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Prince is ALIVE!!!! (Proof Inside)

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posted on May, 2 2016 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: bw1000

Green was the color of Earth Day, the day after Prince died. I wondered if there was a meaning behind the dying of Purple and the birth of Green.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: bw1000

Caller wouldn't have to know where they were...911 would know anyway, even if they called via cell phone. Back in 2006 "Enhanced 9-1-1" became a requirement. Cellular companies spent tens of millions to come into compliance to get the degree of accuracy required for location triangulation. All the caller would have to do is just stay on the line. If they called via land line, it would have automatically looked up the address via ANI-ALI (automatic number ID, automatic Location ID).

As odd as it seems, in dire situations people often have no clue to the address of their location. It's one of the principle reasons for this technology. People have been known to even forget their own home address in an emergency. That some stranger may have been so freaked out to not know where they were is no surprise.

I wouldn't be entirely shocked to hear Prince faked his death, but as it stands right now...the evidence so far certainly doesn't appear that way.

edit...oh, and as for Fail Book posts...I put LESS than ZERO confidence in absolutely ANYTHING from that alternate universe!!!! 99.99999% of every byte on Fail Book is BS, Lies and complete fantasy!!

edit on 5/2/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: JuJuBee

I am told that Mr Prince very shy person and likes things to go his way. If you have enough money in the USA anything can be bought...even your own death I am sure. I can imagine he was fed up with it all and had the desire to return into annonimity.

But is it not a crime to fake your own death in the US?

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: zatara

Apparently it's not a crime to fake one's own death...

Seriously, it's not.

Although the reasons behind doing so could be, I imagine.

So I hope he doesn't get in trouble...

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:31 AM
Nine pages in so obviously there's something here. Sorry I couldn't be bothered to actually read it.

Thing is, I could not care less. I never cared about Prince, I never liked his "music" and I don't give a frak whether he's alive or dead. I'm not about to spend a few weeks going through his music to find the few gems that might be there as what he did I never liked.

He never touched me, ever, not him nor his music. I've never even seen Purple Rain, as I didn't care about it at all, even though I'm old enough to have seen it when it was a thing. Hated the music from it, and everything else I've ever heard from him.

I just don't care. So why is it that everyone else does? Am I the only ass in the first world that thinks this way?

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: TheSpanishArcher
Nine pages in so obviously there's something here. Sorry I couldn't be bothered to actually read it.

Thing is, I could not care less. I never cared about Prince, I never liked his "music" and I don't give a frak whether he's alive or dead. I'm not about to spend a few weeks going through his music to find the few gems that might be there as what he did I never liked.

He never touched me, ever, not him nor his music. I've never even seen Purple Rain, as I didn't care about it at all, even though I'm old enough to have seen it when it was a thing. Hated the music from it, and everything else I've ever heard from him.

I just don't care. So why is it that everyone else does? Am I the only ass in the first world that thinks this way?

You cared enough to bring your rant here. So the question is, why? Prince sold over 100 million records, with 4 #1 albums. He wrote songs i'm sure you loved.

You've hated these songs? If so, have that right, to be the only ass, in the first world. lol

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: zatara

Apparently it's not a crime to fake one's own death...

Seriously, it's not.

Although the reasons behind doing so could be, I imagine.

So I hope he doesn't get in trouble...

You hope he doesn't get in trouble? lol hahhahahahah Good one.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:03 AM
The password is "What"!!!!

Ahhhhhh. I am kicking myself. I have that movie memorized. How did I not put 2+2 and figure that out. I am kicking myself. 😛
edit on 3/5/2016 by SHABBYCAT because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: JuJuBee

I think it's unlikely, since well...y'know, he's dead.

Sorry you missed the sarcasm implicit in that last sentence.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: korath
Even if he is, I don't know why people like him have to fake their own deaths, just say , hey, I'm retiring and good bye. Put some guards at the gate and tell the die-hard fans to go get a life.

That didn't work for George Harrison.
Or Elvis.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:12 PM
Here's my take: Can anyone PROVE that Prince is dead????

He OD'd on painkillers? (Heard that story before)
He didn't have a will??? (Sure)
His body was cremated??? (Riiiight)

I'd have to say, besides Prince, the only other artist that i can think of, that might have faked his own death, would be Tupac; maaaaaaaaayybeeeeeee Michael.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: JuJuBee

I think it's unlikely, since well...y'know, he's dead.

Sorry you missed the sarcasm implicit in that last sentence.

Actually, i DON'T KNOW, he's dead. I was TOLD, but told by unreliable sources. The MSM should be filed under bulldinky websites, like The Onion or Alex Jones. lmfao

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: angeldoll
Well I must say you have uncovered something very interesting. Keep us posted!

This was the last message posted by Alexander NeverMind:

?u era erehw tub ereht b lliw I seulc eht era os dna tes si nalp ehT
The plan is set and so are the clues i will be there but where are u?

Got me wondering if the Fort McMurray fire is part of the "plan".

This, is from a blogger in Canada:

some people dont understand fort Mcmurray is located in the center of one of the largest forests in the world

there is at least a 100 miles in every direction non stop forest

no one could put that $h!t out
And, they say it's been a very dry winter and spring.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: JuJuBee

originally posted by: angeldoll
Well I must say you have uncovered something very interesting. Keep us posted!

This was the last message posted by Alexander NeverMind:

?u era erehw tub ereht b lliw I seulc eht era os dna tes si nalp ehT
The plan is set and so are the clues i will be there but where are u?

Got me wondering if the Fort McMurray fire is part of the "plan".

This, is from a blogger in Canada:

some people dont understand fort Mcmurray is located in the center of one of the largest forests in the world

there is at least a 100 miles in every direction non stop forest

no one could put that $h!t out
And, they say it's been a very dry winter and spring.

Any reason for this?

If i deduce myself, Prince escaped to Fort McMurray, and perhaps he was feigning his death because he was an illuminati puppet and didn't want to be (this part true anyway).

So, the secret powers that be, namely they who continue the line of the Earl de Darkwood, somehow traced Prince's escape to Fort McMurray in Canada.

In an attempt to end his new illuminati free life away from his puppeteers (or handlers), for the De Darkwood clan are not taking any of this nonsense ("it's us or death"), they burn the whole forest in the vicinity.

Luckily for those following the secret escape, Prince has messaged those devoted few that they should follow the clues as to the illuminati "catch the pigeon" shebookle which he anticipated would ensue.

(Unfortunately it could have been the Alexander NeverMind Facebook backwards message which alerted the illuminati to his whereabouts in Canada. As they did an IP trace and have enough contacts & tech know-how to get through Prince's quite complex suite of proxy address deceptions.)

And so the devoted few now await further clues in the escapade to see if Prince has survived, and escaped again, and where to next, or if he can be secure and not found.

We have been left out of much of the real picture of the illuminati control of the music business since the days of Interstellar 5555 - though DP's last album "Random Access Memories" clearly can be a coded message that The Crescendolls (aka Daft Punk) never really escaped the Earl de Darkwood after all. They only pretended to.

Prince said to me once, "You see Daft Punk, the cartoon, the last album now? You see what they did to them? Maybe I get away."

So, if Fort McArthur really could be a clue, I guess I hope Prince is dead, as he really may be better off dead.

Sending love to Prince, wherever he is, living or dead.

The world is a bitch, no, no, so much worse than that.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: JuJuBee

It's a wildfire. They happen all the time. Careless bonfires. Lightning strikes etc. It has nothing to do with a weird Facebook message. This is entertaining though.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:49 PM
While I would love to believe this a more plausible explanation could be that this mystery musician was given an idea by your comment to capitalise on Prince's death and their similar sounds.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:30 PM
you should forward this information to the probate court, I'm sure they would like to know about it

special administrator

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: bw1000

You're waaaay off base, and waaaaaaaaaay out there.

Interesting how Alexander Nevermind hasn't posted since May 1st, though.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 12:26 PM
Yep. That backward messaging is a kicker. It takes some brain power to figure those out. I was just grateful I didn't have to work them out myself. Now ,to make sure I remember that password. What? The password. 😛 what is the password? Exactly..........

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 01:41 PM
OH LAWD. I'm about 30 seconds into the first song from this guy.

This dude aint Prince.....

I think you need your hearing checked if you think this stuff sounds professionally done.

It makes my ears bleed.

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