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Republicans have the bathroom issue backwards

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posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Funny thing about science. It will never be static.
Just don't be upset if the results don't match your opinion.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: rollanotherone
a reply to: Annee
Ok. So she's ok to fight other women. Got it.

My comments in regards to Fallon fighting are in the thread that addresses that.

I understand but you address a smoking issue in a thread that has nothing to do with smoking. Not sure where the disconnect is here. Anyways, have a wonderful day!

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

And at the end of the day, the country is changing itself for 0.3% (in 2011 according to Gary Gates of the Williams institute UCLA so maybe 0.4-5% now) of the population.

America, Republic, not Democracy.

1 individual has same value as 1 million.

Science says its real. Nature - - - nothing to do with Nurture.

One individual? Really? Certainly not the case in abortion issues. Science says a fetus feeling pain as early 20 weeks is real.

Science says its real. Nature - - - nothing to do with Nurture.

Can you show proof that nurture has nothing to do with it?

Yes, that is what a Republic is.

Not going to discuss abortion in this thread.

There are plenty of sites you can search and plenty have been posted in these threads.

I have search, and they are about equal when it comes to if its real or just a mental issue.

You discount what a transgender says about themselves?

Make sure what you read is current. This is a fairly new field of research - - - although transgenders have always been with us. Its how their brains are wired.

Yeah? And I've read that most psychologists actually don't really know what to do about gender disphoria and have decided for right now to just "humor" them as it were. I've also seen a few documentaries where people go as far as cosmetic surgery and hormone therapy can go, and they are still not satisfied. We can have this back and forth all day, but in the end I think its as evident as ever that the "science" is not settled like many claim.

I believe them - - below:

Ben Barnes f/m scientist. He's actually fighting for gender equality for women in science.

Life as Female Scientist Transgender Scientist Ben Barres

Male Scientist Writes of Life as Female Scientist

Neurobiologist Ben Barres has a unique perspective on former Harvard president Lawrence Summers's assertion that innate differences between the sexes might explain why many fewer women than men reach the highest echelons of science.

That's because Barres used to be a woman himself. In a highly unusual critique published yesterday, the Stanford University biologist -- who used to be Barbara -- said his experience as both a man and a woman had given him an intensely personal insight into the biases that make it harder for women to succeed in science.

After he underwent a sex change nine years ago at the age of 42, Barres recalled, another scientist who was unaware of it was heard to say, "Ben Barres gave a great seminar today, but then his work is much better than his sister's."

And as a female undergraduate at MIT, Barres once solved a difficult math problem that stumped many male classmates, only to be told by a professor: "Your boyfriend must have solved it for you."

Christine McGinn

She's one of the transgender community's most passionate advocates. Yet New Hope plastic surgeon Christine McGinn has an equally intense suspicion of the news media even as she relies on them to get her message heard.

"There is so much ignorance out there about transgendered people," says McGinn, one of half a dozen transgender men and women profiled in Trans, a documentary screening Sunday as part of Philadelphia QFest and one of an unusually large crop of transgender films at the annual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender film festival.

"I've been on Anderson Cooper, Dr. Oz, and Oprah Winfrey, and even these shows have a difficulty with transgender representation," McGinn continues. "The most well-meaning hosts can end up making a circus of it all.

" Despite her reservations, McGinn agreed to take part in Trans after meeting its producer, Mark Schoen, who served with her on the board of the National Advisory Council on Sexual Health, formed by former U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher.

"Basically we got to talking about ... how there is a need for a well-made documentary that covers some of the social issues that affect transgendered people," says McGinn, one of the few surgeons in America who specialize in sex-reassignment surgery.

Schoen, founder of the sex health-education company Sex Smart Films, says he and McGinn decided to approach the topic from a new angle.

McGinn, Schoen says, was disenchanted with media coverage that focused only on her personal story, which he allows is "a fantastic story."

Born Christopher McGinn, she was raised in Bucks County and trained at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine before enjoying a career as a flight surgeon, first with the Navy, then with NASA.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: rollanotherone

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: rollanotherone
a reply to: Annee
Ok. So she's ok to fight other women. Got it.

My comments in regards to Fallon fighting are in the thread that addresses that.

I understand but you address a smoking issue in a thread that has nothing to do with smoking. Not sure where the disconnect is here. Anyways, have a wonderful day!

You need to move along.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:39 PM
This is ridiculous it should not even be an issue. Yet another non-problem ignited by the powers that be to distract people from the real problems facing the world.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

There have been transgender people for a long, long time. Those that could "pass" for the other gender usually just went to the proper restroom for them and no one even knew. But those who couldn't pass (early in the transition process, or didn't start transitioning until after the permanent effects of puberty, etc.) were marginalized - forced out of the restroom that best fit them. These were the transgender people who were suffering assaults.

Yea, I'm going to play your game on this. I'd like to know how many assaults there were on transgenders using the wrong bathroom, so we can put this in perspective. Just throw up a link please.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:27 PM
I really liked the fist paragraph of this article:

We'll Win the Bathroom Battle When the Binary Burns

There has been a lot written lately about trans people in bathrooms (mea culpa), mostly courtesy of the right wing's continued obsession with a toxic amalgam of biological essentialism, sexual panic over adolescent innocence, and the just-won't-die meme of genderqueers as potential predators.

edit on 3-5-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:52 PM
i think we should have separate bathrooms for dogs and cats too while we are at it. equality for all or for nobody.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: JourneymanWelder
i think we should have separate bathrooms for dogs and cats too while we are at it. equality for all or for nobody.

Neither have bathrooms now.

Hard to separate what you don't have.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:58 PM
Question of the day:

If these new 'bathroom laws' are intended to keep people safe, then why is there no law preventing known pedophiles using public restrooms?

It's a known fact that sexual assaults on boys by them have occurred multiple times in public toilets and change rooms.

I am yet to hear of a case of a transgender person doing anything at all.
edit on 3-5-2016 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Metallicus


Why a woman would WANT to use the mens room? They are gross.

Just goes to show the grass is always greener? Women have it made!

Again, why any woman would choose to identify as a man when we are so gross?

/Rhetorical questions

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: markosity1973
Question of the day:

If these new 'bathroom laws' are intended to keep people safe, then why is there no law preventing known pedophiles using public restrooms?

It's a known fact that sexual assaults on boys by them have occurred multiple times in public toilets and change rooms.

I am yet to hear of a case of a transgender person doing anything at all.

These are transgender m/f girls. Do you think its safe for them to use the "boys room"?

It's important to understand what kind of "safe" we are talking about.

There are already laws against predators.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: markosity1973
Question of the day:

If these new 'bathroom laws' are intended to keep people safe, then why is there no law preventing known pedophiles using public restrooms?

It's a known fact that sexual assaults on boys by them have occurred multiple times in public toilets and change rooms.

I am yet to hear of a case of a transgender person doing anything at all.

Thats a valid point aside from everything else discussed.

We had a recent event in the local Walmart here where 2 "mentally handicapped" guys nearly raped an 8 yo while his grandma waited outside the door! She called for employees to run in to help after hearing his screams.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Butterfinger

Exactly. As Annee has graphically shown with those kids, the transgender folk are no real threat, but the example you provide proves that pedophiles are. And yet nothing is being done about that at all.

Transgender people are being turned into the new boogeyman while the real one carries on, business as usual.

This is not about public safety, it's about getting back at the gay community.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger

We had a recent event in the local Walmart here where 2 "mentally handicapped" guys nearly raped an 8 yo while his grandma waited outside the door! She called for employees to run in to help after hearing his screams.

My 8 year old comes into the ladies room with me.

I dare anyone to complain.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Butterfinger

Why a woman would WANT to use the mens room? They are gross.

Ever been in a women's restroom?

They are just as gross, if not more so.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: Butterfinger

Exactly. As Annee has graphically shown with those kids, the transgender folk are no real threat, but the example you provide proves that pedophiles are. And yet nothing is being done about that at all.

Transgender people are being turned into the new boogeyman while the real one carries on, business as usual.

This is not about public safety, it's about getting back at the gay community.

Yes, this all started in public schools because some Paranoid Self Righteous Parents found out there was a trans kid in their kids school using the bathroom of their matched gender (not their physical parts).

That's where its all blown up from.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Annee

Well, the Bible is outdated that it doesn't even make mention of transgender people.

If Jesus forgave Mary Magdalene, then I am sure would accept a transgender person. After they have fully been converted (genitalia) all the ones I have known are heterosexual. (I have heard of gay ones though which is real brain fodder when you start to think on it)

So there's a paradox they have not thought through....

The thing that makes me totally laugh is that Russia, these days very Christian and homophobic RUSSIA accepts transgender people ahead of gays.

Don't believe me? Go to Russia Today channel and watch the Transreality series.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Annee

Here's some other BS that just goes to show that those complaining the loudest aren't sincere about their complaint in the first place and just want to use it against a group of people they don't like.

Here's a quote from the AFA website:

One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex bathroom option should be provided.

Well, Target, the store they are boycotting does in fact have a unisex bathroom along with the Women's and Men's room called a "Family Restroom" which is a single use room.

Yet, does the AFA mention this or take back their boycott???

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: Annee

Well, the Bible is outdated that it doesn't even make mention of transgender people.

If Jesus forgave Mary Magdalene, then I am sure would accept a transgender person. After they have fully been converted (genitalia) all the ones I have known are heterosexual. (I have heard of gay ones though which is real brain fodder when you start to think on it)

So there's a paradox they have not thought through....

The thing that makes me totally laugh is that Russia, these days very Christian and homophobic RUSSIA accepts transgender people ahead of gays.

Don't believe me? Go to Russia Today channel and watch the Transreality series.

As an atheist, using the bible in any debate is questionable.

I know the Fundies (not all religious) think accepting homosexuality is part of the End Times. The Good is Bad, and Bad is Good thing. When they state wars, earthquakes, etc happen because of homosexuals being accepted - - they're serious. They really believe that.

I'm pretty sure they lump anything different then hetero into the same End Times Pot.

I'd say some people accept cross dressers and aren't educated enough to separate them from transgenders. So, a cross dresser is still a hetero man (mostly). Guess that makes it OK.

When did Russia become so religious? When did Putin?

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