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So I got Robbed Today, and it was Probably Good for Me...

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posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I am really glad that you weren't hurt and a lesson learned on what is really
important.Many of us do carry too much extra baggage and get our priorities
mixed.Be safe out there...Mama

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: bally001

Thank you, some call me an asshole, and perhaps I come off that way but I truly care for humanity and even this man and you.. I appreciate your posts thank you for your kind words...

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Hi I have followed your travails in the past. As you state that a burden has been lifted, then I think as you state its happened for a reason. A weight has been lifted off you.

Stay safe & good luck

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Dude, you had the only copy of the notes and docs in your backpack? No back up?
Ouch. Sorry.

I got robbed end of February - someone took my car. There were some things of sentimental value in it, now gone forever. The replacement vehicle has a steering wheel club and a clutch to steering-wheel lock. Bastards ripped out the ignition on my "Gonda" last year, but didn't get the car - I was told that Honda has a "kill-switch" that prevents it from starting if the ignition is corrupted. I guess the repair shop didn't put in an equal ignition - because this time the ignition was torn out AGAIN, but the car was taken.

The police recovered it during a wee-hours shoot out on the other side of the city - 8 weeks later. By then I already had another car, and the insurance had settled the theft as a total loss.

Sorry to hear about your loss, though.

A friend of mine had a son who went by himself to SE Asia as a tourist - fell asleep in a bus station, and his backpack was stolen - in it were all of his money, his passport, his laptop, and his toiletries. His dad had told him DO NOT LEAVE YOUR STUFF UNATTACHED TO YOUR BODY.

Oh well.

Was there a fire-arm threat in this robbing of your stuff? Anyway - glad you're okay.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: muzzleflash

Is that what I suggested? It may feel enlightened to be completely happy with robbery, however if not for your humanity you may be disregarding someone else' a perfect world no one robs cheats or lies... Unfortunately, since these things occur lives are impacted and even lost after much suffering.. While you may completely disavow the concept of ownership, others do not. You could of been killed, that person could kill someone else.. Goto the police, and perhaps talk to a counselor you are behaving in a manic fashion and it may be unhealthy and have further consequences in your life. I do not want your stuff brother, I want you to be ok. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I've been watching your progression over the last few years and I have increasingly become concerned about you, please see a doctor.

You haven't read that closely.

In this thread I already told everyone I made a police report immediately after the incident. Other than keeping an eye out for stuff with my name on it, there's very little they can do legally.

And also in the other threads in the last 9 months I already told you I've been through "mental health" multiple times now:

1st I was illegally locked up in an institute over false allegations, where two panels of a dozen experts in mental health analyzed me for an entire month, and both agreed that I was just being misunderstood (because people don't read very closely or give enough time to fully understand the "point I'm making").

They deemed me "Fully Sane and Competent" and did Not prescribe or administer me any mental health medications as I received no diagnosis of any mental health illnesses whatsoever.

Then I did two follow ups with other organizations of professionals to "make sure" and they all concurred with the findings of the original institute.

What kind of doctors should I see next?
Please understand you aren't qualified to make this assessment and you are probably misunderstanding my "point".

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: muzzleflash
While you may completely disavow the concept of ownership, others do not.

This statement you made reveals you absolutely missed the point of the entire thread.
It wasn't even a subliminal message or an instance to "read between the lines", I stated the point flat out multiple times in varied ways.

I'll restate it for you in response to this misunderstanding quoted above:

I am a very staunch supporter of all Rights, particularly Property Rights.
I abhor criminals, probably more than I often should, though I still support the concept of their Rights as well (in terms of properly prosecuting and incarcerating them under Rule of Law concepts).

This thread is not intended in any way to disparage or demean the concepts of Rights, Law, or Justice.

It is about the choices in reactions we make, the ability to overcome a "crisis" we are faced with, and the Spiritual concepts of Growth, Acceptance of things out of our Control, Temperance (self control and restraint), Virtues conquering Vices, and Resolution. It's about being Calm in the face of the Storm of Life's trials and tribulations. Stuff like this.

It is also meant to be a reflection of what's wrong with society, and what's right with me personally. And a reminder to anyone reading that there is still Hope, in case they might have felt Hopeless. To remind them they can still make a difference too, by making a difference within themselves and their reactions.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
You lost nine months of work and no big deal?

I think this is your coping mechanism give it a few weeks I bet 100% you'll change your mind.

From what I can see in the words you chose and how you project your idea in this thread you don't even believe what your saying

It's because I have an excellent memory.
I actually remember the vast majority of all of it, though not all at once.
And I have learned a lot so if I reconstructed things it'd be far better this time anyways.

I only lost "papers", I didn't lose my memories or who I am or what I'm capable of.
I do need some pens and notepads and a highlighter and to make a few new copies of some things though.
But that's not such a big deal really.

I thought it'd be a huge deal before it actually happened.
It's more than a coping mechanism, it's being rational and realistic and reasonable.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: mamabeth
a reply to: muzzleflash

I am really glad that you weren't hurt and a lesson learned on what is really
important.Many of us do carry too much extra baggage and get our priorities
mixed.Be safe out there...Mama

Thank you, you too!
Yes, too much baggage, time to downsize.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: muzzleflash

Hi I have followed your travails in the past. As you state that a burden has been lifted, then I think as you state its happened for a reason. A weight has been lifted off you.

Stay safe & good luck

Thank you. It has.
My back feels so much better, hahah!

You stay safe too buddy!

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: bally001

Thank you, some call me an asshole, and perhaps I come off that way but I truly care for humanity and even this man and you.. I appreciate your posts thank you for your kind words...

I don't think you're an ass, but you are very quick to judgment and that comes with significant drawbacks.
With me it's ok because I'll just try to correct you usually, but other people aren't patient or articulate enough and it will probably upset them, hence people misjudging you as something you aren't.

Just try to slow down sometimes, reread things occasionally.
There's nothing wrong with that, I reread things over and over. It's very beneficial.

Your desire for knowledge causes you to feel rushed perhaps? At least that's my feelings that lead me to scan over things a little too quickly, sacrificing comprehension in return for speed. But it costs us in the end, and we eventually lose more time from it than we originally sought to save.

Remember that, go the speed limit, getting a ticket puts you further behind on the road and in the bank.
edit on 5/5/2016 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Your friend's son really had it bad, I cringe to hear what he went through losing his stuff in SE Asia.

His dad gave excellent words of wisdom and I will reiterate them:

I am sorry about your car loss that resulted with losing sentimental property. I think perhaps one of my key ingredients to overcoming this recent loss was that I've lost so many sentimental things through life, I don't even really have sentimental attachments to property anymore. This helps a lot more than you'd suspect.

And as for a "copy", I have no where to store copies (aside of my memory which is sufficient). It was all paper and pen, I prefer handwriting despite that I'm an excellent typist. I like giving the feel of my personality and humanity, and letting people see my mistakes and corrections to remind them that despite my great ideas or document creation ability, I'm still a fallible human that makes tons of mistakes. I like showing that, the mixture of strengths and weaknesses, I think it's invaluable as a teaching tool and as a strategic methodology.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: Forensick

I like to think I made amends for that stupid choice i made by returning things i found.

I look at it like this:

It isnt mine, I did not earn it.
Its someone elses and they worked hard to earn it

We all make stupid mistakes and even hurt others sometimes Charles.

But the fact you are trying to make a difference DOES make a difference.
Please continue going down that road, it makes the world MUCH better!!

I really respect you for your perspective on this.
You are what's "right" with humanity. Keep it up!!

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: bally001
a reply to: muzzleflash

Mine weren't stolen and remain in boxes and at times now I feel like burinng them but I just can't. When I read them it reminds me of how much I fought for my kids.

You don't need them anymore Bally.
It's all in your Heart.
You will never ever lose that Love.
You'll never forget.

Burn them tonight.
You can.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash


You're "Cleansed" It is similar to the compulsive gambler who loses their 'snip' and then use words like "taking a bath", they most often harbor feelings of guilt for having too much..

You've already forgiven those who trespassed against You, and did so at what most would consider to be a "low point"..

Out of the 100s of cases I handled re: assaults, robberies, burglaries it was the (V)-ictim that harbored ill feelings was the one most affected and not only were they robbed of material goods but of also their most valuable asset, their "time" and it was spent thinking of revenge and/or retribution..


posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

Thank you for that post.

You must have worked as a LEO or an attorney?
I have a few questions to ask you and would like your input, if you don't mind.

Can someone who is not a legitimate "victim" yet pretends to be one also waste a lot of time obsessing on punishing their supposed abuser? And could this even happen if they were knowingly lying for whatever motives?

And is there any way to tell the difference between a real victim focused on revenge or someone with ulterior hidden motives masquerading as a victim using it to punish someone for something not admitted under the guise of a different claim? Could they appear the same until legitimate evidence pops up countering their false claim?

Any ideas you may have on that I'd really appreciate, and I ask because you likely have a lot of experience and have seen all sorts of shades of "victim" in your days.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:06 PM
Can someone who is not a legitimate "victim" yet pretends to be one also waste a lot of time obsessing on punishing their supposed abuser? And could this even happen if they were knowingly lying for whatever motives?

Yes, this happens on a report of an alleged assault that doesn't leave any marks (must arrest) or someone who got rebuked by another. In a report of a misdemeanor not committed in the presence of the Officer, it turns out to be a "She said; He said" and some will go as far as getting a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) and I've seen cases where the supposed (V)-ictim will hold this over the alleged attacker. i.e. "He threatened Me" then after investigating You find out She called Him over and then wanted to control Him w/the paper... You mean like that?

When working Narcotics, I'd have Dealer #1) call and report Dealer #2)'s stash house and who the main sellers were.

I noticed a lot of folks either lie or their idea of reality differs from the majority and if they have enough 'want' in their minds they'll do just about anything..

In other words... I saw the 'best people' at their 'worst' and the 'worst people' at their 'best'... Nothing about TheJob is routine...

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Thanks for your advice and I certainly would burn them except for the fact that the records are my only tangible evidence to my children as to how much we fought to see them.

You see the other party detests and contests the fact that we did anything and abosultely denies the fact we took the effort to try and recover the lost time with my children. Denies we contested the issue for the other party who changed their names. Denies we tried to maintain contact etc etc.

When they are of a more mature age I will hand the documents over to them. That will be my disposal of that past. Those children can make up their own minds and do what they want with that evidence. As I've said, I do wish I didn't have to hang onto this baggage.

My kindest regards,


posted on May, 6 2016 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality


but kudos to you Tech. You're the real wingman.


edit on 6-5-2016 by bally001 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

After reading your OP it seems to me that you got richer because of this experience... Good for you, congratz with your added whealth.

edit on 6/5/2016 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

And Your handling of this is almost Tao like..

The Tao teaches Us that the more crap We have the more We have to worry about it. We have to insure it. We have to clean and wax it. We have to keep our eyes on it. This robs Us of Life because We are too busy worrying about/protecting crap that is just temporary..

When I tired of dragging the boat to launch and then load it up, I bought a waterfront house w/a boathouse. The second week after My male dog died of an unknown cancer, some turd(s) came on the porch and stole all My wife's fishing gear. For 3 months I was hyper-vigilent and got cameras and alarms and would wake at the slightest sound. It was miserable to type the least. I bet You slept like a rock???

We weren't 'made' to enjoy our 'riches' here.. This is only temporary, but You learned that already.. Some don't get this and 'many' have to come back to maybe get it then (another incarnation)..

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