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16 West Point cadets cadets in raised-fist photo won't be punished

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posted on May, 11 2016 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: Joecanada11
a reply to: nullafides

What in the hell does that mean? Seems your acting like the snowflake here. All offended for what reason? Why does this picture bother you? Are you angry that African Americans are accomplishing things that your ancestors wouldn't let them do? Poor thing.

You, my friend, have come to a gun fight with a steak knife.

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: Joecanada11
a reply to: nullafides

From wikipedia:

The Black Panther Party instituted a variety of community social programs, most extensively theFree Breakfast for Children Programs, and community health clinics.[6][7][8]

Yeah those horrible people. Giving breakfast to hungry children and offering healthcare to those who can't afford it. My god it's terrible. How horrible of they to take action against police brutality and the unfair treatment of African Americans.

Comparing them to the Nazis and the Klan is absurd and has no basis is reality.

Write anything you want.

Doesn't escape from historical events.

Ciao, mon-fairie!

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: Joecanada11

Learn some history. They killed more than a dozen cops and at one time tortured one of their own who they thought was a police informant. They ambushed and attacked police. Look up Huey Newton.

Local mobsters in Hells Kitchen buy toys for kids at Christmas but it does not erase their other sins.

This is what is wrong. You think the Black Panthers stand for good...what a farce...

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: nullafides

Oh really have I now ? I'm so so terrified. You know nothing of who I am or what I have done. All I see is someone whining for no reason and comparing these great women to the Klan. That's discpicable and outright idiotic.

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Devolution. It's happening..

Horses and carts will be next, after the fire falls.
edit on 11/5/2016 by L.A.B because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Yep and some Christians killed people as well. Should the whole group be called haters and killers. Some Christians believe in white supremacy? Should we demonize them all? Some Muslims are radicals shall we hate all Muslims? No we shouldn't. Neither should all people raising their fist be grouped with a tiny fraction of a percentage who did wrong.

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: Joecanada11

In the past, as history dictated, yes to all of your questions. In the year 1964, a black man with a raised fist fit the profile of the country. It was the Black Panther statement of power. It was used in 1968 at the Olympics. No big deal here either.

Fast forward to 2016. You see it at rallies and protests all the time. It's 'modern' definition is the 'black fist' or 'black power fist' which is a common symbol in many who believe in Black Nationalism and also Socialism. Like I have said from the beginning, this is not about them not being able to do it. It is doing it in uniform.

It is not about what was done wrong, and, I am sure that the majority of those in the picture were told pretty sternly by their parents it was a dumb move also. If it was my kid I would. Perception is in the eye of the one passing judgement. Where I see no issue others may and that leads to unneeded confrontation.

posted on May, 11 2016 @ 11:43 PM
Why do people keep talking about the Black Panthers? The Black Panthers happened to use the salute, it was not invented by them. Using it does not make you a Black Panther. It's a sign of black resistance to oppression.

So there are some black people that use that symbol that would be racist towards whites, definitely not all would be. This is a big difference between it and the Nazi salute. The other big difference is that the hate that was perpetrated by the Black Panthers is pretty minimalistic compared to the Nazis or the KKK. Furthermore, the only meaning today of the Nazi salute is hate towards other races, it does not have any sort of historical basis in resistance towards oppression. Yes it was originally the Roman salute, but like the swastika it was totally co-opted by the Nazis. It's unfortunate but that's just the way it is.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 06:42 AM
Think people are missing the point.

The raised first (as depicted in the photo - and in the manner of the photo) IS a symbol of race, but not necessarily of racism.

This group photo of raised fists is inappropriate for any military photo....but since these are cadets, they aren't military yet.

Besides, in the military, there is no such thing as reverse racism.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: WhateverYouSay

Obviously you missed this about the BPP.....

IN the mid 60's They killed more than a dozen cops and at one time tortured one of their own who they thought was a police informant. They ambushed and attacked police. Look up Huey Newton. They were a creation much like the hijacked BLM movement. They said it was to combat police oppression.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 12:22 PM
why are people discussing the black panthers here? because they have fists? because they tend to raise their fist in the air?

do they own that gesture or something? have i spent years at metal concerts raising my fist and yelling, unwittingly supporting the BPP?

The story is stupid enough on its own...we don't have to help it along.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:12 PM
White west point cadets raised their fists in an identical manner as these black cadets did, but there was no outrage from the white community over that. The cadets stated they were raising their fists as a celebration of their completing the program, and not as some symbol of 'black pride' or allegiance to the Black Panthers. The only ones insisting on that are white racists looking for some excuse, no matter how slim, to justify their "outrage."

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: Martin75

The raised fist predates the Black Panthers and it's a symbol of fighting oppression as well as a sign of solidarity. In the Black Panthers it was a symbol of black power fighting oppression, there was/is nothing anti-white about it.

No, the raised fist is a symbol of socialism and Marxism... The Black Panthers were Marxists. These ladies seem to be either Marxist, or socialist.

It has been known for a while that the elites are preparing such youths for the changes they want implemented in the United States, for the transformation the elites want the United States to undergo into a socialist/Marxist country.

edit on 12-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add pictures

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

So where are the white cadets?

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

LOL...the raised fist isn't just about the Black Panthers' version of socialism/Marxism, it is about Marxism/socialism implemented globally to all races... But hey, who knew some people would try to use the "race card again" to stop people from talking about what is going on in our military academies, and on overall what is happening in the United States as well as globally...
edit on 12-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Martin75

Hey, check it out! Here's some white people with raised fists from back in time:

During the Spanish Civil War, it was sometimes known as the anti-fascist salute.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

That kid's a BLMer if I've ever seen one. You know, the Pathers wore berets.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Oh yeah, you mean the socialists, communists, and anarchists who in the summer of 1936 in Spain went on a rampage and murdered tens of thousands of people, including almost 7,000 clergy, and other people for being religious, or capitalists, including landowners in one summer?... yeah MystikMushroom, they were so pacifists right?...

Red Terror (Spain)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Red Terror in Spain (Spanish: Terror Rojo)[3] is the name given by historians to various acts of violence committed from 1936 until the end of the Spanish Civil War "by sections of nearly all the leftist groups".[4][5] News of the rightist military coup in 1936 unleashed a social revolutionary response, and no republican region escaped revolutionary and anticlerical violence - though in the Basque Country this was minimal.[6] The violence consisted of the killing of tens of thousands of people (including 6,832(7) members of the Catholic clergy, the vast majority in the summer of 1936 in the wake of the military coup), as well as attacks on landowners, industrialists, and politicians, and the desecration and burning of monasteries and churches....

Yeah those pacifists raising the fists, I mean who would think these people want to murder anyone who happens to disagree with their left-wing ideology... Right MystikMushroom?...

BTW, we will never truly know how many people were murdered by the "left-wing uprising". These numbers are only counting the numbers of non-combatants we know were murdered by the left. There are some monuments in Spain that show the overall area where it is thought thousands of people were murdered.

The Red terror started with the murder of some surrendering rebels as the revolt faltered in some of the cities, and it expanded to widespread detentions, and even mass executions, of individuals related to the right or to the Church. It was not the spontaneous act of mobs but was at least partly organized and carried out by virtually all the leftist groups with the exception of the Basque Nationalists.

Unlike the repression by the right which concentrated on its most threatening opponents, the Red terror groups acted seemingly irrationally, "murdering innocent people and letting some of the more dangerous go free". The Catholic clergy was a primary target of the Red terror, despite the fact that the vast majority was not involved in active opposition.
During the nineteen thirties, anti-religious and anticlerical intolerance became much more radical, intense and violent than in preceding years. There were constant looting of church property that went unpunished,monasteries and churches were set alight and burnt, priests, male and female religious and lay Catholics murdered. In Spain, divided by the Civil War, religious persecution continued in the area under Republican control until, so that by the end of the summer in 1935 6,832 people had been killed, not because they were engaged in the fighting but simply because of their religious faith. ~ taken form Beata Martyr Maria Guadalupe Ricart Olmos website.

At almost the end of the war the left(who were the Republicans) had supposedly agreed to release their prisoners, but those prisoners never reached the site agreed upon. They were murdered and lay in unmarked mass grave sites.

edit on 12-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

edit on 12-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: WhateverYouSay

Obviously you missed this about the BPP.....

IN the mid 60's They killed more than a dozen cops and at one time tortured one of their own who they thought was a police informant. They ambushed and attacked police. Look up Huey Newton. They were a creation much like the hijacked BLM movement. They said it was to combat police oppression.

Nope, didn't miss that. What exactly does that have to do with anything I said? I said they perpetrated hate but it wasn't on the scale of the KKK or the Nazis. The KKK lynched thousands, and regardless, the raised fist does not solely associate with the Black Panthers like for instance, a white hood does with the KKK.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 03:40 PM

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