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Trumps Nod shows majority of Americans have no understanding of politics

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posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: NightFlight
All these smarter than thou on this thread telling me and the ones that voted for Trump that we are stupid, ignorant, etc. but they can't tell us why except that we are stupid, ignorant, etc.

Well, I have a solution for your problem:


I can tell you why

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

While I will agree that she has ignored the rule of law and the department of justice is doing little to actually hold her accountable, she is not the greatest threat.

She does represent the elite in America, but so does Trump, so they are both to be feared for that.

Anyway, I would not vote for her and have written about her negative aspects as a political figure at some length in other topics on the board.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

I made points on Obama care and his support for Democrat candidates throughout the 2000's as well, or do you not wish to try and refute those?

As for "the cost of doing business", business owners should hire illegals to get tax breaks, that is fine, I am all for that. Now to the point: Trump wants to end immigration period, but it is ok for him to profit off illegal immigration until he can successfully end immigration. This I have some problems with. Either he is lying and has no plans to actually try and halt immigration or he will end immigration into America, but not because he is morally opposed to immigration, but because as he has admitted time and time again, that he does not know what is going on internationally. So either he is lying or he is a fool, my guess is like most people who run for political office, he is lying.

Some of his policies I am ok with, but his overall demeanour and plan of action seem to be a plan for the destruction of the American government as we know it. While I do understand some of the dissatisfaction, I am certain that replacing the republic with a direct democracy demagogue is in no way a positive for the United States.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: hubrisinxs

Consider this. Trump understands how to manage on a large scale and be successful. That means hiring the RIGHT people for the job and holding them accountable. He's done this for a long time. No one can argue this.
No consider how government currently works. Who do the pols hire when they get elected? CHRONYs. People whose only qualifications were DONATIONS or somehow having a chip in the big game. People who are never held accountable, often don't show up, (like congress). And really couldn't even do a good job if they wanted to. This is why government runs the way it does. This is what they are scared of from Trump.
If still think NAFTA was a good idea you probably deserve to live in Flint, Michigan and feed and wash your children with poison water.
If you don't think securing our border is important. Your an idiot that would wake up quickly if you lost your job and your home to an illegal alien or a child to heroin OD or gang crime.
If you don't think it's important to prevent ISIS or any terror cells from getting into this country maybe you or a loved one should be on the next plane that slams into a building or gets shot dead at work. Or how about being in the city that a nuke or dirty bomb goes off in.
And if you don't think securing YOUR 2nd amendment rights are important, you'd probably figure it out if you found yourself in the next group the Gestapo rounds up for extermination. That's right. It was never about hunting.
I'm sorry if some of these statements sound harsh to you, or if your offended. This is how some of your rhetoric sounds to people that have suffered from these things or worry about them. None of these ideas are racist or misogynist in any way.
If you don't think USA first, then please immediately move to whatever country you think should come first.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:12 PM
What does it matter anyway?

At the end of the day, it's the electors who decide who gets to become president. Most of their choices are influenced by money anyway.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: hubrisinxs

Trump will win, Gingrich as his VP, Christie as his AG, and Ben Cardon as DHHS.

I am educated and informed, just not arrogant as you are.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: Kuroodo
What does it matter anyway?

At the end of the day, it's the electors who decide who gets to become president. Most of their choices are influenced by money anyway.

And how does one become an elector? By winning state and in some cases local elections. The most important elections aren't the ones that get media attention. Elect the right people now and in 20 years when they're an elector you don't need to worry about who they're going to support.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

and he can appoint his sister to the SCOTUS far as Newt...I think Newt will be advising heavily on who to take but in the end will not be him.
edit on 05pm31pmf0000002016-05-04T23:22:38-05:001138 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: mc_squared

The MSM killed Ron Paul's chances. the "Establishment" didn't want him and were afraid of him. Trump was ignored by that same machine as he wasn't seen as anything more than a joke. The people, for whatever reason, have latched on to Trump. Like it or not, the numbers don't lie.

So the MSM silenced Ron Paul on behalf of the establishment, but Donald Trump was ignored by the very same machine? That explains why Trump's been on virtually every channel 24/7 since he descended that escalator announcing his candidacy last year.

Fact is the media is just a business. They gravitate to whatever story sells and makes them money. There's no conspiracy, it's just capitalism.

The media didn't care about Ron Paul because the people didn't care - he was boring to the average American. The Trump circus meanwhile has been a non-stop ratings smash. He's the ideal candidate for an electorate more concerned with reality tv than actual reality.

You're right about one thing though - the numbers don't lie. Again, exactly why the OP is spot on.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 01:55 AM
I love how you guys want a business man to run the country like it is going to somehow make everything better, talk about looking through rose colored glasses

Damn that koolaid you guys drink must be good

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: hubrisinxs
a reply to: Metallicus

check your facebook.

Facebook? Really? Is that where the facts is?
edit on 5/5/2016 by Tundra because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Tundra

You are taking my statement out of context. I was making a point that Trump receives a lot of positive coverage from social media, the biggest example of which is facebook, not that facebook is in any way a legitimate news source.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: mc_squared

Thats the problem. He IS a career politician. Same as his dad. Say what you need to keep your job and then CHOKE when it comes to the hard calls because it might make you look bad for the next election.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

So you complanit is that he did better then 99% of the people but not as good as the 1%?

He is also the ONLY Billionaire that has come out of the shadows and ran directly. How many of he other "shapers" hvae done that? Where is Soros? He is happy to play in the background and pull the strings but come into the light? NOPE.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: hubrisinxs
a reply to: Tundra

You are taking my statement out of context. I was making a point that Trump receives a lot of positive coverage from social media, the biggest example of which is facebook, not that facebook is in any way a legitimate news source.

Actually, I think you might have taken my statement out of context. I was thinking about making a fakebook account just to see what you were talking about but, meh. I'm voting for Liberty and Justice. Or Paul Harvey and Frank Zappa.
edit on 5/5/2016 by Tundra because: Or maybe i'll vote Frankenstein, it's the best choice for America.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: hubrisinxs

While I understand your argument, I disagree with how this applies to the current situation. While you worry about Trump as President, I contend that Obama has put the entire country financially, socially, etc. in the proverbial crapper. Trump at least in his words represents the majority of the right hence his current status. The worst he could do, and I expect he would do significantly flush the toilet in which Obama and the left have put us.

On a slightly different is a bit funny how when the left want something and are the majority, all is well and as it should be. When the same happens with the is wrong and must be corrected. In the opinion of the left, of course.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: mc_squared

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: hubrisinxs
The American people understand American politics only too well and that is why you have Trump. They are sick and tired of the Establishment candidates and when both Republicans, Democrats and the MSM united in their dislike of Trump the people recognized a chance to change things up in Washington.

By electing a populist silver-spoon-fed buffoon who has no plan, no policies, no experience, no tact…he just says some 2nd grade reading level gibberish that gets all the xenophobes and angry old geezers fired up.

The “Trump is so popular because he’s anti-establishment” rhetoric is a weak cop out. 4 years ago Ron Paul was as anti-establishment as you can get, except he actually understood politics, and where was his popularity?

Ron Paul went nowhere because he forgot to tap in to the conservative zeitgeist by not being a loudmouth, boorish, xenophobic clown.

The OP is spot on.

Consider this. Trump understands how to manage on a large scale and be successful. That means hiring the RIGHT people for the job and holding them accountable. He's done this for a long time. No one can argue this.
No consider how government currently works. Who do the pols hire when they get elected? CHRONYs. People whose only qualifications were DONATIONS or somehow having a chip in the big game. People who are never held accountable, often don't show up, (like congress). And really couldn't even do a good job if they wanted to. This is why government runs the way it does. This is what they are scared of from Trump.
If still think NAFTA was a good idea you probably deserve to live in Flint, Michigan and feed and wash your children with poison water.
If you don't think securing our border is important. Your an idiot that would wake up quickly if you lost your job and your home to an illegal alien or a child to heroin OD or gang crime.
If you don't think it's important to prevent ISIS or any terror cells from getting into this country maybe you or a loved one should be on the next plane that slams into a building or gets shot dead at work. Or how about being in the city that a nuke or dirty bomb goes off in.
And if you don't think securing YOUR 2nd amendment rights are important, you'd probably figure it out if you found yourself in the next group the Gestapo rounds up for extermination. That's right. It was never about hunting.
I'm sorry if some of these statements sound harsh to you, or if your offended. This is how some of your rhetoric sounds to people that have suffered from these things or worry about them. None of these ideas are racist or misogynist in any way.
If you don't think USA first, then please immediately move to whatever country you think should come first.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: matafuchs

Wanna bet? Let's review this info in, say, Sept., ...and when I am right, you guitar cat must then play whatever song I

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: NightFlight
All these smarter than thou on this thread telling me and the ones that voted for Trump that we are stupid, ignorant, etc. but they can't tell us why except that we are stupid, ignorant, etc.

Well, I have a solution for your problem:


Are ivory towers flammable? It's getting to be that time when they will be finding out.

It's the politicians that don't understand politics.

They work for the people, not the people work for them. For the people, by the people.

I love these idiots that think they know what's best for everyone yet have every excuse in the book to justify failure.

I say, cut every ones pay 15% that isn't in the line of fire, cut the super perks, pensions and start term limits.
And let them be able to be fired when they f' up. Same as everyone else.

If they are so friggin smart, let them start a multi billion $ business when they get out of public service.

Or open a bar.

They are leeches.

Trump is what's needed at this time.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: hubrisinxs
a reply to: NightFlight

It was never my intention to call anyone 'stupid'. My comments were to reflect the lack of information and critical reasoning the general masses of the republican party seem to be exhibiting, and not to single out any one individual as incapable of learning.

My question for Trump supporters is what specifics policies does Trump promise that makes you feel he will provide the magic answer?

Repeal Obamacare? He can't do that.

The President of the United States has awesome power, but the Constitution does not give the occupant of that office the authority to “eliminate” a law that has been passed by Congress, whatever the voters may think of that law. It is a fairly common rhetorical flourish for presidential candidates to say something like “when elected, I will repeal” a law. But they can’t.

Perhaps you agree with a stern stance on Immigration? Trump has and continues to employ Illegal immigrants.

Example one

Example Two

Example three

You think he is a political outsider with no ties to Washington? Wrong again, he spent millions trying to get Hillary Clinton in his back pocket. He employs lobbyist and he himself has been outspoken and friendly towards many political figures for years.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner and former New York senator who had some say over policy that could have impacted Trump’s vast business dealings, received donations from both him and son Donald Trump Jr. on separate occasions in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007, according to state and federal disclosure records. Story Continued Below Trump has also been generous with the Clinton Foundation, donating at least $100,000, according to the non-profit. Read more: Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Hopefully, these are enough examples of his lying, pandering for votes and manipulative practices, but I can provide more.

Hey, the so called uninformed are still on the winning side. lol.

Huh? Where is dem giants brains now?

Not so superior if they lose to misguided low info's, are they?

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