which have impacted their gender development in the womb, have a genetic karyotype which differs from the general population, or via some other process have a brain structure which is different than would be indicated by their chromosomes. While no single study presents proof beyond any shadow of a doubt or with metaphysical certainty, taken together they do present a preponderance of evidence such that one can say with confidence that transgender individuals have a congenital gene-based difference from cissexual individuals. Link

And just for fun...

BU researchers find biological basis for transgender identity

Is There Something Unique about the Transgender Brain?

Transgender: Evidence on the biological nature of gender identity

You are welcome to your opinions but while you state you would like to "educate" others, all you are spreading is your religion of the "don't know where it came from but it is real" transgender lies.

My "education" of others is based on 48 or so years of reading, research and study, the things I've observed with my own eyes and learned from those smarter than me and as being someone indeed "born this way".

All anyone knows for sure is that some people feel like the opposite sex. Summed up nicely huh??? They aren't physically different, they aren't a third gender and they aren't a woman in a man's body or anything else. Their mind simply thinks they are. And THAT is what needs to be addressed.

If you're hiding some magic "fix-it" secret that no one in the entire history of the study and research into this has found, maybe you'd like to share with the class?

Your support of freak surgery while calling yourself some kind of expert is also criminal. Telling others what is right and wrong when neither you nor I have an answer...and neither does science. I call my view an call it ignorant because it doesn't match YOUR opinion.

Call me a criminal again and I'll consider it libelous. If your "freak surgery" was so heinous, why has it not been banned and why is it supported by every medical organization worldwide? I'll tell you why because it helps people and improves lives, and there are decades and decades and tens and tens of thousands of people to vouch for this, including myself. So yes, my opinion is valid and factual and my lifetime of experience backs that up and adds a little more weight to what I think and know than your "opinion".

At least I'm not telling other people to mutilate their bodies while at the same time knowing that they will likely still have the same problem...and wish themselves dead (ie. suicide).

Slightly under 1/3 of trans people that transition full time undergo SRS so keep that in mind. You may also want to take a look at the research on this page

general population rates for suicidality are around 1.6% in the United States. Then they note that suicidality rates for post-op transsexual people are about 4.1%. They then claim that since this is “hundreds of percent higher” that surgery does not work.

But let’s talk about the reality. What is that reality? It is that the pre-op suicidality rate for transsexuals is 41%!!!

Yep, that’s right. Pre-op rates of suicidality for transsexuals are 1000% higher than post-op rates

You may want to download the PDF with this data? Suicide Attempts Among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults

If you think that is a good pedestal to stand upon...please do so alone.

I may be the only person like me here but I do not stand alone.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: Freija

It amazes me that you continue to post Facts, after Facts, after Facts, after Facts.

And yet, some posters have flat out called you a liar.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66, so even with evidence from the only study conducted for 30 years of 324 people who had sex reassignment surgery which points to the fact that in overall increases the rates of suicide, and violence, including on women you still want to claim that these men should be allowed in women's bathrooms even with children...

No matter what your brain tells you your sex organs still release chemicals that also affect your brain, not to mention the fact that there are already bills for transgenders, or men who want to pass as transgenders being able to change their sex status legally even when these men do not and will not seek sex reassignment surgery...

Cross-dresser arrested in bath house
Nov. 27, 2003 at 9:06 AM

MATSUYAMA, Japan, Nov. 27 (UPI) -- Japanese police have arrested a man who dressed as a woman so he could enter public bath houses and watch naked women, Mainichi News said Thursday.

Police in Matsuyama charged 33-year-old Eichi Yamamoto with 17 counts of illegally entering buildings and peeping for his activities that began in April.

"I wanted to see women naked," he was quoted as telling investigators. "Dressing up as a woman was a step to do that."

Police said Yamamoto dressed up as a woman and entered a bath Wednesday and began staring at naked women as he soaked in the water.

However, other people in the bath became suspicious because of the way he walked, and alerted a worker. He was nabbed in the changing rooms of the bath.

Yamamoto has no chest or leg hair, police said. When he entered the facilities, he reportedly wore a wig of long hair, a white blouse, a gray skirt, a bra, and put on lipstick.

Nightclub Sued By Man Assaulted In Women's Restroom

Man accused of impersonating cheerleader to undergo mental evaluation

By Joe Napsha | Friday, Sept. 24, 2004

A Greensburg man accused of stealing women's identities and entering a Greensburg Salem girls' locker room dressed as a woman will undergo a mental health evaluation before he faces a criminal hearing.

A preliminary hearing for 48-year-old Kelly Dawn Hullenbaugh, also known as Robert Domasky, was postponed from Thursday until Nov. 18 to allow for the evaluation, District Justice James Albert of Greensburg said yesterday after granting a continuance.

Greensburg police initially charged Hullenbaugh, of 213 E. Otterman St., Apt. B, on Sept. 3 with trespassing, identity theft and giving officers a false identification. He was arrested after he allegedly went into the girls locker room at Greensburg Salem High School, purportedly to have the cheerleaders' coach teach him cheers.

Hong Kong transvestite caught in nurses' washroom is jailed
By dpa news Oct 3, 2007 in Crime
A transvestite man caught dressed as a nurse in the female washroom at a Hong Kong public hospital has been jailed, a news report said Thursday.
Chung Kai-lun, 29, was found wearing women's clothes and a surgical mask in the hospital toilet less than a year after being given a suspended sentence for dressing as a schoolgirl in a school canteen.
Chung, who told the court he considered himself a woman but could not afford a sex change, was arrested after a woman dentist at Hong Kong's Princess Margaret Hospital came out of a cubicle to find him standing next to her.
At a hearing in Hong Kong's Kowloon City court Wednesday, Chung was jailed for three months for loitering and for breaching a suspended sentence imposed for when he was caught dressed as a schoolgirl last year. dpa hp pw

Read more:

What is going to come next? a bill to protect pedophiles and not children?...

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to ElectricUniverse

Got anything, maybe in the last 10 years?

This is an evolving science.

Transvestites, crossdressers are mostly heterosexual.

They have nothing to do with transgender.

edit on 20-5-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: Annee

Got anything, maybe in the last 10 years?

Already posted several articles from 2015 and 2016 with the same type of stories... I am posting older stories to establish precedent. These problems are not new, but with this type of legislation it's only going to worsen.

Rome man arrested in women’s bathroom at Calhoun Walmart

Posted: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:00 am

Calhoun Times

Editors note: This arrest was reported on March 24, 2010.

A Rome man was released on bond after being arrested for allegedly taking his clothes off in front of children in the women’s restroom of Walmart in Calhoun.

Norwood Smith Burnes, 51, of 2 Leland Ave., Rome was charged with public indecency, disorderly conduct, and criminal trespass on Sunday and released later that day.

According to the police report filed by the Calhoun Police Department:

According to witnesses, Burnes was found instages of undress while on the stone floor and would do this in the presence of several young children.

Police officers arrived to find Burnes wearing a dark womans suit including a short skirt and jacket, black leather coat, black high heals, red nail polish, green eye shadow and womens jewelry. According to the witness, Burnes had been in the women’s section of the store with his skirt “kicked up showing his white girdle and dark thong underwear.”
... ml

originally posted by: Annee
This is an evolving science.

Teen Coerced Into Food Court Bathroom for Sex: Cops
A special needs teen reports being lured into bathroom. Police file charges.

A 15-year-old male special education student reported being coerced into a shopping mall food court for a sexual encounter.

Police said Isaiah Johnson, 20, of Stamford, andtwo other males dressed as females in the area of Veterans Park Bus stopcoerced the teenage boy into the bathroom of the food court of the Stamford mall on April 26, where a sexual encounter took place.

The next day, the student told a school administrator, who reported the incident.

Stamford police charged Johnson with second-degree sexual assault, second-degree unlawful restraint and risk of injury to a minor.

Look at the picture of that transgender. Almost looks like a women doesn't he?

Police: Man in bra and wig found in women's bathroom

by KOMO 4 Staff Updated 8:27 pm, Friday, March 16, 2012

EVERETT, Wash. - A man wearing a bra and wig was arrested Friday after he was spotted in a women's bathroom at Everett Community College, police said.

Officers responded to the scene at about 1:30 p.m. after a college staff member said she saw the man go into the women's rest room and alerted security personnel.

An investigation found that the suspect had gone into the rest room while two women were inside, according to a police report. The women were later interviewed and said they had no idea that the man was there.

When police interviewed the man, he claimed that he had gone into the bathroom to use the facilities.
He admitted to officers that he was the suspect in an earlier voyeurism incident at Everett Community College on Monday, police said.

In the earlier incident, he said he took a shower in the girls' locker room for sexual gratification, according to the police report.

Man, Dressed as Woman, Charged With Sexually Assaulting of Boy
By David Chang and Vince Lattanzio

Follow us: @nbcphiladelphia on Twitter | nbcphiladelphia on Facebook

A Camden County man, who dresses as a woman, has been charged with sexually assaulting a boy.

Levandus Gacutan, 22, of Lindenwold, N.J., is charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault, Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Prostitution Involving a Minor, according to Camden County Metro Police.

Police say Gacutan sexually assaulted a 12-year-old boy near the corner of Westfield Avenue and Church Street around 10:30 p.m. on Friday in East Camden, N.J.

Crossdresser cabbie convicted of rape

02:02, 20 Apr 2010
Updated 23:43, 12 Jan 2013
By Manchester Evening News

A TRANSVESTITE taxi driver faces a prison term after he was convicted of raping a drunken woman in the back of his car. Qasim Anwar, 30, carried out the attack dressed in make-up, a wig, women's clothing and high heels, Manchester Crown Court was told. A jury heard the victim had drunk so much she was virtually `comatose' and Anwar filmed the attack on his phone.
The father-of-two, known in the gay village as Layla, pleaded not guilty claiming the woman was an eager participant who had led him on by kissing him.

Hunt for the man in the black bikini

February 17, 2012

Read more:
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

A man wearing a black bikini, purple skirt and high heels allegedly indecently assaulted a teenage boy on a Sydney train, police say.

The boy, 17, and a friend were on a train from Newtown to Redfern about 6pm yesterday when the man allegedly made offensive comments before indecently assaulting the boy.

Message 0424 SMS SMH (+61 424 767 764) or email us with information.

The teenagers left the train at Redfern and told police what happened.

They described the man as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander in appearance, about 1.85 metres tall, in his late 20s or early 30s and with a medium build.

Unless those men undergo complete sex reassignment surgery they will still get male hormones into their systems, and with an already confused mind they are more likely to be violent towards women and children.

Men, nor transgenders who have not done complete sex reassignment should not be in women's restrooms with either women or children...

I also even showed what some transgenders have to say about all of this, and some admit these men should not be allowed into women's bathrooms.

edit on 20-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

I don't agree with you. It's hyped up paranoia.

There are predators. There will always be predators.

Transgender is real, and I will not deny them Equal Treatment - - - out of fear someday, sometime in the future, some man is going to be a predator.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

How is the privacy being taken away? America is a glorious country, run by the people, for the people. But how is your privacy being taken away? A transgender is going to the bathroom in you school, or the school of your kid? I resent you, in that case. Just let them pee, or defecate. Put your mind to more important issues. There are plenty.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: MorganMorgan
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

How is the privacy being taken away? America is a glorious country, run by the people, for the people. But how is your privacy being taken away? A transgender is going to the bathroom in you school, or the school of your kid? I resent you, in that case. Just let them pee, or defecate. Put your mind to more important issues. There are plenty.

We have always had the right to privacy in the bathroom from the opposite, biological sex. This overreaching by the POS POTUS takes that right away from 99.7 percent of the people in order to kiss the ass of .3 percent of the people. It is not fair nor equal. It is discrimination of the majority by this obnoxious prick of a "president".

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