posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 01:28 PM
I certainly think it's possible, but obviously few do it.
I go the whole day(often) without ever taking my phone out of my pocket. Sometimes when I do I see I had received several attempts to
communicate(texts, calls). But, I was busy, caught up in my immediate surroundings and the people present in them. I don't look to my phone every 30
seconds, because frankly, I grew up different and I guess the mentality just never left me. Plenty of people my age, and older, have adopted well to
the constant need for technological stimulation.
It would be cool, if more people could slow down and take things at a less frantic pace and realize that what many perceive to be "being in touch" is
in fact making them totally out of touch and isolated(isolation, such an irony considering all the "communication" they are taking part of).