posted on May, 9 2016 @ 06:05 PM
This is a common argument I hear atheists have when talking about if there is a god. "If there is a god, how could he let a baby be born with
cancer?" Well, here's my take;
First of all, nothing is neither inherently good or bad; humans add such meanings to events but even the worst circumstances could be considered
positive if looked at in a different light. For example, if someone dies in a car crash, most would consider it a "horrible event" but you actually
can look at it as a good thing. That car crash can raise awareness of the safety of driving and can actually prevent future car crashes from
occurring. Another more extreme example is war, and the many innocent casualties from it, but once again, if there is a lesson to be learned from the
innocent blood shed to prevent future conflicts, it isn't completely a "bad" thing, and the innocent lives won't be in vein.
Another concept I want to bring up is the Buddhist concept of karmic evolution. This concept intertwines the three seemingly unrelated concepts
of evolution, past lives and reincarnation, and karma all into a related theory. In a nutshell, we have lived an infinite amount of past lives (and
will continue to exist for an infinitive amount of time) as different levels of plants and animal consciousness, and karma and how much kindness and
good we do actually determines if we will either evolve into the next life as a more advanced being (example a monkey evolving into a human) or
devolve into the next life (example human devolving into a pig) into a lesser being. If your good outweighs your bad in this life, you evolve; if your
bad outweighs your good in this life, you devolve. According to this, we all must have done a lot of good deeds to make it to this current human state
of consciousness; this truly is an impressive feat. I know that's a lot to wrap your head around but bear with me. Since we are all "One", the
Buddhist take on this is when you harm another being, you are actually harming your self as you are harming part of you, the "Oneness", because you
are connected to that "Oneness" as well. This "Oneness" is God, and it is the accumulation of everything in the universe(s) thought up of as a
singular point. A good metaphor would be of the human body; there are trillions of cells in our body that make one whole, human, and each of those
cells is alive, conscious, and living it's own reality. We are the cells in this example, and the human is God, and it is conscious, all knowing, and
all powerful, just like we are conscious, except it's level of consciousness is truly unimaginable; like comparing the consciousness of a cell in our
body to human consciousness.
So, how could God let an innocent baby with cancer be born into the world?
Perhaps, the soul knows what it's doing before being incarnated into this world, and does it for a selfless reason to raise awareness of the
situation (in this example, cancer) to increase his karma so he will ultimately transcend the human consciousness in future incarnations.
Another way to look at it is maybe people born in horrible circumstances are in karmic debt and are paying back their debt of bad deeds in pasts
lives in this current life.
Just my speculation; feel free to debate or add your thoughts, opinions, etc.