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So I got Robbed Today, and it was Probably Good for Me...

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posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: Brotherman
a reply to: muzzleflash

I'm not sure if there is much you can do about it. Its a shame that your alternate phone probably doesn't have a gps locater on it does it

I dont think so. Its an older under 10$ model.
And in TN the LEO wont track it without a warrant Im pretty sure. Oh well.

I gave you a link above that requires either a sim chip or gps and you can get a location using the phone number

Oh awesome thanks!!

Sorry I didnt quite understand.
I'll figure it out and see what happens, crazy...

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: ClownFish
a reply to: muzzleflash

I felt it coming an hour before it happened too, but I didn't really fully believe in that instinct.

This is the most interesting part, don't you think? When things like that happen, I have a sense that it was somehow okay and part of some mysterious plan. I have found random acts of violence or kindness to be that much more intriguing, when you know ahead of time and don't know how you know. It's like a mysterious part of you is saying, "It will be okay."

The real challenge is to see if I can handle the whirlwind I'm creating,
this crazy new reality I'm about to experience.

With a smile, you are already experiencing, no? Sounds like you're handling it just fine.


Ya that's most likely why Im taking this so positively, because something very deeply Spiritual is going on here and I have NO Idea wtf it is exactly. Maybe its totality is unknowable?

I'm embracing it though, because I know God takes it all and gives it all and I only control myself in the end.What real choice do I have? Rejecting God's choices for me ends way worse, in my life experiences.

I can accept it. I'm Hopeful.
I don't want to resist the Spirit anymore.
I believe in having a chance, even if it's really small. That's better than none, like the guy who stole my stuff, he ain't got a chance at all. I pity him, but that's his choice, not ours. We all make our own choices, and dammit, I'm ready to make better ones!

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I hope it helps, or can help.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

The first time I read that I thought you were insane, then I read it again and contemplated it for a minute and it's probably the sanest thing I've read in a long time.

I don't know why it struck a chord with me but it did, thanks for sharing man you've actually made my day a lot better. Glad it all worked out.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: MagnaCarta2015
a reply to: muzzleflash

The first time I read that I thought you were insane, then I read it again and contemplated it for a minute and it's probably the sanest thing I've read in a long time.

I don't know why it struck a chord with me but it did, thanks for sharing man you've actually made my day a lot better. Glad it all worked out.

Thank you!
I sorta posted it for that reason, I wanted to share something uplifting and I think it's turned into a cool story.

I intuitively sensed a few people would feel something great about it. And to me that's valuable. I'm pleased a few people felt at least a sliver of that sensation I wanted to convey. I Hope tomorrow will be brighter for someone from it.

Even I wondered if I was a bit crazy to be Happy about it but I decided it is an opportunity and I'm learning how to be more diligently opportunistic.

I had to accept I had no control and that it is also an ominous warning from the Spirit that I need to make a distinct choice here at this fork in the road. And in my Heart I knew I wanted to choose the Good path.

I've been struggling with the negative path a lot lately, so I'm extremely Happy I had the strength and wisdom (finally!!) to choose the Light.

Today that choice was somehow easy. And it was in a situation where last week I would have told you today would be the definitive end of my existence. That was my choice. The end or the beginning?
I chose a new life...

To me it's a very big deal. I can understand to others maybe it's inconsequential, but I'm learning how to both improve myself and set a small example.

If some guy out there totaled their car they loved a lot yesterday and was upset and miserable but saw this and decided to instead find acceptance and Peace in it because no one got hurt and it's time for a truck or whatever, that's a Victory for him and me together.

What's life about anyway?

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Good on you, Muzzleflash! That reminds of something i heard a while back. It goes something like "God only makes your life so hard because he knows you can handle it." I'm right there with you man, sometimes it feels like everything about this world is trying to get you down, to give in, to quit. Life seems to always find a way to knock me down. Just gotta keep getting back up, say # YOU LIFE, and do whatever the hell makes you happy. I'm not so sure whether I'm responding to you or giving myself a pep-talk anymore lol...Either way, Glad you have seen the good in this situation, and I hope you find what you are looking for in this world. (Also anybody else that has bothered to read this, I wish the same for you)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash
Sounds like an efficient planned mugging one could take many ways; burden lifted or something worse.
edit on 4-5-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:05 PM
weird thing to steal from someone.
I'd put banks, courts, sec of state, credit cards all on alert for ID fraud incoming.

I used to go into this type of thought pattern. Just accept it, it's all good in the end, karma, This life is short, all phrases like that.
I did this my whole life until recently, I was humble, polite, did good deeds, kept my emotions in control, lent a hand, and you know what life then decided to punch me in the gut anyways. Having good manners and empathy directly worked against me in my recent situation. /vent

Suppressing your emotions can cause all sort of mental and physical ailments, anxiety, depression, psychogenic pain.
Getting angry, wanting to punch something, cursing god, and saying screw that mean person is all normal.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:16 PM
I've had a guy point a pistol in my face and tell me to give him my wallet.
I guess I paused too long. He pulled the trigger and the gun just went "click."
I learned that day how fast I can actually run.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:52 PM
I had a dude hold a knife at me and told me to hand him my wallet.I said ok. Unfortunately for him , instead of pulling out my wallet , I pulled out my old hog-leg. Put that little red dot right on target. Needless to say , bet he stopped at the first pick-it-up mart and cleaned out his pants.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

You seem manic... Doesn't seem healthy, goto the police and maybe call a doctor.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: skunkape23
I've had a guy point a pistol in my face and tell me to give him my wallet.
I guess I paused too long. He pulled the trigger and the gun just went "click."
I learned that day how fast I can actually run.

I had a beggar ask me for a coin (quarter). I told him I threw my last one in the street two blocks up; same street left side (run to retrieve it). This kind of extortion is disconcerting.
edit on 4-5-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:04 AM
So I'd walk in to the doc, tell him I was robbed and am not taking it so badly, and need help.

He'd laugh, say I was fine, then bill me for 150$.
Then I could officially say Im a sucker...

Hey, then I could give the rest of everything I have to you! Just cuz....

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: Sourcery

Thank you!
Maybe you were giving us both a pep talk,
because waking up to that post (along with an excellent cup of coffee n a cig) has made my morning...

I needed it, I'm preparing for court in a few hours and I don't really know this judge so I gotta do as best I can today.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

I honestly wish more good responsible citizens were armed.

These types of crime rates (street theft) would drop significantly, because the more persistent of the criminals would get dropped.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:46 AM
I dont steal but here is a short story...

When I was about 12 me and some mates were walking up the street and I saw a small bag of money (10 English pounds) and picked it up and put it in my pocket.

As we went around the corner an woman was a little frantic and asked if we had seen any money, my mates hadnt so I let them talk and help the lady look for it. We didnt find it and walked off and as we got to the bus I showed my mates the 10 pounds and we all went off to the video arcade to spend the money.

Fast forward to me earning money. I have returned 3 wallets in my life (I havnt kept any, I have only found three) and i am here, 28 years later and remember taking that womans money, not feeling good about it, thinking what it could mean to her, thinking how she had to earned it and I hadnt...

I like to think I made amends for that stupid choice i made by returning things i found.

I look at it like this:

It isnt mine, I did not earn it.
Its someone elses and they worked hard to earn it
Finders keepers is the most selfish and low life saying I was ever taught
What right do I have to enjoy someone else's misfortune.

Now thats just from finding something that doesn't belong to me, so I will fook up anyone I see stealing stuff from anyone....

I am Charles Bronson...goodnight.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Is that what I suggested? It may feel enlightened to be completely happy with robbery, however if not for your humanity you may be disregarding someone else' a perfect world no one robs cheats or lies... Unfortunately, since these things occur lives are impacted and even lost after much suffering.. While you may completely disavow the concept of ownership, others do not. You could of been killed, that person could kill someone else.. Goto the police, and perhaps talk to a counselor you are behaving in a manic fashion and it may be unhealthy and have further consequences in your life. I do not want your stuff brother, I want you to be ok. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I've been watching your progression over the last few years and I have increasingly become concerned about you, please see a doctor.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Sorry for you but perhaps an uplifting post. I lugged I guess much the same stuff around or years. 22 or so. My current partner and I went to court, made reps and spent many thousands of dollars and hours perfecting our arguments, indexing legal docs and ensuring everything was just right.

We lost in court etc etc, lost financially and I lost custody and my family names of 2 children from a previous relationship. We entered the courts honest and calmly but lost to emotions and false allegations. After 20 years we won as I think. Not only do I have the love now of grown up children but the knowledge that we never did anything wrong.

Losing your documents is a sad thing for me as I merticulously put mine together spending hours on a 'typewriter' (yes I'm that old). Sorry for your loss but I understand you humping these life's memories around.

Mine weren't stolen and remain in boxes and at times now I feel like burinng them but I just can't. When I read them it reminds me of how much I fought for my kids. In saying that I still store them and your story makes me think I wish I was robbed in the same circumstances and didn't have this burden of history to lug about each time I move. I feel they are more precious to me than any other possession.

Losing them would have been sad for me but perhaps later in life (sideways glance at where they're stored) I'd be better off without them. I no longer have to prove how hard I battled for access to my children.

Sincere regards,


posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

You are an insightful and kind man Tech,

Pleasure to know you on ATS,

Kind regards,


posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:15 AM
You lost nine months of work and no big deal?

I think this is your coping mechanism give it a few weeks I bet 100% you'll change your mind.

From what I can see in the words you chose and how you project your idea in this thread you don't even believe what your saying

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