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Republicans have the bathroom issue backwards

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posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: Annee

Here's some other BS that just goes to show that those complaining the loudest aren't sincere about their complaint in the first place and just want to use it against a group of people they don't like.

Here's a quote from the AFA website:

One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex bathroom option should be provided.

Well, Target, the store they are boycotting does in fact have a unisex bathroom along with the Women's and Men's room called a "Family Restroom" which is a single use room.

Yet, does the AFA mention this or take back their boycott???

Target has been a top supporter of LGBT rights for years. They, themselves, got boycotted once by the LGBT Rights Groups. Can't remember right now exactly what it was. They apologized and have been an outspoken supporter of LGBT rights ever since.

The AFA are just stupid. They need to tend their own self-righteous flock.

We have a Lowe's here that has a third restroom with the sign Other on it.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Annee

I just think it's pretty F*cked up for them to boycott a store that actually does have their suggested solution to the problem. I mean they state what their solution is right there on the website that calls for people to sign up and boycott Target. Target has that exact solution already and yet the AFA just ignores it. They ignore their own solution for the purpose of some political agenda. The AFA are scumbags.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: Annee

I just think it's pretty F*cked up for them to boycott a store that actually does have their suggested solution to the problem. I mean they state what their solution is right there on the website that calls for people to sign up and boycott Target. Target has that exact solution already and yet the AFA just ignores it. They ignore their own solution for the purpose of some political agenda. The AFA are scumbags.

I got that.

But, didn't Target state transgenders can use any of the 3?

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: BatheInTheFountain

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain
Is it ok for lesbians to ogle other females?

Phage, you keep going on tangents.

And I don't know what your interpretation of "ogle" is.

This isn't a tangent, the new law will force women who look like and act like men to use the restroom with other women. It actually increases the likelihood of ogling happening.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: introvert
This entire issue is stupid. No other word describes it any better. It's stupid.

I'd say we are trying to create a solution without a problem.

When you go to the restroom, do your thing, wash your hands and be on your way.

We've been going potty with transgender people this whole time and it never became an issue until politics got involved.

Oh, I think its more then just politics.

It's religion trying to force their belief.

To me, this whole thing is because the Republican Christians are being sore losers about gay marriage being legalized and they want to punish gays and transgender people for it.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: Annee
I got that.

But, didn't Target state transgenders can use any of the 3?

Ya. That is what is pissing some people off obviously. But anyone who's worried about it can simply use the Family Bathroom all by themselves. Just like they suggested. Everybody wins. But they won't stop bitching about it because the real objective is to demonize a group of people as the enemy.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: darkbake

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: introvert
This entire issue is stupid. No other word describes it any better. It's stupid.

I'd say we are trying to create a solution without a problem.

When you go to the restroom, do your thing, wash your hands and be on your way.

We've been going potty with transgender people this whole time and it never became an issue until politics got involved.

Oh, I think its more then just politics.

It's religion trying to force their belief.

To me, this whole thing is because the Republican Christians are being sore losers about gay marriage being legalized and they want to punish gays and transgender people for it.


I've said that before.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
But they won't stop bitching about it because the real objective is to demonize a group of people as the enemy.

Yes it is.

They are closed minded, self-righteous, judgmental, Fundies (no I did not say all Christians).

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: darkbake

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: introvert
This entire issue is stupid. No other word describes it any better. It's stupid.

I'd say we are trying to create a solution without a problem.

When you go to the restroom, do your thing, wash your hands and be on your way.

We've been going potty with transgender people this whole time and it never became an issue until politics got involved.

Oh, I think its more then just politics.

It's religion trying to force their belief.

To me, this whole thing is because the Republican Christians are being sore losers about gay marriage being legalized and they want to punish gays and transgender people for it.


I've said that before.

So "they" just wanted to get the gays and lesbians in NC and Alabama? And not really the gays and lesbians, but the sub culture therein which is the transgender?

I bet they plan to spray them with chemtrails and banish them to the flat Earth.

Yup, I think this argument has run it's course.
edit on 3-5-2016 by network dude because: idocracy was not a documentary.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: network dude

You are apparently not too familiar with the folks at the AFA. "They" are behind almost all of the Anti-Gay, Anti-Trans stuff that is happening today. Them or an organization like them, sometimes multiple ones working together.

Don't take my word for it though. Just go look around and see who's involved in all these cases. You'll see their name pop up over and over.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: Unity_99

But the problem is that there are now laws forcing people to use the bathroom of their birth gender. Which means Trans Women, men that are now women, who look like women and are attracted to men are going to be using the men's room. Trans Men, who look like men, act like men and are attracted to women are going to be forced to use the ladies room.

Why do you want to force someone who was born Female, but now is Male in every other way and likes women to use the ladies room??? That's what's crazy.

The Trans Guy I know, looks and acts nothing like a woman at all. He is a guy. Wasn't born one, but is a guy now. He likes women and is married to one too.

Those laws only exist now because of the real problem: Other laws were passed that allowed anyone to use whatever bathroom they wanted based on how they "feel" - liberals opened that can of worms.

I don't want to force anyone who physically expresses themselves as a male to use a woman's bathroom, no. But I want even less for a heterosexual male pervert to be given an easier means to stalk in a bathroom.

So my question is, Why do you want to make it easier for male perverts to go into the lady's room? There are more perverts than men who think they are women. Deny it all you want, perverts will use this naivete to take advantage of the situation. I'm not saying rapes will be occurring all the time, but there will be a spike in voyeur and stalking. There will be women who will be taken advantage of.

Why is there such a liberal war on women and children?

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

You will never convince me that it is logical for someone with a vagina to use the men's bathroom. It is an easy, binary issue based on if you have a 'Y' chromosome or not. Just because you want to ignore basic logic doesn't mean the rest of us are willing to suspend reality for you.

You're like a genius or something

Fortunately for you, you have backup:

For those of you that are sensitive - language...

This - is what we have to look forward to now that the moral majority is looking to take back the streets

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

But I want even less for a heterosexual male pervert to be given an easier means to stalk in a bathroom.

So, we're all agreed - the real problem is straight men

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: network dude

You are apparently not too familiar with the folks at the AFA. "They" are behind almost all of the Anti-Gay, Anti-Trans stuff that is happening today. Them or an organization like them, sometimes multiple ones working together.

Don't take my word for it though. Just go look around and see who's involved in all these cases. You'll see their name pop up over and over.

The American Family Association (AFA) says it promotes "traditional moral values" in media. A large part of that work involves "combating the homosexual agenda" through various means, including publicizing companies that have pro-gay policies and organizing boycotts against them

Their Fearless Leader

. . . . At around the same time, he claimed that Native Americans remained mired in poverty because they refused to accept Christianity.

Also, Fischer published a blog item stating that Native Americans should have followed Pocahontas' lead, because she had accepted "the superior culture" of the new arrivals to the New World.

edit on 3-5-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: Teikiatsu

Actually if you read the laws they don't exactly say that anyone can use whatever bathroom they want at any time just on a whim. They just say you can't discriminate against someone using a bathroom based on their gender within Public Areas.

Also keep in mind that there is currently no law saying that you can't use the bathroom of the opposite sex. In and of itself that is not illegal. Meanwhile doing something illegal is still illegal in whatever bathroom you do it in. So really not much has changed other than you can't discriminate against someone wanting to use a certain bathroom based on the gender they choose to identify as. This was all discussed in length a few pages back BTW.

I will kind of agree that the Dems sort of opened up the door on this one but it was an anti-discrimination thing. The laws that came after are much worse. They are in fact purposefully discriminatory and meant to be that way and will cause many more problems than the first law will.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: darkbakeIn my view it's not the Transvestites that most of us are bothered about...In most cases we wouldn't recognize them anyway...It's the men who will pose as Transvestites for the purpose of watching, filming and molesting women and children in the women's bathrooms...People are nuts to allow this to happen...

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: Iscool
a reply to: darkbakeIn my view it's not the Transvestites that most of us are bothered about...In most cases we wouldn't recognize them anyway...It's the men who will pose as Transvestites for the purpose of watching, filming and molesting women and children in the women's bathrooms...People are nuts to allow this to happen...

Again, we deny a right to a minority group because of paranoia.

How many times? "The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling"

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Iscool

Sorry to burst your sheltered little bubble but anyone who wants to do that is already doing it. Besides, arent women's bathrooms all stalls anyways? Do people even use public bathrooms so often that just thinking about this bothers them?

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: network dude

Relieving yourself outside the comfort of your own bathroom will give even the overly confident some understandable anxiety. But for transgender people, it’s more than just nerve-racking, it’s dangerous, according to a survey released this week.
The survey, published in the Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, found that 70 percent of responders have been denied entrance, were harassed or assaulted when attempting to use a public restroom of their identifying gender.
- See more at:

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: network dude

Relieving yourself outside the comfort of your own bathroom will give even the overly confident some understandable anxiety. But for transgender people, it’s more than just nerve-racking, it’s dangerous, according to a survey released this week.
The survey, published in the Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, found that 70 percent of responders have been denied entrance, were harassed or assaulted when attempting to use a public restroom of their identifying gender.
- See more at:

And that wasn't in North Carolina? You mean it's not just ignorant redneck Christians hating on transgender folks?
70% were assaulted and harassed, I'd find out where these things took place and get your outrage pointed in the right place. Complaining to ATS is the last thing you should be doing. Good lord, wherever this survey was done must be a horrible place to live.

eta: I'd be interested in seeing how bad transgenders are treated in NC as opposed to CA, where this study happened. you don't need to find that one, I just think it would show a different story than your narrative wants to see.
edit on 4-5-2016 by network dude because: Keep NC weird.

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