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Muhamed was a child molester.

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posted on May, 17 2016 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

In the book of Numbers (31:18) God’s servant commands the Israelites to kill all of the used Midianite women who have been captured in war, and all of the boy children, but to keep all of the virgin girls for themselves. The Law of Moses spells out a purification ritual to prepare a captive virgin for life as a concubine. It requires her owner to shave her head and trim her nails and give her a month to mourn her parents before the first sex act (Deuteronomy 21:10-14). A Hebrew girl who is raped can be sold to her rapist for 50 shekels, or about $580 (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). He must then keep her as one of his wives for as long as she lives.

Abraham is married to his half-sister Sarah, but the two are childless for the first 75 years or so of their marriage. Frustrated, Sarah finally says, “The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Her slave, Hagar, becomes pregnant, and then later Sarah does too and the story gets complicated (Genesis 16). But that doesn’t stop Abraham’s grandson Jacob from participating in a competition, in which his two wives repeatedly send in their slaves to get pregnant by him, each trying to get more sons than the other (Genesis 30:1-22).

There are dozens of references validating both rape and slavery. It was a different time, so everyone else was doing it too. So I'm not pointing fingers soley at the bible. There is plenty of blame to go around.

I see where youre going, but none of those verses indicate the age of the girls.

Deuteronomy 21:10-14 Expanded Bible (EXB) 10 When you go to war against your enemies, the Lord will •help you defeat them [give them into your hands] so you will take them captive. 11 If you see a beautiful woman among the captives and are attracted to [desire; fall in love with] her, you may take her as your wife. 12 Bring her into your home, where she must shave her head and cut her nails 13 and change the clothes she was wearing when you captured her. After she has lived in your house and cried for her •parents [L father and her mother] for a month, you may marry her. You will be her husband, and she will be your wife. 14 But if you are not pleased with her, you must let her go anywhere she wants. You must not sell her for money or make her a slave, because you have taken away her honor [humiliated; exploited her].

In context.

You have to take them as your wife, not use them and sell them.

Nowhere in this passage says that anyone had sex with them while they were still children.

What we are missing is the scripture that defines Legal Jewish age for marriage.

You are inferring that the marriages took place immediately after conquest, if at all. That stance is not supported by the scriptures you are using.

And rape and slavery is how much better?

Both sources (bible/Islam) condone and claim atrocities are desired by and perpetrated by God.

The same exact god they still want people to worship.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

I completely agree with this post, except the last part:

But blasting Mohammad for crimes commited by every Christian hero, except Jesus, as proof of Islam being an evil religion, is just nonsensical.

I'd like to clarify my point on this.

Islam is based on a re-write of the Judaeo-Christian set up by Mohammad.

He is seen as an untouchable bastion of God's will incarnate(if not god himself).

People have basically deified him at the very least he is untouchable last only prophet of God.

God would not permit anything this guy put forth into the ME Culture that persists to this day.

Islam needs a messiah(Jesus * cough *), to overshadow, and de-throne this earthly man.


Same reason I dont buy into Catholicism. While Pope may be a virgin even to altar boys, he has been overlooking the plank in his own eye.

The clergy is rife with all sorts of evil, worse than what caused Jesus to whip ass and flip tables in the temple.

Not quite the High Sparrow that everyone wants. LOL

I dont see why the folks that I've been in heated debate with here and similar threads are defending this guy.

You bring up parallels between other social and religious constructs as some form of defense.

Some have taken the stance of "This dude on what I think is your side did it so you cant say anything"

Why cant we despise both?

This OP is top expose some hypocrisy and sickness that is evident in the life of Mohammad, with such clear examples why defend him? SMH I dont get it

Disclaimer; the use of "You" is not directly pointed to you mr. Josh

edit on 5172016 by Butterfinger because: disclaimer added

edit on 5172016 by Butterfinger because: hypocrisy, not Hippocratic... jeez!

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

In the book of Numbers (31:18) God’s servant commands the Israelites to kill all of the used Midianite women who have been captured in war, and all of the boy children, but to keep all of the virgin girls for themselves. The Law of Moses spells out a purification ritual to prepare a captive virgin for life as a concubine. It requires her owner to shave her head and trim her nails and give her a month to mourn her parents before the first sex act (Deuteronomy 21:10-14). A Hebrew girl who is raped can be sold to her rapist for 50 shekels, or about $580 (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). He must then keep her as one of his wives for as long as she lives.

Abraham is married to his half-sister Sarah, but the two are childless for the first 75 years or so of their marriage. Frustrated, Sarah finally says, “The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Her slave, Hagar, becomes pregnant, and then later Sarah does too and the story gets complicated (Genesis 16). But that doesn’t stop Abraham’s grandson Jacob from participating in a competition, in which his two wives repeatedly send in their slaves to get pregnant by him, each trying to get more sons than the other (Genesis 30:1-22).

There are dozens of references validating both rape and slavery. It was a different time, so everyone else was doing it too. So I'm not pointing fingers soley at the bible. There is plenty of blame to go around.

I see where youre going, but none of those verses indicate the age of the girls.

Deuteronomy 21:10-14 Expanded Bible (EXB) 10 When you go to war against your enemies, the Lord will •help you defeat them [give them into your hands] so you will take them captive. 11 If you see a beautiful woman among the captives and are attracted to [desire; fall in love with] her, you may take her as your wife. 12 Bring her into your home, where she must shave her head and cut her nails 13 and change the clothes she was wearing when you captured her. After she has lived in your house and cried for her •parents [L father and her mother] for a month, you may marry her. You will be her husband, and she will be your wife. 14 But if you are not pleased with her, you must let her go anywhere she wants. You must not sell her for money or make her a slave, because you have taken away her honor [humiliated; exploited her].

In context.

You have to take them as your wife, not use them and sell them.

Nowhere in this passage says that anyone had sex with them while they were still children.

What we are missing is the scripture that defines Legal Jewish age for marriage.

You are inferring that the marriages took place immediately after conquest, if at all. That stance is not supported by the scriptures you are using.

And fair enough, there are no exact age requirements spilled out in the bible..

But that kinda swings the other way.

The bible is not a list of what you CAN do. It is a list of what you CANNOT do.

So by omission the bible leaves the door open for ages at any age.

That's not my impression. That was on the top returned Google search site, which was a Christian's interpretation.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Well, in that situation its was an awkward choice to put it lightly...

Either die with the rest, or be grafted/assimilated into Israel as someone's bride.

Not Sex slave. It clearly stated they are to wed and honor them as their spouse.

Rape.... thats the muddy pond. As we all probably agree arranged marriage could be considered a form of rape.

Individual results may vary?

I dont approve of taking brides from war, or arranged marriage.

I'm just here to help assess the age of this verse's females.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

originally posted by: Specimen
The perceptions of savage times of what was done,was done...There are quite a few myths that bring up the act or deed of rape like the Greek trinity committing rape, where as Set would rape Horus but no moral of the story other then getting F***'d by a God. Hell, even today we still revere Plato being a great Philosopher, or Nostradamus being an actual See'er into the future, but they are both boy lovers.

How common these type of relationships were back then, I don't want to know, maybe because people didn't live long enough, or maybe they are just bloody savages that can't control a thing in their life...IDK. Maybe their views of God letting made them feel better about their lives...
Sure there are countries that allow this crap, where others, will grab a machete, and go medieval. Plus, I don't think anybody going to a take a bullet to defend Pedos.

I think by nature we are just savages, making it a constant battle to do better. I'm just not sure excusing monsorous acts is the best way to improve..

Thats the thing, it is nature, she can be beautiful flower, with some very protruding thorns that could give an allergic reaction that could kill without mercy. There are quite a few animals that kill young, or force sex on their opposing genders, and would age ever be a concern for them...Probably not till some pheromones are released.

Sugar coating horrible deeds, and a simple apology from the offender is not going to fix anything,it should be dealt with the upmost importance and vilification. But does one have to be a bigger, more savage animal to fix the problem? Not going to bring up some moral upright justice speech about being depraved of humanity that killing them is wrong, but it shouldn't turn into a witch hunt...when there aren't any witches to hunt in the first place.

It safe to ignore a pack of wolves attacking other enemy villages, until that pack comes to yours.

edit on 17-5-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Well, in that situation its was an awkward choice to put it lightly...

Either die with the rest, or be grafted/assimilated into Israel as someone's bride.

Not Sex slave. It clearly stated they are to wed and honor them as their spouse.

Rape.... thats the muddy pond. As we all probably agree arranged marriage could be considered a form of rape.

Individual results may vary?

I dont approve of taking brides from war, or arranged marriage.

I'm just here to help assess the age of this verse's females.

Of course, I hope we all do! Lol

The only question is does that make those who did commit such "worst case scenerio" arranged marriages( witch I absolutely consider rape, with an adult and a kid) child molestors, in hind sight?

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

originally posted by: Parazurvan
What book is all this written in?

I know I Israelites sacrificed children to Molech in the Old Testament and probably today it is done by many secret societies with ties to the cult of Molech that is Judaism. I have heard of many generational occult Jewish families and Mormons practice it who practice it today.

And they captured women as booty, surely for sex slaves.

Israeli commandos have been known to use rape as a terror tactic and care nothing for the life of any non Jew. Seriously.

Anybody ever heard of Talmud allows pedophilia

I'm not sure "still practiced today" is fair.

Your always going to have some idiot some where do such things, but I doubt you could find enough of them to fill up an Applebee's...

Also almost every fighting force uses or has used rape as a military tactic. That's where "rape and pillage" comes from.

I just don't like pointing fingers at a specific group, when everyone's fore fathers did the same.

If I point a finger at a specific group that has pro pedophilic laws in its scripture (Talmud)
, it is because it is a specific group's book.

As far as it happening today I am sure you are aware of Bohemian Grove. That is just one event in a year. Child and human sacrifice are not public knowledge but it happens and at the top of the cults pyramid is Zionism and B'nai B'rith.

Are you justifying war crimes because "every one does it?". Everybody doesn't do it.
edit on 17-5-2016 by Parazurvan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Specimen

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

originally posted by: Specimen
The perceptions of savage times of what was done,was done...There are quite a few myths that bring up the act or deed of rape like the Greek trinity committing rape, where as Set would rape Horus but no moral of the story other then getting F***'d by a God. Hell, even today we still revere Plato being a great Philosopher, or Nostradamus being an actual See'er into the future, but they are both boy lovers.

How common these type of relationships were back then, I don't want to know, maybe because people didn't live long enough, or maybe they are just bloody savages that can't control a thing in their life...IDK. Maybe their views of God letting made them feel better about their lives...
Sure there are countries that allow this crap, where others, will grab a machete, and go medieval. Plus, I don't think anybody going to a take a bullet to defend Pedos.

I think by nature we are just savages, making it a constant battle to do better. I'm just not sure excusing monsorous acts is the best way to improve..

Thats the thing, it is nature, she can be beautiful flower, with some very protruding thorns that could give an allergic reaction that could kill without mercy. There are quite a few animals that kill young, or force sex on their opposing genders, and would age ever be a concern for them...Probably not till some pheromones are released.

Sugar coating horrible deeds, and a simple apology from the offender is not going to fix anything,it should be dealt with the upmost importance and vilification. But does one have to be a bigger, more savage animal to fix the problem? Not going to bring up some moral upright justice speech about being depraved of humanity that killing them is wrong, but it shouldn't turn into a witch hunt...when there aren't any witches to hunt in the first place.

It safe to ignore a pack of wolves attacking other enemy villages, until that pack comes to yours.

But that is what seperates is from the animals.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: Parazurvan

originally posted by: JoshuaCox

originally posted by: Parazurvan
What book is all this written in?

I know I Israelites sacrificed children to Molech in the Old Testament and probably today it is done by many secret societies with ties to the cult of Molech that is Judaism. I have heard of many generational occult Jewish families and Mormons practice it who practice it today.

And they captured women as booty, surely for sex slaves.

Israeli commandos have been known to use rape as a terror tactic and care nothing for the life of any non Jew. Seriously.

Anybody ever heard of Talmud allows pedophilia

I'm not sure "still practiced today" is fair.

Your always going to have some idiot some where do such things, but I doubt you could find enough of them to fill up an Applebee's...

Also almost every fighting force uses or has used rape as a military tactic. That's where "rape and pillage" comes from.

I just don't like pointing fingers at a specific group, when everyone's fore fathers did the same.

If I point a finger at a specific group that has pro pedophilic laws in its scripture (Talmud)
, it is because it is a specific group's book.

As far as it happening today I am sure you are aware of Bohemian Grove. That is just one event in a year. Child and human sacrifice are not public knowledge but it happens and at the top of the cults pyramid is Zionism and B'nai B'rith.

Are you justifying war crimes because "every one does it?". Everybody doesn't do it.

Yea, and this is not an excuse, just context, but was there any group on the planet at the writing of the talmound, that did not do the same?

I think there have always been individuals who chose not to participate in such things, but over all they were common place.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: JoshuaCox

Yessir I think its rape any point in history, my ancestors or not.

I dont deny that, its the importance put upon this one guy, and the Quran and Hadiths serve as a character witness.

Secular sense, whats the big deal? No more than any other provable situation of age/marriage/era... its reprehensible. Thats not what I'm on about here though.

Religious sense, debunked spiritual leader. I'd hate to deify a guy who by his and his own "wife's" first hand accounts did do such a thing.

If he was the voice of God.... Is that the best they could come up with?

Moses and Jesus and Buddha. Arguably the equivalents representing other Religions, did not even take wives aside from Moses who married one lady, no evidence either way on age.
IMO A voice or hand of the divine would taske most of his time and focus on the mission, not gathering a flock of girls.

Character of a prophet doesnt behoove earthly gains and pleasures.

What do you think of so many people putting blind faith into a person of dubious morals?

posted on May, 23 2016 @ 02:11 AM
From a theological standpoint the figurehead of a religion is believed to be omnipotent. Chris is omnipotent, he knew more about morals and ethics than anyone and his moral teachings are still valid today although modern Christianity is more open and Christian in essence than it was in history. In this sense Mohamed would therefore be expected to have the same advanced morality and if he was truly enlightened and elevated by God than his moral principles should still be considered valid regardless of the evolution of society. Unfortunately for Muslims they are invalid. Their morals are not logically sound. Their beliefs seem repulsive because they in fact are repulsive. Unfortunately we in the West have a chronic acceptance problem, perhaps because of the Christian values that are responsible for the evolved openness of pour societies. It's ok to be different ideologically and it's also ok to not want people who are morally repulsive in your neighborhood. So yes Mohamed was and is a pedophile. Many of his followers are paedophiles. The only difference is we Christians prosecute our perverts and Muslims conspire to pervert together.

posted on May, 23 2016 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: bra1nwash
From a theological standpoint the figurehead of a religion is believed to be omnipotent. Chris is omnipotent, he knew more about morals and ethics than anyone and his moral teachings are still valid today although modern Christianity is more open and Christian in essence than it was in history. In this sense Mohamed would therefore be expected to have the same advanced morality and if he was truly enlightened and elevated by God than his moral principles should still be considered valid regardless of the evolution of society. Unfortunately for Muslims they are invalid. Their morals are not logically sound. Their beliefs seem repulsive because they in fact are repulsive. Unfortunately we in the West have a chronic acceptance problem, perhaps because of the Christian values that are responsible for the evolved openness of pour societies. It's ok to be different ideologically and it's also ok to not want people who are morally repulsive in your neighborhood. So yes Mohamed was and is a pedophile. Many of his followers are paedophiles. The only difference is we Christians prosecute our perverts and Muslims conspire to pervert together.


Every single Old Testament hero..and the Old Testament God himself....

In fact if God and Jesus are one, Jesus commited all the OT atrocities..

Still the same guy who commited countless atrocities, one forcing one family to commit incest as the only way to repopulate the earth...

You can't blam Mohammad and not blame God...
edit on 23-5-2016 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2016 @ 09:45 AM
Myself I don't believe everything that is the bible or quran. You have to understand that Jesus was killed because of corruption then the books were rewritten to fit the needs of some that were in power. Some parts were left intact and some were changed in my belief for there own benefits and power.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:42 AM
Hello boys , I have been a member of these comunity since early 2000 but never joined in .I have always appreciated crazy ideas and information here no matter the aburdity of some , but hey these is the porpouse of these site , right ?

But as a muslim I can not accept these thread ,in which I see in every post from people who want to make a joke about other people relegion . As enthusiast I can not understand why people cant make a quick search , but here , I made it easier :

One of the most contentious issues on the life of Prophet A.Ş is his marriage with Aisha r.a and her age at the time of marriage.

Misrepresenting her age she has served as the main argument in major campaigns organized against the Prophet A.Ş. The most recent publication dealing with this issue is the "Jewel of Medina" by journalist Sherry Jones, a novel about the life of A'isha. This novella aroused so much controversy as the publishing house Random House, expressed a desire to postpone publication for a later date with the fear that the content of the novel could cause unrest.

Reports according to which Aisha bint Abu Bakr was 6 or 7 years of age when they were engaged and married 10 years when they were the main factor in the formation of obedience to her early marriage. Also, we should not forget that factors such as the wide dispersal of such practices in time for that talk early and physical development of children affected the spread of this view. For this reason, discussions on this issue belong recently.

Orientalists who do not consider the weather conditions in which the marriage occurred and who examine Islam from external sources have brought this issue on the agenda. The reaction of the Islamic world to these positions has been mixed. While some have insisted that the aforementioned age is correct, others are of the opinion that Aisha was older r.a. In this situation, where it is not always possible to maintain an attitude balanced against claims they Orientalist are offered several responses, including those who have chosen to deny reports over the age of Aisha or ignore the existence of an alternative response to these claims.

Firstly, we must recognize that everyone considered children the traditions and cultural context in which he lives, so these elements should be taken into account before we tw ratings further. Every society has a set of values ​​which form the customs of the society, and if we appreciate it objectively then you should consider. Otherwise, if we strive to appreciate historical events referring to today's conditions are bound to make mistakes.

It is known that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad A.Ş, many girls marry at an early age and age differences between men and women does not concern. Particularly as regards young women, we must not forget that social pressure was great, because they matured earlier due to climatic and geographical conditions and the need to 'grow' in the husband's house. Moreover, it is not applied only to girls, boys are also married at the age of 8, 9, and 10-year-old becoming the heads in an age today perceived as too early. Perhaps it is culture that makes the bed of the issue is not up for discussion earlier. Otherwise, it is impossible that their mentality towards the Prophet, his opponents who found occasion to accuse him because of his marriage to Zaynab bint Jahsh and slandered Aisha after her return from the expedition Murajsit, not They criticize him for this wedding.

Qur'anic verses discounted at the time determined that girls should marry when they reach puberty. Rejection of the divine command nor it can certainly be thought. Using the mentality of Umar, if it was a matter of free assessments, the Prophet A.Ş certainly would be announced in the next announcement and would take measures to resolve the issue. According to every possible interpretation, the Prophet's marriage with Aisha r.a A.Ş was conducted in accordance with divine guidance.

Now, if you want to put aside the extremist positions and use moderate and objective criteria, let us consider again the resources that talk about the age of Ayesha's marriage r.a.

Lists of Muslims during the early days of Islam, the name of Aisha, together with her sister greater Asma, are listed immediately after the names of Sabikun al-Aulan (early Muslims) like Uthman ibn Affan, Zubair ib Awaam Abdurrahman ibn Awf, Sa'd ibn Waqqas, Ubaydulla ibn Talha, Abu Ubayda ibn Jarrah, al-Arqam ibn Abi and Uthman ibn Maz'un Arkham. Being a person of 18th has accepted Islam, the name of Ayesha appear before the names of Umayr ibn Abi Waqqas, Abdullah ibn Masud, Salin ibn Amr, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, Abdullah ibn Jahsh, Abu Hudhayfah, Suhayb ibn Sinan, Ammar bin Yasser, Umar ibn Khattab, Hamza inb Abdilmutalib, Habab ibn Arat, inb Said Fatima bint Zaid and Khatab. This means that at this time it was fully grown and can take such decisions with its free will. For more information on the different streams according to whom "she was young" it shows that her name is used consciously and mistakenly not included in the list.

It is about the early days of Islam. Also it is known that Aisha's sister Asma, who was born in 595, was 15 when she accepted Islam. This shows that in the year 610, when the Prophet began to descend A.Ş announcement, Aisha was at least 5, 6 or 7 years old, and when she married the Prophet in Medina A.Ş must have been 17 or 18 years old.

About days in Mecca, Aisha said: "I kept still play with toys when the Prophet A.Ş of the verse, 'Verily, it is the last hour of their time. The last hour will be trishtw and bitter. "(Al-Qamar 54:46) This information opens discussion about her age.

The verse in question belongs Surah Qamar, the 54th chapter of the Quran speaks about the miracle of the splitting of the moon (one of the miracles of the Prophet A.Ş). Sura was revealed in full at the time when the Prophet was at home A.Ş Ibn Arqam in fourth (614), eighth (618) or nine (619) of his mission, according to various broadcasts. For practical reasons, some scholars have focused in on 614. If we refer to this date then pick that Aisha or yet unborn or newly born. If not refer to this date then it turns out that it must have been born at least 8 or 9 years ago. There is no fundamental difference whether we refer to the date 618 or 619. In the second case it should have been 4 or 5 years old, an age at which she could not be able to understand the descent of the Quranic verses and t 'reminded a few years. Under the second alternative, it probably should have been born when Muhammad A.Ş started his prophethood.

Another issue worth mentioning is that when describing that day, Aisha r.a says: "I kept still playing with toys." The word she uses to describe himself is "Jari", a word that serves to label the transition to puberty. Ibn Jara, an Arab poet, describes the passage this way: "When a girl becomes 8 years old Jari it is not." In this age girls for marriage was considered as a candidate. While some other scholars say the term used for girls who are over 11 years old.

If we accept that Surah Qamar was revealed in 614, Aisha must have been born at least eight years before the prophetic mission, or in the year 618 606. If we accept, then the year of birth should have been 610. This makes it impossible fact that it has been 9 years of age when she married.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:45 AM
Don't you know muslims are peaceful people and are exempt from being called out on their bigotry and sexism by liberal lunatics.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:46 AM
If this information is combined with the presence of his name on the list of the first Muslims, we arrive at the result that her birthday should have been about the year 606. Consequently, it must have been at least 17 years old at the time of marriage.

Aisha certainly memories of the period of Mecca are not limited to this hadith. Her memories also confirm:

a) That she had seen two people who had remained in Mecca from the elephant begging. This event took place 40 years before the prophethood and serve as important historical moment which the Arabs used PWR reference.

b) It describes that during difficult times in Mecca, the Prophet of God went to her house the morning and afternoon and her father, Abu Bakr, was trying to go to Abyssinia.

c) its Declaration under which they were originally required two days and then apologize to the residents became four, while during the military campaigns of prayer mandatory number remained the same.

d) In reporting on the early days it was said that "Isafi and Naila had committed a crime in the Kaaba and accordingly Lord had turned to stone as a man and woman from the tribe Xhurhum."

The feeling of being betrothed before the engagement: Another factor that supports the above view is that when the Prophet A.Ş marriage was a matter under discussion, Aisha was in negotiations for engagement with Mutim ibn 'Adi son. The suggestion to marry Aisha, the Prophet came from Hawla A.Ş bint Hakim, wife of Uthman ibn Mauzinit, who was not part of his family. Both situations show that it had reached the age of community engagement and considered as candidates for marriage.

As is known, the engagement did not materialize because of Ibn Adijit family refused for fear of embracing Islam by their son. Aisha's engagement with the Prophet r.a A.Ş was conducted after this event. Consequently, the agreement to marry was reached before the beginning of the prophetic mission or after the call to Islam was made public (three years after the Prophet began the descent of the announcement). If agreement is reached before the start of the mission, together with the idea that Aisha was 9 years of age when she married, already shaken by the foundation shows that Aisha was born earlier suspected. For this reason, some say it was 13 or 14 years old at the time.

Should not put aside the fact that this decision was taken during that Islam began to be preached publicly. This corresponds to 613-614 years. If it is assumed that Aisha was born four years after the commencement of the prophetic mission, then it turns out that at this time it was not yet born and therefore it is impossible to talk about a marital agreement in such circumstances. In this case you have to admit that it was at least 7 or 8 years old when he broke the engagement with the son of Ibn Adijit, therefore, it should have been the year 605.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: MEDIKATED
Don't you know muslims are peaceful people and are exempt from being called out on their bigotry and sexism by liberal lunatics.

They are not, but expect to have the hypocracy of a "Islam is evil" type comments pointed out if you adhere to any of the other religions led by the exact same genocidally jealous diety......

Since it is the same God for all

big three religions..and Old Testament verses are used by terrorists to excuse their atrocities.

Unless your an athiest who is critical of all of all the Bronze Age myths of goat herders then no one can Healy mess with you....

But by your "conservative Christian conspiracy theory" buzzwords, I'm assuming you prefer to take the blatantly hypocritical veiw...

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: porsche92
If this information is combined with the presence of his name on the list of the first Muslims, we arrive at the result that her birthday should have been about the year 606. Consequently, it must have been at least 17 years old at the time of marriage.

Aisha certainly memories of the period of Mecca are not limited to this hadith. Her memories also confirm:

a) That she had seen two people who had remained in Mecca from the elephant begging. This event took place 40 years before the prophethood and serve as important historical moment which the Arabs used PWR reference.

b) It describes that during difficult times in Mecca, the Prophet of God went to her house the morning and afternoon and her father, Abu Bakr, was trying to go to Abyssinia.

c) its Declaration under which they were originally required two days and then apologize to the residents became four, while during the military campaigns of prayer mandatory number remained the same.

d) In reporting on the early days it was said that "Isafi and Naila had committed a crime in the Kaaba and accordingly Lord had turned to stone as a man and woman from the tribe Xhurhum."

The feeling of being betrothed before the engagement: Another factor that supports the above view is that when the Prophet A.Ş marriage was a matter under discussion, Aisha was in negotiations for engagement with Mutim ibn 'Adi son. The suggestion to marry Aisha, the Prophet came from Hawla A.Ş bint Hakim, wife of Uthman ibn Mauzinit, who was not part of his family. Both situations show that it had reached the age of community engagement and considered as candidates for marriage.

As is known, the engagement did not materialize because of Ibn Adijit family refused for fear of embracing Islam by their son. Aisha's engagement with the Prophet r.a A.Ş was conducted after this event. Consequently, the agreement to marry was reached before the beginning of the prophetic mission or after the call to Islam was made public (three years after the Prophet began the descent of the announcement). If agreement is reached before the start of the mission, together with the idea that Aisha was 9 years of age when she married, already shaken by the foundation shows that Aisha was born earlier suspected. For this reason, some say it was 13 or 14 years old at the time.

Should not put aside the fact that this decision was taken during that Islam began to be preached publicly. This corresponds to 613-614 years. If it is assumed that Aisha was born four years after the commencement of the prophetic mission, then it turns out that at this time it was not yet born and therefore it is impossible to talk about a marital agreement in such circumstances. In this case you have to admit that it was at least 7 or 8 years old when he broke the engagement with the son of Ibn Adijit, therefore, it should have been the year 605.

Man, I don't know if this is all true, or just one side of a heavily debated issue, but you win the " really, really reasearched post" award, lol

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