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The Mandela Effect Can No Longer Be Denied: Berenstein Was The Tip of The Iceberg

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posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:07 PM

I haven't read your links yet but my first thought is couldn't the island have disappeared because of rising seas and/or because of underwater geologic activity which caused it to break apart? Perhaps it was there at one time when the old maps were made.

That may be addressed in the articles but I wanted to mention it. I'll be back later.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: tweetie

I haven't read your links yet but my first thought is couldn't the island have disappeared because of rising seas and/or because of underwater geologic activity which caused it to break apart? Perhaps it was there at one time when the old maps were made.

That may be addressed in the articles but I wanted to mention it. I'll be back later.

No, it's not there at all. I've watched a TV special on it as well. They even used sonar and they found nothing but rock bottom.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: TombEscaper

Good points there - being 'awake & aware' is not just a cool thing that we do in rebellion against tyrannical governmental & globalist strategy - it's an admonition from the one who claimed to be and was witnessed by many to be the Logos, the living God through whom all was created..

If we sleep & slumber in regard to the strange signs upon the Earth (and in the Heavens), then we're being spiritually lazy, not using our 'talents' of silver, just burying them in the dirt - and that's no good thing when the Master might be about to return from His journey.

I am firmly convinced that along with the signs in the Heavens, these Mandela Effects are in some way a tool to wake us up to the reality that Reality is more fluid than we once believed, and perhaps it's a sign that we should be paying even closer attention to what goes on from this time forwards! I mean, in truth it's perhaps quite an obvious development - quantum science has taught us that something as fundamental as light is actually more than one thing - Mandela Effects are like a Macro-sized wave/particle duality. Perhaps both of the varying possibilities arising from the ME as it relates to a certain thing, are extant in reality/history at the same time? Which is why some people remember it one way, and some remember it the other.. Because it was always both, but we've only just had the memory of (whichever option is etched in our personal memory) triggered by something, a strange event affecting all of reality, unknowable at this time.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:27 PM
Another theory...I was going over the home page trying to read stuff that would distract me from this one and I read an interesting article.


Just read the OPs post so far but if you read it, it basically says that your experience and reality is different from my own experience and reality even though we are both in the same situation simply because we are two different people.

To put it simply, the OP gave an example of two people looking at the same moon or two people eating the same meatloaf. But both of them experiencing different things and different realities because they both have different ways of seeing and handling things. Yet both experiences and realities are true.

It's better understood if you read it lol But the point is (this could be a wrong application of this study but hear this one out) if you experienced BerenSTAIN Bears and I experienced BerenSTEIN Bears, it's okay. Your truth and my truth of the matter can co-exist because it's both true.

Try to tie OPs research to Mandela Effect if you guys want...could lead to something interesting.

edit on 3-5-2016 by IQPREREQUISITE because: Typo

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:28 PM

There's an underwater volcano there:

The Velocity may have observed pumice sea rafts (masses of floating pumice ejected from an underwater volcano) traversing the Sandy Island area in 1876 and mistakenly recorded them as an island.[10] This explanation is supported by a 2004 study of an eruption of a volcano near Tonga that found that pumice sea rafts associated with that eruption traveled more than 3000 kilometers westward. An analysis of the pumice trajectory revealed that pumice rafts passed within 20 kilometers of the location of Sandy Island, approximately 200 days after the initial eruption. A study of coral migration from Tonga to the Great Barrier Reef found pumice rafts to be the mode of transportation, with a predicted path consistent with the 2004 study. Wind and ocean surface currents in the area may combine to funnel pumice rafts through the area between Fiji and New Caledonia on their way to Australia.

Science usually trumps conjecture.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: raymundoko

There's an underwater volcano there:

The Velocity may have observed pumice sea rafts (masses of floating pumice ejected from an underwater volcano) traversing the Sandy Island area in 1876 and mistakenly recorded them as an island.[10] This explanation is supported by a 2004 study of an eruption of a volcano near Tonga that found that pumice sea rafts associated with that eruption traveled more than 3000 kilometers westward. An analysis of the pumice trajectory revealed that pumice rafts passed within 20 kilometers of the location of Sandy Island, approximately 200 days after the initial eruption. A study of coral migration from Tonga to the Great Barrier Reef found pumice rafts to be the mode of transportation, with a predicted path consistent with the 2004 study. Wind and ocean surface currents in the area may combine to funnel pumice rafts through the area between Fiji and New Caledonia on their way to Australia.

Science usually trumps conjecture.

Yeah...that's one theory the TV show talked about. Interesting bit in our history I should say. A mistaken identity that imprinted itself on official maps for centuries.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:34 PM

Map makers in antiquity usually copied other maps. Most of them never traveled. That's how Mercator ended up with islands at the north pole. He combined a few maps, and one of the maps contained islands that had never been charted but were part of verbal mythology.
edit on 3-5-2016 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: raymundoko

Yup...true. And I also read that some chart false islands to find out if anyone copies them or who copies them.

Been interested in Piri Reis and other maps in antiquity as well but that's for another thread

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:39 PM

i got told once

" you are not in the same dimension you were born in "

i didnt really get it


that person continued too tell me

(understanding that not every alternate memory can be explained by faulty memory)

they said

" ever remember going too a social function ( party/dinner) with your friends or family
but they do not remember you being there when you ask them about it
or vice versa , people remember you being some where you have no recollection of "

how do you know you were there at that party etc ?
through physical evidence
what if you left no physical evidence too show you were there ?
only memory (yours/others) could connect you too that place

what if there was no memory(others) or physical evidence of you being there
how do you know you actually attended that party ?
too the rest of existence you didn't
now only your memory connects you to that event "

by this time i could think of many memories where others did not remember me there
and instances where people would tell me they were with me somewhere
but i could not recall being there or doing it

(understanding that not every alternate memory can be explained by faulty memory)

they said lastly

" time is ouroboros " to me this went over my head
only after long contemplation did

" you are not in the same dimension you were born in "

start too make more sense and i started looking for a connection between memory and the rest of the universe "

edit on 3-5-2016 by kibric because: no reason

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: kibric

Your really creep me out you know that lol

No offense meant. Just this eerie vibe around your posts or you.

But yeah, I think I get the point. Although you wrote it in a simple way, it's still a lot to take in if you know what I mean. I usually rely heavily on phantasm when it comes to logic and philosophy. But somehow on this one, although I get the essence, it doesn't sink in yet...probably because it's freakin' eerie to think about. Kinda lonely too if you think about it.

If you read the link on my post somwhere before this one, THE CASE AGAINST REALITY, there's a bit there that tells of a brain floating in space but its doing calculations, quantum physics and stuff...that's my phantasm on this one. Your alone with your memory, but you are everywhere.

If that makes any sense.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:10 PM
I still believe that this has become a large scale social experiment to see how far people can be manipulated.
Why? Well many people are ignoring the very obvious. The experiment has been successful and they are now unable to deny what has subtly been placed in their minds. In fact so much so that they are trying to manipulate others and ignoring, or even becoming agitated by, those posters who are still stating the obvious.

We shall see how this continues to unfold.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: mirageman

not all of it is one phenomena
there is memory manipulation
there is natural confabulation
there are faulty memories
there are real alternate memories

we can confuse them believing one for the other

edit on 3-5-2016 by kibric because: no reason

edit on 3-5-2016 by kibric because: no reason

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2

originally posted by: tigertatzen

Your post has me wondering how many children out there who are diagnosed with autism or other previously rare disorders, are actually just so overwhelmed by stimuli that they cannot show us what's really going on inside their heads.

They could simply be the next step in human evolution and because we don't understand that, and thus fear it, we put them in a box. It happened to me, and I don't belong anywhere on the autism "spectrum". I'm just a person who has a problem forgetting everything that other people can dismiss with ease, so I have to limit my external stimuli.

Feel that I should just add that this also happened to me. I was not called "autistic," but I had a rather evil teacher (who was emotionally and physically abusive to me) who tried to have me put in a special school because she believed I was mentally challenged. I was taken to a series of specialists who tested me in different ways, from brain functions to emotional well-being to learning skills, and they came to the agreement that I was a sharp kid, just different, and could even excel ahead of the rest of my class if I wasn't being so overwhelmed with work (50 variations of the same question was like torture to me, as I barely had any interest in most schoolwork in the first place.) My mind was full of creative, imaginative ideas and philosophical pondering. Schoolwork seemed little more than busywork to me.

And yes, I was an extremely sensitive child, and that was certainly a major factor in my grades. I was overwhelmed on different levels, and punished for it quite severely. There is so much fear and hatred in this world of those who are different.

It saddens me to hear that you suffered like that too. I had a few hateful teachers but none who zeroed in on me personally. I had my mother's husband for that. He tormented me mercilessly for being different.

I had test after test, too. None was ever satisfactory...they didn't show anything wrong with me. But my parents never stopped trying.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

That's messed up! (Weird, it is "Teacher's Day" here in the USA! Hehe). Maybe that is a part that has been overlooked by all the "you are just remembering it wrong" crowd. Memory is not just a block of one's life to pull out and reminisce over (like dunking a cookie into some tea) but it is paired with emotional and physiological effects as well (taste, setting, emotional well being. Yes, this is a Proust reference). That is why I wrote what I wrote about remembering it as "Bernstein" because there was another episode besides trying to remember how spelling is/was/isn't/wasn't. And that has nothing to do with "false memory" and social media.

Like yourself, I was a different type of kid, I was an extremely shy child. I did not like talking with adults because they mostly talked at me and not with me. That and I probably did not have that large of a vocabulary to talk about the things I wanted to talk about. Which is probably why I started reading everything.

Which brings to something I have been contemplating. The "Why is it mostly in North America" question. Here is an idea I'd like to toss out there. It has to do with how language is structured. English is [S]ubject - [V]erb - [O]bject structured. And we mostly prefer specific Subjects like Names, specific names, to refer to. Other languages are SVO with the "Subject" implied via gender possessiveness. So verbs are masculine when applied to males, feminine when applied females, etc. IDK, seems that getting the verb-gender match is more important than specific-proper name-noun. IDK, just something I was contemplating.

Tag! You're it!

edit on 3-5-2016 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: grammar nazi

edit on 3-5-2016 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: grammar nazi

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 02:45 PM
A general note: I'm not going to participate in off-topic personal histrionics.

Several posters have either stated outright or strongly implied that there is a supernatural/religious aspect here ... that Jesus or "Jesus" or Whomever is trying to prep the world for ... what?

What's the end game? Are these "Mandela Effects" tools of God or of the Devil (or of some other supernatural force?)

EDIT: Please note that my personal opinion is that the religious solution to the problem is the most ridiculous, but that is only MY take.

I'd like to hear yours, specifically, what you think Jesus (or Satan) is trying to accomplish by such relatively trivial "messages" if that's what they are.
edit on 3-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

And what purpose does knowing luke vs no play into such a thing? Is it the code to get raptured?

"Oh, I'm sorry, the correct answer was LUKE! I am your Father". Sorry, you lose, enjoy eternal hell on earth."
edit on 3-5-2016 by raymundoko because: Format

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: tweetie
a reply to: Gryphon66

I think each instance of this effect should be looked at individually instead of all examples being lumped under the Mandela Effect.

I absolutely concur. Gathering anomalies, misperceptions, and mistakes under one heading suggests that there's a common cause. I'd be the first to state clearly that there are several vectors causing these "Events."

originally posted by: tweetie
a reply to: Gryphon66

I don't recall how long ago it was, though it was quite a few years ago, but I remembered hearing Mandela had died in prison. I'm not positive but I probably heard it on AM radio news. I say that for a reason. Sometime later I heard he was being released from prison. I remember thinking, "WHAT?? I know I heard he had died." I didn't do any kind of search (I don't and refuse to make a habit of filling my mind with the Google Mind) but noted it was really strange and, naturally, my mind began seeking for an explanation. Someone I knew sent me a message at some point asking me if I remembered Mandela being reported as having died previously. I did. We discussed other well-known people as having been reported as died but then were supposedly still alive.

I've had that all my life. Interestingly, not with Mandela. (Just like I don't have dilemma issues, or Berenstain, although I do have the Mr. Roger's themesong issue) Don Knotts was one for me for years, thought he was dead when he was alive. Don Rickles I thought was dead (alive, and I was shocked as heck when he showed up on some recent "Celebrity Roast" show.)

originally posted by: tweetie
a reply to: Gryphon66

Concerning Eli Whitney, my memory tells me I was taught he was a black man. That's what I remember. I went to grade school in very rural NY outside of Albany. The area is still very rural. It looks like some of what people have been taught is geographic specific (for some reason yet to be determined which I find to be suspicious) and could be an explanation for some of the discrepancies being called into question.

Was it only reported in some areas that Mandela had died in prison and I happened to catch that one?

Eli Whitney, white guy. Pen and ink drawing in my head from my Georgia History text from 6th grade.

I'm not sure at all about these anomalies, Tweetie, aside from the fact that, for myself, it's memory flaws and mistakes. Cognition "errors" assumptions (Don Rickles MUST be dead right? What is he, 100 years old?) etc.

What about the anatomical "differences" some have mentioned ... do you remember the human heart in ... some other place than it is? Anything else wider scale beyond names and books?

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: Gryphon66

And what purpose does knowing luke vs no play into such a thing? Is it the code to get raptured?

"Oh, I'm sorry, the correct answer was LUKE! I am your Father". Sorry, you lose, enjoy eternal hell on earth."

I would be the first to tell you that FOR MY PART the religious clap-trap is the most ludicrous of the "alternative solutions."

We're approaching a chicken-egg moment with this thing though ... witness what's gone on in this thread.

It's now "a thing." Mandela's Box has been opened.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:15 PM

Hahaha! ATS is mentioned in the Daily Mail article.

There are several explanations which could fit according to the links you provided. It's an interesting story. My thought is local stories (fisherman, etc.) in eastern Australia or west in New Caledonia about the mistaken or non-island would be around somewhere in that area if there really had been an island which looks like, according to the links, was mistaken identity or an intentional cartographer's watermark. The locals always know a lot.

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: Puppylove
Wow the Depends one really has my head spinning...

I always remember it as Depend....but it was commonly called Depends because a package has more than one Depend, thus Depends.

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